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Indians are unattractive and looks grotesque and hideous. Not trying to offend anyone, just telling my private opinion.

But again, may be i am spoiled by growing up with nordic girls.

So you are a worshiper of the blond and blue-eyed people. No wonder you support the Ukrainian Nazis and hate the Russians trying to eliminate them.

Also please do post your non-Indian haseen mukhda so that we may understand the great playboy that is you who is able to tempt females aged 15 to 50.
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So you are a worshiper of the blond and blue-eyed people. No wonder you support the Ukrainian Nazis and hate the Russians trying to eliminate them.

Also please do post your haseen mukhda so that we may understand the great playboy that is you who is able to tempt females aged 15 to 50.

As i said, @Joe Shearer, just expressing my opinion.

Why the butthurt?
As i said, @Joe Shearer, just expressing my opinion.

Why the butthurt?

No butthurt here. I have drunk a second round of tea and have emptied my bowels so no butthurt anymore for the noon. :lol:

I was just talking about your mention of Indians being unattractive, grotesque and hideous so was just wonderously waiting to see your Bangladeshi haseen mukhda that is able to charm the world's female citizens with much much ease and you are almost now a retired playboy. Is that not fair ? 😇
No butthurt here. I have drunk a second round of tea and have emptied my bowels so no butthurt anymore for the noon. :lol:

I was just talking about your mention of Indians being unattractive, grotesque and hideous so was just wonderously waiting to see your Bangladeshi haseen mukhda that is able to charm the world's female citizens with much much ease and you are almost now a retired playboy. Is that not fair ? 😇

As ever, you seem to not understand my writing, or rather WHY i am writing the way i did.
OK now you are going into a recursive loop. :lol:
You code monkey, you wouldn't know Islam from Integer data type.
I don't know more than scholars but I definitely know more about Islam than a murtad pig like you who thinks Hadiths should be rejected, LGBTQ should be accepted, Islam is outdated and should be reformed LOL Get the **** outta here pig

You didn't watch the vid posted by Rushd Alam which is 20 minutes long nor you read my post that included the vid and elaborated it and yet automatically came here to utter your rot.
I have debunked your BULLSHIT countless times yet you're a retarded bitch who wouldn't accept that he's lost I won't bother watching another murtad like Ghulam Ahmed Parvez which you quoted before this is another one like him LOL

Show me where in the Quran is dictated to the female to cover herself in burqa in the Jewish fashion as above pictures ? "Commanded by Allah" is just a way of you mullahs using fear-inducing and lynch-mob-preparation words to terrorize society and make them follow your evil, anti-human and misogynist diktats.

Verses 30-31 in Surah 24 of the Holy Qur’an, which give the meaning of:
{Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigor, or children who know naught of women’s nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed.}* Also verse 59 in Surah, which give the meaning of: *{O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them [when they go abroad]. That will be better, that so they may be recognized and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.}* The above verses very clearly show that it is Allah Almighty Himself, Who commands the women to wear hijab, though that word is not used in the above verses. In fact, the term hijab means much more than the covering of the body; it refers to the code of modesty outlined in the verses quoted above. The expressions used: “Lower their gaze”, “be modest”, “not to display their adornment”, “draw the veils over their bosoms” “not to stamp their feet” etc.
You aren't a Muslim stop speaking in our matters you murtad bitch

Jamal Abdul Nasser ( years ago when I was a student in a computer institute I had a colleague named after him ) make fun of the "Muslim" Brotherhood chief who wanted Nasser to impose the burqa on Egyptian females. Note the audience's reaction. The speech is from 1958 but 64 years later you didn't understand how evolved, revolutionary and progressive the Muslims were then including in countering the anti-Islamists like "Muslim" Brotherhood and how the environment is now, changed by filths like the TJ. Watch the vid :
I won't bother watching a murtad like you I know who he is and I know how filthy women in his family dress too

Lastly if you think Islam is misogynistic then it is
Islam supports a patriarchal society where men dominate everything CRY ABOUT IT :rolleyes:

In fact I will tell you to wear a burqa in solidarity with the Muslim females you claim you respect, instead of the females wearing the burqa because it will prevent the females to not be tempted by looking at the faces of the males and to avoid looking at uglies like you.
Ugly? Coming from a murtad pig its funny lol
And why don't you wear a skirt? a revealing dress if want women to wear them so much? Illogical idiot

