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Why Wouldn’t I get Married?

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I have been given the authority over you, and I am not the best of you. If I do well, help me; and if I do wrong, set me right. Sincere regard for truth is loyalty and disregard for truth is treachery. The weak amongst you shall be strong with me until I have secured his rights, if God wills; and the strong amongst you shall be weak with me until I have wrested from him the rights of others, if God wills. Obey me so long as I obey God and His Messenger. But if I disobey God and His Messenger, ye owe me no obedience. Arise for your prayer, God have mercy upon you. HAZRAT ABU BAKAR
"O ye faithful! Abu Bakr is no more amongst us. He has the satisfaction that he has successfully piloted the ship of the Muslim state to safety after negotiating the stormy sea. He successfully waged the apostasy wars, and thanks to him, Islam is now supreme in Arabia. After Abu Bakr, the mantle of Caliphate has fallen on my shoulders. I swear it before God that I never coveted this office. I wished that it would have devolved on some other person more worthy than me. But now that in national interest, the responsibility for leading the Muslims has come to vest in me, I assure you that I will not run away from my post, and will make an earnest effort to discharge the onerous duties of the office to the best of my capacity in accordance with the injunctions of Islam. Allah has examined me from you and you from me, In the performance of my duties, I will seek guidance from the Holy Book, and will follow the examples set by the Holy Prophet and Abu Bakr. In this task I seek your assistance. If I follow the right path, follow me. If I deviate from the right path, correct me so that we are not led astray. HAZRAT UMAR RA
No Sir Muslims can't follow the law which is against Quran and Sunnah Sir that is why Quran says when a difference happens between you and your leader follow Quran and Sunnah and that is why all the 4 caliphs said to their people as long as we decide according to Quran and Sunnah follow us if not than stop us Mr go read what Islam says than come and talk

Okay lets do the math. Give answers only in numerical form.

How many muslims are there in the world?
How many of those muslims live in non islamic countries?
How many muslim majority countries follow any form of shariah law?
How many muslim majority countries follow non islamic law?

Take this chart and do one for 1950 then do for present day.

Allah says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 256]

If you still copy paste your previous answers then I have something else in store for you.
Okay lets do the math. Give answers only in numerical form.

How many muslims are there in the world?
How many of those muslims live in non islamic countries?
How many muslim majority countries follow any form of shariah law?
How many muslim majority countries follow non islamic law?

Take this chart and do one for 1950 then do for present day.

Allah says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 256]

If you still copy paste your previous answers then let I have something else in store for you.
Mr Quran gives a dam about Math the order is clear those Muslims who are living in countries which are not following Shairah have to try their best to change the laws even if they have to sacrifice their lives for it they have to do it and keep doing it until the Shairah is implemented because ALLAH has called those people kafirs who don't decide according to his law read Quran and Sunnah and lives of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Sahabas
Mr Quran gives a dam about Math the order is clear those Muslims who are living in countries which are not following Shairah have to try their best to change the laws even if they have to sacrifice their lives for it they have to do it and keep doing it until the Shairah is implemented because ALLAH has called those people kafirs who don't decide according to his law read Quran and Sunnah and lives of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Sahabas

Allah says: “So if they dispute with you, say ‘I have submitted my whole self to Allah, and so have those who follow me.’ And say to the People of the Scripture and to the unlearned: ‘Do you also submit yourselves?’ If they do, then they are on right guidance. But if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message. And in Allah’s sight are all of His servants.” [Sûrah Âl `Imrân: 20]

That is the law of Islam. What you are doing is not islam. Quran trumps sunnah.
Allah says: “So if they dispute with you, say ‘I have submitted my whole self to Allah, and so have those who follow me.’ And say to the People of the Scripture and to the unlearned: ‘Do you also submit yourselves?’ If they do, then they are on right guidance. But if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message. And in Allah’s sight are all of His servants.” [Sûrah Âl `Imrân: 20]

