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‘Will build our own fighter jets’: PM Hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday expressed a desire to build fighter jets in Bangladesh to protect its sovereignty.

"We're building the Air Force to make it competitive, and we have a desire to build fighter jets in Bangladesh. We're taking preparations to protect our air border with our own [strength]," she said.

The Prime Minister said this while handing over the National Standard to 11 Squadron and 21 Squadron of Bangladesh Air Force.

The programme was held at Air Base Birsreshtha Matiur Rahman in Jashore and the Prime Minister joined it virtually from her official residence Ganobhaban.

Sheikh Hasina said the government has taken steps to protect the country's sovereignty and take the country some steps ahead in defending it. "I believe we'll be able to get success in this regard, Inshallah."

The Prime Minister mentioned about the 'Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University' and aeronautical centre where the research works would be done effectively.

Hasina said protecting the dignity of the national flag is the sacred duty of all the armed forces personnel. "We attained the national flag in lieu of the blood of millions of martyrs. This flag is the symbol of our independence, honour and dignity. It's the sacred duty of all members of the armed forces to protect the dignity of the flag."

The Prime Minister said she thinks that the members of the armed forces will remain ready always to make any sacrifice for protecting the dignity of the flag, the country's independence, sovereignty and while performing duties in the international arena in peacekeeping missions in the UN so that the dignity of Bangladesh could be increased. "You'll perform your duties keeping eyes on that."

Recalling the efforts of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to build the Air Force after the independence of the country, she said the Father of the Nation in 1974 formulated Defence Policy for Bangladesh.

"Following those footsteps, we've formulated Forces Goal 2030 to make our armed forces a time-befitting and modern one, and we've started implementing that," she said.

Hasina also briefly described the induction of various modern and technology-based equipment in the Air Force.

As the country is celebrating Mujib Borsha, she said, the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation, the government has taken massive programmes for the overall development of the country and implementing those to change the fate of the general people including those who are living in the rural areas.

"We'll celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our Independence, let's promise on the eve of that to make ourselves patriot and fearless," she said.

With the united efforts of all, she said, Bangladesh will be built as a developed and prosperous 'Golden Bengal' to materialise the dream of the Father of the Nation.

Air Chief Marshal Masihuzzaman Serniabat, on behalf of the Prime Minister, handed over the national flags to 11 Squadron and 21 Squadron of Bangladesh Air Force.

just buy LCA and repaint it... and call it "Packaged in BD"
@KaiserX @PAKISTANFOREVER why do you guys had to attack Bangladesh? Now look at this mudslinging and bitterness in the thread. The thread topic should be discussed instead of throw dirt on others.

The fact of the matter is Pakistanis and Bangladeshis share the common bond of Islam.

Even in a family brothers fight.

This is normal.

But I can tell you when I go to the masjid, it doesn't matter who is standing next to me.

We should strive to overcome the bitterness of the past.

We share a common enemy.
Says the idiot whose whole nation was built on BENGALI NATIONALISM :D

Pakistani Nationalism = Islamic nationalism

Indian bengalis = Bangladeshis

You can be afghan, bangladeshi, indian, Chinese, Arab, Persian, American, Punjabi, Pushtun, Kashmirir, Sindhi, Balochi yet still be PAKISTANI. The same cannot be said about your kind who are really just indians who speak bengali :D
I didn't find anything derogatory or /and insulting to Pakistan in the OP article...to get triggered.

Bangladesh rise is good for us, and for them too vice versa.

Past is another country, forget and forgive and turning a new leaf is always on.

And this forum is about media vibes, call it bragging or marketing.
The fact that you have so many indian and bangladeshi trolls here on a Pakistani forum just shows how obsessed they are with Pakistan and Pakistanis. It shows their insecurity and longing for us to accept them. They vehemently seek our approval. If they didn't, NONE of them would be here. This is what I think and feel about going to a indian/bangladeshi forum or ANYTHING indian/bangladeshi:


Listen bud, this is a great forum.

That's the reason we are all here.

But no one really cares all that much about Pakistan in this thread.

This thread was derailed at post number four from your amigo.
If you didn't care, you wouldn't be here. If you don't care, leave this forum and never return. Stick to your bangladeshi, indian, hindu etc forums.

Lets examine your post shall we?

If we didn't care, we wouldn't be on this thread?

What's the topic again?

And what did the original article state?

This thread has nothing to do with Pakistan.

And yet here you are going back and forth with me.

Who's obsessed?
Lets examine your post shall we?

If we didn't care, we wouldn't be on this thread?

What's the topic again?

And what did the original article state?

This thread has nothing to do with Pakistan.

And yet here you are going back and forth with me.

Who's obsessed?

Whose language, clothing, traditions and culture is also found in India .. yeah, we know whose... lol .. such weak arguments from a weak as yet developing mind.
Your views and tone has surely changed aftrr this discussion, but your nature hasnt. Anyone with a mind will realize you and your peoples tactics once you are cornered and called out.

1) resort to ummah/muslim excuse. Then bash pakistan the first chance you get.

2) resort to emotional blackmail. Blame your hosts as racist for calling out your racism/hatred

3) make cunning jokes as a diversion tactic.

Very similar nature to indians... oh almost forget you guys are indians... just indians who speak bengali and aspouse bengali nationalism.

Listen bud, my views haven't changed.

I've had a consistent position since my join date on here.

And for all the years I've lurked on this and predecessor forums/websites.

Yours is a loser mentality for your country.

And to be fair, blind nationalism is loser mentality for Bangladesh as well.

It's not wise to reinvent the wheel.

What we all need to do is in the good book.

The problem is WE don't do it.

So grow up a bit and think about what I've written.
Listen bud, my views haven't changed.

I've had a consistent position since my join date on here.

And for all the years I've lurked on this and predecessor forums/websites.

Yours is a loser mentality for your country.

And to be fair, blind nationalism is loser mentality for Bangladesh as well.

It's not wise to reinvent the wheel.

What we all need to do is in the good book.

The problem is WE don't do it.

So grow up a bit and think about what I've written.

Rather generous advice, given the comprehension skills or lack thereof being so brazenly displayed on here today...

I'm having a laugh 😂😂
looks like I hit your gangu nerve....................................... :azn: ................................you mini indian hindus are showing EXACTLY what progeny you belong to........................:lol:

Good lord.

If you only knew how big a fool you are by typing those words.


It's ok man.

Like clubbing a baby seal if I continue with this.

Have a great night.
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