All you and your murtad gay partners can do is CRY ABOUT IT we are in control and we will do what we see fit yes we are a patriarchal society if you think that's misogynistic then keep whining we don't care :lol:

And like I said before don't bother tagging me anymore if you're gonna bark the same bullshit again and again which I have ALREADY DEBUNKED

Backwards idiots like @Raja420, @Black Vigo, and @Areesh are only the tip of the iceberg, you are in for a ride here. This is only the beginning, I personally cant wait for more to join up the clown squad.
@waz @WebMaster keep this gay partner of jamahir under control I had never spoken to this retard before yet he chose to tag me here to provoke me otherwise don't get in my way when I start speaking up
Indians are unattractive and looks grotesque and hideous. Not trying to offend anyone, just telling my private opinion.

But again, may be i am spoiled by growing up with nordic girls.
You may be spoilt by being an entitled brat treated as a curiousity by seekers of exotic experiences. :)

As i said, @Joe Shearer, just expressing my opinion.

Why the butthurt?
Amused, not butthurt.

Curious how the word 'butt' comes into the vocabulary of every emigrant.:partay:
You may be spoilt by being an entitled brat treated as a curiousity by seekers of exotic experiences. :)

Did someone really say that to you?
That must have aweful experience. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. :sarcastic:

Amused, not butthurt.

Curious how the word 'butt' comes into the vocabulary of every emigrant.:partay:

Keep your fantasies for yourself. The same applies to that other weird jama dude who lays out here in details about natural prosess in the morning.

I am glad you finally understood what i tried to tell you. Cant say the same about jamadude.
Did someone really say that to you?
That must have aweful experience. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. :sarcastic:

Keep your fantasies for yourself. The same applies to that other weird jama dude who lays out here in details about natural prosess in the morning.

I am glad you finally understood what i tried to tell you. Cant say the same about jamadude.
Come back when you have intelligent things to say. You might get better tratement then.
Come back when you have intelligent things to say. You might get better tratement then.

Intelligent? Like calling muslim women who choose to practice their faith for “primitive” ? because they choose to cover their body to please God and deny unwanted attention?

Then YOU come with insult about ME personally because i have a opinion too: that indian women are unattractive.
And i am the one who is supposed to come with something intelligent?

@waz @LeGenD Is this guy allowd to play double game and call millions of our mothers and sisters the way as he ses fits, and be allowed to hand out positive and negative ratings too?
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Intelligent? Like calling muslim women who choose to practice their faith for “primitive” ? because they choose to cove their body to please God and deny unwanted attention?

Then you come with insult about ME personally because i have a opinion too: that indian women are unattractive?

Again, did i miss something?

You missed being intelligent.

Go away.
Could be a great game played by $&@
As they want India to be big brother in this region and hence cannot have a competitive power. They will use and clandestinely support religious parties to “Islamicise” the citizens, and with the support of MULLA+armed forces +opposition parties derail the present govt and its economic progress.
Greater plan would be to have nation eventually bankrupt and then split in smaller pieces and have India absorb the “failed” states into its union.
@Black Vigo, I will answer you tomorrow to your twisting of Islamic thought and your regular nonsense. My intellect is insulted by trying to reason with unyielding NATO proxy mullahs like you. Just read the below member who guessed the game plan that involves using the likes of you.

Could be a great game played by $&@
As they want India to be big brother in this region and hence cannot have a competitive power. They will use and clandestinely support religious parties to “Islamicise” the citizens, and with the support of MULLA+armed forces +opposition parties derail the present govt and its economic progress.
Greater plan would be to have nation eventually bankrupt and then split in smaller pieces and have India absorb the “failed” states into its union.

You are right to a large extent but the plan actually targets the security forces, formations like RAB ( Rapid Action Battalion ) which is now under American government sanctions because the forces control the mullahs. This is the slow build up for NATO to enable the mullahs to come to power. I don't like China because it is not a Communist society nor has it helping Russia in Syria and Ukraine but NATO doesn't want Bangladesh to go into the China sphere of influence so it won't be a surprise if in a few years there is a staged protest in Bangladesh by Hefazat-e-"Islam" mullahs a la early 2011 Libya and Syria and security forces will come in and there will be armed resistance from Hefazat and that will be picked up by NATO and it will call for "democratic elections" in BD which will usher in the mullah-friendly BNP party who will take BD into NATO friendly dreams.
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