That is the law of Islam. What you are doing is not islam. Quran trumps sunnah.
Mr same Quran tells you to follow HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and what ever he speaks is from ALLAH and MR at least understand the ayat Mr this ayat came when HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW used to get worried so much about Non Muslims that his health got damaged that is what ALLAH is saying here Mr the massage includes Sunnah to Sir you stop being a moron The Quran even don't tell the method of Salah nor of Roza nor of Zakat nor of Hajj and also many other things Mr read about Islam and than talk Mr
Not even a super jahil would say quran dosnt give a damn about math. Why are you hell bent upon showing yourself as the complete idiot? What happened to quran being the complete book of science. You keep the killing part but fail to even understand the basics of the most important parts. If God did not create physics , chemistry, atmosphere or gravity. Then who did? Your life is like an insect that has no other objective than to run around the refrigerator when its dark, but scamper as soon as the light turns on.
The Concept of Islam
by Haroon Saadiq
We are living in a time, in which everyone claims to be a Muslim yet lacking the correct knowledge about Islam. Is it not surprising that a person claims to be a Muslim and does not know what Islam is! Problem arises when Muslims think that they are Muslims because they were born to Muslim parents in a Muslim country. They dont have that urge of knowing Why? they are Muslims and What? is Islam all about. Organize a survey and ask the born Muslims to define what Islam is. All sorts of statements, opinions, explanation and definitions would be presented, but it would be shameful to know that except for a few percentage, majority would be blank regarding the meaning of Islam. Reason being that no one bothers to read the Qur'an. Even if it is read occasionally (subject to mood), understanding it, is considered to be the job of the scholars. People want to treat it as a magician’s crystal ball. No one is really bothered to know what Allah is trying to tell us in His book about Islam. So why not behave like a Muslim and open the Qur'an and see for ourselves what this book says about Islam. Allah (s.w.t) says:

" O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger
and make not your deeds vain! " [47:33]
This verse clearly shows that if anyone does not obey the orders of Allah and the Prophet then his deeds are not acceptable to Allah. Second message which we get from this verse is that in addition to following the message given to us in the Qur'an we also have to obey the orders given to us by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), only then our deeds would be acceptable to Allah. If we do as we like or by anyone else’s thinking something (which is not defined by hadith ) then Allah has clearly told us that our deeds would be useless.

Thus this verse explains the standardization in Islam. Islam is what is in the Qur'an and Hadith only! Anything outside this is not Islam whether it is done by Sunnis, Shias, Ismailis or Mirzais. Islam is not what the Muslims do, Islam is what Muhammad (s.a.w.) did. The Holy Prophet left amongst us two things i.e. The Qur'an and his sayings (Hadith). By holding on to them fast one cannot go astray (Insha Allah).

And hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah
and be not divided among yourselves [3:103]
What is the rope of Allah? It is the Book of Allah i.e. The Qur'an and indirectly includes the Hadeeth since Qur'an orders to follow the way of The Prophet. Allah says:

Say, If you do love Allah, follow me (i.e.Muhammad S ), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. For Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful [3:31]

Thus it is very clear that one can love Allah only if one follows the footsteps of Muhammad (s.a.w.). If one does not follow the Sunnah or Hadith then he is in no position to claim for the love of Allah or Islam. The very next verse of the same surah says,

Say, Obey Allah and His apostle, but if they turn back
Allah surely loves not the disbelievers [3:32]
So it becomes crystal clear that obeying Allah and His prophet is compulsory for anyone who claims to be a Muslim. If we do not obey them or if we say that we believe in Qur'an only and not the Hadith ( because hadith are suspicious nowadays ) or if we interpret the Qur'an our own way without taking the Hadith into account, then Allah says that He does not love the disbelievers. We might be certified by the president of a Muslim country on our passports as Muslims but it would not be the case up there.

It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman when a matter has been decided by Allah and His apostle to have any option in their decision. If anyone disobeys Allah and His apostle, he is indeed on a clearly wrong path [33:36]

Now this is so clear that anyone reading this verse can easily understand the importance of following the Hadith in addition to the Qur'an. Some other references from The Qur'an regarding the importance of following the Hadith are as under:

"... So take what the Apostle assigns to you and deny yourselves that which he withholds from you. And fear Allah, for Allah is strict in punishment " [59:7]

" O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle, and those charged with authority among you, If you differ in anything among yourselves refer it to Allah and His apostle, if you do believe in Allah and the last day, that is best and most suitable for final determination " [4:59]

" When it is said to them, come to what Allah has revealed and to the Apostle, You see the hypocrites avert their faces from you in disgust." [4:61]

" We sent not an Apostle, But to be obeyed , in accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves , come unto you and asked Allah’s forgiveness, and the Apostle had asked forgiveness for them , they would have found Allah indeed oft-returning, Most Merciful " [4:64]

" But no, By the Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (Muhammad s.a.w) judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against your decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction " [4:65]

" He who obeys the Apostle obeys Allah, but if any turn away, We have not sent you (Muhammad s.a.w.) to watch over their (evil deeds) [4:80]

" If anyone contends with the Apostle even after guidance has been plainly conveyed to him, and follows a path other than the way of the believers. We shall leave him in the path he has chosen, and land him in hell - what an evil refuge! " [4:115]

This was some fraction from the Holy Qur'an which clearly defines that a Muslim on the right path is the one who follows Qur'an and Hadith Only & Purely. Anyone following anything else other than this is not following Islam as mentioned in the book of Allah.

