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‘Will build our own fighter jets’: PM Hasina

Lol damage control after her family (ait chief is her relative) put em on blast for not being able to buy fighter jets ahahahhaa
Only 2 I can see made in bd is j10 and gripen.
Does this mean building copies of foreign jets (like India does) or designing and building an indigenous jet?

They will start with prop trainer.
Inshallah. more muslim countries need to become self-reliant on making the heavy duty defence technology. so Bangladesh makes fighter jets one day then that will be good for the ummah in the long term.

all muslim countries struggle with this.

Brother, our countries have a long way to go, better we cooperate, than not...

But some blind chest thumping ego driven nationalists won't understand.
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screw the ummah? ummah is part of islam.

maybe if you read my posts for the past few weeks you would know how much i really love Nawaz Sharif.

Where does it say so? Being in Bahrain and keeping your head in the sand really got to your brain.

Your so called "Ummah" has done more harm to Pakistan in the last 50 years than HINDUstan could ever do...

The United States did not become a super power by worrying about anglophone nations... infact they fought the british and kicked their ***...

The Soviets did not become a super power by worrying about the Europeans... infact they fought them and kicked their ***...

The Chinese did not become a super power by preaching sinophone culture... infact they fought the japanese/south koreans and kicked their ***...

Super power worry about themselves and their people first.

Keep your Ummah to yourself and ill keep my Pakistan to myself. People like you are worse enemies than the Indians could ever be.
But some blind chest thumping ego driven blind nationalists won't understand
Nationalist that live in US, enough said 😅😂😂😂
The Chinese did not become a super power by preaching sinophone culture... infact they fought the japanese/south koreans and kciked their **
Lmfao, I don’t hear about the rape of Tokyo...
Nationalist that live in US, enough said 😅😂😂😂

Exactly, there are far more Pakistanis settled in the west than Bangladeshis, even If you look up the per capita numbers, it'll show...

Simple, our countries are trash, mine is, we have come far but not far enough...

But it appears, the ability to see ones country's ills is not as common as I'd have previously thought...

Nationalism is one thing but I have to admit my country isn't there yet, so much work to be done... If only other people mouthing off in this thread had the backbone to say the same about their country.
Where does it say so? Being in Bahrain and keeping your head in the sand really got to your brain.

Your so called "Ummah" has done more harm to Pakistan in the last 50 years than HINDUstan could ever do...

The United States did not become a super power by worrying about anglophone nations... infact they fought the british and kicked their ***...

The Soviets did not become a super power by worrying about the Europeans... infact they fought them and kicked their ***...

The Chinese did not become a super power by preaching sinophone culture... infact they fought the japanese/south koreans and kicked their ***...

Super power worry about themselves and their people first.

Keep your Ummah to yourself and ill keep my Pakistan to myself. People like you are worse enemies than the Indians could ever be.

ummah is part of islam. whether you like it or not, i am honestly not bothered. anyway, where did i display anti-Pakistan sentiments? can you show me exactly where i did that?
Bangladesh is super power. Your country is the perfect epitamy of an experiment gone wrong... where will you rich wealthy bengalis go in a few decades when sea levels rise?

Allah always does justice my friend... karma for breaking apart Pakistan and Karma for how you have treated your Royingya brethren...funny thing is there are more bengalis in karachi than pakistanis in all of Bangladesh :D there are more afghanis in karachi than all of kabul... that is the difference. Pakistan will grow and thrive for centuries inshallah... Bangladesh not so much.

Karma for breaking Pakistan ? Karma isn't an Islamic concept...

What are you smoking ? God All Mighty is just, Yes but you cannot attribute or link his doings to anything in the present... God is enigmatic, he does unto us as he sees fit, there is no question of hitting back on Bangladesh for splitting Pakistan..

God isn't beholden to Pakistan, get your facts about Allah SWT right atleast..

Treated our Rohingya brethren ? You mean when your ummah nation sold jets to genocidal Muslim hating Myanmar ?

Or when you conducted clearance operations against the PLA in Jordan under orders from kuffars ? Killing Palestinian Muslims ?

Or when you drop fellow Muslims like flies in Balochistan or when you herd afghans like dogs just because they want a better life in your country..

Bangladesh is gaining more land than its losing due to erosion, get your facts right,.. one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change is Pakistan, Bangladesh is there in the list but Pakistan is there too...

And please shut your trap about Bangalis in Karachi,.. kill them in their sleep for all I care, your morally bankrupt nation can do it at a moment's notice..

They are Bengalis who sided with Pakistan during the war and emigrated/never came back to BD... The others are economic migrants from the 80s who abandoned the dream of Bangladesh as they considered it a failure..

It's rather disconcerting that this is how you treat YOUR citizens, who sided with you AGAINST us, just because they are of the Bengali race.. and you don't believe it when we say it to your face that you lot are virulent racists.

Kill them all, each and everyone, you send them back here, well just ship them off into a boat into the deep sea, we don't care about them...

Bangladesh cares for its people but not for those who abandoned our nation when we needed them the most...

They're having their fun for having stuck it to us back then, I know for a fact they rue their lives in the slums and Bengali colonies of Pakistan, good..
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ummah is part of islam. whether you like it or not, i am honestly not bothered. anyway, where did i display anti-Pakistan sentiments? can you show me exactly where i did that?

That is what your arab masters taught you while taking $$$ behind your back and laughing at you.
Stay in Bahrain or KSA where your kind belong and leave our land free.
Wow, you sounds like some leftists brats in Bangladesh who always advise people to leave Bangladesh and stay on Arabian countries if anyone speak of Muslim Ummah!
Biggest failed state on the planet is the one that has to send 500,000 of their women including their mothers and wives to work as prostitutes in india for indian hindus with a further 50,000 being sent each year to india for the same purpose........ :azn::

Ahh, the racist child settled abroad is here.. life will hit you smack in the face soon enough kiddo and all that bravado will fizzle out... Eating off of the father is easy.. being a real man not so much... Your posts indicate you're as yet incapable of holding yourself to the norms of a normal human being...

Blocked for frankly blatant racism and overly obvious sexist tendancies.
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75% of your country is already underwater as you already may know by living their... there is only a matter of time before the remaining 25% goes underwater as well...

At the end of the day India wont give a crap about your people... and Pakistan hopefully will only take in the pro-pakistani nationalist bengladeshis. The rest we dont care about. 99% of awami league people will be in the sea, Hasinas great grandkids will be in Delhi comfortably.

Hahahaha, we don't want to go to Pakistan,. That's the thing about us Bengalis, we will die in our own lands, drowning If we have to... We have plied the waterways of this land for a millennia, water doesn't faze us.

And Bangladesh isn't disappearing under water anytime soon, If ever... The situation is ever evolving and things look bright.

But save your jewel Karachi, public transport there I heard is people who don't know how to swim floating all bloated in the flood waters...

Meanwhile, we get hit my cyclones and at best a dozen people die, meanwhile in India it's over a 100+, that just how accustomed we are to water, doesn't scare us.
Only those countries which have their own successful jet engine program can truly be regarded as aircraft manufacturers and they are, the UK, US, Russia and France rest like China India and Sweden are not. This is why I always say that instead of jet fighter India should focus on developing a decent turbofan first.

And as far as Bangladesh is concerned I think they have not made a jet engine even under licence, let alone developing an aircraft.
Does this mean building copies of foreign jets (like India does) or designing and building an indigenous jet?
That's what you iron daddies do, we negotiate licence and not steal like China. And whatever China copies is of inferior quality than the original one.
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