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With India backing , Bhutan PM says China Can’t bully us to settle border on their terms


Chinese think they have the might, That is their illusion with copied weapon technologies.

It is better for them to not to think more than what they really are...

Nepal, Bhutan,Srilanka, Marutious, Maldieves are the in the Indian domain and they will remain pro India.

We Chinese are humble, at least we're not delusional like Indians to think that Nepal, Bhutan,Srilanka, Marutious, Maldieves are the in the Indian domain.:coffee: and cry like girl when realised that these countries have pissed India one by one and use China Card as bargainship...such recent Chinese sub in Sri Lanka port.:lol:

And yes we just made the CX-1 a simliar copy of your famous BrahMos :rofl: so we can troll you back if needed, next time you guys wouldn't dare to bragg out loud about selling BrahMos to Vietnam :D
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:lol: It's hard for you to swallow my assessement of the reality of the Bhutan-Indian relation, contrary to most believe, Bhutan-Relation is dominant-subordinated, when Bhutan to sneeze, India will catch cold that is the painfull reality:D, If we ever meet Bhutan next PM once more, you will witness how India will cry like a little girld again.:rofl:

learn how to spell first your pathetic

India can manufacture arms cheaper than China, period !!

China cannot compete with India in selling arms, one of the reason why most of the west are interested in JV's and establishing their industries here.

You can make a copy of Brahmos but you cannot sell as cheap as India !!

Regarding Srilanka, India is main country on which they can depend upon, nothing will change that.


We Chinese are humble, at least we're not delusional like Indians to think that Nepal, Bhutan,Srilanka, Marutious, Maldieves are the in the Indian domain.:coffee: and cry like girl when realised that these countries have pissed India one by one and use China Card as bargainship...such recent Chinese sub in Sri Lanka port.:lol:

And yes we just made the CX-1 a simliar copy of your famous BrahMos :rofl: so we can troll you back if needed, next time you guys wouldn't dare to bragg out loud about selling BrahMos to Vietnam :D
in the dragon dynasty (98461 BCE) Bhutan was taken over by Qing Ping Xing Lee, so Bhutan is a part of china.

Here is the map:

Long long long time ago Indian kings ruled over China so China is India's . Please move over -:)
in the dragon dynasty (98461 BCE) Bhutan was taken over by Qing Ping Xing Lee, so Bhutan is a part of china.

Here is the map:

Nice... Hey This is so funny, China clams Tibet to be its part including parts of J&K which was donated to China by Pakistan... Now Pakistan wants rest of Kashmir....
I wonder what will happen if they get the whole J&K....
Besides it is Chinese policy to get rid of all the Muslim population from China, still Pakistan calls this friendship strong as Iron...
Chairman Mao ones famously said, "Religion is Poison" and made sure that all the religious system in China was abolished during the Chinese revolution...
My advice to Pakistan leadership is to read Art of War by Chinese general Sun Tsui, the first chapter itself describes your friendship and the last chapter concludes your relationship.... Beware of what you wish for, for it might come true... (again a Chinese Proverb)
When Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley met the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on 21st June 2012 at the sidelines of the Rio summit and with a big surprise to all of the diplomats of entire world, this had made Indians gorvernment cried like fool and prompt them to sanction Thimphu with cooking oil and gaz for losing face :lol:. it only toke such insignificant gesture to make India helplessly cried like a girl in the corner, since then China has acknowledge there is a sentitive girl in South Asia so we're are just take it easy with Bhutan even after 22th round of negociation and don't want to see Bhutan to upset the "big" girl next to them.

