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What an idiot. You say killing of infant girls is banned in Islam but in this very thread you support the almost-lynching of a girl for wearing jeans and top. :lol: You said the infant girl killing ban thing just because you have heard of it to be present in Islam and not because you believe in it. See how you put it - "Commands from God". You don't say it is anti-human, unjust and criminal from a deeply personal human, rational and empathetic POV but you are robotic and ritualist about it.

@SuperStar20, please don't ask these dunderheads - Wergeland and @kingQamaR who know nothing of Islam and learn ritualisms and pseudo philosophy ascribed to it by ritualist Tableeghi mullahs and excusing away of irrational cultural elements.

I will come back to this thread tomorrow.

I'm not sure by what you mean about it being discusses. But it is, it is all in the media.

If a person like you does not adhere to Sharia in the sense that he does not like it, and thinks man - made laws are better, then such an individual cannot be Muslim. Because Allah clearly stated in the Quran to judge by His law, and that it is the best law for mankind, and this person obviously haven't believed in that
How does the context (hadiths) in 600 AD applicable now? Can you please give your justification.
That is the beauty of islam. The rulings are till the end of the world. It cant be changed as it is not man made and our belief is it is god's rule.

If your law is progressive and changes with peoples moral then there are fundamental issues that needs to be addressed. What will dictate the what law to be set? Majority views or human moral?

If you say morals, then who's moral?

How do you measure the hierarchy of moral difference in people.

To give you an example in australia not long ago homosexuality was a criminal offence, today it is not, maybe tomorrow incest with your mother will become legal, so who moral setting the standard. Currently extreme liberals are setting them, but what makes them better than conservative views? Would you agree with the extreme liberals in incest? Maybe not? If not what makes your view superior than their's?

You should ask, what makes the western morality and law superior then the laws or morals of the east. Is it their economic power or their military? What if china dominates the world in 10 years and US has fallen, will the chienese values be held superior.

Today US is blaming Russia of invading a sovereign nation Ukraine saying its a crime against humanity, where they themselves have invaded Iraq and Afganistan. Both went on war killing millions but claimed their ligitimacy.

Who is wrong here?

To you it maybe one but to someone it maybe the other.

But both cant be right.
I do not know if you are an athist ot theist, but just for arguments sake, say there is a judgement day. Will god judge you based on what you felt was right? Or will there be a standard? Who will get punished the US leaders or Putin? If you say both then I will ask how do you know as they both believed what was right.
Hopefully I made my the point why muslims do not give value to man made laws and you get our position why we abide by the law that our creator has sent us.
Well the problem lies there.
Here is one example: Saudi arabia banned driving for women. They are allowing recently . Was the ban mistake or are they doing mistake now unbanning it?
Saudi Arabia is not the standard of islam. There is nothing stated in islam about females driving being haram. A county can have their own rules based on their certain customs and traditions.

Just want to clearify, Islam tells you how to live, what to avoid, it doent ask you to become an arab.
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Don't go around again. If islam is way of life, everything and anything to with life is dictated by Quran right. Where does local custom comes here?
Good question, to answer your question Islam tells you to certain foods are haram like pork, alcohol plus some others, so that means everything else is halal. Now Arabs have their diet and asians have their diet as long as they are not eating what is prohibited.
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What is your point? Are you here to crack up negative news muslims in the west?

The Casteism I See in America​

A raft of evidence shows that caste discrimination has been imported from India to the United States.
View attachment 850077
My intention is not offend. The rigid nature of muslims when it comes optional/negotiable things related to Islam. They don't respect local laws/customs.
What an idiot. You say killing of infant girls is banned in Islam but in this very thread you support the almost-lynching of a girl for wearing jeans and top. :lol: You said the infant girl killing ban thing just because you have heard of it to be present in Islam and not because you believe in it. See how you put it - "Commands from God". You don't say it is anti-human, unjust and criminal from a deeply personal human, rational and empathetic POV but you are robotic and ritualist about it.

@SuperStar20, please don't ask these dunderheads - Wergeland and @kingQamaR who know nothing of Islam and learn ritualisms and pseudo philosophy ascribed to it by ritualist Tableeghi mullahs and excusing away of irrational cultural elements.

