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With India backing , Bhutan PM says China Can’t bully us to settle border on their terms


India can manufacture arms cheaper than China, period !!

China cannot compete with India in selling arms, one of the reason why most of the west are interested in JV's and establishing their industries here.

You can make a copy of Brahmos but you cannot sell as cheap as India !!

Regarding Srilanka, India is main country on which they can depend upon, nothing will change that.


Dont delute yourself, the reason why West are interested in JV with India is because they all know that you don't have the capability to export and compete with them. No matter how you claim to manufacture cheaper than China which debatable , you're already condamned yourself to be the world #1 arm import let along to compete with China in arm export domain.
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At least we dont bragg about advising other to read our book like Indians, Japaneses was just an opportunist like many other such Turks and Huns in ancient time, they just earned a short gain in our history but their fate will be more less similar to them, they're walking on self destructif path within the ring of fire we dont even bother to read Sun Tzi against them.

But interestinly what prevent India from been flipped as how your British colonial master did to you ? After all according to Winston Chirchill "India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator."

Blew your horn as soon as the word Japanese came up...eh? Lots of people said lots of things. So called geographical term now has nuclear weapons amongst other bio/chem stockpile. Power trumps everything.
Blew your horn as soon as the word Japanese came up...eh? Lots of people said lots of things. So called geographical term now has nuclear weapons amongst other bio/chem stockpile. Power trumps everything.

Lol only pathetic people feel the need to bring Japan into discussion when they have no argument against what I said, you Indians are typical. And so what is big deal about your nuke and bio/chem, don't talk like your the only one who possessed its.
We Chinese dont even need to use these stuffs to take care of you, only water is enough to suffer and tormente over hundred millions of Indians for hundred years to come until the entire Himalaya is dried up. :lol:...yes power trumps everything..just ask yourself who will be the king of the Hill.
Dont delute yourself, the reason why West are interested in JV with India is because they all know that you don't have the capability to export and compete with them. No matter how you claim to manufacture cheaper than China which debatable , you're already condamned yourself to be the world #1 arm import let along to compete with China in arm export domain.

This is your delusion !!
Lol only pathetic people feel the need to bring Japan into discussion when they have no argument against what I said, you Indians are typical. And so what is big deal about your nuke and bio/chem, don't talk like your the only one who possessed its.
We Chinese dont even need to use these stuffs to take care of you, only water is enough to suffer and tormente over hundred millions of Indians for hundred years to come until the entire Himalaya is dried up. :lol:...yes power trumps everything..just ask yourself who will be the king of the Hill.

Who was that who had a problem with bragging? Japanese left a big big scar on Chinese psyche. The Chinese need to be reminded about them time and time again so that Sun Tzu fan boys come down from their opium high.
Nice... Hey This is so funny, China clams Tibet to be its part including parts of J&K which was donated to China by Pakistan... Now Pakistan wants rest of Kashmir....
I wonder what will happen if they get the whole J&K....
Besides it is Chinese policy to get rid of all the Muslim population from China, still Pakistan calls this friendship strong as Iron...
Chairman Mao ones famously said, "Religion is Poison" and made sure that all the religious system in China was abolished during the Chinese revolution...
My advice to Pakistan leadership is to read Art of War by Chinese general Sun Tsui, the first chapter itself describes your friendship and the last chapter concludes your relationship.... Beware of what you wish for, for it might come true... (again a Chinese Proverb)
Pakistan never donated AKSAI CHIN, because Pakistan never had Aksai Chin to begin with, in fact Ayub Khan saw this coming & made India an offer of a joint defense. Aksai Chin is a freaking 38,000 sq km piece of real state !
Ayub's offer was straight save 38,000 sq km & accede us just 10,000 sq km in the valley & you still get to keep a freaking 28,000 sq km of territory ! Pak @ that time had all the quality weapons from the west, one could ask for, it was a member of seato & cento, stationing a few state of the Art weapons from America & the Mid-East in Aksai Chin especially against China was quite an easy task & he had the assurances for it as well ,but India being the rigid type that it was Refused ! after the debacle that India had suffered, China entered in to Shsakham valley & gave us two choices , which was concede 1,500 sq mi of it, & save 750 sq mi of its total 2,250 sq mi or loose it all, like India with a beating ! or give it to us, respectfully that way @least you get to keep 750 sq mi of it, & in these conditions any sane person would have taken the later, (koi bhi apni zameen kisi ko shokh se nahi deta ,majboori hoti hai apni ,apni ) Aksai Chin was with India, till it lost it to China ,from 1959 to1962 period when, China started claiming that Area & started to encroach it , India reacted to it ,& send its forces on an offensive to drive the PLA out, which was known as the forward policy , & China went ferocious & retaliated with a full fledged invasion of Aksai Chin & Northeast India & successfully captured Aksai Chin & Arunachal Pradesh & parts of Assam
, India went on an panic mode , China cultivated a brilliant strategy of a two pronged successful invasion & announced a unilateral cease fire & a retreat offer from the north east India only, with China getting Aksai Chin & a few small parts of utarkhand & himachal ,it was a loose one or both situation, with India choosing to loose one (Aksai Chin)
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Who was that who had a problem with bragging? Japanese left a big big scar on Chinese psyche. The Chinese need to be reminded about them time and time again so that Sun Tzu fan boys come down from their opium high.

