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With India backing , Bhutan PM says China Can’t bully us to settle border on their terms

When Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley met the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on 21st June 2012 at the sidelines of the Rio summit and with a big surprise to all of the diplomats of entire world, this had made Indians gorvernment cried like fool and prompt them to sanction Thimphu with cooking oil and gaz for losing face :lol:. it only toke such insignificant gesture to make India helplessly cried like a girl in the corner, since then China has acknowledge there is a sentitive girl in South Asia so we're are just take it easy with Bhutan even after 22th round of negociation and don't want to see Bhutan to upset the "big" girl next to them.

If it only takes China to throw a stone into the water to generate a Tsunami when face such insecure and sensitive India, do we really need to be bothered of Indian's backing over Bhutan issue?:coffee:
What international polling agencies are those that show that the majority Bangladeshis have a positive opinion of india? RAW? I live half the year there and believe me the majority really distrust india especially the young, even this week your heroic BSF beat a child of 12 a simple peasant boy to death for cutting grass near the border.

We get these types of reports daily, and indians wonder why we hate them! I didnt hate indians just distrusted them, now I hate them to the core.

Yeah, RAW was the polling agency. How old are you?
Keep hating mate. No one here gives a crap. :tup:
Yeah, RAW was the polling agency. How old are you?
Keep hating mate. No one here gives a crap. :tup:

Old enough to know an young enough to do. Yeah i will keep hating child murdering scum...
When Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley met the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on 21st June 2012 at the sidelines of the Rio summit and with a big surprise to all of the diplomats of entire world, this had made Indians gorvernment cried like fool and prompt them to sanction Thimphu with cooking oil and gaz for losing face :lol:. it only toke such insignificant gesture to make India helplessly cried like a girl in the corner, since then China has acknowledge there is a sentitive girl in South Asia so we're are just take it easy with Bhutan even after 22th round of negociation and don't want to see Bhutan to upset the "big" girl next to them.

If it only takes China to throw a stone into the water to generate a Tsunami when face such insecure and sensitive India, do we really need to be bothered of Indian's backing over Bhutan issue?:coffee:
Are you done now with your inferiority complex of short D***s of Chinese?
it is just the indian journalists IMPRESSION of China's bullying Bhutan Bull Shit 8-)
India (through it media) is trying to portrait itself as the hero standing up for Bhutan only to be delicately retorted by Bhutan’s Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay who said "we have good relations with China”." in front of the Indians ( implying Indians are not 100% trusted by Bhutanese! :cheesy:

Balkanization of India is a must.
This fake country created by the british must be broken and dalits must be free from Brahmin rule.

It has been being balkanized already for some time, right?

National Security: Global peace demands Balkanization of India …
Why balkanization of India is necessary?

An interesting read hereunder:

India has certainly been a disappointment not only to its own historic past and its heroes, but by the manner it has allowed the Western cultural revolution to usurp its Indian identity. India has disappointed the entire region and the South Asian countries in particular by the manner it has adopted an external affairs policy of destabilizing the very nations that surround it while outwardly pretending to be extending a hand of friendship. Today none of the SAARC nations realistically have anything nice to say about India, given that the roots of their problems can be placed at the door of India and its intelligence operatives. India hasn’t learnt any lessons for it continues these policies unabated. It is a disappointment to the entire Asian continent.

When the Asian continent is well on its way to gaining world supremacy with China and Russia emerging with a very focused and clear plan for the future, it was for India to show similar leadership.

Instead, what does India do? It forges an alliance with the enemy and becomes a member of its Asian partnership that connects Japan and Australia as well. What India does not like to accept is that while the West cannot do without China or Russia, India’s strategic interest for the West comes only AFTER it has been Balkanized. Pre-Balkanization is merely a cosmetic exercise of cozying up to India in a pretentious effort to lay the foundations for the West’s agenda in Asia; India has fallen hook line and sinker.

India is today regarded as the enemy of Asia because of the policy decisions it is taking. Those decisions are prompted into action by the foreigner who now leads India while the rest of the Indian politicians simply prefer to watch the nation fall apart sooner than later. A handful merry with the riches of the nation, concerned only about the profits it makes.

More analysis to tell. Read on:

India’s West-ward tilt betraying Asia will fast-forward her Balkanization :tup::dirol:
it is just the indian journalists IMPRESSION of China's bullying Bhutan Bull Shit
India (through it media) is trying to portrait itself as the hero standing up for Bhutan only to be delicately retorted by Bhutan’s Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay who said "we have good relations with China”." in front of the Indians ( implying Indians are not 100% trusted by Bhutanese!
bhutanese hate indians, i personally know one. He once said to me that bhutan was part of some ancient Han land and hans are the true owner of bhutan.
Are you done now with your inferiority complex of short D***s of Chinese?

:lol: It's hard for you to swallow my assessement of the reality of the Bhutan-Indian relation, contrary to most believe, Bhutan-Relation is dominant-subordinated, when Bhutan to sneeze, India will catch cold that is the painfull reality:D, If we ever meet Bhutan next PM once more, you will witness how India will cry like a little girld again.:rofl:
:lol: It's hard for you to swallow my assessement of the reality of the Bhutan-Indian relation, contrary to most believe, Bhutan-Relation is dominant-subordinated, when Bhutan to sneeze, India will catch cold that is the painfull reality:D, If we ever meet Bhutan next PM once more, you will witness how India will cry like a little girld again.:rofl:
castles of sand don't stand test of time.
lol Bhutan, we had border disputes from ever since Qing dynasty and quite likely even before up until today (and likely into the unkown future), this could be considered as part of our traditional relationship by now, and no hinderance to friendship whatsoever.
Really??? then Indian gorverment to take your advise that they can't control Bhutan for eternity...learn to face the painfull reality.
and you know that the map you show to the world of some qing ping dynasty only existed for few years
Haha india's backing? :rofl: What good is that for :rofl: :rofl: @wanglaokan you should see this bs!!


Chinese think they have the might, That is their illusion with copied weapon technologies.

It is better for them to not to think more than what they really are...

Nepal, Bhutan,Srilanka, Marutious, Maldieves are the in the Indian domain and they will remain pro India.
Wow this may be funny to troll on . But the implications are huge . Chess game is real and better than copy cat chinese checkers LOL This is what Bhutan said ...

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