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With killings on the rise, Sikhs in Pakistan’s Peshawar weigh exit

Allah is enough
Unfortunatley from the sound of the article .... you assertion seems to be wrong. He isn't enough for Muslims of various sects it appears but I won't dig in further inorder to not hurt some fragile egos here.
Unfortunatley from the sound of the article .... you assertion seems to be wrong. He isn't enough for Muslims of various sects it appears but I won't dig in further inorder to not hurt some fragile egos here.

That is your opinion Ranjeet Saab
That is your opinion Ranjeet Saab
Maybe you are right .. the article is quoting real people from Peshawar. A sikh is forced to cut his hair just so he can have a better chance at surviving in his own town. He has left his Sikhi if he converts .. his chances for survival improves drastically.
Maybe you are right .. the article is quoting real people from Peshawar. A sikh is forced to cut his hair just so he can have a better chance at surviving in his own town. He has left his Sikhi if he converts .. his chances for survival improves drastically.

Too many maybes and ifs Ruin an Argument ranjeet saab
The article is worthless scaremongering tactic
Nope it gives first hand perspective from the ground zero. You can deny as long as you want .. and I can keep on pulling your leg. none of the will change the situation for these sikhs in Peshawar.
Nope it gives first hand perspective from the ground zero. You can deny as long as you want .. and I can keep on pulling your leg. none of the will change the situation for these sikhs in Peshawar.

You are getting desperate now but sure keep trying
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