Same can I say about you, your colonial master had left scar is even bigger than us, over 200 years of domination is quiet an achievement and I guess at that time you Indians had never acknowledged the existance of Sun Tzi.
Pakistan never donated AKSAI CHIN, because Pakistan never had Aksai Chin to begin with, in fact Ayub Khan saw this coming & made India an offer of a joint defense. Aksai Chin is a freaking 38,000 sq km piece of real state !
Ayub's offer was straight save 38,000 sq km & accede us just 10,000 sq km in the valley & you still get to keep a freaking 28,000 sq km of territory ! Pak @ that time had all the quality weapons from the west, one could ask for, it was a member of seato & cento, stationing a few state of the Art weapons from America & the Mid-East in Aksai Chin especially against China was quite an easy task & he had the assurances for it as well ,but India being the rigid type that it was Refused ! after the debacle that India had suffered, China entered in to Shsakham valley & gave us two choices , which was concede 1,500 sq mi of it, & save 750 sq mi of its total 2,250 sq mi or loose it all, like India with a beating ! or give it to us, respectfully that way @least you get to keep 750 sq mi of it, & in these conditions any sane person would have taken the later, (koi bhi apni zameen kisi ko shokh se nahi deta ,majboori hoti hai apni ,apni ) Aksai Chin was with India, till it lost it to China ,from 1959 to1962 period when, China started claiming that Area & started to encroach it , India reacted to it ,& send its forces on an offensive to drive the PLA out, which was known as the forward policy , & China went ferocious & retaliated with a full fledged invasion of Aksai Chin & Northeast India & successfully captured Aksai Chin & Arunachal Pradesh & parts of Assam
, India went on an panic mode , China cultivated a brilliant strategy of a two pronged successful invasion & announced a unilateral cease fire & a retreat offer from the north east India only, with China getting Aksai Chin & a few small parts of utarkhand & himachal ,it was a loose one or both situation, with India choosing to loose one (Aksai Chin)

We were not there in Aksai Chin, China was building road there, 1962 war ended in a status quo.

And yes, Nehru did make some mistakes in handling these issues.
Aksai Chin was with India, till it lost it to China ,from 1959 to1962 period when, China started claiming that Area & started to encroach it , India reacted to it ,& send its forces on an offensive to drive the PLA out, which was known as the forward policy , & China went ferocious & retaliated with a full fledged invasion of Aksai Chin & Northeast India & successfully captured Aksai Chin & Arunachal Pradesh & parts of Assam
It might sound strange today but the Chinese in the 60's were not much interested in the South eastern part of the conflict at all. Zhou En lai did proposed an offer to inter exchange the Western and southern territories which was denied in Delhi. Perhaps the prompt return of the PLA forces from Indian territory was a message to Indians that keep what you have, let us keep what we have got already.
It might sound strange today but the Chinese in the 60's were not much interested in the South eastern part of the conflict at all. Zhou En lai did proposed an offer to inter exchange the Western and southern territories which was denied in Delhi. Perhaps the prompt return of the PLA forces from Indian territory was a message to Indians that keep what you have, let us keep what we have got already.

thanks mate

exactly , the action in the North east frontier agency & Assam was a tactic & not the objective , however India made matters worst especially with reaction like the burning of the rupees deposited in the banks there, coupled with PM Nehru's state address on the issue, as it led to exactly what the Chinese had hoped for, & if one closely observes , you will be surprised , that contrary to the popular believe of overwhelming might, the Chinese actually won by pure psychological domination , it was not the numbers on their side, but the fact that the Indian troops were not adequately equipped for the high altitude atmosphere contributed most for the outcome ,instead of panic had Nehru concentrated on quick mobilization , he could have actually lessen the damage by at least 60 %
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It might sound strange today but the Chinese in the 60's were not much interested in the South eastern part of the conflict at all. Zhou En lai did proposed an offer to inter exchange the Western and southern territories which was denied in Delhi. Perhaps the prompt return of the PLA forces from Indian territory was a message to Indians that keep what you have, let us keep what we have got already.

Yes, however the cease-fire by China coincided with Nehru's decision to finally send a reinforcement of 50,000 troops to the border, for the first time after lot of hesitation and indecision, and with USA's decision to despatch their naval fleet, China declared cease-fire the very next day!!

(Bitorke China-re jomi charum na :D)
Pakistan never donated AKSAI CHIN, because Pakistan never had Aksai Chin to begin with, in fact Ayub Khan saw this coming & made India an offer of a joint defense. Aksai Chin is a freaking 38,000 sq km piece of real state !

