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Woman raped on Lahore Ring Road, infront of her two children.

Pakistan is not the kind of government like India which ignores such acts. Concrete action will be taken.

I just want to add that such crimes are common-place in Western countries but get under-reported internationally due to agenda.

in Pakistan, rape cases get alot of publicity, which is good, and will bring genuine consciousness to citizens of the need for change.

Safeguards and strict punishments is the way to go.

Stone them to death. There will no rapist left.

Cut off hands, thieves will think 100x before even trying.

Shariah has exemplary punishments for a reason. If common sense does not dissuade potential criminals, then fear will.

It's Pakistan.

Blasphemy case hota tou pura mulk band hojata.
Likin, rape case hai, tou kuch din'un mein bhul chuka hoga.

Societies like Norway have "lenient" laws but serious crimes like murder are almost non-existent.
You can't compare Norway with Pakistan. In western countries, there are plenty of opportunities for young people to experience the life with different partners. In a country where Islam is a dominent religion, people have to wait for their marriage.. Some frustrated ones indulge in immoral activities and then for them, everything becomes legal. In simple terms, they don't care.

Due to financial condition of Pakistan and social requirements, the average age of getting married in increasing in Pakistan. People are not able to afford marriages which have been made easy by the religion.

If there's an opportunity given to children in their school/ college days to indulge in acts that are common in west, this problem will surely decrease..

So in other words, if you fill Norway with a lot of people, bring down their income to a thrid world country level, and then restrict intersex mingling and marrying (either directly or indirectly), I will see how Norway can save itself from this problem too.

As @ps3linux mentioned earlier.. there is a bond broken between parents and their children.. This could be due to financial pressures where the head of the family is always on a lookout for food for his family and when he returns back extremely tired, he doesn't give even 10 mins to his children. These children go out, make friends and discuss things with an age group that's not suitable for them. Then they take next steps, and then they reach a place from where the return is almost impossible. School education also doesn't focus on morality, religious teachers only teach Quran in Arabic.. On top of that, the teens then make friends of a different age group (because they are curious).. then they want to experience things told by the higher age group.. but they don't find opportunity because we are conservative society.. Then they want to marry early.. but the whole family starts coming after him (rightly or wrongly) that he has no income to support himself, let alone a whole family.. the curiosity doesn't die.. some of such children then involve themselves in some acts.. then they never stop at that..

When I was young, I used to spend a lot of time with my parents and grandparents.. I had monthly subscription of different children magazines.. A lot has changed after that.

Entire society is culprit of the condition we are in..
You can't compare Norway with Pakistan. In western countries, there are plenty of opportunities for young people to experience the life with different partners. In a country where Islam is a dominent religion, people have to wait for their marriage.. Some frustrated ones indulge in immoral activities and then for them, everything becomes legal. In simple terms, they don't care.

Due to financial condition of Pakistan and social requirements, the average age of getting married in increasing in Pakistan. People are not able to afford marriages which have been made easy by the religion.

If there's an opportunity given to children in their school/ college days to indulge in acts that are common in west, this problem will surely decrease..

So in other words, if you fill Norway with a lot of people, bring down their income to a thrid world country level, and then restrict intersex mingling and marrying (either directly or indirectly), I will see how Norway can save itself from this problem too.

As @ps3linux mentioned earlier.. there is a bond broken between parents and their children.. This could be due to financial pressures where the head of the family is always on a lookout for food for his family and when he returns back extremely tired, he doesn't give even 10 mins to his children. These children go out, make friends and discuss things with an age group that's not suitable for them. Then they take next steps, and then they reach a place from where the return is almost impossible. School education also doesn't focus on morality, religious teachers only teach Quran in Arabic.. On top of that, the teens then make friends of a different age group (because they are curious).. then they want to experience things told by the higher age group.. but they don't find opportunity because we are conservative society.. Then they want to marry early.. but the whole family starts coming after him (rightly or wrongly) that he has no income to support himself, let alone a whole family.. the curiosity doesn't die.. some of such children then involve themselves in some acts.. then they never stop at that..

When I was young, I used to spend a lot of time with my parents and grandparents.. I had monthly subscription of different children magazines.. A lot has changed after that.

Entire society is culprit of the condition we are in..

USA is just as rich as Norway and we see much higher levels of murder in USA than in Norway.

I am not talking about rape as Western countries have much higher levels of rape due to free-mixing between men and woman.

Yes USA has more minorities and a different past but making society as equal and least corrupt is the best way to reduce crime.

Getting to a stage where crime is low is where you want to be. Harsh punishments mainly fail as someone really does not think about the consequences when they are about to commit murder or rape.
USA is just as rich as Norway and we see much higher levels of murder in USA than in Norway.

I am not talking about rape as Western countries have much higher levels of rape due to free-mixing between men and woman.

Yes USA has more minorities and a different past but making society as equal and least corrupt is the best way to reduce crime.

