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Won't apologize Turkey: Israel

Discussing with you is getting pointless therefore im ending it here and BTW tell your General Erdogan and his famously mentioned accompanying the 2 flotilla.... and lets see.

Official facts Turkish officials are trying to tell the international community is pointless and All another lies, massacres and killing civilians meaningfull ? Rebuting your pointless ites which was claimed (without knowing anything about historical facts) to only justify Israeli massacres over civilian gives you pain ?

BTW if we wanted to kill all on that boat we could have blown it out of the water and not try to board it, killing wasn't on the cards until the Fidayeen's started the trouble.

What can we say after those sentences ? Itr must be something like "We are so glad that Bloody Israel soldiers whose history fulled with killing civilians, did not blown an aid ship, navigating into international waters, up and not killed hundreds of civilian volunteers and contended with killing 10 Turks in there...

Special thaks IDF... We are so glad... :)

Who are you ? A Village idiot ?

When you figure that out then you will probably realize why they don't want Turkey in the EU despite trying many times...and much weaker states such as Bulgaria and Romania are in...you guys probably may stand a membership chance after Belarus gets membership.

Turkish membership in EU, or Whether Europe wants a strong country like Turkey who is able to compete with French and Germany, in is completely different story than what we are talking about here. If you want to talk about Turkey and membership in Europe issues, Open a new thread about it and We will contribute with our points but Do not b@tching around subjects please...
if your 9 innocent Jihadi Fidayeen brothers wouldn't have provoked and were not hell bent on causing trouble..then nothing would have happened. Again why trouble only on the Turkish ship why not on the 6 others....because they were not hell bent on Jihad like your IHH guys.

That is the new generation Israeli excuse to justify the killing civilians.
It was an aid ship navigating into international waters and Any rights do not give you permission to attack on an aid ship because It has nothing to do with Israel. It is about sending humanitarian aids to a land which was occupied and blockaded by IDF illegally... I do not care Who is IHH or What Tayyip told about this subject. The main aim of this activists are to send humanitarian aids to Gazza with breaking that illegal blockage over Gazza. Anyhow, Israel can not find any of weapon and armaments in ship.

enough of Turkish hot air..bring it on ....send another IHH ship with your Navy as escort and Pasha Erdogan on one of them as and see what happens....

Step by Step. The day when USA can not back your somewhere, You will be a history so The day when you learnt farting from your own arse, We can talk about such things. Otherwise, Any nation in World do not want to come face to face with USA...

and see what happens....

Everybody saw what happened When you attacked on light armed Lebonan...
Everybody saw What happened When you attacked on Civilian Turks.
Those are your proud heavy armed special forces who attacked on civilians in ship...


Now, You threaten Turkish army ? but It is your ignorance. Generally, The nations who did not taste the punch of Turks in history, talks with their big mounths...

Accept that You are good at killing civilians.. When It came to fighting against an army having a littile bit war traditions, You just s@ck...

Keep being proud of your respectable and humanist forces called IDF...
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Well they can screw off if that is how they like to play. This is why crap never gets done with Israel. This is why all peace talks on the matter of anything fail with Israel.
Pakistan has balls and also has suicide vests. For now suicide vests able to melt the balls.

We indians don't have to do anything. Just need to watch the on going firework.

So you Indians like it when Pakistanis die in a suicide bombing?

**** off

And with 4 thanks? I expected better. Pathetic.
Mind your language and show some manners doubt you have that though ? any ways Fidayeen ......if your 9 innocent Jihadi Fidayeen brothers wouldn't have provoked and were not hell bent on causing trouble..then nothing would have happened. Again why trouble only on the Turkish ship why not on the 6 others....because they were not hell bent on Jihad like your IHH guys.

enough of Turkish hot air..bring it on ....send another IHH ship with your Navy as escort and Pasha Erdogan on one of them as and see what happens....

Also enough ranting on this economic sanctions blah...blah DO IT.. you guys are hot air as you very well know where it will hurt...it will hurt you.

This was a false report the PM never planed on coming to Israel. By all means though plz decide to take aggressive action against one of our frigates so we can march our whole navy into your waters. Then what will you do ? Once Turkey "Brings it" Israel won't be bringing anything but calling the U.S. Helpline.

TEL AVIV — Since the deadly Israeli raid on the Gaza flotilla, Turkey has recalled its ambassador from Jerusalem and banned Israeli military planes from the country’s airspace, while its prime minister has called the Jewish state “a lying machine.” Israel, for its part, has warned its citizens not to travel to Turkey.

But in most other respects, it is still business as usual between the longtime allies.
It was an aid ship navigating into international waters and Any rights do not give you permission to attack on an aid ship because It has nothing to do with Israel. It is about sending humanitarian aids to a land which was occupied and blockaded by IDF illegally... I do not care Who is IHH or What Tayyip told about this subject. The main aim of this activists are to send humanitarian aids to Gazza with breaking that illegal blockage over Gazza. Anyhow, Israel can not find any of weapon and armaments in ship.
Everything above is wrong.
People, what has happened as happened. Israelis won't admit the actions of their military and neither would Turks for their actions against Armenians. The situation here is that both sides have some problems that are non-developmental in terms of bilateral relations.

Why is there being a sudden rift in the relationship that was so many decades old? What surprises me is that the flotilla was not sent for so many decades and all of a sudden it became an international issue.

Israel is at fault for boarding the ship in international waters before it reached Israeli territory. When it comes to international map, Gaza might be an occupied territory for some country but its territorial matters are with Israeli Navy. Therefore, Israeli Navy should have waited for the flotilla to enter their waters if they intended to inspect the ships.

