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Woman raped on Lahore Ring Road, infront of her two children.

The issue is not the availabiliy of tools and implementation of laws..
In a larger perspective i feel the core of society is rotting.

Just a decade ago, A man could not even imagine such things when we were in much more open social system. I remember women were more respected in my neighbourhood Keep in Mind that the People use to stay home in nights due to Risk of RObbery and stuff but Never Heard of Rape cases.

Even Robbers were professional robber they also had dignity Not psychopaths.

Something really bad has happened in last decade that we are seeing these Rascals. They all grew up in last decade and now we are facing these disasters
Something is being missed in rising them well and in their grooming

These kinds of vermins are the bhagora types who sneak out every night to go gambling, drinking, and engage in illegal activities to support their numerous addictions. I think we all have such people in our extended families or family friends in the new generation like this. It is important for us to keep tabs on such individuals, they are the ones committing these crimes.

We have to begin raiding the places where they meet and organize.

Another issue are illegal squatters who are sitting on land. Many of those people engage in kidnapping and ransom. No doubt they commit such crimes on a daily basis.

There is no other alternative than FIA/ISI heading a nationwide cleansing of these vermin.

New laws are needed to give exemplary punishments to even touching a female's hand without her consent. With heavy punishment and undercover operations, it should be easy to get to the root of the problem.

After this, for next 10 years no rape case reported then PPP came and remove hang punishment.
Those moves are a bit crass, groin guts and eye attacks, but I guess effective. Many of the grapple and locks above are standard Ninjutsu moves which I learned myself.

It seems you are trained in martial arts because during my training the first attack that i was taught was to hit in the groin area and keep hitting otherwise too till the attacker falls down. If my life is in danger then literally gouge his eyes out, blind him in one eye or both. I may or may not be able to defend myself in court if i kill him and but i have been taught the levels and lengths of defence I can go to considering the intensity of provocation I face.

If i am defending a third party (my family or a client) and all else fails, and lives are in danger, then I would go for the neck break or choke to kill. The use of gun is similar, injure by firing at leg or arm, or kill by aiming at heart or forehead, depends upon situation.

However, KM teaches third party protection which body guards use to protect clients and get them out of danger and into safety. For a private citizen, it helps in saving family, parents, kids etc.

The key is to practice again and again, with proper instruction, until it becomes second nature.
About second nature, yes. I give a break in my KM lessons because at times i feel my second nature of awareness is taking over me. I start to sense people walking behind me, people making eye contact with me while i walk on streets, the way cars pass by me, the way people look at me, the things they are holding in their hands, people wearing hoodies, people hiding hands in pickets, i start to notice pockets even. i start to notice peoples face expressions, their eyes, their way of walking, if they are walking nervously, if they ware walking aggressively, if they are walking too cautiously themselves. KM has instilled in me to walk in the direction where cars are coming in my opposite direction, rather than walk in direction where cars are passing by me from behind. Every new building i enter, its become second nature to see the exits in that room instantly, the windows, doors, exit signs etc.

Above is the awareness factor i was talking about in earlier post.

There was a thread made a few years ago on side arms for self defence, and the thread holds good material on hand guns, security, awareness etc.

There has been excellent material posted by @RescueRanger . His threads hold significant subject matter and information on the topic of security.

A small person can take down and subdue a much larger opponent, if proper technique is used.
I hate to admit it. I have been beaten in sparring and during lessons through techniques by 5 feet tall girl whereas my height is 6 feet. No wonder i found more women than men training in KM classes. On the contrary I have been trained in techniques to subdue a person more taller and more heavier than me so yes its KM is good to go for girls.

There have been classes specially designed for women taught by women for reals life scenarios, in house, in car, in streets, in markets, at public places. I obviously didnt attend those classes but i know they are provided as i have seen in training centre.

In my earlier post, I posted a link of a woman Munazzah who learnt only 9 techniques to protect herself, there are many many more techniques and many more scenarios that can be learnt in KM as KM revolves around real life scenarios, not the 1,2,3 punch kick elbow taught in other Karate and martial arts although yes BJJ is very helpful and there have been classes of grappling taught in KM to tackle an opponent who is trained in BJJ.

Also sisters should honestly look at having powerful attack dogs with them in the car. They don't take up much space and are loving to kids.
Our own Bully would do a fine job of tearing off an attacker, multiple attackers heads. They would literally have to kill it to stop it. They would lay their life down rather than see their loved ones hurt.

