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Why would Pakistanis wish to visit India ?

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Obviously and it is the wise thing to do. Indian passports don't carry the person's religion so Pakistan seeks clarity on this. Indian Muslims might want to jump into Pakistan or worse Pakistan might be accused of sending terrorists back . Pakistan no longer issues visas to Indian Muslims. Nor is it necessary. Karl Rocks vlog is very accurate.
I wonder how do they confirm the religion when no official document in India contains religion. An Indian muslim with a neutral name (Kabir / Sameer) can easily pose as a Hindu.
Covid time is best as tourism is light. Saying from personal experience having visited Kerala recently.

True....I was in India recently and the traffic was minimal.

But the point I have is this - if I had to do one vacation a year from the US, my money would be spent elsewhere.
Really? I did not know that, although it should have been given automatically, especially with the two wings being so far apart.
We can debate about who should have got it. But here's the incident.


Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the then Deputy Prime Minister of independent India in charge of Home as well as States Ministry, had sent an SOS message to Mudaliar brothers to convey the collector of Travancore to instruct the police officials and the employees to go to Lakshadweep with whatever arms were with them. His instruction was to take possession of the islands closer to the border and hoist the national flag there. “If the police forces no firearms with them, they can take lathis with them but somehow take possession of the area.”

Sardar Patel was farsighted. When the people from Travancore Police reached Lakshadweep and hoisted the Triranga, they found a ship with Pakistan flag sailing towards Lakshadweep with the intention to take over the Muslim majority area in the Arabian Sea. The Pak dream to capture Lakshadweep was shattered after they watch the Indian National Flag and preferred to take U-turn. But for promptness in the action on Indian side, the strategic area of Lakshadweep must have been part of Pakistan forever. The incident took place immediately after India got independence in August 1947 when British left and Pakistan took a shape of a Muslim State.
So far they are not issuing visas as per my personal knowledge but I may be mistaken.
I know an Indo-Pak couple here in Germany and it was no problem for the husband to get a visa for Pakistan. But he is a doctor helping people for free, maybe that was the reason why he was allowed in (and the fact that he is a very nice guy). Indian Muslim men often look for Pakistani wives. Pakistan shouldn’t make it difficult for them to visit Pakistan together.
I wonder how do they confirm the religion when no official document in India contains religion. An Indian muslim with a neutral name (Kabir / Sameer) can easily pose as a Hindu.
Yes, am not sure but clearance from the Indian side is required as well as there is an exit checkpoint in India . So it is up to the Indian's to inform Pakistan that only Hindus and Sikhs are entering. There is another entry point in Pakistan where the identities are checked. So far not a single Indian Muslim or Christian has been caught impersonating a Sikh or Hindu trying to enter Pakistan. As of now NO Muslim or Christian from India can enter Pakistan by any means. No "family visit" visas are granted anymore and in any case the old folks are dead and buried.
I know an Indo-Pak couple here in Germany and it was no problem for the husband to get a visa for Pakistan. But he is a doctor helping people for free, maybe that was the reason why he was allowed in (and the fact that he is a very nice guy). Indian Muslim men often look for Pakistani wives. Pakistan shouldn’t make it difficult for them to visit Pakistan together.

Indian Muslims should marry their own kind. Indian Muslims are treated like garbage by RSS pajeets and cuss Pakistan to appease Hindus.

Do you know why Indian Muslim Bollywood actors pretend to hate Pakistan? They want to appease RSS Hindus.
Try and insult Pakistanis. I will break and twist your veggie neck right here. You are on our turf now pajeet. You will do as we say.
Arrey Chadd dey yaar . Aye Gull da ki fayeda .,
Indian Muslims should marry their own kind. Indian Muslims are treated like garbage by RSS pajeets and cuss Pakistan to appease Hindus.
Bhai I can understand what you are saying. But I don’t know how I would react when 100 Hindu monkeys would come for my daughter, they live in a very difficult situation. We should pray for them and forgive them for what they have done in a situation of danger.
Do you know why Indian Muslim Bollywood actors pretend to hate Pakistan? They want to appease RSS Hindus.
I know... there is a difference between a house Muslim and a normal Muslim. Normal Muslims should have our sympathy . The Sarkari and celebrity ones can go to hell.
Try and insult Pakistanis. I will break and twist your veggie neck right here. You are on our turf now pajeet. You will do as we say.
I have no interest in engaging with an incorrigible idiot like you. You are now a member of my 'Ignore' list.
I know an Indo-Pak couple here in Germany and it was no problem for the husband to get a visa for Pakistan. But he is a doctor helping people for free, maybe that was the reason why he was allowed in (and the fact that he is a very nice guy). Indian Muslim men often look for Pakistani wives. Pakistan shouldn’t make it difficult for them to visit Pakistan together.
My information, is that it is expat Indian Muslim girls marrying Pakistani men. This is not good news as it creates tremendous difficulties for consular staff.
Pakistan had stopped issuing marriage visas in 1979 when the consulates reopened in India and NO visas are being issued to Indians at this time . But we can't prevent marriages abroad as there is such a large diaspora of Indian Muslims. Don't know why the population of educated Indian Muslims abroad has suddenly jumped.
@xeuss can you explain?
I have no interest in engaging with an incorrigible idiot like you. You are now a member of my 'Ignore' list.

LOL Filth leave this forum. You don't belong here.
I did visit some time ago. It was a semi official visit so was very well taken care of. However, in some places like the burning ghats and inner cities I became physically sick. The smells were very foreign to me.
We can debate about who should have got it. But here's the incident.


Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the then Deputy Prime Minister of independent India in charge of Home as well as States Ministry, had sent an SOS message to Mudaliar brothers to convey the collector of Travancore to instruct the police officials and the employees to go to Lakshadweep with whatever arms were with them. His instruction was to take possession of the islands closer to the border and hoist the national flag there. “If the police forces no firearms with them, they can take lathis with them but somehow take possession of the area.”

Sardar Patel was farsighted. When the people from Travancore Police reached Lakshadweep and hoisted the Triranga, they found a ship with Pakistan flag sailing towards Lakshadweep with the intention to take over the Muslim majority area in the Arabian Sea. The Pak dream to capture Lakshadweep was shattered after they watch the Indian National Flag and preferred to take U-turn. But for promptness in the action on Indian side, the strategic area of Lakshadweep must have been part of Pakistan forever. The incident took place immediately after India got independence in August 1947 when British left and Pakistan took a shape of a Muslim State.

It rather sounds like some fairy tale, because Pakistan did not have the resources to make any such attempt. Even if such situation occurred, there is no need for a debate, if a region had a Muslim majority, and not within India itself, it should have been part of Pakistan, I thought that was an obvious fact and the basis of the independence plan.

Also, all issues were resolved on legalistic manner, until things started to go wrong, meaning the conditions on which an area will go to which country was already established before independence, it hardly seem likely that Lakshadweep islands would have been left on a first come first serve basis.

I am sure there must be a reason, but this thread isn't for politics.
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