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Woman raped on Lahore Ring Road, infront of her two children.

I have a hunch that the tip of her location was provided by the operator who she called. I have read the detail of the incident which is too heart breaking, but according to that, after she called, police didn't arrive for 1 and a half hours, while the armed goons approached her straight with a gun as if they knew who is inside. The car was tinted and the lady says there's is no way anyone could tell from outside who is in the car.. specially at night. They have performed the crime like they have all the time. Before the crime, while they were dragging the woman and children, they dropped her bag which contained gold jewelry. It took some time for them to find that in the bushes. It's as if they knew no one will arrive at the scene on time. An ordinary robber would have runaway after getting the jewelry and the cash (she was carrying 100k in her bag). They didn't take her mobile.. which means they knew that the mobile might be useless as it would lead to tracking of the culprits. They were not ordinary robbers from nearby villages in my opinion.

And can we get the majority to support an end to 'blood money'?

People justify the practice of blood money both because of religion and 'traditions/customs'.

This practice should exist no longer - the State should be mandated to pursue prosecution of an accused against whom a case can be made, regardless of whether the family of the victim or victim accept blood money from the accused.
You never let go an opportunity to show your frustration against Islamic laws --- Divine laws can't be changed/altered/ended -- the problem is not with laws, the problem is with your brain, either you have never read any book on fiqh or you are one of those seculars liberals who hate Islam.

Let me educate you little bit,
there's no blood money for cases involving fasad fil ardh --- highway robbery is fasad fil ardh, gang rape is fasad fil ardh, breaking into houses on gun point is fasad fil ardh and the punishment for these crimes is death, crucify the culprits.

So if Pakistani ruling elite isn't treating these crimes as fasad fil ardh due to pressure from white man+ liberal aunties+ some so called ngos; your frustration should be aimed at our ruling elite and not Islamic laws.
An eye witness passed by the woman’s car and rapists DURING the henious crime.

Lahore motorway gang-rape: *Eye-witness regrets for not taking timely action *

It requires nerves of steel for an ordinary man (with no arms) to confront a man with arms ---- I remember, many years ago one of my class fellow (ordinary people) got kidnapped because he stopped some spoiled rich kids harassing a girl.

Our women folks must also be extra careful, we aren't living in an Islamic society where a woman could cross from point a to b without any issues.

Last year, I was traveling on ring road towards raiwind exit late night -- I saw a woman with kids in a full time khatara car -- I made Duas, " Ya ALLAH, ye BiBi apni manzil par khariyat sey pohanch jaey" -----
I have a hunch that the tip of her location was provided by the operator who she called. I have read the detail of the incident which is too heart breaking, but according to that, after she called, police didn't arrive for 1 and a half hours, while the armed goons approached her straight with a gun as if they knew who is inside. The car was tinted and the lady says there's is no way anyone could tell from outside who is in the car.. specially at night. They have performed the crime like they have all the time. Before the crime, while they were dragging the woman and children, they dropped her bag which contained gold jewelry. It took some time for them to find that in the bushes. It's as if they knew no one will arrive at the scene on time. An ordinary robber would have runaway after getting the jewelry and the cash (she was carrying 100k in her bag). They didn't take her mobile.. which means they knew that the mobile might be useless as it would lead to tracking of the culprits. They were not ordinary robbers from nearby villages in my opinion.
Good Points..
The Delay in approach of Police increase my doubts that someone from Local Police station is involved.

Or That the gang is working hand in hand with police. In my opinion The area must have been leased to that gang for snatching and robbery. Therefore Police did not expect such a backlash and thought let them do their snatching and robbery for a while before they arrive at scene,
Police and Gang must a buffer time pre planned upon dealing for lease of area. Police surely have tons of excuses to cover that.

