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Woman raped on Lahore Ring Road, infront of her two children.

Motorway rape incident: Police nab two suspects who used victim's ATM card

  • The police have taken the DNA samples of the accused and sent them for medical analysis

Fahad Zulfikar Updated 11 Sep 2020

(Karachi) In a major breakthrough, police claimed to have arrested two suspects who used the ATM card of a woman who was gang-raped on Lahore-Sialkot Motorway two days ago, media reported.

As per details, Punjab police nabbed two accused after they tried to make a transaction through the ATM card of the victim which was snatched along with other valuables during the incident.

The police have taken the DNA samples of the accused and sent them for medical analysis.
Meanwhile, the victim's gold ring and wrist watch were found in the fields where she was taken by two unidentified men along with her children at gunpoint and was raped. The attackers had taken Rs100,000 cash and other valuables of the victim with them while fleeing.

On Friday, the Punjab Police have taken charge of security of the Lahore-Sialkot Motorway and deployed over 250 personnel of the Special Protection Unit, CSP and Highway Patrol Unit. The police will patrol the motorway in cars and motorcycles until Motorway Police are posted in the area.

On September 9, a woman was allegedly gang raped during a robbery bid in Gujjarpura along the recently inaugurated Lahore-Sialkot Motorway. The new Motorway currently has no rest stops or service stations as of yet.

Police said the victim was travelling with her children in a car when the vehicle stalled due to lack of petrol. She called a relative and sent him her location on the Motorway. When the relative arrived at the location, he saw the victim driving the car towards them with broken window panes.

The woman told police that she was waiting for the family to arrive to pick her and the children when two armed assailants allegedly attacked her.

One suspect hit the car with clubs and the other held them hostage at gunpoint. The attackers then took her and the children to a nearby forested area where the victim claims they gang raped her. Later on, they robbed her of valuables and left her stranded.

Meanwhile, at least 15 men have been taken into custody over their suspected involvement in the rape.


There are many conflicting stories. According to this article, the victim called a relative to come help her. But few post back, there was comment that was saying the women called the police first, and that nothing was stolen from the car.

I think we should all wait and see what the whole story is , and what the outcome will be.
You never let go an opportunity to show your frustration against Islamic laws --- Divine laws can't be changed/altered/ended -- the problem is not with laws, the problem is with your brain, either you have never read any book on fiqh or you are one of those seculars liberals who hate Islam.

Let me educate you little bit,
there's no blood money for cases involving fasad fil ardh --- highway robbery is fasad fil ardh, gang rape is fasad fil ardh, breaking into houses on gun point is fasad fil ardh and the punishment for these crimes is death, crucify the culprits.

So if Pakistani ruling elite isn't treating these crimes as fasad fil ardh due to pressure from white man+ liberal aunties+ some so called ngos; your frustration should be aimed at our ruling elite and not Islamic laws.
Blood money shouldn’t exist for any kind of crime, especially not for any kind of violent crime.

Just because the victim of a crime is satisfied by receiving money from the perpetrator does not mean that the criminal won’t commit the same or other crimes again. Letting a criminal go free after paying blood money puts the rest of society at risk, and the concept itself favors the wealthy - those who have the money and resources can just pay their way out of crimes they commit.

The State has an obligation to prosecute and punish, to the fullest extent of the law, individuals who have committed crimes, especially violent ones. Whether Islam supports the concept of blood money as practiced in Pakistan I have no idea, but murderers have been ‘forgiven’ and walked free after blood money has been paid in Pakistan, and that is disgusting.

So no, I don’t support blood money and next time avoid violating forum rules and engaging in personal attacks.
Members are advised to make sensible posts and do not advocate/condone/encourage violence. Killing people is not a joke.

Encouraging people to take LAW into own hands is not good advice. Please keep in mind that those who attack usually come prepared for eventualities; you can loose your life in a fight (God forbid). Self-defense is fine but people need to be taught how to cope with bad situations and not do something stupid which might lead to tragedy.

It is much better to give meaningful tips to people about how to make their journeys pleasant and safe. It is also important to respect LAW.

GOP should prioritize POLICE REFORMS and JUSTICE SYSTEM REFORMS on the other hand. Modus Operandi should be as follows: Criminals should be caught and punished no matter what (absolute NO to settlement with victims), and justice should be served ASAP.
Much love bro. But I'll be honest and say that much of that won't work due to strength differences, and with a determined male attacker is hard to stop.
I'd say the sisters do Brazilian Jujitsu, an art proven to overcome weight difference and where a woman can slap on a life ending choke on a stronger male.