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Sadly we also now have many folks not liking dogs and trying to holy than holy and saying they are unclean, yada, yada, when they have been part and parcel of our culture for close to 1,000 years.
Bully Kutta (BK) is basically a fighting breed, its size is intimidating.

A breed called Belgian shepherd dog BSD (primarily Malinois) has been specifically bred for purpose of protection work - protecting person and property. Its size is smaller than of a German shepherd dog (GSD) but it can jump higher than a GSD, it has more energy than a GSD, it has more prey drive and it can be termed as a "GSD on steroids". Its coat is smoother and can stand heat of the desert during day while some working breeds are more active at night in cool weather. A BSD can easily fit into a car such as can be seen in police cars, can leap in and out of car windows, can climb ladders even.

I can talk for long about GSD or BSD, but there are thousands of videos on youtube about their effectiveness in protection work.
It seems you are trained in martial arts because during my training the first attack that i was taught was to hit in the groin area and keep hitting otherwise too till the attacker falls down. If my life is in danger then literally gouge his eyes out, blind him in one eye or both. I may or may not be able to defend myself in court if i kill him and but i have been taught the levels and lengths of defence I can go to considering the intensity of provocation I face.

If i am defending a third party (my family or a client) and all else fails, and lives are in danger, then I would go for the neck break or choke to kill. The use of gun is similar, injure by firing at leg or arm, or kill by aiming at heart or forehead, depends upon situation.

However, KM teaches third party protection which body guards use to protect clients and get them out of danger and into safety. For a private citizen, it helps in saving family, parents, kids etc.

About second nature, yes. I give a break in my KM lessons because at times i feel my second nature of awareness is taking over me. I start to sense people walking behind me, people making eye contact with me while i walk on streets, the way cars pass by me, the way people look at me, the things they are holding in their hands, people wearing hoodies, people hiding hands in pickets, i start to notice pockets even. i start to notice peoples face expressions, their eyes, their way of walking, if they are walking nervously, if they ware walking aggressively, if they are walking too cautiously themselves. KM has instilled in me to walk in the direction where cars are coming in my opposite direction, rather than walk in direction where cars are passing by me from behind. Every new building i enter, its become second nature to see the exits in that room instantly, the windows, doors, exit signs etc.

Above is the awareness factor i was talking about in earlier post.

There was a thread made a few years ago on side arms for self defence, and the thread holds good material on hand guns, security, awareness etc.

There has been excellent material posted by @RescueRanger . His threads hold significant subject matter and information on the topic of security.

I hate to admit it. I have been beaten in sparring and during lessons through techniques by 5 feet tall girl whereas my height is 6 feet. No wonder i found more women than men training in KM classes. On the contrary I have been trained in techniques to subdue a person more taller and more heavier than me so yes its KM is good to go for girls.

There have been classes specially designed for women taught by women for reals life scenarios, in house, in car, in streets, in markets, at public places. I obviously didnt attend those classes but i know they are provided as i have seen in training centre.

In my earlier post, I posted a link of a woman Munazzah who learnt only 9 techniques to protect herself, there are many many more techniques and many more scenarios that can be learnt in KM as KM revolves around real life scenarios, not the 1,2,3 punch kick elbow taught in other Karate and martial arts although yes BJJ is very helpful and there have been classes of grappling taught in KM to tackle an opponent who is trained in BJJ.

Bully Kutta (BK) is basically a fighting breed, its size is intimidating.

A breed called Belgian shepherd dog BSD (primarily Malinois) has been specifically bred for purpose of protection work - protecting person and property. Its size is smaller than of a German shepherd dog (GSD) but it can jump higher than a GSD, it has more energy than a GSD, it has more prey drive and it can be termed as a "GSD on steroids". Its coat is smoother and can stand heat of the desert during day while some working breeds are more active at night in cool weather. A BSD can easily fit into a car such as can be seen in police cars, can leap in and out of car windows, can climb ladders even.

I can talk for long about GSD or BSD, but there are thousands of videos on youtube about their effectiveness in protection work.

I am trained in Ninjutsu and Judo, so I prefer locks and submission holds where control of the opponent can be maintained over some time, or a joint can be immobilized to eliminate the imminent threat.

