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Why would people from China, the world's second-biggest economy, risk their lives to enter the UK?

Lol Taiwanese talkshow.

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Why would HK need to bet all of its foreign reserves? HK's reserves is 8x of it's monetary base, they can EASILY back 100% of their currency if they want.

Look, Singapore is able to fend off speculation with no external help and lend a helping hand to our neighbors even though we are barely half the size of HK at that time. HK is definitely able to defend their own currency if their authorities are willing to intervene. You think it's so easy to bring down a currency backed by the world's 3rd largest foreign reserves?
Why would HK need to bet all of its foreign reserves? HK's reserves is 8x of it's monetary base, they can EASILY back 100% of their currency if they want.
那我就不清楚了,只能说索罗斯的智商比你低,居然飞蛾扑火。Probably Soros is retarded. Too bad he was not as smart as you are.
那我就不清楚了,只能说索罗斯的智商比你低,居然飞蛾扑火。Probably Soros is retarded. Too bad he was not as smart as you are.

Heh. And that was why he lost billions by betting that the HK government would not intervene.

Instead of being sarcastic, how about proving my facts and figures were wrong?

I can back them up with authoritative sources, can you?

The size of our monetary base at that time was smaller, at around HK$95 billion, and the amount of foreign reserves needed to back it 100% amounted to about US$12 billion.

Heh. And that was why he lost billions by betting that the HK government would not intervene.

Instead of being sarcastic, how about proving my facts and figures were wrong?

I can back them up with authoritative sources, can you?

Don't ask me. I'm not an economist. I don't think Soros was so naive to believe that HK government would not interfere. He'd kinda declared war to HK government in advance.
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Don't ask me. I'm not an economist. I don't think Soros would be so naive to believe that HK government would not interfere.

Stocks and currency are different. HK government stepped in buy up stocks to prevent prices from falling, which was unprecedented.

Watch this, which includes an interview with the relevant authority:

Just agree or disagree with my figures, or prove that my figures are wrong.

No wait, what are you even trying argue about?

1)What do you think Beijing did to 'save' HK in 1997? Providing 'confidence' for HK? How much did Beijing contribute to the firepower? Tell me the exact number.

2)If Singapore, half the size of HK at that time, can defend itself and help her neighbors, why can't HK defend itself with the world's 3rd largest foreign reserves, x8 of her monetary base?

3)You think China, with just slightly higher reserves than HK, has the luxury of helping HK when she herself has to depend on that money to defend the currency for 1.2 billion people? You think the Chinese leaders are so stupid?







The central government basically rejected and told HK to depend on themselves, by citing 1C2S.
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Sources quoted by @Mista seem more reliable to me.
Let's avoid quoting Taiwan media source.... They are urrrr......you know....

The point is Hong Kong gov were capable to solve that crisis by itself at that time. They sure had Beijing as their strong supporter however.
Stocks and currency are different. HK government stepped in buy up stocks to prevent prices from falling, which was unprecedented.

Watch this, which includes an interview with the relevant authority:

Just agree or disagree with my figures, or prove that my figures are wrong.

No wait, what are you even trying argue about?

1)What do you think Beijing did to 'save' HK in 1997? Providing 'confidence' for HK? How much did Beijing contribute to the firepower? Tell me the exact number.

2)If Singapore, half the size of HK at that time, can defend itself and help her neighbors, why can't HK defend itself with the world's 3rd largest foreign reserves, x8 of her monetary base?

3)You think China, with just slightly higher reserves than HK, has the luxury of helping HK when she herself has to depend on that money to defend the currency for 1.2 billion people? You think the Chinese leaders are so stupid?






The central government basically rejected and told HK to depend on themselves, by citing 1C2S.
Sources quoted by @Mista seem more reliable to me.
Let's avoid quoting Taiwan media source.... They are urrrr......you know....

The point is Hong Kong gov were capable to solve that crisis by itself at that time. They sure had Beijing as their strong supporter however.

I'm not even humiliating China or whatever.

I'm just pointing out that HK did their own battle, and the endless bragging in mainland China's social media and 自媒体 is off-putting to many people including HKers.



I'm not even humiliating China or whatever.

I'm just pointing out that HK did their own battle, and the endless bragging in mainland China's social media and 自媒体 is off-putting to many people including HKers.