Now some ahadeeth.

Hazrat Irbaz bin Saaria said: Once Allah’s apostle after leading us in prayers delivered to us a speech that made everyone weep. Upon the request of a person, Allah’s apostle gave them a piece of advice, to Fear Allah and to listen to one’s Ameer even if he is a Negro slave. He also stated that those living after him would encounter a lot of discrepancies in religion, in that case he advised to hold fast to his sunnah (hadith) and to the sunnah of khulfa-e-rashideen who are on the right path (they follow Qur'an and Hadith only) [Mentioned in Abu Dawud]

Once Allah’s apostle said: " Remember I’ve been given the Book (i.e. Qur'an) and something like it (i.e. hadith) alongwith it. He warned to be aware of the time when a person (wealthy and proud) would say (to people) that Qur'an is enough for you, consider lawful (halal) whatever you find lawful in it (i.e. in Qur'an) and consider unlawful (haram) whatever you find in it unlawful. The Prophet warned (about this erroneous belief of not believing in the hadith) and mentioned (to his companions) that it is unlawful (i.e. haram) for you to eat the meat of a domestic donkey (thus giving an example that Hadith is necessary to understand the Qur'an since Qur'an does not mention about the meat of a domestic donkey, whether it is halal or haram to eat) " [Sunan Abi Dawud]

Look at some major sects in Islam which people have invented. To name a few Hanbalis, Hanafis, Shaafis, Maalikis, Shias, Ismailis, Mirzais. It is acceptable as long as one takes help from any scholar regarding religion, but it is absolutely anti Islamic to blindly follow any scholar without reasoning from the Qur'an and Hadith. No one says that the Imams (May Allah be pleased with them all) did not follow the Qur'an and the Hadith. Sure they did! But being human beings were prone to make mistakes and it was very likely that they did not obtain all the ahaadith of the Prophet. Lets see what Imam Abu Hanifa says:

Imam Abu Hanifa:

" O people don’t interpret religion by your own thinking and absolutely follow the Sunnah, for whosoever goes away from it goes astray! "

" People will try to interpret religion without Ahaadith, then they will develop trouble among themselves ..." [Aqdul Jayyed & Meezan by Shairani]

Even after knowing all this, some people follow his fiqah blindly though they have the knowledge of high order healthy Ahaadith. Thus following the fiqah of any imam or scholar blindly without reasoning is what makes divisions among Muslims. This is basically called " Taqleed " i.e following someone blindly without reasoning. Only Muhammad (s.a.w.) the Messenger of Allah is to be followed without reasoning and this is ordered in the Qur'an and is called " Ittiba ". Some verses from The Qur'an clearly explain that taqleed is anti Islamic,

" What! Have they partners (In godhead), who have established for them some religion without the permission of Allah? Had it not been for the decree of judgment, the matter would have been decided between them (at once) but verily the wrong doers will have a grievous penalty " [42:21]

" They take their priests and their anchorites to be their Lords in derogation of Allah and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary, yet they were commanded to worship but one Allah, There is no God but He, Praise and Glory to Him (far He is) from having the parents they associate." [9:31]

Once the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) asked Adi bin Haatim, (before he accepted Islam) to remove the cross which he was wearing around his neck, Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) also recited the above mentioned verse. Adi told Allah’s apostle that they (christaian and jews) never made their priests or leaders their Lords. Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) said that they (christian and jews) used to accept as halal what their priests declared halal and considered haram what they declared haram? And thus explained that this act meant that they were making their priests their Lords. [Tirmizi]

" The day that their faces will be turned upside down in the fire, they will say, Woe to us! would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Apostle!. And they would say, Our Lord! we obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they mislead us as to the (right) path " [33: 66,67]

Thus in the presence of Qur'an and Hadith if we follow anything else then we are out of Islam making a new sect. Lets see what other Imams say:

Imam Malik:

" Being a human being my sayings can be right or wrong so take those to follow which are in accordance with the Qur'an and the Hadith, and leave those which are against it " [Ref: Jaame by Ibne Abdul Bar]

Imam Sha'fi:

" If anyone finds something against the Sunnah, it should be
left and Hadith / Sunnah should be followed "
[Ref: said by Ibne Asakar and Ibne Qaym]

Imam Ahmed:

" Don’t be my muqallid (person who follows someone without reasoning) or of Imam Maalik, Shaafi, Auzai or Imam Nawawi. Take the orders (regarding religious issues) from where these Imams have taken (i.e Qur'an and Hadith)." [Ref: said by Fulani]

Some people quote the hadith in which the Prophet said that Difference of Opinion in my Ummah is Blessing. Regarding this Hadith, the muhaddisins could not prove its authenticity even after a great effort. Imam Subki said that this Hadith is not recognized among the Muhadditheen. Allama Ibne Hazm in the book " Alahkam Fiasool Alahkam " denies the authenticity of this Hadith. He declared this Hadith as false and incorrect. More can be checked out regarding this Hadith in the book titled " Collection of weak Ahaadith " by Sheikh Naasir-ud-Din Albaani.

" If Qur'an was from other than Allah then they would
have found a lot of discrepancies in it " [4:82]
Thus it shows that Allah is not in favor of discrepancies in religion, how can it be a blessing ? At another place The Qur'an says:

" And Obey Allah and His apostle and fall into no disputes, lest you get weak hearted and your power depart, and be steadfast, for Allah is with the steadfast " [8:46]

" Mankind is a single nation. So Allah raised Prophets as bearers of good news and as warners, and He revealed with them the book with truth, that it might judge between people concerning that in which they differed . And none but the very people who were given it, differed about it after clear arguments had come to them, envying one another. So Allah has guided by His will those who believe to the truth about which they differed. And Allah guides whom he pleases to the right path " [2:213]

In Sahih Muslim the authentic book of ahadeeth:

" Hazrat Ayesha reported that when Prophet stood at night, he opened his prayers and said; O Allah! Lord of Gibraeel, Michaeel and Israfeel! Creator of the skies and the earth! Knower of the unseen and the seen! You do judge among your servants in what they differ. Guide me in what they differ from truth with Your permission, verily You guide whom You like to the straight path " [Muslim]

In the prayers, Allah’s apostle used to curse the disbelievers and prayed to Allah to put differences among them. On the contrary he prayed for the development of love among the Muslims and for their correction.

Thus disputes and discrepancies are definitely not blessings, even if they occur. They certainly do occur but the positive attitude is to finish them by consulting the issue with Qur'an and Hadith. Maintaining these differences provides the raw material for the development of sects and the Muslim community as a whole gets weak and their power departs. A question is raised about the differences in opinion among the companions of the Prophet. Answer to this is simply that those differences did not lead to various sects or religions like it is the case nowadays. Those differences were due to the unavailability of the Ahaadith to those people (a human limitation), despite their strong effort in getting the knowledge of Ahaadith. Those people spent their lives for the knowledge of Ahaadith and Qur'an. As soon as they were informed about the Hadith regarding the issue in which they were differing, they used to accept the Hadith and finished the dispute by giving up their thinking. Some of the examples would be described next.

Some people state that Hazrat Omer had the courage to say that Qur'an was sufficient for them and they did not need anything else. The actual incidence was:

During the illness of the Prophet he once said: Bring me something to write so that I may give you some instructions which you can follow and stay on the right path. Hazrat Omer expressed that Qur'an was sufficient for them. While others opted the other way round. There was a quarrel over there and the Prophet got annoyed, asking every one to leave. Scholars have mentioned the following possibilities regarding this difference of opinion,

1) The Prophet himself could not write and obviously had to ask someone else to write for him. According to scholars, at that time the matter of choosing the caliph (after the death of the Prophet) was the main issue and maybe Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) wanted to appoint one among them, for which he asked for the writing material. Some of his companions objected because they thought that after his death, people would not believe that this was ordered by the Prophet, as the orders would not have been in his writing. Thus there was no guarantee that the orders were by the Prophet or someone had just written a fake statement. To avoid the trouble, some of his companions thus gave their opinion like this. Obviously the Prophet could not have written all the ahaadith (explained over a great span of time) at one time, so it had to be some other piece of advice. So it is not correct to think that his companions were not in the favor of ahaadith and wanted to think their own way out regarding religious issues.

2) Second explanation given by the scholars is that the Prophet had spent a good amount of time among his companions explaining everything in detail and very clearly regarding religion. Thus the companions thought that they were capable of handling the issues even if they dont have anything in writing by the Prophet.