Overall great posts brother, I would love to learn more about your experiences. Will visit the link when I get some time.
you are worried about Pakistan image right now?Ask every woman and they will tell you of story of being harrased.
Here is thread.
Read this entite thread and tell me why I shouldn’t be pessimistic.
If I keep googling I too will find rape and harassment incidents in a extreme strict country like Saudi Arabia. Because a crime can be reduced it cannot be eliminated completely ,that's a harsh reality of a human society. The type of utopian country you want where exactly no rape happen and where not a minor smirking doesn't happen is far from reality.
You better share your personal life experience or talk about yourself rather than finding tweets .
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After this, for next 10 years no rape case reported then PPP came and remove hang punishment.

Actually law and order situation was very good until Musharraf capitulated to US in 2001, then following influx of refugees and foreign agents, ransom, murder, and rape became more prominent.

Following PPP and N governments did nothing for Pakistan, institutions were eroded and writ of the state weakened.

Now we finally have a government which aspires to fix those problems, but these absconding N and PPP cadres will do nothing but score political points and try to create more instability. Maybe Fazlu Diesel with come with another march or Khadim Rizvi will make more fatwas against the state to help destroy it.

If they were loyal to Pakistan, they would come together with PTI to solve this issue which has hurt all of Pakistan deeply.
Here's what I learned during my sessions - ways to block aggression which is most likely to occur in real life.
1) Bear hug

When grabbed from behind in a bear hug, use your elbow to strike the groin multiple times till the assailant's grip loosens.
Shift your hip to one side and move your leg behind the assailant's to wedge it in between his. Simultaneously, stick your elbow out parallel to the assailant's chest and push him back so he trips on your leg and falls to the ground — this requires a lot of force. Make sure your leg between the assailant's is grounded with full force to trip him. Once he's on the ground attack with punches.

2) Arm pull

One of the most common ways to manhandle a woman is the arm pull.
Instead of tugging and pulling your arm — the assailant's grip will only tighten — open your palm, twist it around and jerk it out from between the assailant's fingers and thumb. During the hand pull, pivot 180 degrees to the side for an elbow attack to the head. (If you're tiny and your assailant huge, jump to strike).

3) Hair pull

Another common way of controlling women is by pulling their hair.
In all probability the assailant will tug and pull at your hair for physical dominance. To regain balance, take both hands, grab a hold of the assailant's hand clutching your hair and hold it steady, turn to face the assailant, grab his neck for stability and kick the groin repeatedly till the assailant's grasp on the hair loosens, then either punch the face or go for an elbow strike.

4) Wall choke

If an assailant grabs you by the neck and pushes you to the wall, pull your chin in so that the head doesn't hit the wall. Once against the wall, drop one shoulder to the side (do not bend your knee) lift the opposite arm in a 90 degree angle and twist to the other side. Push your tricep down the assailant's arms with all your might to break his clasp on your neck, strike his face with your elbow, with the same arm grab the back of his neck and ram the head into the wall.
5) One arm choke

Take the opposite arm and dig your fingers under the palm of the assailant's, peel it away from your neck and outwards rotating it to the other side, keep holding the hand and twisting while grabbing a hold of the assailant's tricep.

Hit the area under the tricep (weak spot) with your knee and continue to twist the tricep in an upward motion and push him to the ground.

6 & 7) Ground choke/rape
There are two ways to do this:

One is when the assailant is choking you while he sits atop your pelvis, use your pelvis to thrust him up with full force. He'll fall face first behind you.

Second is when the assailant is choking you with his legs in-between yours. Clasp your hands together, place your legs inside his and lock them in. Move your arms up and out with full force breaking his grasp on your neck, the assailant will either fall on top of you or drop his hands on either side to steady himself.
In a swift move, place a palm on one side of the assailant's nose and grab the back of his head with the other -- now this is important, the placement of the hands depends on the side you're going to rotate the assailant, If you're going for the left side, then place your left hand on the right side of his nose and your right behind the head -- with your legs still locked in his twist him to one side and get on top of him and strike his face.

8) Pipe or danda attack

If an assailant swings a weapon at you, assess whether it'll make contact or not, if not, run towards the assailant, open your arm at a 90 degree angle, take it over his arm holding the weapon and pull his arm in. Grab the back of his head and strike the groin with your knee multiple times.
Grab the base of the pole with the arm holding the neck and dislodge the other arm to grab a hold of the pipe from the other end, twist and break it out of the assailant's grip and swing. Hard.

