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Wikileaks - Pakistans Nuclear cable.

There is already a thread on this leak.
I still have to understand the threat of Dirty bomb shown in many news channels about allegedly a terrorist carrying Nuclear fissile material in his back pack and exploding it in city center...and guess what people beleived it spossible.

A dirty bomb derives its damage from radioactive contamination which can last thousands of years depending on the material chosen.

WOnt the "Rug sack" terrorist be killed or disoriented almost immediately by the Radiation?

This does not matter to a suicide bomber, now does it? Further, delayed contamination can be easily arranged with dispersants or timed explosions.

Secondly how easy is it to actually build a nuclear bomb in one's garden shed?
If it was that easy,many people had done it to blow up their "Ex girl friend's" house and leave a huge Crater there.

It is not as difficult as one would imagine, providing the raw materials are available, the most difficult to obtain being the fissile materials.

A postgraduate university student was able to design a complete portable weapon as his graduating thesis a few decades ago from public sources, which was later classified and all information suppressed.

Its not Muslim countries who are promoting terrorism..It the so called Elite peaceful world who are portraying Terrorists as Super humans with genius of a dozen Nobel prize winners.

These words are mere definitions that change depending on which side of the fence the sayey lives on, that is all.
This whole wiki leaks circus needs to analyzed carefully.

Someone is obviously orchestrating the way in which these cables are being let out which is fishy to begin with , there a reportedly over 200,000 cables and till now only about 290 or so have been let out most of which are centred around Islamic countries

There is another angle however and that is just like statistics can be used to twist facts , how information is let out and 'packaged' can also be used in the same way.

These cables are probably real but the media outlets are now trying to twist and trun and manipulate these to throw maximum poo on Muslim courtiers ( and we all know who are the SOBS that run these media outlets )

So keeping in view these two things

a. That wiki leaks is orchestrating dissemination of information in a pre-determined and controlled manner to influence opinions

b. The media is latching on the tid bits of information that they can use to further malign Muslim courtiers.

The above two could be related but they may be totally unrelated and yet both true.

I would advise all to use the following method to directly search the wiki leaks site and not read it off from media outlets.

In Google search type following

site:cablegate.wikileaks.org pakistan
site:cablegate.wikileaks.org india
site:cablegate.wikileaks.org china
site:cablegate.wikileaks.org uk

and so on

In this way you can directly search the wiki leaks cables on the site itself and read through the whole thing.

Once thing is very clear that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are stuff of nightmare for the enemies of Pakistan specially for the land thieves in Isreal.

---------- Post added at 11:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 PM ----------

mods if there is already a thread on this , please merge the threads so that all info is in one place
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A dirty bomb derives its damage from radioactive contamination which can last thousands of years depending on the material chosen.

This does not matter to a suicide bomber, now does it? Further, delayed contamination can be easily arranged with dispersants or timed explosions.

It is not as difficult as one would imagine, providing the raw materials are available, the most difficult to obtain being the fissile materials.

A postgraduate university student was able to design a complete portable weapon as his graduating thesis a few decades ago from public sources, which was later classified and all information suppressed.

These words are mere definitions that change depending on which side of the fence the sayey lives on, that is all

But cant be rejected all together..

Carrying Radioactive matter close to one's spine in a rug sack wont damage Nervous system to the level of disabling the Mr terrorist before they can do anything?

Thousands of years ? are you sure...Why you think the most contaminated area on the planet Chernobyl is full of life..and there are no two headed zombies roaming there..Nuclear threat is over rated.
But cant be rejected all together..

Carrying Radioactive matter close to one's spine in a rug sack wont damage Nervous system to the level of disabling the Mr terrorist before they can do anything?

Thousands of years ? are you sure...Why you think the most contaminated area on the planet Chernobyl is full of life..and there are no two headed zombies roaming there..Nuclear threat is over rated.

I am not asking you to reject any definitions, but it would be wise not to reject other points of view altogether.

There are ways of transporting radioactive materials safely as well with the correct shielding materials.

Yes, there are several dangerous isotopes that pose grave health hazards to humans, for example:

99Tc, half-life of 211,000 years and 6% fissile yield, 126Sn (230,000 years, 0.1%), 79Se (327,000 years, 0.04%), 93Zr 1,530,000 years, 5.5%), 135Cs (2,300,000 years, 6.9%), 107Pd (6,500,000 years 1.2 %, and 129I (15,700,000 years, yes, that is 15.7 million years, 0.8%).

Before quoting the area around Chernobyl as an example, please look at how many humans are able to live there after the accident, or how economically productive the land is compared to its previous uses.

Now imagine the agricultural land of Punjab contaminated the same as Chernobyl and its economic impact on Pakistan.

I do know what I am talking about here.
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more interesting stuff.

In public, both sides have described putting American boots on the ground as a red line issue.

However, a cable sent by the then US Ambassador to Islamabad, Anne Patterson, states that Pakistan has twice requested American soldiers to embed with its Frontier Corps in North Waziristan and South Waziristan, areas dotted with Taliban and al-Qaeda bases.

On both occasions Pakistan asked for the help of US special forces to provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance – including video footage from drones – to its troops. On one mission they helped the Pakistani soldiers target an enemy base with artillery.

"These deployments are highly politically sensitive because of widely-held concerns among the public about Pakistani sovereignty and opposition to allowing foreign military forces to operate in any fashion on Pakistani soil," she wrote.

"Should these developments and/or related matters receive any coverage in the Pakistani or US media, the Pakistani military will likely stop making requests for such assistance."

A second cable describes a 2008 meeting with Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Pakistani prime minister, in which he brushes aside concerns about the use of Predator drones against targets in the tribal areas and gives an insight into how he would deny any co-operation.

"I don't care if they do it as long as they get the right people. We'll protest in the National Assembly and then ignore it," he told Ms Patterson.

There have been more than 100 drone strikes so far this year as the Obama administration steps up its covert use of Predators in the skies over Pakistan.

Publicly, Pakistan has insisted the strikes are "unhelpful" while America has refused to confirm the existence of the CIA programme, despite the visibility of strikes.

The secrecy has spawned a generation of conspiracy theorists and provided the local media with countless stories of CIA plots, US border incursions and Blackwater operatives at large.

Hasan Askari Rizvi, a Pakistani analyst, said the latest revelations would be deeply damaging to a government which lacked the strength to articulate its true relationship with Washington, for fear of angering the country's hardliners.

"There is no doubt this will fuel anti-Americanism and will encourage the Islamists and the conspiracy theorists," he said.

Wikileaks: Pakistan privately approved drone strikes - Telegraph
one thing is very clear to me now.... USA cannot keep some document safe in thier land


these all documents are leaked by usa for
1- hit arab and iran relations
2- hit arab and pakistan relations
3- hit china and north korea relations

how come there are no leaks for isreal
how come there are no leaks for uk
how come there are no leaks against australia
how come there are no leaks for EU

wikkileaks admits that they havent gave out leaks against british royal family WHY?? just to miantain their relation with UK ??? or it was not authorized by penta----gone????

i hope someone can answer these questions......
how come there are no leaks for isreal
how come there are no leaks for uk
how come there are no leaks against australia
how come there are no leaks for EU

wikkileaks admits that they havent gave out leaks against british royal family WHY?? just to miantain their relation with UK ??? or it was not authorized by penta----gone????

i hope someone can answer these questions......

All have had leaks, you obviously find it hard to use google.

Remember there's thousands of more documents to be released yet. We are in the hundreds so far.

Royal family has also been leaked.

Put the tin foil hat away now.

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