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‘Will build our own fighter jets’: PM Hasina

Does this mean building copies of foreign jets (like India does) or designing and building an indigenous jet?
No, Hasina is serious now. She will probably ask some of her brat ministers to build a few toy planes that she will then claim as the prototype of her next-generation fighter plane.

I have a gut feeling Hasina was answering what the BAF chief was predicting about the new purchase of jet planes. Please watch the video clip. It seems she is not willing to buy planes to please Burma.

After all, Rohingyas are enriching her Cabinet ministers. They get cuts from the aid western nations extend to BD.
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Hasina needs to shut up about building jets and announce a contract for modern 4+ gen. fighter jets if she wants to be taken seriously when it comes to defence.

Best post of the thread.

I seriously wonder what is the delay for?

Even the BAF chief has mentioned a need for modern fighters.
At least she has had the vision..If she gets the ball rolling, you donot know what heights BD will reach in two decades..and people have the temerity to say that she is an Indian agent..which so-called pro-BD leader ever had such a vision?
Even the poorest areas of Pakistan ie Balochistan has more investment & better infrastructure than 90% of bangladesh..
this is hyperbole. I guess you are talking about road infrastructure. Road infrastructure in Pakistan is somewhat better than Bangladesh but disparity is not as big as you are assuming. According to CIA Factbook data.

Pakistan has 263,775 km road network out of which 185,063 km paved.

While Bangladesh has 369,105 km road network out of which 110,311 km paved.

Pakistan has some head start in building 4/6 lane highways, mostly due to CPEC investment. But Bangladesh currently also in the process to build all the national highways 4/6 lane. Already around 500 km highways converted into 4/6 lane. Rail infrastructure also not perticularly good in one copared to another. Pakistan has more mileage due to bigger geography, but quality wise don't have any significant gap with Bangladesh.
. fact of the matter is Pakistan has metros/train/bus stations in 4 major cities
Only Lahore has Metro rail, 27 km track, I don't find any news about plan to build in other cities or adding farther line in Lahore. Metro bus is not a big deal. Dhaka's metro rail(MRT-6) will become operational at the end of this year or next. Very soon, MRT-5 which will be both underground and overhead will start construction, currently soil testing is done for it. Bangladesh also building a metro Bus in Gazipur city.
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our population is far more spread out in x30 times the land mass as bangladesh.
This is totally out of proportion.
Pakistan's area including Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan is 881,913 sq. km
Bangladesh's area is 148,460 sq. km
So, Pakistan is 881913/148460=5.94 times bigger than Bangladesh geographically. Where did you find that ''30x land mass''?

Note here, 90 percent land of Bangladesh is flat, fertile land while 70 percent land in Pakistan is either desert or rugged mountains. Little use for human habitation or economic activities. So disparity in population density is not that great between Pakistan and Bangladesh as you are assuming. Biggest province Punjab has population density of about 600/sq. km. Northern Punjab which comes closer to Bangladesh in land fertility land in fertility and plain terrain have population density of about 1000/sq. km. Not much different than Bangladesh's 1100/sq. km.
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Since Bangladesh is prone to Cyclones and similar natural calamities, it should perhaps first concentrate on building such infrastructure to protect assets against such disasters.
Due to a cyclone in the 90s, the BAF lost close to 100 aircraft, many of these F-6 and FT-6 were gifted to BAF by Pakistan.

View attachment 719026
There was another stupid female PM named Khaleda Zia during whose time the country lost so many planes due to the cyclone. The airforce Chief was severely reprimanded for the occurrence and lost his job.

This time, Hasina Bibi may build a few paper planes without engines. So, it will be no loss if a cyclone takes them away to the BoB.
Also many economist seriously doubt the integrity of economic statistics in BD.
They only voiced their doubt about GDP growh projection by the govt. which is particularly wide in this year. But before COVID-19, growth projection between Govt. and international institutions(IMF, World Bank, ADB) only differed to 0.5 to 1.0 percent. So, there is no large scale discrepency in the size of economy. Bangladesh's last year's budget was 67 billion Dollar. Do you think, it is possible to give 67 billion Dollar budget if economy is less than 300 billion Dollar? Specially in Bangladesh where tax collection is among the lowest in the world?
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Best of luck Bangladesh. With love

What ever u build will b 100 times better than haldi cow piss fighter called tejas
It can be named Bangabandhu jet 71...
If Hasina don't make it beautiful.:p:
Your wish might come true, careful what you wish for 😖😖😖😖
Clownish posts by some Pakistani members