Now even if we don't know for sure, what actually the Prophet wanted to write, still this does not mean that Prophet’s companions did their own interpretation from the Qur'an. They all followed the Qur'an as explained by the Hadith/Sunnah, as this is evident by examples mentioned below, (especially concerning Hazrat Omer proving that he did not interpret religion his own way, but followed the Sunnah and Hadith only).

Abu Dawood:

Once Hazrat Abdullah bin Aus went to Hazrat Omer and asked him, for what should a woman do if she suffers from menstruation on the day of slaughtering after the Tawaaf-e-Ziaarat. Hazrat Omer said that her last act should be the Tawaaf of Khaana Kaaba (after she gets clean). Hazrat Aus said that Allah’s apostle also gave him the same answer. Hazrat Omer got so angry that he replied, may your hands break! you are asking me something which you have already asked Allah’s apostle, Can I declare anything against the Sunnah (hadith)?


Hazrat Omer said that he only kissed Hajre Aswad (the black stone lying near Khaana Kaaba) because he saw Allah’s apostle doing that, otherwise he himself did not want to do that.


Once Hazrat Omer asked if anyone knew the issue of diyyat. A person stood up and said that Allah’s apostle had sent him the issue of diyyat in writing. Hazrat Omer then gave his verdict regarding that issue according to the Sunnah / Hadith.


Hazrat Omer did not take jizya (tax taken from non-Muslims) from the majoosis (star / fire worshippers) , but when Hazrat AbdulRehman bin Auf declared that Allah’s apostle used to take jizya from the majoosis, Hazrat Omer also started to take jizya from them.


Hazrat Jaabir said that once Hazrat Omer was reading Torah (book of Allah which was revealed upon Hazrat Musa) in front of Allah’s apostle. Allah’s apostle got annoyed. Hazrat Abu Bakar asked Hazrat Omer to look at Hazrat Muhammad’s (s.a.w.) face, as he was looking very angry. When Hazrat Omer looked at his face he said: " I seek shelter from Allah’s and His apostle’s anger, We are satisfied with Allah as our God, Islam as our religion and Muhammad (s.a.w.) as our Prophet ". After this Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) said " By Him (Allah) in whose hands my life is, you people will go astray if Hazrat Musa comes and you start following him instead of me ". He further said: " Hazrat Musa would also be following me if he was alive living in my time "

Now these examples clearly proves that the companions of the Prophet followed only and only the Hadith to understand the Qur'an, they did not interpret it their own way. Thus following Imams, Scholars, Kings and Leaders would not define Islam. Islam is simply following The Qur'an of Allah and Hadith of Muhammad (s.a.w.). One can and should take help from a scholar or an imam but following them blindly without reasoning from Qur'an and Sunnah is what goes against the spirit of Islam. No one is perfect to be followed without questioning, except the one for whom Allah has revealed the verses in His book i.e. Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him).

May Allah give all of us the strength for reading and understanding the Qur'an so that we can have a proper concept of our religion.
Not even a super jahil would say quran dosnt give a damn about math. Why are you hell bent upon showing yourself as the complete idiot? What happened to quran being the complete book of science. You keep the killing part but fail to even understand the basics of the most important parts. If God did not create physics , chemistry, atmosphere or gravity. Then who did? Your life is like an insect that has no other objective than to run around the refrigerator when its dark, but scamper as soon as the light turns on.
Mr again you proved to be the funny guy I am talking about the math you talked about the above post Mr first understand something before talking crap
Mr same Quran tells you to follow HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and what ever he speaks is from ALLAH and MR at least understand the ayat Mr this ayat came when HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW used to get worried so much about Non Muslims that his health got damaged that is what ALLAH is saying here Mr the massage includes Sunnah to Sir you stop being a moron The Quran even don't tell the method of Salah nor of Roza nor of Zakat nor of Hajj and also many other things Mr read about Islam and than talk Mr

