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Woman raped on Lahore Ring Road, infront of her two children.

I believe that the CCPO was warning the public that when one starts the journey, especially at night, whether you are a male or female, they should check all the necessary points before driving. What he is trying is cautioning the public in general. I felt what he said it was degrading the female; he especially said in his comments that the female was like his daughter. Let us not make this tragedy into something political, which we are terrific in doing. Let us all not go overboard. Let us instead pray that the culprits are apprehended.
CCPO's view is natural. Whenever one goes elsewhere, everybody does that what said the CCPO (As in vogue). The people of the "N" League relevant to social media are on the way what is their political pursuits. Omar Sheikh is an honest and brave officer. A campaign is being launched against him under a scheme.
I think the traffic people who told her that this is not our area and hung up. I think it was the policeman or his friend who knew that the woman was alone. He should come and help her as a moral duty.
We should hang the oppressors in public. Islamic law is every public punishment. When sin is public, why is punishment not public?
I pray to Allah to protect our mother sisters from this evil act; our country justice system is at the brink of complete failure; no one feels safe from this filthy system. Is for this system we created Pakistan? The question belongs to the people of Pakistan who vote this filthy system by their will.
12 suspects arrested in Lahore motorway gang rape: Punjab govt
Dawn.com | Imran Gabol | Nadir GuramaniUpdated 10 Sep 2020
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Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has directed the Inspector General of Police to submit a report. — Creative Commons/File

Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has directed the Inspector General of Police to submit a report. — Creative Commons/File
Punjab government spokesperson Mussarat Cheema on Thursday said police had arrested 12 men suspected of involvement in the alleged gang-rape of a woman on the Lahore-Sialkot motorway.
Two "robbers" allegedly raped the woman at gunpoint in Gujjarpura area on Wednesday while she was waiting for help on the motorway after her car developed a fault.
A police official said as the woman crossed the toll plaza on the Lahore-Sialkot motorway, her car stalled either due to shortage of petrol or some fault.
Meanwhile, she got a call from a relative in Gujranwala, who asked her to call the police helpline for help while he also left from home to reach her. When he reached the location, he found the woman terrified with her clothes stained with blood.
The police official said two armed men found the woman alone, took her and her children to a nearby field at gunpoint and gang-raped her, adding that police had formed teams to trace the culprits.
Cheema said in a tweet today that Punjab Police and related departments were "working in close coordination to capture those involved in [the] painful motorway incident".
"So far 12 suspects have been arrested and search is going on," she said.

A statement released by the Punjab Police also confirmed the arrests and said that 20 teams of Lahore Police and CIA, headed by the deputy inspector general of police (investigation), had been constituted on the orders of Inspector General Inam Ghani to investigate the case. It said that police were taking all necessary measures, adding that "no stone will be left unturned to provide immediate justice to the victim and her family".
The police teams are "working day and night", the statement said, to identify the accused by gathering DNA evidence, geofencing, examining CCTV footage and Nadra records.
"More than half of the suspects in the case are being investigated and raids are being carried out to nab dozens of former record holders in such incidents," IGP Ghani was quoted as saying.
During a meeting, Ghani said that command officers should consider it as a test case and bring it to a logical conclusion as early as possible, the statement said.
"Irresponsibility would not be tolerated in arresting the social criminals involved in sexual violence and oppression," he said.
Prime Minister Imran Khan, in a statement, condemned the sexual assault of the lady in Lahore as well as that of a five-year-old child, who had been murdered and torched after being raped in Karachi, which surfaced on Sunday. He summoned reports of both incidents from the IGs of the provinces.
"The protection of women is the government's foremost priority and responsibility. Such brutality and savagery cannot be allowed in any civilised society. Such incidents are against our social values and an ugly stain on our society," the statement released by PM Office said.
The prime minister also stressed on the need to strengthen laws for the protection of women and children.

Meanwhile, Minister for Human Rights Shireen Mazari said that the ministry's regional office "immediately asked for an action report from the police".
The ministry received the report as well as a copy of the first information report (FIR) of the incident, she added.

Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar vowed that justice would be delivered in the case.
"Justice will be done in the motorway case no matter what and those who tortured the victim will have to suffer strict punishment!" he tweeted.
He said that the responsibility of providing protection and justice to civilians rested with the state.
"Our manifesto is to create a society where, whether it's day or night, women/children would feel safe whether they are alone or with family."

