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Woman raped on Lahore Ring Road, infront of her two children.

Sadly, we cannot save them. The culprits will start murdering girls (in fear of her filing a FIR) if the police-force is strong. One idea is to every girl to carry khanjars just like the turbanators. This must be jabbed straight into the neck of the culprits.
What will happen after she slits the throat of the culprits. Lawyers will spend their full force to proof that the sick bastards that was killed by the lady trying to save herself was a pious man and brother of 3 sisters who are still unmarried, a good and innocent man and our media will start to run campaign against that lady. Police will harass her and either she will be convicted for murder or she will commit suicide.
We Pakistanis have a firm belief that we are protector of our women and other women in stress. Like i said screw every institution, they have repeatedly failed us on so many occasions. In Pakistan Laws are made to protect the culprit and rich. **** them and lets take action on our own. I swear if i find some rapist i wont let him go alive i will shoot him.
Have u ever seen any press conference regarding such issues. My guess is NO. Other than Zainab case where we all saw what SS did. But their is press conference everyday about NS health and return. I mean first u let him go and u expect him to come back. This entire system is rigged every institution.
catch the bastards and cut their dicks out and feed it to them, publicly. Harsh i may sound, but it's way less harsher than what they deserve

I think castration is the legal punishment for certain rapists / pedophiles in some countries. Not sure why it hasn't been introduced here.
That's like saying humans don't believe in the legal system --- that's why they rape / murder / steal from others. But even with the very physical and real threat of jail time / lethal injection / electric chair / hanging / beheading, humans still indulge in crimes.

Wrong.... Legal system can easily be avoid, but there will be no corruptable judges, refutable proofs, gullible Juries or turnable witnesses in Allah's court.
@PakSword , @PDF

Normally I avoid such threads because they are disgusting to start with but in this case I will take an exception. Filthy creatures who commit such actions don't belong to any religion be it Pakistan, be it india or be it any other country a filthy animal is a filthy animal he has no country and he has no religion.

Now most of the post although represent frustration and anger but I think I haven't seen posts from people who travel on ring road and understand the underlying problems.

When ring road started Shahbaz Sharif in his infinite wisdom instead of giving control to National Highway and motorway police in order to throw bones to his pet bureaucrats created a new police force by the name of Ring Road Police back in 2013 and Lahore ring road authority.

I travel this road in routine it doesn't have real traffic because of excessive toll tax may be between phase 5 onward but from phase 5 to rohi nala traffic is at most minimum. From Ring road to northern bypass it is even scarier occasional vehicles and you would see motorcyclists coming on the wrong side, chingqi rickshaws even some time people playing cricket or a big group of people sitting on the side boundary or dividers and there are many spots where one would see people sitting in groups. There is alternate to ring road through lot of traffic but it is there.

It highlights two problems one the excessive toll tax which discourages more traffic and I don't want to say who is the biggest bhatta group in Pakistan for Toll tax plaza.

Second is the ineffective and corrupt ring road police setup, I have never seen them patrolling there are 4 or 5 spots where they will be hiding like badger with their speed camera only for giving speed ticket. You stop on ring road due to any reason no one will come to ask you why you have stopped, but if you do the same on motorway in less than 5 minutes you will get a visit from motorway police.

Every society has its share of animals we have ours but it is the duty of LEA to make sure those animals, those predators don't hurt the common people is ring road or any other police in Pakistan or for that matter any Govt delivering on its share of social contract. Has anyone heard anything from DIG ring road???

Here is the organogram the stupid is the chairperson, in any decent country the chairperson should have resigned but this stupid is "learning"

Screenshot_2020-09-10 Organogram Lahore Ring Road Authority.png

Isn't the ring road a busy area? What are the details of this evil act?

Not exactly but it depends on which spot she was travelling and at what time, there are many questions in my mind but lets take it at face value.

Good Men (who are left) must take responsibility here. You must educate the men and boys in your family, friends and co workers about sexual violence , boundries and basic decency.

we are tired, we just want to get home safely. I drive alone to work, now I am scared to even go alone to the grocery shop near by.

Dear Kin I share your pain, but trust me we are in a much better society and country people here will be amazed if I start sharing horrors from the so called civilized society I wont mention Chicago but N.Y L.A and London the road, the alleys the undergrounds. In our society yes at a secluded spot animals can take advantage of a lonely lady but at a public place if there is one person who is trying to harass a lady and 10 will come to beat the crap out of the guy.

