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Won’t apologise or withdraw charges against Devyani: US

The charge can't be drop since the US justice department forward the criminal charge to the court, the judge have the final say on the matter. I don't think a defendant allow to leave the US while the case still pending, as for labor law and minimum wages the federal wages already set but vary according to the labor in each state of the US. The labor law apply to anyone who legally stay in the US. I believe US government won't change the law just to accommodate to the foreign diplomat in the US. Hiring maid to serve foreign diplomat not require by US law. If any nationality embassy can't afford to hire any maid, they just have to live without one.

Easier said than done....just look out for the coming days. They have touched the sensitive subject without knowing what will be consequence. Over 50% labour from Mexico and south America working in clothing factory, farms and other places are also paid lower than minimum wages and that too without Agreement. And this one was with a contact between two people.

And as for Dr. Devyani, she will back very soon(just watch) and the maid will work in Preet Bharara's house.... and one day frame him also....:P
Yesterday on TV one of our ex-Indian diplomat at US G. Parthasarathy clearly said that this is a common and widely accepted practice among ALL developing and under-developed countries. Developed country's diplomats hire locals in other countries as the salaries are less and highly affordable for them, while diplomats of ALL developing and under-developed countries when posted in developed countries hire people from their own country at lesser salaries as local hires are not affordable for them, actually their own salaries are lower than the minimum wages of developed countries. Note that what the nanny was getting (all expenses+insurance+travel fare paid+Indian Rs.30,000) is actually unbelievably good for any nanny or maid in India, that's in rupee terms is similar to the salaries of a mid-level officer!! And that's why we Indians won't call the nanny "A victim". G. Parthasarathy asked one of the panelist, an ex-US diplomat; "Will you do what you did in this case to all such cases from all developing and under-developed countries"? The US diplomat was silent.

Going forward all maid/nannys/other personal staffs will be hired by the consulate itself on contractual basis and their salaries will be deducted from the hiring staff's salary, US minimum wages law doesn't apply to consulate staffs. The decorum of maintaining diplomatic relations were breached here, and we will reciprocate in kind if this is not settled amicably.
And on every such occasion we find our neighbour to the east laughing and rejoicing and telling us their land, their law, live with it or leave. Just saying.
you are wrong. many prominent Indians were mistreated by usa and indians have no love for usa. unfortunately we are governed by a spineless govt which never cared to protest this mistreatment in a befitting manner.
And on every such occasion we find our neighbour to the east laughing and rejoicing and telling us their land, their law, live with it or leave.

Now they expect us all to back them...

Yes, you're right...same people that support racial profiling in this country they tell us deal with it there is a lot of suspicion around American Muslims and they support such scare tactics.

At first they did it to my mother and I was a child traumatized from that experience until I grew up and it became very common and I constantly get pulled over in airports so it started to make me laugh. I was getting VIP treatment and attention. :lol:

Now that this happens to other people in one minor incident they are in outrage about it. Maybe people will start feeling for us a little bit considering what we have to go through.

And we Muslims have gotten used to its basically just a general procedure now it's not scary to us. And this somehow scared Indians....
Easier said than done....just look out for the coming days. They have touched the sensitive subject without knowing what will be consequence. Over 50% labour from Mexico and south America working in clothing factory, farms and other places are also paid lower than minimum wages and that too without Agreement. And this one was with a contact between two people.

And as for Dr. Devyani, she will back very soon(just watch) and the maid will work in Preet Bharara's house.... and one day frame him also....:P

No one in the US hired anyone and pay under the minimum wage, violation of labor law is subject to fine or criminal indictment. Mostly illegal get pay under the table and below minimum wage because they aren't protect by the labor law. You aren't realistic since the defendant were indicted by the US justice department, she must appear in court as she was granted bail for her release from jail, her passport must return to the US immigration and not allow to fly out of the US, the only way she out of the US is India government need to fight her out of the US without the knowledge of the US government. By sneak her out of the US, India government declare her guilty as charged since she won't appear in court to defend her innocent.
you are wrong. many prominent Indians were mistreated by usa and indians have no love for usa. unfortunately we are governed by a spineless govt which never cared to protest this mistreatment in a befitting manner.

I think he means many people not just Indians....
I sincerely hope this Female Diplomat is prosecuted to 'letter of the law'!
If she 's acquitted of her crimes.....she should pay remunerations to the plaintiff set forth in the Visa Documents.
you are wrong. many prominent Indians were mistreated by usa and indians have no love for usa. unfortunately we are governed by a spineless govt which never cared to protest this mistreatment in a befitting manner.

Don't get me wrong, I personally don't like a situation in which a woman's honour has been taken lightly, arrest is one thing but her treatment was a bit over board but just when our house was burning I saw many neighbours of our rejoicing and rubbing it in. But anyways, it does not concern us...
Why does someone need to have a maid when they can't afford it ? If an American Diplomat is posted in London/Tokyo/Paris he/she will have to do all the work plus all their household work or pay the prevailing wages in those countries.

BTW under American system the cash salary portion must be the minimum wage, there is no way around it.

She is gonna have more cavity searches !!
If she had broken US law then US has every right to arrest her (while making sure Vienna convention is not broken) but the biggest dispute is how do you treat a foreign diplomat even under such a situation.