Information Minister Shibli Faraz also condemned the incident and vowed that the "wicked characters who committed this heinous act will not escape the law" and will be punished accordingly.

PML-N President and Leader of the Opposition Shehbaz Sharif urged society to "at least stand with the victim and acknowledge the real problem".
He said that the incident should be dealt with "collective and mutli-pronged action" instead of a "knee jerk response".
"We as a society are failing our women & children," he remarked. "For starters, at least stand with the victim and acknowledge the real problem. Yet another horrible incident calls for collective & multi-pronged action... NOT a knee-jerk response!"

In an earlier tweet, the former Punjab chief minister had termed the incident "condemnable, shameful and saddening".
PPP leaders also condemned the incident and party's Senator Sherry Rehman submitted a calling attention notice in the Senate Secretariat to discuss the matter in the upper house.
"This heinous crime merits a response from the concerned minister on the floor of the house," the notice read.
Separately, PPP leader Nafisa Shah termed the incident as "saddening" and said that the crime took place on a major road which "raises a lot of question marks for the government". Shah said that there were reports that motorway police were not deployed on the road despite repeated requests. She demanded that the chief minister and the concerned minister should both accept their "incapability" and resign.
Last night, Chief Minister Buzdar took "strict notice" of the incident and directed the Inspector General of Police to submit a report.
Buzdar gave instructions for arresting those involved in the incident as quickly as possible, adding that "justice would be provided to the woman".

Case will be a 'classic example'
Later in the evening, prime minister's adviser Shahzad Akbar said that police were gathering evidence and the culprits would be arrested soon.
"There is also an asministrative failure which we should admit," he said while talking to reporters alongside Lahore Capital City Police Officer Umer Sheikh. Akbar, who is adviser to the prime minister on interior and accountability, also addressed on air remarks made by Sheikh — where he suggested that women should be careful while leaving their homes — and said that it was being turned into a "meaningless controversy".
Sheikh, while explaining the measures being taken to probe the case, said that the case will be resolved and become a "classic example".
He said that rural and urban policing was being "combined" to investigate the case as the police were deploying all resources including foot tracking, DNA profiling and geofencing etc. The CCPO said that the crime scene's radius was hardly three to five kilometres but the location was near three villages. He assured that the police had gathered some "clues" as well.
When asked about his remarks, Sheikh defended himself by saying that "it was a message to the general public because our society is not [as independent]".
"We didn't deny that this crime took place, we are investigating it and we are finding some positive clues," he said.
Senate body summons Motorways IGP
Senate human rights panel also took notice of the matter and summoned the IGP of motorways police to brief members on the incident. The motorways police chief will also be required to tell the committee why distress calls by the victim were not answered.
According to a notification of the agenda of the meeting, that will be held on September 10, the communications secretary will also be required to brief committee members over the incident

Government and police are taking proper action. Glad to see this.

PPP attempting to score points as usual.

Only if bilawal didnt oppose the bill we would.have passed death sentece to rapist but ofcourse har burai ka garh PPP.

Rapist and acid thrower to female should be given death sentence period.

Acid throwing should be treated as murder. I don't remember last time this crime occured in Pakistan, but recently some cases in India did happen.
Agreed. The crime is horrid, but what matters (after the fact) is that we catch the culprits and punish them. That alone won't solve the underlying systemic issues -- that requires a massive overhaul -- but we can't fail at delivering justice. It cannot be an option, ever.
Whats more fked up, is the fact that the motorist who saw the attack did nothing except calling the police and speeding away. Imagine what cucks this society is producing.
This practice should exist no longer - the State should be mandated to pursue prosecution of an accused against whom a case can be made, regardless of whether the family of the victim or victim accept blood money from the accused.
I will gladly support cause for end to blood money. This has been misused a lot along with concept of jirgah for muk muka for other crimes.
As per SC decision this issue is settled as blood money does not resolve the obligation of state in cases which fall in Fasad Fil Ard category .... and automatically resume the role of prosecution even if the victim family accept to receive blood money and try to withdraw the case, one such example of this type of case is Shahzaib Qatal Case in which court did not release the murderers even after the blood money was paid to family of Shahzaib
I learned 8 self-defence moves to help you protect yourself from assault -

Amir J. Khan taught me the art of Krav Maga, a self-defence system.

