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Will India and China fight a war again?

the Same Punjab did vote out those who brutalized them and killed the one who ordered it , but the foolish commies still think MAO as a great leader, "great his A$$" killing 9 million people

What would a commie know the power of democracy

you should thank god that one day one of your so called great commie does not wake up with a mad mood and nuke china itself
the last time china won a war was in Tienanmen square , what a great victory
like the one justice that happened in Tienanmen square
Remember How libyan revolution started all of a sudden, if you are communist you should be very worried who knows when you will be dragged in the streets and hanged by the lamp post

You cant keep fooling people forever

take my world the only war these communist b0stards will fight is against their own people (who can forget chini bravery rolling tanks in Tienanmen against helpless civilians)

Only democracy wins has anything else ever won

yes yes as superior as running tanks against their own population (commies cant fool anybody but themselves)

So what? All Governments fall eventually. Why should the CPC be any different?

If China becomes a democracy, do you think we will give up the territorial dispute to India? :lol: Taiwan still claims Arunachal Pradesh as well.

The USA is a democracy, and they invaded THREE countries in the past decade, from 2001-2011.

India is a "supposed" democracy, and they starve more people to death EVERY year, than the rest of the world combined. India also has more poverty and malnutrition than Africa. Indian democracy must be amazing to do such things.

If China becomes democratic, then the easiest way for them to get votes will be to get extremely tough on the territorial disputes. Nationalism is a very powerful force.
All governments do fall but generally dictatorial ones hang (You think people are not dying in china due to hunger)

Ideology and corruption or two different evils still communist ideology is worlds greatest evil
So what? All Governments fall eventually. Why should the CPC be any different?

If China becomes a democracy, do you think we will give up the territorial dispute to India? :lol: Taiwan still claims Arunachal Pradesh as well.

The USA is a democracy, and they invaded THREE countries in the past decade, from 2001-2011.

India is a "supposed" democracy, and they starve more people to death EVERY year, than the rest of the world combined. India also has more poverty and malnutrition than Africa. Indian democracy must be amazing to do such things.

If China becomes democratic, then the easiest way for them to get votes will be to get extremely tough on the territorial disputes. Nationalism is a great way to get votes.

hahahahaha :D
Going hard liner on any issue in Democracy is mess for the country itself :D look at your all wether friend :D
Yes there are lots of poor and hungry people in India and they die too but there is NO FREAK in India who stand up and kill millions in the name of "Cultural revolution"
Yes development process is slow but it's still better than everyday someone coming tell you what to think and what not to think. Nobody here tell to install a photo of great leader (?) in religious places :D (TAR)
hahahahaha :D
Going hard liner on any issue in Democracy is mess for the country itself :D look at your all wether friend :D

You mean like this?

Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report - Telegraph


And according to the Unicef report, India starves more people to death than the rest of the world combined, every single year:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hunger critical' in South Asia

A Unicef report in May said the world was failing its children by not ensuring that they had enough to eat.

The report said India contributed to about 5.6 million child deaths per year, more than half the world's total.

You guys can keep boasting about how amazing you are, but the facts speak for themselves.
You mean like this?

Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report - Telegraph


And according to the Unicef report, India starves more people to death than the rest of the world combined, every single year:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hunger critical' in South Asia

You guys can keep boasting about how amazing you are, but the facts speak for themselves.

India would starve their own kids so they can have white servants by 2030.
So what? All Governments fall eventually. Why should the CPC be any different?

If China becomes a democracy, do you think we will give up the territorial dispute to India? :lol: Taiwan still claims Arunachal Pradesh as well.

You will have to there is no choice.

The USA is a democracy, and they invaded THREE countries in the past decade, from 2001-2011.


India is a "supposed" democracy, and they starve more people to death EVERY year, than the rest of the world combined.

CCP zombie liar in his liar ritual :D

India also has more poverty and malnutrition than Africa.

CCP zombie being a dirty liar again :lol:

Indian democracy must be amazing to do such things.

Yes! Thank you!

But Indian democracy is yet to make it across Great Leaps and culutrally revolutionizing itself :frown:

If China becomes democratic, then the easiest way for them to get votes will be to get extremely tough on the territorial disputes. Nationalism is a very powerful force.

Yup! CCP's new "Votes for Warnings" campaign :rofl:

Only 2 lies in the entire post. CCP zombie
the result of 62 war was despot Mao tse tung defeated Nehru and occupied land later criminal Mao killed more than 9 million Chinese for commie ideology
You mean like this?

Hahahaa AGIAN Mr. Drag On :D comprehension problem ??? Or ashamed of Mao so just cut that part off the quote
Let me explain for you
Going hard liner on any issue - is this has anything to do with poverty ???
Going hard liner means - extremist views and practices. Like something happening in one of you provinces. Unfortunatly I don't remember that name. Its difficult for me :P
And where the hell I said India is free of poverty ???
Or wait its only thing you can say to justify e millions killed in cultural revolution. Does that mean its better to kill the people directly than death by starving ??? What a logic comrade :woot:

India would starve their own kids so they can have white servants by 2030.

Is that you doing in states now ??? Sad :D
remember this day when china falls in near future, and so called great leaders are hanged in peking lamp posts what will happen to tibet you think you will hold on to it remember the Russian template, than we may probably gift arunachal to his holiness dalai lama
Hahahaa AGIAN Mr. Drag On :D comprehension problem ??? Or ashamed of Mao so just cut that part off the quote
Let me explain for you
Going hard liner on any issue - is this has anything to do with poverty ???
Going hard liner means - extremist views and practices. Like something happening in one of you provinces. Unfortunatly I don't remember that name. Its difficult for me :P
And where the hell I said India is free of poverty ???
Or wait its only you can say to justify e millions killed in cultural revolution. Does that mean its better to kill the people directly than death by starving ??? What a logic comrade :woot:

Why should I care about Chairman Mao? He screwed up the economy and led to nation-wide starvation in China. You can take the piss out of him as much as you like, why would I care. :lol:

But even at his worst in the Great Leap Forward of 1959, he cannot beat India today which still starves 5.6 million children to death every single year.

So even the monstrous Chairman Mao cannot beat modern India. 5.6 million every year is 56 million in just one decade alone.
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