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Women cant watch World Cup

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Oct 19, 2008
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ohh my Gawd, I think I am going to hell, I watched three matches in a row or may be men must play Football in Burqas for the sake of women please

& look at the 'tumb up' used by Mr. Yahaya aka 'funda-mental-ist', may i ask your highness why did you used it?
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I think my mom might also be hell-bound.

She was checking out Brazil's destruction of North Korea with their massive muscular legs slamming the ball right into the helpless goal.

Oh Lawd, what has this world come to?

Next thing you know, the ball will be 'too round' and 'too arousing' for men to 'play' with. If you know what I mean... lol
even my mom watched it Freekin, I think i must destroy my TV coz its leading me to hell, I must save mom & myself from going to hell but wait i think there's no other way, I am going to hell ohh sh!t

but BTW look what he has got to say If women want to have fun and excitement, they can pray, read the Qur'An or other religious books.

I know people are coming to declare me a Obsessed Islam Basher etc but I am sorry people but this is got to be bashed & i will degrade & insult these people as much as i can & in strongest words possible, I mean these Mullahs even notice legs & parts of the beings of their sex, WOW!!! you know what i mean naa
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It is obvious that football is way, way too complicated and fast moving for women to understand anyway. Poor dears heads would explode trying to keep up. Best they stick to making and serving refreshments for the men so that no action is missed with trips to the refrigerator.
frankly..I am not enjoying this world cup because of that fukcing vuvuzelas...it pisses me off..damn it !!
i hate football
even my mom watched it Freekin, I think i must destroy my TV coz its leading me to hell, I must save mom & myself from going to hell but wait i think there's no other way, I am going to hell ohh sh!t

but BTW look what he has got to say If women want to have fun and excitement, they can pray, read the Qur'An or other religious books.

I know people are coming to declare me a Obsessed Islam Basher etc but I am sorry people but this is got to be bashed & i will degrade & insult these people as much as i can & in strongest words possible, I mean these Mullahs even notice legs & parts of the beings of their sex, WOW!!! you know what i mean naa

And here I come

Quran says "Dilon ka itmenan Allah key zikr mien hai'

What you say??

This is a pure Islamic matter. Should not be discussed here. If any one has problem he may consult a Alim ( one who has Knowledge not the one who has a degree )

Decision should be made in the lights of Islamic teaching. Not on what is your feeling about the matter
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I can't believe Fundamentalist gave this a 'thumbs up.'

I hope he's joking.
And regarding Mullah seeing LEGs

When displaying some part of body is haram it is. You can do want you want but you can not change Laws
even my mom watched it Freekin, I think i must destroy my TV coz its leading me to hell, I must save mom & myself from going to hell but wait i think there's no other way, I am going to hell ohh sh!t

Emo girl, thats 200 % blasphemy. You are going to hell for sure. :lol:

BTW, are you wearing burqa while posting your comments here? If no, then its 300 % blasphemy. Hell will have to come to you then. :rofl:
Why does this have a thumbs up ? Anyway this is all true. Woman should get enough excitement from reading religious books. No need to give them urges by having them watch a nudity filled sport like football. :rofl:
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