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Will Russia become another Armenia?


Jul 15, 2012
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Armenia occupies in similar fashion the Karabakh region similar to Russia occupying Crimea. Now Armenia has become the second worse economy in the world because of isolation and sanctions. Does Russia wait the same fate?


The Crimea issue may have indirect influence on Nagorno-Karabakh, analyst Ara Papyan told reporters on Tuesday.

Papyan, head of Modus Vivendi analytical center, said Armenia may occur in a deeper isolation as a result of confrontation between Russia and Ukraine.

“Armenia as an ally of Russia will appear in similar isolation with all consequences on Nagorno-Karabakh, too,” he said.

The analyst believes results of Crimea referendum will not be recognized by any state, except for Russia.

“Armenia will be pressurized on the issue, but I cannot say what position Armenian authorities will adopt,” Papyan added.

If West-Russia confrontation continues, West will try to show Russia's allies that partnership with the country is leading to negative consequences.

“Armenia's fate may depend on Iranian president's visit to Yerevan, and on whether he will manage to advance on the agreement on construction of Iran-Armenia-Georgia-Ukraine-Europe gas pipeline. The visit of Secretary of State John Kerry will be crucial, too,” he said.

West and Iran must finally realize whether it is possible to cooperate with Armenia on transit supplies.

Photo by Arsen Sargsyan/NEWS.am
I doubt that . West depends on Russian as much as Russia depends on West
sanctions would hurt them both

meanwhile in Armenia . check how many people jump the border to Turkey annually
that is their biggest problem right now
Armenian diaspora is one of the richest and strongest lobbies in the world. You Turks can only dream of such a Lobby in a foreign country.
In the USA, Armenians are considered white. Just think of Kim Kardashian or Andre Agassi. For some reason, their neighbors are definitely not afforded this recognition.
Armenian diaspora is one of the richest and strongest lobbies in the world. You Turks can only dream of such a Lobby in a foreign country.
They are so rich that they clean toilets in Turkey

In the USA, Armenians are considered white. Just think of Kim Kardashian or Andre Agassi. For some reason, their neighbors are definitely not afforded this recognition.
Have you seen how hairy and dark Kim is? Maybe compared to Chinese she is white.
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you smoking crack again?
@Azeri440 @rmi5 @ASQ-1918 worse he smoked teryak !

Armenians are rich enough to send their girls to Dubai and Istanbul for prostitution while their boy work as cheap laber in turkey and russia but we hear time to time they were Beaten or killed in Moscow's metro they don't give a $hit for whoring of their daughters and wives all the matter is they bring money back to Armenia and not to get Pregnant :tsk: good luck with your rich whores :bad:
In a more serious reply, no, it is not likely. The reason is that Russia has 47 times the population of Armenia, more than 500 times the land area and Russia is one of the main energy exporters on the planet. Basically Armenia can be isolated because it is not a relevant player on a global scale and you can't do anything globally if you isolate Russia.
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In the USA, Armenians are considered white. Just think of Kim Kardashian or Andre Agassi. For some reason, their neighbors are definitely not afforded this recognition.
Do you have inferiority complex about your asian appearance?!!! Anyway, here is not a good place to show it, and it would be off-topic. Anyway, what do you know about USA?!!!

Armenian Disapora has a complete wealth of Trillions of dollars. They dont live on loans like Turks.
Any source?
PS. your mind is full of crap.
How can you even compare Armenia's case with Russia? They are worlds apart.
In the USA, Armenians are considered white. Just think of Kim Kardashian or Andre Agassi. For some reason, their neighbors are definitely not afforded this recognition.

Probably only reserved for Christians.
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