Thread had nothing to do with Pakistan but you are behaving like total clowns. Just like bharatis behave whon any news about Pakistan

Behave graciously instead of clowns. Don't make us all Pakistanis look clowns in front of Bangladeshis and others
Thanks for your kind words & support brother
This was as far as I know due to negligence from certain officials in the air force but I could be wrong.
The chief of that time got fired since he didn’t even move the brand new MI helicopters
It could only mean that they seek our approval and acceptance. Also that they are obsessed with Pakistan and Pakistanis. If they weren't then they would not be here.
angladeshi trolls here on a Pakistani forum just shows how obsessed they are with Pakistan and Pakistanis. It shows their insecurity and longing for us to accept them. They vehemently seek our approval. If they didn't, NONE of them would be here. This is what I think and feel about going to a indian/bangladeshi forum or ANYTHING indian/bangladeshi:
If Bangladeshi members here wanted 'approval' 'acceptance' of Pakistanis or were obsessed with Pakistan, you would have seen us hanging around Pakistan related threads or commenting on domestic Pakistani issues. But this is not the case. We only hang aound this 'Bangladesh defence' sub forum only. Apparently, this is the only free and big defence forum to discuss about Bangladesh's defence and strategic affairs. So we are taking advantage of this fact. It has nothing to do with 'obsessing with Pakistan'.
Since Bangladesh is prone to Cyclones and similar natural calamities, it should perhaps first concentrate on building such infrastructure to protect assets against such disasters.
Due to a cyclone in the 90s, the BAF lost close to 100 aircraft, many of these F-6 and FT-6 were gifted to BAF by Pakistan.

View attachment 719026
It happened in 1991 in Chittagong. Then we had no protective infrastructure against cyclone intrusion. Negligence on part of BAF is also responsible for this damage. But now we have coastal sea wall cum marine highway protecting the entire Chittagong city from any storm surge. This highway is 33 feet above sea level. Enough to fend off any cyclone surge. Overtime this highway will envelop most of the coastline in Bangladesh.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday expressed a desire to build fighter jets in Bangladesh to protect its sovereignty.

"We're building the Air Force to make it competitive, and we have a desire to build fighter jets in Bangladesh. We're taking preparations to protect our air border with our own [strength]," she said.

The Prime Minister said this while handing over the National Standard to 11 Squadron and 21 Squadron of Bangladesh Air Force.

The programme was held at Air Base Birsreshtha Matiur Rahman in Jashore and the Prime Minister joined it virtually from her official residence Ganobhaban.

Sheikh Hasina said the government has taken steps to protect the country's sovereignty and take the country some steps ahead in defending it. "I believe we'll be able to get success in this regard, Inshallah."

The Prime Minister mentioned about the 'Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University' and aeronautical centre where the research works would be done effectively.

Hasina said protecting the dignity of the national flag is the sacred duty of all the armed forces personnel. "We attained the national flag in lieu of the blood of millions of martyrs. This flag is the symbol of our independence, honour and dignity. It's the sacred duty of all members of the armed forces to protect the dignity of the flag."

The Prime Minister said she thinks that the members of the armed forces will remain ready always to make any sacrifice for protecting the dignity of the flag, the country's independence, sovereignty and while performing duties in the international arena in peacekeeping missions in the UN so that the dignity of Bangladesh could be increased. "You'll perform your duties keeping eyes on that."

Recalling the efforts of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to build the Air Force after the independence of the country, she said the Father of the Nation in 1974 formulated Defence Policy for Bangladesh.

"Following those footsteps, we've formulated Forces Goal 2030 to make our armed forces a time-befitting and modern one, and we've started implementing that," she said.

Hasina also briefly described the induction of various modern and technology-based equipment in the Air Force.

As the country is celebrating Mujib Borsha, she said, the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation, the government has taken massive programmes for the overall development of the country and implementing those to change the fate of the general people including those who are living in the rural areas.

"We'll celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our Independence, let's promise on the eve of that to make ourselves patriot and fearless," she said.

With the united efforts of all, she said, Bangladesh will be built as a developed and prosperous 'Golden Bengal' to materialise the dream of the Father of the Nation.

Air Chief Marshal Masihuzzaman Serniabat, on behalf of the Prime Minister, handed over the national flags to 11 Squadron and 21 Squadron of Bangladesh Air Force.

I'm guessing Bangladesh is finally going to increase its fleet size to a reasonable number? Otherwise, economies of scale don't really agree with developing your own aircraft just to induct 40-50 examples.
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