Were the Americans thinking that India will send a lady diplomat to US who hides drugs and weapons in her vagina and rectum that they did strip and cavity searches and threw her in with drug addicts?

US should treat foreign diplomats in the same way that it wants its diplomats to be treated in foreign countries. If India had done this to a law-breaking US diplomat then they would have made it issue of the decade and US media would have claimed Indians don't know how to treat foreign diplomats. And God forbid, if an American diplomat has been treated like this and arrested in Iran, Cuba or N Korea, we might have been in for a threat of NATO invasion of that nation.

The Italian marines accused of murder were kept in a guest house by India, not in prison and given every thing they needed on Italy's request. That's when they were not even diplomats. They were even allowed to go back to Italy to visit their families and to vote.

US should have taken into account the quality of Indo-US relationship and that she was a diplomat while treating her.

She is a deputy consul general for chrissakes!

The maid in question and her husband were facing some criminal charges in Delhi. To remove her family from India in such a case amounts to interference in India's internal matters. US would have reacted angrily if someone would've been removed from US who has criminal charges against them.
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Both the countries went too far.

It was wrong on US part to strip search a diplomat like they do on civilian. It should have taken a different route.

It was wrong on India's part to ask dropping the criminal charges. The diplomat committed a felony.

With economic success, India is seeing itself as a world power. With power comes responsibility. Nobody should be above the law.

I sincerely hope this Female Diplomat is prosecuted to 'letter of the law'!
If she 's acquitted of her crimes.....she should pay remunerations to the plaintiff set forth in the Visa Documents.

Most probability she will escape criminal charges, but may be transferred to another country or put on different mission.
LMAO! Relax, this is what is done to some of us Muslim American citizens, they arrest at gunpoint at random border checks. :lol:

Something we've gotten used to then they release you later and clear you of any suspicion.

With all due respect but....duh!!!

Take you as an example,you're always clamoring on this forum for the destruction of Israel,cheer for organisations registered as terrorists.It's obvious that the NSA and other american organisations will keep an eye on you (and others that act the same) and that they will always double check.
With all due respect but....duh!!!

Take you as an example,you're always clamoring on this forum for the destruction of Israel,cheer for organisations registered as terrorists.It's obvious that the NSA and other american organisations will keep an eye on you (and others that act the same) and that they will always double check.

Really? Where do I do so? And NSA doesn't watch people for what they post on forums, you're allowed here to seek knowledge and state who is justified in their struggles and who isn't.

America knows it's Palestinian citizens don't regard their resistance fighters as 'terrorists'. They let us sympathize with whom we want.

That's not why I was stopped in the first place, it's because I was traveling to Gaza they wanted to know things about Egypt and I think they suspected I went to Syria or something.

This however only happens on my way back to the US or the German airport. Because the German airport is infested with Mossad and one came to speak with us she thought I fell for it. She was not part of the German intelligence she was jewish and thought if she said she was from Greece I would not suspect her of any bad will.

As for Netherlands they are by far some of the kindest people I've ever seen and gave me no trouble.
Maybe USA will give some discount next time India buy weapon for compensation?

LCA can't fly without American engines.
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Maybe USA will give some discount next time India buy weapon for compensation?

LCA can't fly without American engines.
Hahahaa there wont be a next time if this thing escalates. Now it has been made a issue of pride. Chinese should be happy with these events.
If she had broken US law then US has every right to arrest her (while making sure Vienna convention is not broken) but the biggest dispute is how do you treat a foreign diplomat even under such a situation.

Were the Americans thinking that India will send a lady diplomat to US who hides drugs and weapons in her vagina and rectum that they did strip and cavity searches and threw her in with drug addicts?
The India and USA relationship is totally based on USA' containment plan on China. Without China, India is worthless to USA.

US should treat foreign diplomats in the same way that it wants its diplomats to be treated in foreign countries. If India had done this to a law-breaking US diplomat then they would have made it issue of the decade and US media would have claimed Indians don't know how to treat foreign diplomats. And God forbid, if an American diplomat has been treated like this and arrested in Iran, Cuba or N Korea, we might have been in for a threat of NATO invasion of that nation.

The Italian marines accused of murder were kept in a guest house by India, not in prison and given every thing they needed on Italy's request. That's when they were not even diplomats. They were even allowed to go back to Italy to visit their families and to vote.

US should have taken into account the quality of Indo-US relationship and that she was a diplomat while treating her.

The maid in question and her husband were facing some criminal charges in Delhi. To remove her family from India in such a case amounts to interference in India's internal matters. US would have reacted angrily if someone would've been removed from US who has criminal charges against them.

She is a deputy consul general for chrissakes!

Hahahaa there wont be a next time if this thing escalates. Now it has been made a issue of pride. Chinese should be happy with these events.
We are not happy, we regret for India. USA bombed China's embassy in Yogoslavia back 1998 killing three Chinese, not to mention arresting Indian councilor in this case. Now Indians should have known Zpbetter about 'India-USA' relationship.

This kind of friendship is not on equal basis and not worth a penny. India shall get closer with Russia instead of USA.
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