My better half too travels by herself although she does carry a taser, we were not blessed with a daughter but we share the concern some good judgement must be exercised by ladies as well like checking fuel/condition of the vehicle before starting a journey on this type of highways, avoid low traffic/traffic-less areas and if pocket allows a good quality taser/spray.

and BTW good families still train their youth to "never force yourself upon an unwilling lady" I was and so are mine less said the better.
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Good Men (who are left) must take responsibility here. You must educate the men and boys in your family, friends and co workers about sexual violence , boundries and basic decency.

we are tired, we just want to get home safely. I drive alone to work, now I am scared to even go alone to the grocery shop near by.
Oh come on this rape thing is not that common in pakistan as we speak. You are saying like you are living in India. So feel safe .
Also what happened is very unusual and I doubt the women version of story.
@PakSword , @PDF

Normally I avoid such threads because they are disgusting to start with but in this case I will take an exception. Filthy creatures who commit such actions don't belong to any religion be it Pakistan, be it india or be it any other country a filthy animal is a filthy animal he has no country and he has no religion.

Now most of the post although represent frustration and anger but I think I haven't seen posts from people who travel on ring road and understand the underlying problems.

When ring road started Shahbaz Sharif in his infinite wisdom instead of giving control to National Highway and motorway police in order to throw bones to his pet bureaucrats created a new police force by the name of Ring Road Police back in 2013 and Lahore ring road authority.

I travel this road in routine it doesn't have real traffic because of excessive toll tax may be between phase 5 onward but from phase 5 to rohi nala traffic is at most minimum. From Ring road to northern bypass it is even scarier occasional vehicles and you would see motorcyclists coming on the wrong side, chingqi rickshaws even some time people playing cricket or a big group of people sitting on the side boundary or dividers and there are many spots where one would see people sitting in groups. There is alternate to ring road through lot of traffic but it is there.

It highlights two problems one the excessive toll tax which discourages more traffic and I don't want to say who is the biggest bhatta group in Pakistan for Toll tax plaza.

Second is the ineffective and corrupt ring road police setup, I have never seen them patrolling there are 4 or 5 spots where they will be hiding like badger with their speed camera only for giving speed ticket. You stop on ring road due to any reason no one will come to ask you why you have stopped, but if you do the same on motorway in less than 5 minutes you will get a visit from motorway police.

Every society has its share of animals we have ours but it is the duty of LEA to make sure those animals, those predators don't hurt the common people is ring road or any other police in Pakistan or for that matter any Govt delivering on its share of social contract. Has anyone heard anything from DIG ring road???

Here is the organogram the stupid is the chairperson, in any decent country the chairperson should have resigned but this stupid is "learning"

View attachment 668548

Sir, I agree with you on strict implementation of law and order, however, the moral corruption has become quite widespread.

In the past few days, there are so many reports coming of abuse of children. Only yesterday, someone was caught with a little girl in Karachi.. Day before yesterday, a small girl was kidnapped and then found later because police/ general public started searching for the kidnappers. However, this will not stop.

I always say that we need reforms in our education, a major overhaul al least. Children from their young age should be taught what the parents have stopped teaching.
Many in Pakistan are vulnerable irrespective of gender factor.

People can kidnap a man from Public space in broad daylight and get away with it. Ample evidence in social/simulated experiments. Forget about safety of a single woman in odd situation.

My sincere advise is to never take your chances in a long drive when fuel is low. I know from personal experience on Motorway and I was with my wife at the time. Thanks to Allah Almighty - his help came.
Stone him to death in public. All potential rapists will get in line.

Shariah is the best law to prevent these kinds of law and order situations.

The other issue is immorality in the media and access to indecent content. PEMRA shoild be empowered.

Muslim rule managed to reform and bring peace and prosperity to Southern Asia for centuries.

100% correct. Our legal issues cannot be changed until we completely implement Shariah, including the harsh punishments. They are there are a deterent.
Oh come on this rape thing is not that common in pakistan as we speak. You are saying like you are living in India. So feel safe .
Also what happened is very unusual and I doubt the women version of story.