I will come back to this thread tomorrow.
I have stopped answering this Paradise-seeker's posts. He is not to change his Mullah mind. These ignorant Mullahs have created a Cult out of a simple religion on the hopes of entering Paradise that no one ever saw.

I ask these Mullahs to send a few Paradise pictures to see for us how these Momin Muslims are dancing with their highly prized Hoors. Humanity has no place in their mind and they are not progressive.

Failing to develop the country, they move to Christian countries in order to avoid hardship and there they find illegal ways to get unemployment benefits (Read, alms) from the local City offices.

These Mullahs are the curse for the entire human society.
My intention is not offend. The rigid nature of muslims when it comes optional/negotiable things related to Islam. They don't respect local laws/customs.

Neither do Hindus although you guys hide behind nice words. Atleast we muslims are honest and open about it.

If you would assimilate there wouldnt be a single hindu outside of North India 😉
I have stopped answering this Paradise-seeker's posts. He is not to change his Mullah mind. These ignorant Mullahs have created a Cult out of a simple religion on the hopes of entering Paradise that no one ever saw.

I ask these Mullahs to send a few Paradise pictures to see for us how these Momin Muslims are dancing with their highly prized Hoors. Humanity has no place in their mind and they are not progressive.

Failing to develop the country, they move to Christian countries in order to avoid hardship and there they find illegal ways to get unemployment benefits (Read, alms) from the local City offices.

These Mullahs are the curse for the entire human society.

Yes i heard that very often guys like you and that tranny from India youre talking with, are the way you are, as a result of adultery. Ooops did i say adultery!? After all adultery is no wrong in those wretched mind, because its negative connotation is a religious invention.

I guy i met in Army Service said he didnt know his father because his mother had beed taken for a single night in Roskilde Festival in Denmark and left the next day. I have no problem with that. My only problem are all those b@stard children that become wretched little things when they grow up knowing theyre result up a wide open sheath. So the rest up have to endure these confused souls with a totally messed up brains roaming around on the web or in rainbow colors in full daylight nudity. If we are lucky they keep their misery to the clubs and torture chambers they call SM-clubs.
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Neither do Hindus although you guys hide behind nice words. Atleast we muslims are honest and open about it.

If you would assimilate there wouldnt be a single hindu outside of North India 😉
Then neither you should complain about islamophobic nor WOT by non muslims.
Then neither you should complain about islamophobic nor WOT by non muslims.

I personally never complain. I hit back hard whenever i meet nazis, dont care if they are hindu terrorist or white europeans. Sadly thats the only language they understand, and why the rest of us in Europe hate them.

America used WOT as a slogan. It launched war from bases in muslim lands in the Gulf and Pakistan. Obama left that slogan because it had them distracted and loose world supremacy. Muslim Goat Herders slapped you master.

Its your Hindutva slavementality that thinks everyone in Europe is like you. White people hate a@skissers and especially piss-drinking ones.

You OTOH shouldnt complain about Muslims conquorers who ripped apart every single pathetic army or leader you managed to muster. Using big mouth while hiding behind internet wall is your favourite pasttime :sarcastic: but never do i encounter your brazenness in real life. No one likes such cowardness.

I have a suggestion for you. Why dont Hindutva basterds actually for once Man up and go 1 VS 1 against mulims. There are 250 million muslims in India and 1 billion of you, still cannot even deal with that.

You think the west and you have something in common, that they likes you? Think again! If the Christian ever come back to power they will show you your place just like they did to the «indians» on the other side of the Atlantic. Be glad that muslims in comparison actually was kind to your people.
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I personally never complain. I hit back hard whenever i meet nazis, dont care if they are hindu terrorist or white europeans. Sadly thats the only language they understand, and why the rest of us in Europe hate them.

America used WOT as a slogan. It launched war from bases in muslim lands in the Gulf and Pakistan. Obama left that slogan because it had them distracted and loose world supremacy. Muslim Goat Herders slapped you master.

Its your Hindutva slavementality that thinks everyone in Europe is like you. White people hate a@skissers and especially piss-drinking ones.

You OTOH shouldnt complain about Muslims conquorers who ripped apart every single pathetic army or leader you managed to muster. Using big mouth while hiding behind internet wall is your favourite pasttime :sarcastic: but never do i encounter your brazenness in real life. No one likes such cowardness.