Here's how you can benefit.

UPDATED 09 MAR, 2020 02:57PM

This story was first published on 7th March 2017.

Ask yourself: Do I feel safe? Safe on the streets of my city? Safe from people at work? Safe at home?
I'll go first. I don't.
I never feel safe unless I'm within my home in Karachi. Even then I'm acutely aware of household objects I can use as potential weapons against intruders in case of a break in. Keys? Yes, I can wedge the teeth between my fingers and attack the face. Vase? Yes, can break it on the head and use the shards to stab. Glass of water? Throw water on the face. Distract. Then break glass on the head. Yes. That should work. Books? Shield? Hmm, maybe.
Call me paranoid but my guard is always up.
It could be owing to the recent break in at my aunt's house — the robbers pushed and shoved the poor woman down a flight of stairs with complete disregard to her age or health — or it could be a reaction to news of harassment at Atif Aslam's concert, or the fact that since an early age, each time I've stepped foot outdoors I've felt like a hapless prey shrinking under the weight of penetrating stares of predators on the streets.
Feeling safe is a luxury we don't have, at least not given the current situation in Pakistan. Women face harassment at work, on the streets, when using public transport and some, even in their own homes.
And although we may not be able to stop molestation from taking place at large or even in the home, we can, however, fend for ourselves by learning self-defence.
So when gym and studio, MUV Base introduced self-defence classes by personal safety and self-defence (Krav Maga) instructor Amir J. Khan, needless to say, I was instantly interested.
It's best to learn these self-defence moves from a professional and then practice them on a daily basis so they become second nature. You shouldn't use them without practice and training.
As Amir stressed to me, these moves are meant to weaken the assailant and give you enough time to get away. It's not advisable to keep attacking the assailant, which will reduce your getaway time and attract bystanders and/or the assailant's companions.

Here's what I learned during my sessions - ways to block aggression which is most likely to occur in real life.
1) Bear hug

When grabbed from behind in a bear hug, use your elbow to strike the groin multiple times till the assailant's grip loosens.
Shift your hip to one side and move your leg behind the assailant's to wedge it in between his. Simultaneously, stick your elbow out parallel to the assailant's chest and push him back so he trips on your leg and falls to the ground — this requires a lot of force. Make sure your leg between the assailant's is grounded with full force to trip him. Once he's on the ground attack with punches.

2) Arm pull

One of the most common ways to manhandle a woman is the arm pull.
Instead of tugging and pulling your arm — the assailant's grip will only tighten — open your palm, twist it around and jerk it out from between the assailant's fingers and thumb. During the hand pull, pivot 180 degrees to the side for an elbow attack to the head. (If you're tiny and your assailant huge, jump to strike).

3) Hair pull

Another common way of controlling women is by pulling their hair.
In all probability the assailant will tug and pull at your hair for physical dominance. To regain balance, take both hands, grab a hold of the assailant's hand clutching your hair and hold it steady, turn to face the assailant, grab his neck for stability and kick the groin repeatedly till the assailant's grasp on the hair loosens, then either punch the face or go for an elbow strike.

4) Wall choke

If an assailant grabs you by the neck and pushes you to the wall, pull your chin in so that the head doesn't hit the wall. Once against the wall, drop one shoulder to the side (do not bend your knee) lift the opposite arm in a 90 degree angle and twist to the other side. Push your tricep down the assailant's arms with all your might to break his clasp on your neck, strike his face with your elbow, with the same arm grab the back of his neck and ram the head into the wall.
5) One arm choke

Take the opposite arm and dig your fingers under the palm of the assailant's, peel it away from your neck and outwards rotating it to the other side, keep holding the hand and twisting while grabbing a hold of the assailant's tricep.

Hit the area under the tricep (weak spot) with your knee and continue to twist the tricep in an upward motion and push him to the ground.

6 & 7) Ground choke/rape
There are two ways to do this:

One is when the assailant is choking you while he sits atop your pelvis, use your pelvis to thrust him up with full force. He'll fall face first behind you.