Also, she might have recorded some evidence while they were breaking into the car.
God helped they did not demaged the phone.
Outcry over NA call for abusers’ public hanging

Syed Irfan Raza 08 Feb 2020
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ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly passed on Friday a significant resolution seeking an “exemplary punishment” of public hanging for people convicted of sexually abusing and killing children.

Although the resolution was passed with a majority vote, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and two cabinet members — Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry and Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari — opposed the resolution and termed it “unacceptable” in any civilised society.

The hand-written resolution was moved by six MNAs, including Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Ali Mohammad Khan, Maulana Akbar Chitrali and Ijaz Shah, in the wake of a recent murder of an eight-year-old boy in Nowshera.

The issue was raised by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) MNA Mehnaz Akbar Aziz, who criticised the government for not paying any heed to the tragic incident. She said the body was abused more than 100 times and the DNA of his Madressah [seminary] teacher had matched.
Resolution passed with majority vote in house demands that those who sexually abuse and then kill children be executed in public
The resolution said: “This house strongly condemns the brutal killing of 8-year-old Iwaz Noor in Nowshera and demands that to stop these shameful and brutal killings of children and give a strong deterrence effect, the killers and rapists should not only be given death penalty by hanging but they should be hanged publically.”

Ali Mohammad Khan, who tabled the resolution, said the issue was also brought to the notice of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Human Rights, headed by PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, but he [Bilawal] had opposed the provision of death sentence in such cases. “If our children’s life is unsafe, why should we care about international NGOs? Our religion Islam also directs us for Qisas [equal punishment],” he added.
He said had Mr Bhutto-Zardari passed the bill calling for public hanging, the house would not have been compelled to pass such resolution.

Former prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf of the PPP said public hanging was not acceptable in “our or in any other society”. He was of the opinion that ramping up the severity of punishments did not result in a reduction in child abuse cases. Reminding the members of parliament that Pakistan is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, he said public hanging violated the laws of the United Nations.
Mr Ashraf’s assertion was seconded by Fawad Chaudhry and Shireen Mazari, though they were not present in the house when the resolution was passed.
Mr Chaudhry said in a tweet: “This is just another grave act in line with brutal civilisation practices. Societies act in a balanced way. Barbarism is not the answer to crimes [...] this is another expression of extremism.”
Ms Mazari tried to distance the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) from the resolution and said it was “not government-sponsored but an individual act”. “Many of us oppose it — our MOHR (Ministry of Human Rights) strongly opposes this. Unfortunately, I was in a meeting and wasn’t able to go to NA,” she said in a post on Twitter.
The session was presided over by Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri.
AI, HRCP reaction
According to a report released by child rights organisation Sahil in September last year, 1,304 cases of sexual abuse of children were reported by the media from January to June 2019, showing at least seven children were abused every day.
With the issue continuing to remain widely prevalent, the government has been criticised for not taking any concrete measures to address flaws in the investigation system or implementation of relevant laws.
The Amnesty International and Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) have also expressed displeasure over the passage of the resolution.
Amnesty International’s South Asia deputy director Omar Waraich said: “The sexual abuse and murder of children are among the most horrific crimes, but the death penalty is not a solution. Public hangings are acts of unconscionable cruelty and have no place in a rights-respecting society.
“The authorities must focus their energies on giving children in Pakistan the protection they desperately need through strong safeguarding policies and procedures before abuse happens, enforcing laws against sexual abuse, and holding the perpetrators of abuse against them to account through fair trials without recourse to the death penalty.”
He added: “Executions, whether public or private, do not deliver justice. They are acts of vengeance and there is no evidence that they serve as a uniquely effective deterrent. If human life holds then highest value, then taking it away is lowest act. The state should not perpetuate the cycle of violence by putting people to death.”
The HRCP said it was perturbed at the National Assembly’s resolution calling for child sexual abusers to be hanged publicly. “This contravenes Pakistan’s international human rights obligations and brutalises society further. Calling for public hangings does not absolve the state of its responsibility to protect children from abuse and violence. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that public hangings will deter perpetrators,” it said in a statement on Twitter.
Published in Dawn, February 8th, 2020

