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Women KIlling own babies now Pandemic in Europe and UK


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom

There are many similar news reports and the mothers are always excused on various grounds.
Such is the law here,heavily biased towards the women,and all confusing.
They banned marriage before 18 , but couldnt do anything about young age sex and 13 year old girls becoming moms. An age when they are physically capable of profucing babies but mentally arent.
Most of the time its a drunlen one night stand where the teenager doesnt know who was the father of the baby,and has to become a mother unsupported by a man's presence.
Among older age murderous mothers,again same issues. Alcohol and substance abuse related mental problems,or a background of violence and being raised in an instable family where they werent treated well by their parents and carry the same mentality towards their kids.
There is a database open to public where people can check if a person is or was a pedophyle,but murderous moms are legally kept anonymous and in many cases the state changed their ID to let them start a new life.
Such women many times are repeat offenders and kill multiple childten of their own.
The man has usually no way of knowing if the woman he is willing to have his baby with,has been involved in this disgusting crime previously or not,and many men live with the sense of guilt of having their baby killed by a woman they didnt knew has such tendencies.
This social evil of Europe is now Pandemic and not much is being done about it other than finding excuses for the women.


I see two disturbing things happening in the world.

The west is going so liberal that they are losing their minds, sooner or later their society will crumble

The east (muslim world) is becoming so extremist that they are also losing their minds and sooner or later their society will also crumble

^ these two worlds are drifting a apart and both of them will die eventually , there is no middle path anymore
well now i know now where killing fetus and feeding them to dogs in india comes from

I see two disturbing things happening in the world.

The west is going so liberal that they are losing their minds, sooner or later their society will crumble

The east (muslim world) is becoming so extremist that they are also losing their minds and sooner or later their society will also crumble

^ these two worlds are drifting a apart and both of them will die eventually , there is no middle path anymore

the west is going the way because they are the choosers,

the east is going to this path because of the endless western wars in the east both media and physical
To all who cant read,or are too dumb to understand..
The thread is not about India and Pakistan,its about Europe.
Dont feel cumpelled to comment if you cant stay o topic.
I see two disturbing things happening in the world.

The west is going so liberal that they are losing their minds, sooner or later their society will crumble

The east (muslim world) is becoming so extremist that they are also losing their minds and sooner or later their society will also crumble

^ these two worlds are drifting a apart and both of them will die eventually , there is no middle path anymore

they (WEST) are liberal that is why they are much more technically advanced and developed .They are enjoying the life.A country, where people have blind faith (noting more than stupid ideas) can never be happy and developed.East is backward only because they don't use logic and have stupid faith.see japan china south korea these countries are developing because most of them are atheist.
Interesting development, a lot of women in western societies are beginning to look down on bearing and raising children they view it as a hindrance to their professional careers; the motherly nature and trait in some women has been reduced and the role of the woman is more professionally oriented (in case of educated women). As far as killing infants, there can be many reasons as to why this is flaring up across Europe especially including psychological reasons.
they (WEST) are liberal that is why they are much more technically advanced and developed .They are enjoying the life.A country, where people have blind faith (noting more than stupid ideas) can never be happy and developed.East is backward only because they don't use logic and have stupid faith.see japan china south korea these countries are developing because most of them are atheist.
This is a misconception.

Western societies developed due to impact of competition and their dedication to science/progress (Hint: Industrial Age). Christianity is backward in its ideologies because it is not original due to massive tempering with its beliefs by its practitioners. In contrast, Islam is original and does not hinders progress nor conflicts with science. In the end, issues mostly lay with the people who choose to either enlighten themselves or blind themselves.

However, behind the veil of the so-called "civilized and progressive" WEST; is an ugly side which is seldom projected in Western media. Lack of faith and diminishing moral standards can be costly and WEST may learn this the hard way. Many people in WEST now adhere to a way of life which would put even animals to shame and this is extremely bad and damaging to societal fabric.

So like it or not; if WEST will fall, it will be due to internal decay. Technology alone cannot save a civilization.

Interesting development, a lot of women in western societies are beginning to look down on bearing and raising children they view it as a hindrance to their professional careers; the motherly nature and trait in some women has been reduced and the role of the woman is more professionally oriented (in case of educated women). As far as killing infants, there can be many reasons as to why this is flaring up across Europe especially including psychological reasons.
And this will have serious consequences. Women have very important role to play in any society and they should never loose their motherly natures. Feminism is to be blamed in this case.

For killing of infants; reasons may include depression and other mental disorders that develop in unstable households during adolescence.

In Islamic societies, women can be successful in careers and also be good mothers. Difference lay in their upbringing and habits; thanks to Islamic teachings.
What the heck :confused:

If they dont want the baby, why not get an abortion?!! Instead of murdering an infant?

Anyway I think these are sick women and shouldnt be stereotyped as "western women". I know a lot of western women who are great mothers.
What the heck :confused:

If they dont want the baby, why not get an abortion?!! Instead of murdering an infant?

Anyway I think these are sick women and shouldnt be stereotyped as "western women". I know a lot of western women who are great mothers.
Abortion is also murder in a sense. ;)

Point is that a child shouldn't be conceived without sense of responsibility.
It's okay, the west is so enlightened that they have laws protecting these women.
There are actual laws that say that if a woman kills her own child she should not be punished harshly.
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