You asked me not to believe 自媒体. While your link is also 自媒体. Soros sucessfully attacked Pound in 1992. He shouldn't have done that by applying your logic. UK shouldn't have been defeated either. Stop pretending to be an economist.
Stocks and currency are different. HK government stepped in buy up stocks to prevent prices from falling, which was unprecedented.
I can't care more for the place imploding at this point. They have bad, overprised dim sum, cockroaches on the streets, and no factories. What's good about the place?
2)If Singapore, half the size of HK at that time, can defend itself and help her neighbors, why can't HK defend itself with the world's 3rd largest foreign reserves, x8 of her monetary base?
Certainly they can, and that's what those kids are ultimately raving about. Quoting myself:
Most of kids in black are well educated middle class, who are all well travelled, knowledgeable about politics, and who had their future being secured by their parents for them. They plainly want more power. Even if the suffrage is granted, they will not stop. Then they will want seats on legco, have their own diplomacy, and ultimately sovereignty.
Disposing of Lam will not change their issues by a dime, moreover, they themselves will not do so. Nathan Luo is a bloody born Shenzhener, born to a CPC member if you didn't know... He lived in central Langdao, in an elite gated community, and went to a very select university. I don't need to talk about Wang and Zhou Yongkang both are typical bourgeois. Wang went to, not so select, but still a private school. Zhou Yongkang have billionaire parents.

Overprivileged, and spoiled kids having ambitions, there is nothing more than that to this whole commotion.

We should wall off that city around with 10 metre tall wall, and then forget about it.
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Yo, answer my questions above.

Singapore's currency depreciated against the USD because our major trading partners in the region devalued their currencies and our currency is pegged against a basket of their currencies.

I'm not an economist but I'm majoring in banking and finance, so I know my basics well and I know how financial system operate and why past financial crisis happen. It's much more complicated than that and you don't simply 'save' other economies by providing 'confidence'. It's a game of bluff in the financial markets. China's own currency will be at stake if they used their own reserves to defend the HK dollar and Chinese leaders aren't going to risk that.

If you want cite Taiwanese media, at least cite official news sources instead of political talk shows. They air here in Singapore's TV everyday and my family watch them for laughs LOL. Even the hosts themselves admitted that 'it's for entertainment' and not to take them seriously.


榨菜哥 in the talk show you cited:


You asked me not to believe 自媒体. While your link is also 自媒体. Soros sucessfully attacked Pound in 1992. He shouldn't have done that by applying your logic. UK shouldn't have been defeated either. Stop pretending to be an economist.

I'm not using 自媒体 to back my figures but to show that there are ordinary HKers sick of the mainland's bragging, just like I'm using China's 自媒体 above to show that they are indeed bragging and dramatizing.

You used Taiwanese talk show as a basis to substantiate facts and figures. I used facts and figures straight from the HKMA and other official news sources.

Nah. Not same kind of HKers. There are always pro China HKers and anti China HKers. The number of anti China HKers is growing because HK's eduction system is mostly controlled by pro west organizations. Church schools for example.

He said he marched for pro-China protests before:

First, you know nothing about me, I went to a Pro-China High School, called Mu Kwang in KT, Kung Lok Road. You cannot get a more Pro-China high school in Hong Kong that that. Secondly I am as pro-China as it was, I marched against Japanese landing in Senkaku, I march against the 2010 Protest, I marched against the 2014 occupation. And even for people like me I am frustrated.

People like you is like the Mainland Chinese neighbour I have back in Hong Kong. Know nothing but pretend himself like a big star, keep saying "China is how good, how advance" yet he did not realise he, along with the 149 other who get Permanent Residence a day to settle in Hong Kong from China, are the first one to line up for social benefit. If you say China give us some of the best bad brightest, I will say thank you, but the fact to the matter is, those 150 a day? Those aren't rich Chinese, those are even educated.

If you think you could have threaten me by saying "China will crush Hong Kong, this or that" Let me give you some news pal, it's already done, you are 5 years too late.

You are who empathized in what the hell is wrong with this protest, people, as arrogance like you, say stuff and do stuff without thinking and then come charging out like you are right and everybody else is wrong. As long as people like you exist in China, I see no peaceful situation in Hong Kong, you may as well send PLA and come kill us all. Don't threaten me, just do it.