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PakSword
What shall we do with these Libros..
@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PakSword
What shall we do with these Libros..
Government should just present the bill and get it passed in a joint session. There's no need to pay attention to any of the libtard demands. They are problem in every country of this planet.
I have a hunch that the tip of her location was provided by the operator who she called. I have read the detail of the incident which is too heart breaking, but according to that, after she called, police didn't arrive for 1 and a half hours, while the armed goons approached her straight with a gun as if they knew who is inside. The car was tinted and the lady says there's is no way anyone could tell from outside who is in the car.. specially at night. They have performed the crime like they have all the time. Before the crime, while they were dragging the woman and children, they dropped her bag which contained gold jewelry. It took some time for them to find that in the bushes. It's as if they knew no one will arrive at the scene on time. An ordinary robber would have runaway after getting the jewelry and the cash (she was carrying 100k in her bag). They didn't take her mobile.. which means they knew that the mobile might be useless as it would lead to tracking of the culprits. They were not ordinary robbers from nearby villages in my opinion.
Most likely, the operator need to be in custody and thoroughly investigated. Check his phone calls at that time.
خاتون اور اس کی فیملی فرانس میں رہتے تھے۔ ان کے پاس وہاں کی نیشنیلٹی بھی تھی۔ خاتون کے ایک رشتہ دار کا کہنا ہے کہ وہ اپنے بچوں کو لے کر پاکستان آئی تھی کہ بچے یہیں پڑھیں اور یہیں کے اسلامی کلچر کے مطابق پلیں بڑھیں۔
ایک ایجنسی کے دوست کا کہنا ہے کہ ہم لوگ جس وقت جائے وقوعہ پر پہنچے خاتون پولیس والوں کے آگے گڑگڑا رہی تھی کہ مجھے گولی مار دو۔میں زندہ نہیں رہنا چاہتی۔ وہ ان لوگوں کو خدا کے واسطے دے رہی تھی کہ مجھے گولی مار دو۔ انہیں ان کے بچوں کا واسطہ دے رہی تھی کہ مجھے مار دو۔ اس کے اس مطالبے پر عمل نہیں ہوا تو اس نے دوسرا مطالبہ سامنے رکھا۔
خاتون کا کہنا تھا کہ یہاں موجود سب لوگ حلف دیں کہ اس واقعے کے بارے میں کسی کو نہیں بتائیں گے۔ اس کے خاندان اور کسی بھی اور شخص کو اس وقوعے کے بارے میں پتہ نہ چلے۔وہ مقدمہ درج نہیں کرانا چاہتی۔ یہاں موجود ایک ایس پی صاحب نے خاتون کو یقین دہانی کرائی کہ یہ وقوعہ بالکل بھی ہائی لائٹ نہیں ہو گا۔
دوست کا کہنا ہے کہ خاتون کی حالت انتہائی خراب تھی۔ عموما فارنزک سائنس ایجنسی والے ایسے مواقع پر وکٹم کی تصاویر لیتے ہیں۔ لیکن خاتون کی حالت ایسی افسوسناک اور دردناک تھی کہ کسی کی ہمت نہیں پڑی کہ وہ اسے اس کام کیلئے کہہ سکے یا تصاویر اتار سکے۔ وہ ہاتھ جوڑ کر ان کی منتیں کر رہی تھی کہ مجھے قتل کر دو۔
خاتون شاید اسے فرانس سمجھ کر ہی رات کے اس پہر بچوں کو لے کر گوجرانولہ جانے کیلئے نکلی تھی کہ کونسا زیادہ سفر ہے۔ ایک گھنٹے میں گوجرانوالہ پہنچ جائیں گے۔ لیکن اسے نہیں پتہ تھا کہ یہ پاکستان ہے۔ یہ مسلمانوں کا ملک ہے۔ [emoji2969][emoji24]

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