I have been talking .. but you unfortunately have not been listening. I show you irrefutable proofs that you are wrong. and then you say it was written at this time. I did not ask about Namaz or Roza right now. Show me in the Quran where it is that you are supposed to kill people if they do not agree with you. OR where it is written that you are to bring Shariah law where ever you go? I have shown you where it is written that you may not do that.
I have been talking .. but you unfortunately have not been listening. I show you irrefutable proofs that you are wrong. and then you say it was written at this time. I did not ask about Namaz or Roza right now. Show me in the Quran where it is that you are supposed to kill people if they do not agree with you. OR where it is written that you are to bring Shariah law where ever you go? I have shown you where it is written that you may not do that.
Mr Quran and Sunnah are both part of Islam ALLAH has sent Quran and laws to be implemented and have called kafirs those who don't decide according to Quran and Sunnah Mr laws are implemented by government Sir go read complete Quran and Sunnah before come and talk you are the most funny ignorant guy I have ever seen in my whole life
I have been talking .. but you unfortunately have not been listening. I show you irrefutable proofs that you are wrong. and then you say it was written at this time. I did not ask about Namaz or Roza right now. Show me in the Quran where it is that you are supposed to kill people if they do not agree with you. OR where it is written that you are to bring Shariah law where ever you go? I have shown you where it is written that you may not do that.
I never said what you are trying to say Mr and you have not given any proof but just tried to make fun of Islam and do nothing else
{Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination.It is not but a revelation revealed.{ [Quran 53:3-4]

Muslim scholars are in total agreement that if a person refuses to accept the Sunnah of the Prophet and obey it as an integral part of the religion (Islam), a revelation from Allaah Almighty that is a Divine source of Islam and an explanation of the Quran, and a perfect example for all mankind to follow, then he is an apostate or a disbeliever.

Imaam Ibn Hazm said: “If a person says, ‘I only accept what I find in the Quran’, he becomes a disbeliever according to the consensus of Muslims.”

In the past as well as in our times, Muslims have seen amongst their ranks a few who now and then claim that they do not need the Sunnah or they do not believe in it or reject it altogether. Some of those who may say that claim to be Muslims but they only follow and obey the Quran and nothing else. However, Allaah Almighty, whom they claim to obey has clearly stated in many places of the Noble Quran that everyone, regardless of any situation or status, should obey the Prophet in all times and conditions, and when they do so, then they have achieved obedience to Allaah. Allaah Almighty Says (what means): {He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allaah...}[Quran 4:80] Moreover, Allaah Says (what means): {But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you [O Muhammad] judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission..} [Quran 4:65] Here Allaah makes it clear that one who does not accept the verdicts of the Prophet is not a believer.

Others disregard the Sunnah because they say that the Prophet's authority was only valid while he was alive. This is totally baseless, and they have to reject the Quran with it, if this were to be true. Allaah Says what means: {Say [O Muhammad] 'O mankind, indeed I am the Messenger of Allaah to you all...} [Quran 7:158] This makes it clear that Muhammad, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, was sent to all people and for all times.

Finally, some reject the Sunnah because they say that there are flaws in its recording. They claim that too many Hadeeths were fabricated or "projected back," or were not recorded until later generations. Hadeeth and Sunnah scholars have responded to all such claims throughout history. They showed definite evidence that the Hadeeth recording was established at the time when the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, was alive. As for fabricated Hadeeths, the methodology followed by these scholars insured that none of them was to remain uncovered. Muslims do not accept but the Hadeeths that were proven acceptable under that methodology. Actually, this fact makes Islam unique among all religions. It rendered it immune to corruption and change.

Allaah Almighty Says what means: {Say, 'Obey Allaah and the Messenger.' But if they turn away – then indeed, Allaah does not like the disbelievers.} [Quran 3:32] and {O you who have believed, obey Allaah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allaah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allaah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.} [Quran 4:59]

Thus, to deny any part of the Sunnah is disbelief. However, this does not mean that one who doubts the authenticity of a particular Hadeeth is a disbeliever.
A lot of women feel inferiority complex and afraid of commitment or taking responsibility. They are not against marriage but give away their best time in life waiting for the PRINCE of their dream.
Mr again you proved to be the funny guy I am talking about the math you talked about the above post Mr first understand something before talking crap

If you do not understand what simple math is then I would advise you to leave complex religious problems to those that can actually do that. Okay lets do "Bring Shariah to Pakistan". I am with you.. lets bring it. I being a Hanafi sunni and I think you are a Hanafi as well, If not then you will be a Maliki. anyway you can correct me .. So lets do the math again.

How many Maliki sunni are there in Pakistan?
How many are Shafi?
How many are Hanafi?
How many are Hanbali?
We will throw in the How many are Wahabi?
Then I forget the green paghri walas as well. Are they different or they are considered Hanbali?

Well those are the main ones .. If I am missing something please put that in .. Okay so Shariah law signed and brought by the 80% sunnis in Pakistan and all the non muslims, shias, agakhanis and plus have been told to shut up or killed.

Now who's shariah law will we implement?
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