Please come out of your LA LA Land

Twitter has been trending with hashtag #JusticeForMarwah demanding justice for Marwah, a five year old girl kidnapped, raped and murdered in Essa Nagri area of the port city.

This is in two weeks.
These steps Pakistan will have to take in order to address the current problem:

1 - Education reforms.. (1) Mandatory education for everyone (Fines for parents who don't send their children to schools) (2) One course across all types of schools, public, private, madarsa, (3) introduce moral education subjects, (4) Provide Quran education in Schools (the same Qaris/ Molvis can be hired by Schools to provide Quran learning)

2 - Teaching children how to fight from very young age. Again, schools can play a major role. There should be mandatory half an hour time slot for learning martial arts till grade 10 that not only teaches self defence, but also how to attack.

(Even if the above two increase the school time by 1-2 hours, it's fine.

3 - Banning of Dramas that somehow present women as merely a piece of art (the quality of our dramas have become very low lately). Banning of any movies, (local or foriegn) that have objectionable scenes

4 - Casteration for minor offenses (like found touching children inappropriately at least 3 times)

5 - Public Hangings/ Beheadings for rapists
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Sir, I agree with you on strict implementation of law and order, however, the moral corruption has become quite widespread.

In the past few days, there are so many reports coming of abuse of children. Only yesterday, someone was caught with a little girl in Karachi.. Day before yesterday, a small girl was kidnapped and then found later because police/ general public started searching for the kidnappers. However, this will not stop.

I always say that we need reforms in our education, a major overhaul al least. Children from their young age should be taught what the parents have stopped teaching.

Yaar bhai I hope you don't take it to heart what I am going to say, people around me are never comfortable because I have this innate curse of analyzing things and coming up with root cause.

Here are some problems:

Rise of social media and unsupervised usage of phone/internet by children pornography is a hundreds of billions worth industry what people are posting on facebook/twitter/tik tok/whatever is nothing compared to what is being shared on the dark web Less said the better. A young child is crying and the mother/father will hand over the mobile to watch youtube???? questions?

Both of our were born abroad north america to be exact but they were never allowed a TV in their rooms, no computer in their rooms, no tablets, no mobile phones. They could use social media/internet on the computer in the lobby. No parties at friends/no overnight stay/ no tuition centers (when we came back to Pakistan) no visit to madrassah/mosque in US/Canada or Pakistan. They didn't get their mobiles before finishing O levels. Laptops so far only one of them has been given after A levels, no TV in room so far. BTW no female domestic worker during the time males are at home and absolutely no males servants in any case.

Indian channels particularly dramas and movies are a plague in our society even in family gatherings people would be discussing movies and dramas and we have always been blank because we have always made sure to delete all such channels.

We did try to educate our children the choice between right and wrong, sex, good touch and bad touch, what to do, and since both of them are boys strict warning to never force themselves upon an unwilling lady when their time comes.

Never allow the children to play in the street and never ever send the children to "bazar" to bring something you have to plan ahead what you need and buy it once a week or when the male head of the family returns.

Honestly how many families are doing it, its not that we have done something extra its just that me and the better half did not shy away from our responsibilities. Honestly when I see young boys and girls in the markets buying grocery, vegetable I always feel sorry for them, there are predators in our society as well.

Sending children to expensive schools, tuition is just one part , their grooming, their caring, their safety should also be on the plate. There are social/economic concerns but frankly I hold most of the time parents responsible for the mishaps to the children, zainab for example its easy to say was the will of Allah or the deed of a satan, but had the parent been proactive and vigilant trained the children that come what may they never go out in the street, what happened to her there is a high probability must not have happened.

Parents create a barrier between themselves and their children, we made sure there inst any between our and us to the extent that out elder in his junior school days identified a class fellow who was being mistreated by his uncle continuously, when he told us we contacted the principal who upon our insistence involved the parents and would you believe that they refused to believe their own child.

Marriage has become an expensive very expensive thing one sure legal way of easing frustration and satisfying desires, yet we all are responsible of increasing the frustration throughout the day we are receiving and forwarding pornography in our society without realizing it is addiction and a source of frustration to those who cannot vent their hormones. Honestly I have blocked all my friends who used to send me the garbage, if ever i receive any I delete it without even looking at it.

As they say charity begins at home, our society will improve when we start improving ourselves and start taking responsibility of our future generation.
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