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Will Pakistan Recognize Israel?

Israel's best bet was Musharraf.

Some things are not just meant to be.

"A closet friend is an asset as much as an open enemy"
Najdi-Emaraat (UAE) is showing its true colors, where it's leadership has abandoned fellow Muslim country, Pakistan, for the delights of the Zionist State of israel. Najdi-Emaraat has purposefully brushed aside the fact that it was Pakistan that structured and built their air force. Ones who were relegated to the desert life, were taught by a passionately loving, brotherly Pakistan. Their tall sky scrapers, their shiny airports, their roads and their malls, all were in one way, shape or form, had Pakistani labor construct them. It isn't to take away anything from the laborers of other Asian countries, but Pakistanis were right there in the thick of it.

One can tell the culprit behind the way Najdi-Emaraat (UAE) has been behaving. Look to who benefits from the policies of this country? At a glance, you can instantly surmize that the benefactors are israel, najdi-emaraatis and hinduvta india. For israeel, it is being recognized by a major Arab State. For najdi-emaraat it is getting their hands on F-35 Lightning lls. For hinduvta-india it is getting all the labor jobs deducted from the visa ban policy of najdi-UAE.

The ones who are at a loss, is the one being targeted, i.e Pakistan. Who not only loses jobs for its citizens in the najdi-UAE, but now also have to contend with israeli clandestine agencies coming into closer proximity and last but not least, losing jobs in the Arab state to its enemy, hinduvta-india.

The price Pakistan pays to preserve it's Imaan and stand firmly on NOT recognizing israel, is a heavy one and it will get heavier still. However it is worth the sacrifice, since Ar-Raaziq (Sustainer) is Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, not najdi-emaraat.
Of course not, but what you failed to see either, was the Parliament of Pakistan voting against any participation of Pakistan Military in Najdi-Saudi's illegal war on Yemen. The Holy Land (Palestine) and the illegal state of israel, encompasses every conflict which is oppressing Muslims. Be it directly or indirectly, the plight of the Muslims around the world, is linked to the coercion and political maneuverings of the zionists and their slave states that form the Western Bloc.

Again, failure to see or be clued up on the most direct enemy of Islam, which is zionism. Is precisely why some people here on this forum, are hopelessly ill-equipped to tackle the subject. As for Uyghurs, show me where, if any, is there a support of Uyghurs to the plight of Kashmir? Have they ever made any public statements?

JF-17 Thunders are a "Joint" venture with China. Had the fighter-jet been a Pakistan only fighter, then you could argue the case. Besides, China has been actively attempting to resolve the matter with Myanmar. But to to draw the matter in direct consequence with that of the creation of the illegal state of israel, is both amateurish and inconclusive. Since the source of the problem, is israel. Direct the focus of Muslims to the root cause, israel, then what follows would make more sense and solutions would be at hand.

When the Najdi states have a totalitarian control over media and communications of most of Arab World, you would be lucky if you'd come across any tangible evidence to display publicly.

Well if you approach this subject without Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam and the Holy Qur'an, it is no wonder Kashmir is still being oppressed. We seem to think that we are to fight against the oppressors, well then, that fight against injustice correlates directly with having Imaan. Hence if you are wanting to stop the oppression in Kashmir without going to the Holy Qur'an first, careless approach such as recognizing the illegal state of israel is inevitable.

If you want to prevail over your enemy who oppresses the people of Kashmir. Be sure on where you stand, in the first place. Because you would not be victorious without exhibiting to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah that you stand firm in your Imaan. For HE is Al-Akbar, not india, america, myanmar, israel nor britain.

No offense but a lot of that is presented without evidence and borderline conspiratorial. Let's just agree to disagree.
No offense but a lot of that is presented without evidence and borderline conspiratorial. Let's just agree to disagree.

I would say the same for yourself. But sure, no problem.
What's wrong with speaking openly? You speak openly all the time. Should someone bite your tongue if they feel it's "non traditional"?

Respected Sir
My ideology and thinking is neither against the views of beloved Armed Forces nor against the Government of Pakistan. I am a patriotic pen soldier, I write in love with Pakistan and the Muslim Ummah. There is no problem if I would face violence or even death in exchange for writing the truth in loyalty to the country and the nation.
Are you talking about these indians who can speaks better english than the englishmen?
Indian Parents Climb School Wall To Help Their Kids Cheat On An Exam (Photos+Video) http://m.peacefmonline.com/pages/local/education/201503/236118.php

I know it is inferiority complex because Indians and Pakistanis have the same blood and race.

Indians speak better English than the English.

Pakistanis are more Muslim than the Arabs.
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. We are only going to accept Israel at the time and conditions of our choosing which the PM has highlighted very clearly.
hahaha. joking. we are no going to recognize israel on any condition. This is the decision of Umar Bin Khatab[R.A]
we are no going to recognize israel on any condition
Not really! There is a two state solution proposed and accepted by the Muslim community. If Palestinie is given its territory including Bait-ul-Maqdas as its capital, only than will Israel be accepted.
Respected Sir
My ideology and thinking is neither against the views of beloved Armed Forces nor against the Government of Pakistan. I am a patriotic pen soldier, I write in love with Pakistan and the Muslim Ummah. There is no problem if I would face violence or even death in exchange for writing the truth in loyalty to the country and the nation.

Your ideology and thinking is biased, and useless to those who want to know the truth and deal with it. The only people it will entertain is those who want to suck up to their "beloved."
Emotionally thinking : never!!
Politically : Devastating internally but fruitful internationally.
Economically: would pour some benefits and ease the burden of debt we have(Better IMF and World bank repayment packages, waived loans etc) .
Strategically: Pakistan's increased influence and softer image, relaxed visa policies by world but then you give up on kashmir. Doesn't go well with our shared ambitions with China
Pragmatically : it's very difficult decision with some benefits but lot of backlash which will create civil unrest and these fault lines are easily exploitable by interested parties.
So pragmatically speaking =No, we can't!
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It's not only a bitter truth, it's in fact written on the wall that PTI, PPP and Noon League, the three major political parties are seriously engaged in desperate efforts to sit on the lap of Israel, the worst enemy of Islam, in the lust for American pleasure and power.... No doubt the time of Mahdi AS and the final encounter is coming near to nearer ... All calculations , estimations, expectations of defence super powers of the world would proved to be zero.... I'm waiting for the Ghazwa e Hind....
By the way is Lucyman doing fine?

I think he went into hiding after giving fake news. The conman has some serious financial backers in power corridor.
Not really! There is a two state solution proposed and accepted by the Muslim community. If Palestinie is given its territory including Bait-ul-Maqdas as its capital, only than will Israel be accepted.

You're living an parallel dimension if you think israel will ever agree to a "Two State" solution. The absurdity of your post reflects the fact that america moved it's embassy to Jerusalem, which israel wanted. That america recognized Golan Heights as part of israel. You're one of those who would still believe in a "Two State Solution" even when israel demolishes Masjid Al-Aqsa & Qubrat-ul-Sakhrah (Dome of Rock) to build their Temple Mount.

My dear friend, people who make such statement (like yours) have little to no knowledge on the subject, neither the historical account, nor what the Holy Qur'an states.

Do more research, particularly what the Holy Qur'an states on the subject.
Not really! There is a two state solution proposed and accepted by the Muslim community. If Palestinie is given its territory including Bait-ul-Maqdas as its capital, only than will Israel be accepted.

According to Jinnah, it's all Egyptian land.
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