Getting to a stage where crime is low is where you want to be. Harsh punishments mainly fail as someone really does not think about the consequences when they are about to commit murder or rape.
Being a Muslim, I firmly believe that what Quran has suggested is best for us.
These steps Pakistan will have to take in order to address the current problem:

1 - Education reforms.. (1) Mandatory education for everyone (Fines for parents who don't send their children to schools) (2) One course across all types of schools, public, private, madarsa, (3) introduce moral education subjects, (4) Provide Quran education in Schools (the same Qaris/ Molvis can be hired by Schools to provide Quran learning)

2 - Teaching children how to fight from very young age. Again, schools can play a major role. There should be mandatory half an hour time slot for learning martial arts till grade 10 that not only teaches self defence, but also how to attack.

(Even if the above two increase the school time by 1-2 hours, it's fine.

3 - Banning of Dramas that somehow present women as merely a piece of art (the quality of our dramas have become very low lately). Banning of any movies, (local or foriegn) that have objectionable scenes

4 - Casteration for minor offenses (like found touching children inappropriately at least 3 times)

5 - Public Hangings/ Beheadings for rapists
Dude you are Missing some very Crucial thing here.

P0RN> Fuc**ng up Minds of public. More they are watching it More they are going crazy.
We need Absolute Bann on this

Things we watch and hear for continued intervals Have Drastic Effects on our personality.
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.

Surah e Maida 33

Implement Quranic punishments on these creatures, these penalties are mentioned for a purpose.

Exactly. These punishments ORDERED, not suggested or proposed, by Allah SWT are based on HIS infinite wisdom. A country made in the name of Islam is ruled by brown sahibs who do not want to implement these laws. Its Allah's forgiveness that he hasn't blown this country off the earth despite us breaking our promises on our part.

Angrezon k tatt poonjiye who speak their language, are infatuated by their culture and in a constant state of inferiority complex are ruling us in Government, military and bureaucracy. Every such incident gets trending on Twitter for a few days till the next one happens. May Allah SWT protect us.
I think she did a mistake too.. that proved a very costly mistake.

I wouldn't advise anyone, whether a man or a woman, to take that highway after 12:00 midnight, with small children, and without checking the petrol.. actually, even if you are full of petrol, in an insecured environment when you know how common are these incidents. Anything can be expected.

We should be thankful to Allah that the animals didn't rape children and kill the whole family, otherwise, no one would be there to tell the story. This could have happened too.
Agreed, bro.

Below message is for all:

If any person (irrespective of gender) decide to move from one city to another via motorway, it is important to have a PLAN beforehand.

Never consider traveling on motorway without getting your car checked in advance. The car should be in good working condition and fuel tank should be full. This is my Modus Operandi as well.

I took the fuel part easy just once and I regret this very much. My wife was with me at the time. Thanks to Allah Almighty, WE reached home safely on this day.

If you are on motorway in the night and your car breaks down then God help you. Although police patrols are there, they won't reach your position very soon (unless a patrol is very close to you by chance), and anything can happen in between.

In nighttime conditions, criminal activities or animal attacks - both can materialize out of the blue. You might be a big shot in your home town but motorway is different. Don't try to be overconfident (or Terminator).

I recall an incident with a married couple that I know. They were traveling on Lahore Canal Road around 12:00 PM in the night. Their car came under gunfire (not sure if intentional or not) - one bullet pierced a back door and exited from the other (imagine its velocity). Thanks to Allah Almighty, this couple reached home safely. Imagine if the bullet had struck one of them? A family would have been ruined.

Strange/bad people are more likely to be roaming the streets in nighttime conditions.

Allah Almighty have gifted mankind with a beautiful brain. Please consider using it.
Why you are so pessimistic seriously.
Rapes happen in every country in the world ,they happen even in the most so called civilized and educated or religious countries.
You are portraying Pakistan as a country where you cannot even step outside as a woman or as you say you will not be able to go to work. Things are not really that bad for women here.
Ofcourse shit happens but don't be a malala yousafzai.

you are worried about Pakistan image right now?Ask every woman and they will tell you of story of being harrased.
Here is thread.
Read this entite thread and tell me why I shouldn’t be pessimistic.
Why are you doing this negative propaganda against Pakistan and Islam?
Please do not overreact.

Every theme/POV is not propaganda against Islam and Pakistan.

Pakistan have its fair share of societal/social problems much like in any developing country.
The day is very far when we can say that our country is safe for women and children. It's a reminder for those who open threads on such incidents occuring across the border and then make fun. Animals in the form of humans can be found in our country, and that too, in plenty.
Rape exists in all societies, west, east, north or south. This evil has no religion or skin colour but is a evil found in the human condition. It is for this reason as you pointed out and I have raised this matter rape should be condemned everywhere. It is as bad in New York, New Delhi or Lahore. We should all condemn it and now score points against India or other countries.
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