Second is when the assailant is choking you with his legs in-between yours. Clasp your hands together, place your legs inside his and lock them in. Move your arms up and out with full force breaking his grasp on your neck, the assailant will either fall on top of you or drop his hands on either side to steady himself.
In a swift move, place a palm on one side of the assailant's nose and grab the back of his head with the other -- now this is important, the placement of the hands depends on the side you're going to rotate the assailant, If you're going for the left side, then place your left hand on the right side of his nose and your right behind the head -- with your legs still locked in his twist him to one side and get on top of him and strike his face.

8) Pipe or danda attack

If an assailant swings a weapon at you, assess whether it'll make contact or not, if not, run towards the assailant, open your arm at a 90 degree angle, take it over his arm holding the weapon and pull his arm in. Grab the back of his head and strike the groin with your knee multiple times.
Grab the base of the pole with the arm holding the neck and dislodge the other arm to grab a hold of the pipe from the other end, twist and break it out of the assailant's grip and swing. Hard.

Much love bro. But I'll be honest and say that much of that won't work due to strength differences, and with a determined male attacker is hard to stop.
I'd say the sisters do Brazilian Jujitsu, an art proven to overcome weight difference and where a woman can slap on a life ending choke on a stronger male.

Send the sisters here. The one is in Karachi;

Also sisters should honestly look at having powerful attack dogs with them in the car. They don't take up much space and are loving to kids.
Our own Bully would do a fine job of tearing off an attacker, multiple attackers heads. They would literally have to kill it to stop it. They would lay their life down rather than see their loved ones hurt.


Sadly we also now have many folks not liking dogs and trying to holy than holy and saying they are unclean, yada, yada, when they have been part and parcel of our culture for close to 1,000 years.

Culprits will be found, punishment will be given.

We need to teach men how to behave so that such incidents never occur.

A compaign of public awareness is need of the hour.

The real problems for the women and her children now for the rest their lives will be trauma/PTSD and dealing will society.

First thing first, society. Any person who knows her might at some point of her life may mock her. Her kids might be subjected to the mocking too, either by adults or their kids. We need to teach people how to show compassion towards victims.

Secondly, PTSD. She and her kids are gonna suffer for rest of their lives. They might even try to blame themselves for what happened to them which they shouldn't. They will have real problem being social and especially trusting people.

The least Govt. can do is to provide them some psychiatric help.
We also need to not set unreasonable expectations.

Even the best law enforcement agency cannot be everywhere at all times.

Even educated & developed countries struggle to control murder and sexual assaults on women and children.

The university I went to, in one of the most affluent counties in the US, had a series of high profile sexual assaults occur in and around the university campus. The people involved (2 men) drove around in a plain white window-less van (like most private contractors in the US). One would drive, the other would be in the back and they would pull up next to a girl/woman in a secluded area and the guy in the back would yank the girl into the van and drive off.

In a couple of cases, women were abducted walking from their car in the parking lot to their place of employment early morning.

Outside of high-profile serial cases like the one I mentioned, sexual assaults are a major issue in the US, and that is despite the presence of extremely well trained, funded, equipped and independent law enforcement agencies.

So again, reforms in law enforcement are needed, education in our schools about respect and tolerance and non-violence is needed, education in our families is needed, but law enforcement CANNOT prevent every crime. We are a flawed species and there will always be human beings willing to rape and/or kill men, women and children, regardless of how strong we make our laws and how well we implement them.
The issue is not the availabiliy of tools and implementation of laws..
In a larger perspective i feel the core of society is rotting.

Just a decade ago, A man could not even imagine such things when we were in much more open social system. I remember women were more respected in my neighbourhood Keep in Mind that the People use to stay home in nights due to Risk of RObbery and stuff but Never Heard of Rape cases.

Even Robbers were professional robber they also had dignity Not psychopaths.

Something really bad has happened in last decade that we are seeing these Rascals. They all grew up in last decade and now we are facing these disasters
Something is being missed in rising them well and in their grooming
Sadly we also now have many folks not liking dogs and trying to holy than holy and saying they are unclean, yada, yada, when they have been part and parcel of our culture for close to 1,000 years.

I am also a dog lover. It is a solution for protection against such crimes. I would nominate the Belgian Malinois ...

Surat Al Kaaf has dogs for protection... So I don't know why there is there this stigma against dogs. Having them as useful pets is one thing... Sleeping with them in the same bed is another...

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