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Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

Will Pakistan recognize the state of Israel?

This is the WRONG question to ask. The more appropriate question to ask is this:

Does recognizing Israel serve Pakistan's national interests?
Your addiction to cow-cola is making you brain dead as well :dirol:
your addiction to khota and tiddi biryani has polluted your brain, afghanis have defeated single handedly two super powers ,
they are top muslim power .
All these mind making efforts are being carried out by pro pindi boys anchors, I think these peoples are committed to give grief and sorrows to this nation instead of giving a single moment of belief in God and in ourselves, what a nation we are being made over the course of 74 years , na he khuda milla na dunya, Gulam ibne Gulam,
It is the US & SA which are forcing Pakistan not India.
The US is NOT in the position to be dictating or making demands. First they cut off our funds and now they NEED us for the Afghan Peace Process to get out of what will soon be a 20 Year War that they just can seem to win with all the money in the World, Coalition Forces and their fancy equipment.
Pakistan is not Iran.
Yeah, no sh!t...
Mark this post and we can come back once Pakistan recognizes Israel.
Sure, we can revisit this post - if PDF is around after 40 Years. But by then, i'll be in my final frontier pushing 81 & the status will still be the same.

I think one of the Members put it in simple words. If Pakistan was to accept THAT state, it would mean that we've accepted the Kashmir is part of India.

The entire Nation of Pakistan would have to be on crack - if we're ever gonna let that slide.

But hey, if you wanna fantasie something that you have seen on Republic TV OR NewsX and turn it into a Bollywood script - go ahead.

We're still not accepting 'em!!!
At the moment, it is in Pakistan's best interest to not recognise Israel but to not consider Israel as a threat or an enemy either.
Pakistani military or political leadership is not so foolish that they would hug Israel at the behest of Israeli puppet journalists. Suffice it to say that Israel's abduction is the biggest killer of peace in history and the patron of India, Pakistan's worst enemy.

It is also a big question mark for Pakistan's ruling circles that anchors like Kamran Khan and Mubashir Luqman openly speak in support of Israel.

What's wrong with speaking openly? You speak openly all the time. Should someone bite your tongue if they feel it's "non traditional"?
If Pakistan recognizes Israel its death for us because of sectarian violence and Iran vs Pakistan.
If Pakistan doesn’t recognize Israel its death for us because all international pressure, sanctions, fatf black list and much more.

Since both ways out is death let’s die honourably and take out israel and India will us.
We have 160+ nukes enough to wipe off India and Israel from the face of the earth.
There’s many Muslims left in this world to continue our legacy.
However without Israel Zionist won’t survive and without India Hindus won’t survive.
Also we’ll all be shaheed and go jannah.
The other 1.5 billion Muslims around the world are enough to continue or legacy.

We shall die a honourably death and never recognize Israel.
If Pakistan recognizes Israel its death for us because of sectarian violence and Iran vs Pakistan.
If Pakistan doesn’t recognize Israel its death for us because all international pressure, sanctions, fatf black list and much more.

Since both ways out is death let’s die honourably and take out israel and India will us.
We have 160+ nukes enough to wipe off India and Israel from the face of the earth.
There’s many Muslims left in this world to continue our legacy.
However without Israel Zionist won’t survive and without India Hindus won’t survive.
Also we’ll all be shaheed and go jannah.
The other 1.5 billion Muslims around the world are enough to continue or legacy.

We shall die a honourably death and never recognize Israel.
What a perfectly brilliant idea!
I say we reconize Israel on the following terms

> declare india as a terrorist state in the UN
> Get free 100 F-15X , 200 more F-16V plus AWACs, ECM and tankers
> Annual grant of USD 3B per year
> Black list india in FATF
> US should pay 50% of our debt

Once the above are done .. I say we can a lot a small office with no toilet in ISB for their embassy.
I don't see Pakistanis fighting against KSA/UAE violence against Houthis in Yemen

Of course not, but what you failed to see either, was the Parliament of Pakistan voting against any participation of Pakistan Military in Najdi-Saudi's illegal war on Yemen. The Holy Land (Palestine) and the illegal state of israel, encompasses every conflict which is oppressing Muslims. Be it directly or indirectly, the plight of the Muslims around the world, is linked to the coercion and political maneuverings of the zionists and their slave states that form the Western Bloc.

I don't see Pakistanis talking about mistreatment of Uighurs in China

Again, failure to see or be clued up on the most direct enemy of Islam, which is zionism. Is precisely why some people here on this forum, are hopelessly ill-equipped to tackle the subject. As for Uyghurs, show me where, if any, is there a support of Uyghurs to the plight of Kashmir? Have they ever made any public statements?

I see JF-17 flying in Myanmar who is actively geocoding Rohingya Muslims. Please draw your own conclusions from there.

JF-17 Thunders are a "Joint" venture with China. Had the fighter-jet been a Pakistan only fighter, then you could argue the case. Besides, China has been actively attempting to resolve the matter with Myanmar. But to to draw the matter in direct consequence with that of the creation of the illegal state of israel, is both amateurish and inconclusive. Since the source of the problem, is israel. Direct the focus of Muslims to the root cause, israel, then what follows would make more sense and solutions would be at hand.

Provide an example of any Arabs condemning recognition of Israel.

When the Najdi states have a totalitarian control over media and communications of most of Arab World, you would be lucky if you'd come across any tangible evidence to display publicly.

I don't want Pakistan to hold its own I want Pakistan to push the damn rapists out of Kashmir, which means they still need more power.

Well if you approach this subject without Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam and the Holy Qur'an, it is no wonder Kashmir is still being oppressed. We seem to think that we are to fight against the oppressors, well then, that fight against injustice correlates directly with having Imaan. Hence if you are wanting to stop the oppression in Kashmir without going to the Holy Qur'an first, careless approach such as recognizing the illegal state of israel is inevitable.

If that makes me stupid then get me a badge I will wear it with pride.

If you want to prevail over your enemy who oppresses the people of Kashmir. Be sure on where you stand, in the first place. Because you would not be victorious without exhibiting to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah that you stand firm in your Imaan. For HE is Al-Akbar, not india, america, myanmar, israel nor britain.
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