I have a suggestion for you. Why dont Hindutva basterds actually for once Man up and go 1 VS 1 against mulims. There are 250 million muslims in India and 1 billion of you, still cannot even deal with that.

You think the west and you have something in common, that they likes you? Think again! If the Christian ever come back to power they will show you your place just like they did to the «indians» on the other side of the Atlantic. Be glad that muslims in comparison actually was kind to your people.
Well, Who is stopping you to enter India and have fight with Hindus. But you have to bring another 1billion of your brothers.
For your info, Israel has just 9m people. You can try your bravery there.

I am not hiding behind internet screen, It is you, who migrated to Norway saying about false prosecution at home.
Watch this video.
Well, Who is stopping you to enter India and have fight with Hindus. But you have to bring another 1billion of your brothers.
For your info, Israel has just 9m people. You can try your bravery there.

I am not hiding behind internet screen, It is you, who migrated to Norway saying about false prosecution at home.
Watch this video.

Why would i want to enter a land where people eat animal feces and urine? If i want to go Safari i rather visit Kenya or Tanzania.

Its not Indian muslims who go around in large groups and beat lone teenager or elderly men. That a hobby for Hindutva terrorist. It proves the fustration and lack of courage as they and YOU know theres nothing you can do about large group of muslims, let alone 250 million. 1 billion against 200 million scattered muslims and still they have to pick poor elderly victims. What a disgrace!

Lol Hiding behind Israel again? They are our religious cousins and blood related with Levantine muslims :sarcastic:Muslims kicked out Crusader after beating them black and blue 800 years ago. Havent been any proper Crusader rule ever since. We sent them home after teaching them Hygiene etiquette and those magic things like Soap. Maybe muslim conqourers of India did a lazy job in teaching the conqoured people there the same etiquette…Oh well. :sarcastic:

Good Jews are welcome in muslim lands as they always were. Its the nutty right wing Zionist filth we dont like.

Use your brains and think,Israel is a bridgehead for transfer of technology and strategies to the Muslim world :yahoo:All while every white leader including your Master the US President, has to bow to our Semittic idol crushing cousins. There is a deep satisfaction to watch US leaders bow to our beloved Prophet Sulaimans Throne every single time they visit Israel:usflag:

My place of birth is Bangladesh and your Hindutva has zilch power there so why would i complain. Do as you please within your own house but dont project it on other people. It would be better for you to actually achieve something against muslims in real world, rather than sitting here on internet and crying for daddy America and Israel to to the job for you:sarcastic:
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Why would i want to enter a land where people eat animal feces and urine? If i want to go Safari i rather visit Kenya or Tanzania.

Its not Indian muslims who go around in large groups and beat lone teenager or elderly men. That a hobby for Hindutva terrorist. It proves the fustration and lack of courage as they and YOU know theres nothing you can do about large group of muslims, let alone250 million. 1 billion against 200 million scattered muslims and still they have to pick poor elderly victims. What a disgrace!

Lol Hiding behind Israel again? They are our religious cousins and blood related with Levantine muslims :sarcastic:Muslims kicked out Crusader after beating them black and blue 800 years ago. Havent been any proper Crusader rule ever since. Jews are welcome in muslim lands as they always were. Its the nutty right wing Zionist filth we dont like.

Use your brains and think,Israel is a bridgehead for transfer of technology and strategies to the Muslim world anyway:yahoo:All while every white leader including you master the US President, has to bow to our Semittic idol crushing cousins. There is a deep satisfaction to see US leaders bow to our beloved Prophet Sulaimans Throne evey single time they visit Israel:usflag:

My place of birth is Bangladesh and your Hindutva has zilch power there so why would i complain. Do as you please within your own house but dont project it on other people. It would be better for you to actually achieve something against muslims in real world, rather than sitting here on internet and crying for your daddy America and Israel to to the job for you:sarcastic:

Well when muslims attacked India, your forefathers were Hindu. You can extrapolate who stood their ground and who could not and converted to Islam. British ruled current India, pakistan and bangladesh for ~150ys. I have not seen/heard any christians in India claiming about British colonization rule.
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