Ayub's offer was straight save 38,000 sq km & accede us just 10,000 sq km in the valley & you still get to keep a freaking 28,000 sq km of territory ! Pak @ that time had all the quality weapons from the west, one could ask for, it was a member of seato & cento, stationing a few state of the Art weapons from America & the Mid-East in Aksai Chin especially against China was quite an easy task & he had the assurances for it as well ,but India being the rigid type that it was Refused ! after the debacle that India had suffered, China entered in to Shsakham valley & gave us two choices , which was concede 1,500 sq mi of it, & save 750 sq mi of its total 2,250 sq mi or loose it all, like India with a beating ! or give it to us, respectfully that way @least you get to keep 750 sq mi of it, & in these conditions any sane person would have taken the later, (koi bhi apni zameen kisi ko shokh se nahi deta ,majboori hoti hai apni ,apni )
Aksai Chin was with India, till it lost it to China ,from 1959 to1962 period when, China started claiming that Area & started to encroach it , India reacted to it ,& send its forces on an offensive to drive the PLA out, which was known as the forward policy , & China went ferocious & retaliated with a full fledged invasion of Aksai Chin & Northeast India & successfully captured Aksai Chin & Arunachal Pradesh & parts of Assam
, India went on an panic mode , China cultivated a brilliant strategy of a two pronged successful invasion & announced a unilateral cease fire & a retreat offer from the north east India only, with China getting Aksai Chin & a few small parts of utarkhand & himachal ,it was a loose one or both situation, with India choosing to loose one (Aksai Chin)
Blue part - I agree except the India's rigidity part. India was pragmatic. Otherwise today I would have been a Pakistani. :)

Black part - A few mistakes. India had no effective control in Aksai Chin since the early 1950s. Forget demarcation, there were no regular patrols even in the area. The Chinese built a road to Sinkiang/Xinxiang that went through Aksai in 1959. They had presence before that as well. Also the Indian forces never went on an offensive, this is accepted by the Chinese side as well.

They blame the Forward Policy, but the way they define it is roughly this - it was a slow encroachment of territory, establishment of forward posts even beyond the McMahon Line to cut off Chinese forward posts from supplies. India was totally unprepared to meet a Chinese military response which China took full advantage of. Even the forward artillery for the Indian divisions were not in position! Such was the poor situation that Indian soldier had only 50 rounds per man! Indian Intelligence was of the (ridiculous) view that China would not respond to this with force but come to the table to ratify the Mc Mahon line. This makes no sense now, but made some sense then. After PRChina invaded, occupied and annexed Tibet, there was little reason for India to trust Chinese intentions.

Nehru made two crucial political mistakes.
1. He was sure the Chinese won't attack.
2. He hoped for peace in vain.
Indian military mistakes were not his fault, that must go to the vain Kaul largely.
thanks mate

exactly , the action in the North east frontier agency & Assam was a tactic & not the objective , however India made matters worst especially with reaction like the burning of the rupees deposited in the banks there, coupled with PM Nehru state address on the issue, as it led to exactly what the Chinese had hoped for, & if one closely observes , you will be surprised , that contrary to the popular believe of overwhelming might, the Chinese actually won by pure psychological domination , it was not the numbers on their side, but the fact that the Indian troops were not adequately equipped for the high altitude atmosphere contributed most for the outcome ,instead of panic had Nehru concentrated on quick mobilization , he could have actually lessen the damage by at least 60 %

Nehru should have had more troops with better equipment on China border to begin with, presence of credible deterrence on the border would have discouraged China to go for a war, our generals were constantly advising Nehru about it, but Nehru ignored them, he had a strange apathy for military establishment, I think he saw them as a threat to democracy of India in those initial days.
thanks mate

exactly , the action in the North east frontier agency & Assam was a tactic & not the objective , however India made matters worst especially with reaction like the burning of the rupees deposited in the banks there, coupled with PM Nehru state address on the issue, as it led to exactly what the Chinese had hoped for, & if one closely observes , you will be surprised , that contrary to the popular believe of overwhelming might, the Chinese actually won by pure psychological domination , it was not the numbers on their side, but the fact that the Indian troops were not adequately equipped for the high altitude atmosphere contributed most for the outcome ,instead of panic had Nehru concentrated on quick mobilization , he could have actually lessen the damage by at least 60 %
The root cause of the problem was beneath the huge difference between the capacity of the leaders of the two countries in measuring the gravity of international crisis. Chinese leadership were very much aware of the contemporary world affairs and second world war was a vast learning ground for them. While, Nehru was a perfect representation of British colonial arrogance when it came to protecting its national boundaries turning them into sacrosanct identity of a nation, the Chinese already understood the vitality of negotiation and at the same time building a comprehensive military doctrine; a more pragmatic and useful measure in contemporary world politics.

We, Indians were still living the the complexities of bureaucratic governance and colonial prejudices which led to complete diplomatic and military failure in '62 war. This is possibly the reason why the Chinese had complete psychological domination as well as military in the whole affair.But I believe this defeat was a blessing in disguise for Indians. We learned from it a lot which saved a lot of face of ours in the coming years.
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