The flotilla's fault was needless assault on soldiers without any of the latter opening fire. This meant that the flotilla sailors and volunteers did become hostile.

Both the countries should come to a compromise rather than raising rhetoric of conflict. There must be some way to reach an agreement other than conflict which is mutually acceptable to both the sides.
This was a false report the PM never planed on coming to Israel. By all means though plz decide to take aggressive action against one of our frigates so we can march our whole navy into your waters. Then what will you do ? Once Turkey "Brings it" Israel won't be bringing anything but calling the U.S. Helpline.

Please DO IT...enough talk try to take on the Kafir Yahudi..yalaa...yahnee what are you waiting for... come over and lets see...you spoken enough

Simple....DO IT...we don't want to fight with NO ONE but Yalaa-...Habibi what are you wanting for.... if you want start it and history will decide.

I and we as Israeli's will reason with someone who see's reason else not....so chill have your Döner or Borek have a beer and relax...
European jewery is in modern middle east since last 100 years while turks are in the region more than last 1000 years. During middle ages, there were crusading Frankish kingdoms in the parts of Lebanon, Syria and Palestine that survived from 90-200 years. Saladin, a kurd, overran most powerful crusading kingdom and occupied J'salem. We should remember that these european kingdoms survived till muslims became powerful enough to defeat them.

It is high time for powerful Isreal to make a compromse with its weak neighbours and gain legtemacy for its future generations. It is lesson of history that time never remains same and 63 years is very small time in the life of a nation. How Isreal will cope with the conflict when its allies would be weak and its enemies powerful, may be in next 50-100 years. And muslims have enough patience to wait till then. After all Isrealis are mainly European implants in middle east.
That is the new generation Israeli excuse to justify the killing civilians.
It was an aid ship navigating into international waters and Any rights do not give you permission to attack on an aid ship because It has nothing to do with Israel. It is about sending humanitarian aids to a land which was occupied and blockaded by IDF illegally... I do not care Who is IHH or What Tayyip told about this subject. The main aim of this activists are to send humanitarian aids to Gazza with breaking that illegal blockage over Gazza. Anyhow, Israel can not find any of weapon and armaments in ship.

Step by Step. The day when USA can not back your somewhere, You will be a history so The day when you learnt farting from your own arse, We can talk about such things. Otherwise, Any nation in World do not want to come face to face with USA...

Everybody saw what happened When you attacked on light armed Lebonan...
Everybody saw What happened When you attacked on Civilian Turks.
Those are your proud heavy armed special forces who attacked on civilians in ship...


Now, You threaten Turkish army ? but It is your ignorance. Generally, The nations who did not taste the punch of Turks in history, talks with their big mounths...

Accept that You are good at killing civilians.. When It came to fighting against an army having a littile bit war traditions, You just s@ck...

Keep being proud of your respectable and humanist forces called IDF...

When I see the picture and also knowing that these guys were only armed with paint guns and stun grenades and bashed around by your Fidayeen... you deserved what came afterward especially when you Jihadis did this...so you got what you deserved..you poke and poke only until a certain moment with the Israeli's

Also you haven't and you will not cannot answer my question why only violence on the Turkish Ship which was owned by a right wing organisation? Why was there no Violence on the other 5 vessels with the Irish, Greeks and US..... look inside yourself and answer that question.

Lastly put your money where your mouth is AND do it...just impose or break off economic ties with Israel...DO IT dont huff and puff its only hot air.....and see what happens...

TEL AVIV — Since the deadly Israeli raid on the Gaza flotilla, Turkey has recalled its ambassador from Jerusalem and banned Israeli military planes from the country’s airspace, while its prime minister has called the Jewish state “a lying machine.” Israel, for its part, has warned its citizens not to travel to Turkey.

But in most other respects, it is still business as usual between the longtime allies.

Yep your right as there is much more beneath the surface that one see's from the top. There are significant ties economic ties with Turkey...lastly the Turkish military has tremendous power internally and last thing they want are groups like IHH also Mr. Erdogan too has had a couple of run in with the Turkish military which upholds the Attaturk vision of a modern and secular Turkey.
When I see the picture and also knowing that these guys were only armed with paint guns and stun grenades and bashed around by your Fidayeen...


Keep your governmental propagandas for yourself. I hope You do not claim that you have killed all those civilians with paintguns.. :) Autopsy reports show How they were killed. Many of deads have been killed with avarage 5-7 bullets...

you deserved what came afterward especially when you Jihadis did this...so you got what you deserved..you poke and poke only until a certain moment with the Israeli's

If we approach every incidents with your sided poor menthality, We have to claim that The innocent civilians killed by Hamas rockets, got what they deserved ? I do not suppose...

or You occupied and constructed many buildings to other's land and making pressure Muslims to evacuate their own lands, Although USA warned you not to act like that. You have performed many massacres over civilians including babies without shame yourself in past. With same mentality, What does Israel deserve after all those shame history ? Sending Israel nation to stone age can be a good solution in accordance with your own mentality ? In conclusion, You will get What you deserved similar with Innocent activists deserved to be killed in ship in accordance with your mentality.

Lastly put your money where your mouth is AND do it...just impose or break off economic ties with Israel...DO IT dont huff and puff its only hot air.....and see what happens...

Stop crying like your soldiers. It is just a matter of desicion of politicians. They assess the situations and agree on proceeding How it should be in accordance with their percpectives. Your or mine desicions or Your cryings or your threatens do not make any sense...
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