If it only takes China to throw a stone into the water to generate a Tsunami when face such insecure and sensitive India, do we really need to be bothered of Indian's backing over Bhutan issue?:coffee:

I commend you for typing so many lines with one hand while jacking off with another?
Bangladesh may have a gov that for now is friendly towards india, but that could change any time. The majority of the population of BD do not trust india in the slightest, your not our friends and have never been period.
It is the law of nature that the less powerful always oblige the more powerful.As long as India is of the size and strong as it is now,BD will never dare to have bad relations with India let alone a conflict.You can whine all you want but no sane govt heeds to your advice.In fact it is because your govts have had good relations with India that you are able to progress whatever little you are doing.Just take the case of Pakistan which always was in bad terms with India and everyone knows where it is now.The only way you can show finger to India is by becoming more powerful like Israel by collaborating with all anti Indian countries like Pakistan.But unlike Israel you people are not economically powerful nor can you have support like a country like US bcoz India doesn't have any big enemies whom you can win on to your side.So the essence of the story is be happy with whatever you are and keep saluting to your master India.
It is the law of nature that the less powerful always oblige the more powerful.As long as India is of the size and strong as it is now,BD will never dare to have bad relations with India let alone a conflict.You can whine all you want but no sane govt heeds to your advice.In fact it is because your govts have had good relations with India that you are able to progress whatever little you are doing.Just take the case of Pakistan which always was in bad terms with India and everyone knows where it is now.The only way you can show finger to India is by becoming more powerful like Israel by collaborating with all anti Indian countries like Pakistan.But unlike Israel you people are not economically powerful nor can you have support like a country like US bcoz India doesn't have any big enemies whom you can win on to your side.So the essence of the story is be happy with whatever you are and keep saluting to your master India.

LOL, you an india can kiss my big brown As*. Your supa powa dont mean jack to us, were gonna volt over the fence take over your the neighbouring states one bengali at a time and the real truth is you an modi for all your bla bla cant an wont be able to do jack.
LOL, you an india can kiss my big brown As*. Your supa powa dont mean jack to us, were gonna volt over the fence take over your the neighbouring states one bengali at a time and the real truth is you an modi for all your bla bla cant an wont be able to do jack.
I am unable to comprehend what you said.Go and improve your English a bit and come back.
Nice... Hey This is so funny, China clams Tibet to be its part including parts of J&K which was donated to China by Pakistan... Now Pakistan wants rest of Kashmir....
I wonder what will happen if they get the whole J&K....
Besides it is Chinese policy to get rid of all the Muslim population from China, still Pakistan calls this friendship strong as Iron...
Chairman Mao ones famously said, "Religion is Poison" and made sure that all the religious system in China was abolished during the Chinese revolution...
My advice to Pakistan leadership is to read Art of War by Chinese general Sun Tsui, the first chapter itself describes your friendship and the last chapter concludes your relationship.... Beware of what you wish for, for it might come true... (again a Chinese Proverb)

If you Indian know how to read the first chapt of Sun Tzi properly, you wouldn't have lost the 1962 war so lamentably...and now you want to advise other to read Sun Tzi ? LMAO. And about the friendship you Indians just like to cry at the corner while watch China-Pakistan all weather friends cozy each other, our relation is time tested since the first day of diplomacy mutual recognition. And keep the advise for yourself that's my advice.
If you Indian know how to read the first chapt of Sun Tzi properly, you wouldn't have lost the 1962 war so lamentably...and now you want to advise other to read Sun Tzi ? LMAO. And about the friendship you Indians just like to cry at the corner while watch China-Pakistan all weather friends cozy each other, our relation is time tested since the first day of diplomacy mutual recognition. And keep the advise for yourself that's my advice.

Being Chinese you should read Sun Tzi day and night over and over so that the Japanese don't flip your country up like last time.
Being Chinese you should read Sun Tzi day and night over and over so that the Japanese don't flip your country up like last time.

At least we dont bragg about advising other to read our book like Indians, Japaneses was just an opportunist like many other such Turks and Huns in ancient time, they just earned a short gain in our history but their fate will be more less similar to them, they're walking on self destructif path within the ring of fire we dont even bother to read Sun Tzi against them.

But interestinly what prevent India from been flipped as how your British colonial master did to you ? After all according to Winston Chirchill "India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator."
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