Looks like he's also tired of the mainland's rhetoric and bragging.
Blame your own hong konger and not others... Greedy business HK property tycoon who killed any business venture like innovation, manufacturing and technology. China totally let Hong Konger run themselves but its the biggest mistake. I have to admit one country 2 system is a mistake. If China is able to fully takeover Hong Kong and revamp its system, it will eliminate those tycoon dominate business like electric power, property ,telecommunication with state-owned that will ensure cheaper rate for general people. The Chinese would have long flatten few hillls or reclaimed many coastside to ensure abundant of land for flat building to ensure affordable prices for most Hong Konger.

Let me get this right for you, I blame Hong Kong government, everyone blame Hong Kong government for the current Fiasco, and who's in charge of the Hong Kong government?

Of all the relevant party, only Chinese government blame other people, their government and their people, including you, blame the US and the UK for the current fiasco.

China let Hong Kong run themselves? That is probably the most laughable thing I have heard in years. Do you even know how much China have actually influenced Hong Kong both in term of Domestic Management and Foreign Business (No, I am not talking about Foreign Relation)

If China wanted to directly control Hong Kong, then Chinese government should not give 1C2S at the very first beginning, if you don't have a head to fit the hat, then don't wear the hat that didn't fit. China now try to roll back the promise, we don't like it, and then Chinese government blame us. LOL.
Yo, answer my questions above.

Singapore's currency depreciated against the USD because our major trading partners in the region devalued their currencies and our currency is pegged against a basket of their currencies.

I'm not an economist but I'm majoring in banking and finance, so I know my basics well and I know how financial system operate and why past financial crisis happen. It's much more complicated than that and you don't simply 'save' other economies by providing 'confidence'. It's a game of bluff in the financial markets. China's own currency will be at stake if they used their own reserves to defend the HK dollar and Chinese leaders aren't going to risk that.

If you want cite Taiwanese media, at least cite official news sources instead of political talk shows. They air here in Singapore's TV everyday and my family watch them for laughs LOL. Even the hosts themselves admitted that 'it's for entertainment' and not to take them seriously.


榨菜哥 in the talk show you cited:


I'm not using 自媒体 to back my figures but to show that there are ordinary HKers sick of the mainland's bragging, just like I'm using China's 自媒体 above to show that they are indeed bragging and dramatizing.

You used Taiwanese talk show as a basis to substantiate facts and figures. I used facts and figures straight from the HKMA and other official news sources.

He said he marched for pro-China protests before:
But what you said all proves Soros is retarded. 你不觉得奇怪吗?索罗斯竟然如此的幼稚,我宁可相信是你幼稚。再说一遍,新加坡货币贬值后(无论是主动还是被动),就已经没有攻击价值了。只要货币高估才有攻击价值。泰铢贬值后索罗斯也停止了攻击。
Yo, answer my questions above.

Singapore's currency depreciated against the USD because our major trading partners in the region devalued their currencies and our currency is pegged against a basket of their currencies.

I'm not an economist but I'm majoring in banking and finance, so I know my basics well and I know how financial system operate and why past financial crisis happen. It's much more complicated than that and you don't simply 'save' other economies by providing 'confidence'. It's a game of bluff in the financial markets. China's own currency will be at stake if they used their own reserves to defend the HK dollar and Chinese leaders aren't going to risk that.

If you want cite Taiwanese media, at least cite official news sources instead of political talk shows. They air here in Singapore's TV everyday and my family watch them for laughs LOL. Even the hosts themselves admitted that 'it's for entertainment' and not to take them seriously.


榨菜哥 in the talk show you cited:


I'm not using 自媒体 to back my figures but to show that there are ordinary HKers sick of the mainland's bragging, just like I'm using China's 自媒体 above to show that they are indeed bragging and dramatizing.

You used Taiwanese talk show as a basis to substantiate facts and figures. I used facts and figures straight from the HKMA and other official news sources.

He said he marched for pro-China protests before:

Looks like he's also tired of the mainland's rhetoric and bragging.

It's quite stupid and naïve to say the west control the education system in Hong Kong, I have had all my articulation done in Hong Kong, I went across the board from Band 1 to Band 5 school. I can attested to that China is controlling the school, not the west.

To claim "Church" controlling the school is basically absurd, many Christian school are nothing but name only, it was inherit from the old colonial era, much like school using the term "English School" Using my old school as an example, the full name of my school was Mu Kuang English College, the English is a misnomer, as the primary language used to teach are in Chinese, not one subject are taught in English, funny enough, that included English....

School are pro-China these day, we have organise Anti-Japanese, Anti-US, Anti-whatever that was not in line with the Chinese policy.

I know that, I spend 18 years in Hong Kong Education System..

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