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With India backing , Bhutan PM says China Can’t bully us to settle border on their terms

Does India protect Bhutan by deploying army at its northern border or somewhere else?

Not officially,But...............

Bhutan: The Indian Army’s Front Line | The Diplomat

Also, Indian Army could reach China-Bhutan Border in a day while China would take a month to reach China-Bhuta border from Tibet.


FYI: There is also a voluntary Tibet division in Indian Army.

Special Frontier Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Tibetans who fought the 1971 war - Rediff.com News
(1) Ahhhh no it doesn't; the Tamils in Sri Lanka, the meddling in Maldives internal politics and the water-issue, cross-border raids and illegal immigrants with Bangladesh ! :unsure:
Problems and minor irritants are there in every relationship - including that of US and Canada. The important things are that despite the irritants both nations - India and the other party - remain committed to each other's well being and safety.

But we share not just normal, but very warm relations with all our neighbours barring Pakistan and China.
You have heard what Gibbs told you and what Sri Lankan Chief of Naval Staff said about India's support to Lanka against LTTE and India's role in Sri Lanka.
- We share so close relations with Myanmar that Indo-Myanmar Army have undertaken joint military operations in Myanmar. We are a large provider of military aid to Myanmar and the biggest political name in Myanmar is referred to as 'my daughter' by the ex President of India, she studied in India.
- Nepal and Bhutan are literally Indian allies who have agreements which guarantee their security. Nepalese and Bhutanese are granted every privilege an Indian gets except for voting. That means, barring the Right to Vote, Bhutanese and Nepalese have all the rights an Indian has.
- Bangladesh , we are becoming closer and closer after decades of hostile relationship under t the pro-Pakistan Zia and Military dictatorship. Our maritime borders were finally decided and the chapter has ended. The land boundary has also been decided but pending ratification in Indian parliament.- which would take it up in 2015. Our economic ties and interdependence are constantly increasing - we are already exporting energy to them and they allow transit to India.

That means by the end of 2015, India and Bangladesh would have zero boundary issues - territorial as well as maritime.
(2) Okay ! :(
Bhutan's security is backed by India. Essentially we are the same. By treaty, China invading Bhutan would mean India would go to war with China
This is the key difference between Bhutan and Tibet. Tibet had no Military. For all practical and legal purposes Bhutan has the entire Indian military at its disposal.
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Problems and minor irritants are there in every relationship - including that of US and Canada. The important things are that despite the irritants both nations - India and the other party - remain committed to each other's well being and safety.

But we share not just normal, but very warm relations with all our neighbours barring Pakistan and China.
You have heard what Gibbs told you and what Sri Lankan Chief of Naval Staff said about India's support to Lanka against LTTE and India's role in Sri Lanka.
- We share so close relations with Myanmar that Indo-Myanmar Army have undertaken joint military operations in Myanmar. We are a large provider of military aid to Myanmar and the biggest political name in Myanmar is referred to as 'my daughter' by the ex President of India, she studied in India.
- Nepal and Bhutan are literally Indian allies who have agreements which guarantee their security. Nepalese and Bhutanese are granted every privilege an Indian gets except for voting. That means, barring the Right to Vote, Bhutanese and Nepalese have all the rights an Indian has.
- Bangladesh , we are becoming closer and closer after decades of hostile relationship under t the pro-Pakistan Zia and Military dictatorship. Our maritime borders were finally decided and the chapter has ended. The land boundary has also been decided but pending ratification in Indian parliament.- which would take it up in 2015. Our economic ties and interdependence are constantly increasing - we are already exporting energy to them and they allow transit to India.

That means by the end of 2015, India and Bangladesh would have zero boundary issues - territorial as well as maritime.

Bhutan's security is backed by India. Essentially we are the same. By treaty, China invading Bhutan would mean India would go to war with China
This is the key difference between Bhutan and Tibet. Tibet had no Military. For all practical abd legal purposes Bhutan has the entire Indian military at its disposal.

Bangladesh may have a gov that for now is friendly towards india, but that could change any time. The majority of the population of BD do not trust india in the slightest, your not our friends and have never been period.
Bangladesh may have a gov that for now is friendly towards india, but that could change any time. The majority of the population of BD do not trust india in the slightest, your not our friends and have never been period.
You can keep saying that.
But the erstwhile pro-Pakistan/anti-India party - BNP, has gone out of its way to assure New Delhi that BNP will no longer be anti-India in its behaviour and for New Delhi to stop being anti-BNP. They repeatedly emphasized that those days being anti-India are gone.

Politicians are simply meant to articulate what the masses want. Now if both the major parties of Bangladesh are saying we will never be anti-India....and watching international polling agencies saying Bangladesh has a majority (ie over 50%) which has a good opinion of India, coupled with India and Bangladesh finalizing on their land and maritime boundaries(land part yet to be ratified by Parliament) then you can forgive us for believing them.
Does India protect Bhutan by deploying army at its northern border or somewhere else?
am just curious to know which map China uses to claim these territories? Is it a map of single period/point in time or different maps for different countries as per China's wishes.
it was very interesting to know that even Bhutan has conflicts :) I used to think that Bhutan must be the only conflict free nation.
am just curious to know which map China uses to claim these territories? Is it a map of single period/point in time or different maps for different countries as per China's wishes.
Different maps of different periods of time.

Though using China's yardstick Italy should claim the entire European continent as its territory!
And Saudi Arabia must claim Spain!
Different maps of different periods of time.

Though using China's yardstick Italy should claim the entire European continent as its territory!
And Saudi Arabia must claim Spain!
thanks! this is pathetic from China. It should really resolve these conflicts soon. They have such a big land but still they want some from Bhutan and other nations.
The main reason why Bhutan did choose to become democratic country itself shows, they wanted to stay away from China and it's influence.
You can keep saying that.
But the erstwhile pro-Pakistan/anti-India party - BNP, has gone out of its way to assure New Delhi that BNP will no longer be anti-India in its behaviour and for New Delhi to stop being anti-BNP. They repeatedly emphasized that those days being anti-India are gone.

Politicians are simply meant to articulate what the masses want. Now if both the major parties of Bangladesh are saying we will never be anti-India....and watching international polling agencies saying Bangladesh has a majority (ie over 50%) which has a good opinion of India, coupled with India and Bangladesh finalizing on their land and maritime boundaries(land part yet to be ratified by Parliament) then you can forgive us for believing them.

What international polling agencies are those that show that the majority Bangladeshis have a positive opinion of india? RAW? I live half the year there and believe me the majority really distrust india especially the young, even this week your heroic BSF beat a child of 12 a simple peasant boy to death for cutting grass near the border.

We get these types of reports daily, and indians wonder why we hate them! I didnt hate indians just distrusted them, now I hate them to the core.
What international polling agencies are those that show that the majority Bangladeshis have a positive opinion of india? RAW? I live half the year there and believe me the majority really distrust india especially the young, even this week your heroic BSF beat a child of 12 a simple peasant boy to death for cutting grass near the border.

We get these types of reports daily, and indians wonder why we hate them! I didnt hate indians just distrusted them, now I hate them to the core.
Eat this punk
How Asians View Each Other | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project
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