Send the sisters here. The one is in Karachi;

Also sisters should honestly look at having powerful attack dogs with them in the car. They don't take up much space and are loving to kids.
Our own Bully would do a fine job of tearing off an attacker, multiple attackers heads. They would literally have to kill it to stop it. They would lay their life down rather than see their loved ones hurt.

View attachment 668724

Sadly we also now have many folks not liking dogs and trying to holy than holy and saying they are unclean, yada, yada, when they have been part and parcel of our culture for close to 1,000 years.
Take advantage of Pakistan being one of few countries permitting a concealed carry.

Blood money shouldn’t exist for any kind of crime, especially not for any kind of violent crime.

Just because the victim of a crime is satisfied by receiving money from the perpetrator does not mean that the criminal won’t commit the same or other crimes again. Letting a criminal go free after paying blood money puts the rest of society at risk, and the concept itself favors the wealthy - those who have the money and resources can just pay their way out of crimes they commit.

The State has an obligation to prosecute and punish, to the fullest extent of the law, individuals who have committed crimes, especially violent ones. Whether Islam supports the concept of blood money as practiced in Pakistan I have no idea, but murderers have been ‘forgiven’ and walked free after blood money has been paid in Pakistan, and that is disgusting.

So no, I don’t support blood money and next time avoid violating forum rules and engaging in personal attacks.
You support or don't support, it's totally irrelevant, Divine laws don't change ---
next time you don't derail threads (with what you support or not), this blood money has nothing to do with this rape case ---- why on the earth you brought blood money here, this is fasad fil ardh case?

This is Islamic Republic of Pakistan, majority of it's citizens are Muslims and want implementation of Islamic laws, you should be careful with your attacks on Islamic laws.
You support or don't support, it's totally irrelevant, Divine laws don't change ---
next time you don't derail threads (with what you support or not), this blood money has nothing to do with this rape case ---- why on the earth you brought blood money here, this is fasad fil ardh case?

This is Islamic Republic of Pakistan, majority of it's citizens are Muslims and want implementation of Islamic laws, you should be careful with your attacks on Islamic laws.

When classical Islamic laws are being abused and misused to the detriment of their original purposes, then it is our duty to call for reform according to the values revealed by Allah. The blood money law should never be applied arbitrarily or in a way that favours the rich over the poor. Either the state should pay Diya (victim compensation) on behalf of those who can not afford it or Diya for voluntary murder/violent crimes should be abolished altogether. Nothing unIslamic about it
Members are advised to make sensible posts and do not advocate/condone/encourage violence.
Do you reject violence being a legitimate solution to many, otherwise intractable, problems?
Please keep in mind that those who attack usually come prepared for eventualities; you can loose your life in a fight (God forbid).
And the more they prepared, the more decisive, and overwhelming the response shall be.

Yes, in some cases like with properly staged assassination, you have near no chances to respond. But in case of street robbery, or rape, sure. Don't make miscreants' job easier.
It is much better to give meaningful tips to people about how to make their journeys pleasant and safe. It is also important to respect LAW.
Having to live in fear, and hide from the enemy in your own country? I will feel ashamed if I will have to.

Respect a law not benefiting you? Your country is not China, where women can be sued for assaulting their rapists. Defence is a right, use it.
Culture from Bollywood helps to cause this type of nightmares in our society.

One of the things the govt must do is ban Bollywood fully, even from online platforms
In Paksitan there is neither Islam, nor Jamhooriat.
People need to understand that just naming the state Islamic republic wont make it an Islamic state. You have to accept the rules and principles of an Islamic state too. Had there been any Judicial system based on Islam here this would not have happened in the first place and even if it had been the case would be straight forward. After DNA Analysis those responsible would be stoned to death. And here in this case the case would go on for months and then appeals will come some will get out due to insufficient evidence a few would get life Imprisonment of which they will only serve a few years . And in a few weeks everyone will forget about it until the next incident. And some one else will shout out are we an Islamic Republic.