These are good moves aimed at self defense and immobilizing the assailant or buying precious time, there is a variation in 2 and 5 through which the arm of the assailant is broken half way and the damage is permanent, requires practice and a very cool head but once it is completed the assailant does have a lot of trouble in grasping even a cup of tea for the rest of his life. Agreed yes self defense is one way but these moves apply to normally a one on one encounter and with an un-armed assailant.

I don't know if @Chak Bamu still keeps his rating, there are a few techniques to disarm an assailant I think SSG does train those moves and some very advanced one.

Firearms are serious stuff and the lady is right in case a lady does fire at an a**hole the prosecutor will have some very interesting points "technical of course" which will try to uphold the letter of the law spirit is altogether a different thing.

A very bad example is that few mullahs turned down the law aimed at usage of DNA as proof in rape cases altogether, on the pretext that the case could have been consensual how stupid one has to be and be called a stupid.

As for public punishment people here may have forgotten that when public execution of Zainab case a**hole was demanded how many opposed it the so called civil society, the mullahs, the lawyers, the fudges (did i say fudges well judges), media people
A very bad example is that few mullahs turned down the law aimed at usage of DNA as proof in rape cases altogether, on the pretext that the case could have been consensual how stupid one has to be and be called a stupid.

According to fiqh ruling, DNA evidence, or even evidence of abduction or physical attack, is sufficient to punish culprit for rape and equivalent to witnesses required.

This whole system is broken. We need fundamental reform from the grassroots level all the way up.

It is imperative that we start cleaning up our streets neighborhood to neighborhood, otherwise such things like this will become commonplace.
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This whole system is broken. We need fundamental reform from the grassroots level all the way up.

It is imperative that we start cleaning up our streets neighborhood to neighborhood, otherwise such things like this will become commonplace.

Change is always permanent if it happens and comes from top. Common Pakistani hardly knows the laws, the ones who formulate laws are not qualified enough and the ones who have to implement them are not interested.
Apparently she is either a widow / divorcee or her husband isn't in Pakistan, because she called her relative(s) for help.
What I heard on TV that she is a French national and is visiting Pakistan. Her husband is still in France.
What I heard on TV that she is a French national and is visiting Pakistan. Her husband is still in France.

Then there may be an insider who has problems with this family and may be wanted to disgrace them. Or it may as well be a case of parked at that place for too long and someone from nearby village(s) noticed her to be alone and took benefit of the situation.

In any case I won't put too much faith in our Justice system even when the real culprits are captured, they may get off the hook, case weak ban gya, prosecution theak nai, defense lawyer can humiliate them in court and family can be blackmailed and so on.

Yes her husband lives and works in Saudi Arabia .
And to be honest that's what I already said on this thread. Her version of story doesn't makes sense and hard to believe.
Because if she was on GT road then it was very easy to rob her new Honda Civic car as well,the most expensive and lucrative item for robbers but they didn't rob it.
Well her hubby is obviously going to blame her for the rest of her life and the kids who watched their mom getting raped infront of them won't grow up as normal people. I think the best punishment is to cut off their dicks and let their identities known to public. And let the hot chicks tease and make fun of their no manhood. That's the best punishment.
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Then there may be an insider who has problems with this family and may be wanted to disgrace them. Or it may as well be a case of parked at that place for too long and someone from nearby village(s) noticed her to be alone and took benefit of the situation.

In any case I won't put too much faith in our Justice system even when the real culprits are captured, they may get off the hook, case weak ban gya, prosecution theak nai, defense lawyer can humiliate them in court and family can be blackmailed and so on.
I have a hunch that the tip of her location was provided by the operator who she called. I have read the detail of the incident which is too heart breaking, but according to that, after she called, police didn't arrive for 1 and a half hours, while the armed goons approached her straight with a gun as if they knew who is inside. The car was tinted and the lady says there's is no way anyone could tell from outside who is in the car.. specially at night. They have performed the crime like they have all the time. Before the crime, while they were dragging the woman and children, they dropped her bag which contained gold jewelry. It took some time for them to find that in the bushes. It's as if they knew no one will arrive at the scene on time. An ordinary robber would have runaway after getting the jewelry and the cash (she was carrying 100k in her bag). They didn't take her mobile.. which means they knew that the mobile might be useless as it would lead to tracking of the culprits. They were not ordinary robbers from nearby villages in my opinion.

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