The fact of the matter is there have been over 18000 Reported cases of Rape with minors in the last 5 years and how many have we seen get hanged or imprisoned. This Colonial Era judicial system with never give justice to anyone.
I have a hunch that the tip of her location was provided by the operator who she called. I have read the detail of the incident which is too heart breaking, but according to that, after she called, police didn't arrive for 1 and a half hours, while the armed goons approached her straight with a gun as if they knew who is inside. The car was tinted and the lady says there's is no way anyone could tell from outside who is in the car.. specially at night. They have performed the crime like they have all the time. Before the crime, while they were dragging the woman and children, they dropped her bag which contained gold jewelry. It took some time for them to find that in the bushes. It's as if they knew no one will arrive at the scene on time. An ordinary robber would have runaway after getting the jewelry and the cash (she was carrying 100k in her bag). They didn't take her mobile.. which means they knew that the mobile might be useless as it would lead to tracking of the culprits. They were not ordinary robbers from nearby villages in my opinion.
Yup this a case of personal enmity.
Do you reject violence being a legitimate solution to many, otherwise intractable, problems?
And the more they prepared, the more decisive, and overwhelming the response shall be.

Yes, in some cases like with properly staged assassination, you have near no chances to respond. But in case of street robbery, or rape, sure. Don't make miscreants' job easier.
Having to live in fear, and hide from the enemy in your own country? I will feel ashamed if I will have to.

Respect a law not benefiting you? Your country is not China, where women can be sued for assaulting their rapists. Defence is a right, use it.
Do you have experience dealing with armed robbers or something? Have you seen people getting shot at from point blank range or something? Talk is cheap, tough guy.

I absolutely understand the importance of self-defense (go through this thread and you will know) - PERSONAL SAFETY is important consideration (no ifs and buts). However, it is important to understand the difference between protecting yourself from harm and being trigger happy as well as seek vigilante justice to address a problem/dispute.

I have cautioned those members who are advocating taking LAW into own hands to handle a problem/dispute (i.e. vigilante justice in short) - this is bad advise and practice. I removed one post of the sort. Vigilante justice look good in movies but real life is different.

Do WE desire a society in which LAW & ORDER SYSTEM should deliver (or) WE desire a society in which LAW OF THE JUNGLE should prevail and anybody should be allowed to kill anybody to address a problem/dispute? How would WE know who is in the RIGHT and who is in the WRONG?

Members should be mindful of the RULES of the forum when making a post.
You support or don't support, it's totally irrelevant, Divine laws don't change ---
next time you don't derail threads (with what you support or not), this blood money has nothing to do with this rape case ---- why on the earth you brought blood money here, this is fasad fil ardh case?

This is Islamic Republic of Pakistan, majority of it's citizens are Muslims and want implementation of Islamic laws, you should be careful with your attacks on Islamic laws.
You've offered no logical rebuttal to the points I made about the flaws in 'blood money'.

If you don't want to discuss the issue further because of the thread being hijacked, then you shouldn't have responded, but you did. Merely throwing out the Islam card and implicitly threatening people who disagree with your views is a disgusting display of using threats to shut down debate and is not going to change the fact that you have offered no rational counterargument.
As Government will be changing IG (Head of police) these stories will circulate (Rape, Violence , death) in media in order to put pressure on the new Head of police

These stories have happened in Pakistan and many countries world wide

If you read any local Pakistani News paper these kind of stories exist in rural areas (remote)
However mostly in farm areas these generally do not make the TV media or Mass media

The crime is being just used to create political tension on new Police head

This is a crime case has happened many times in Pakistan requires major reform in Police Force and security

The media will continue to promote similar case till next senate elections
You've offered no logical rebuttal to the points I made about the flaws in 'blood money'.

If you don't want to discuss the issue further because of the thread being hijacked, then you shouldn't have responded, but you did. Merely throwing out the Islam card and implicitly threatening people who disagree with your views is a disgusting display of using threats to shut down debate and is not going to change the fact that you have offered no rational counterargument.

He is only presenting a certain interpretation of Islam that supports his pov while conveniently ignoring other/contradicting views.

For example, as we are talking about "Pakistan" here, he has conveniently ignored the fact that scholars like Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (the founder of two nation theory), Muhammad Asad (Jinnah's advisor on religious matters) and Ghulam Ahmed Pervez (prominent Quran scholar) have translated qisas/diyat verses differently and that they didn't agree with the classic interpretation of Diyat laws. They have noted that murder can be with or without intent and maintained that in the former the punishment is death, not ransom money, whereas in the latter, the punishment is payment of money as compensation, as ordained in Quran. 4:92

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