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Why would Pakistanis wish to visit India ?

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Not talking about military people or vloggers but common Americans for tourism or business.

So Pakistan does check the religion and only allows Hindus and Sikhs from India in Kartarpur?

what does that even mean? Do you mean 'bindi' ?

It means pajeet. No Pakistani wants to visit Rapistan.
Believe me I have been there. Without any offense to our Indian guests here there isn't that much to see, unless the grave of a dead woman of a feudal luxury loving monarch is of interest to you.

The real India lies with its people, not in derelict monuments made into tourist traps. ,Mingling with left wing Indians over coffee and pakodas and discussing every thing on earth is a very pleasant experience . It is the people that are fascinating. If you don't know anyone and want to be the camera toting tourist then think again. It is not worth it.
So far as natural beauty is concerned, we have got it all .
India being a bigger country has more diversity in terms of natural beauty. There are few things you would not find in Pakistan.
Some examples are
1. Backwaters (as seen in Kerala)
2. Majestic beaches of Andaman, Lakshadweep
3. Cold desert plateau (Ladakh)
Sour grapes is it? Certainly we are much happier visiting other countries and visiting India is never been on my list and many others like me, so your remarks doesn't cut any ice with me. Enjoy living in your make belief word of fantasy.

Sour grapes really? Pakistanis are the last people that we would want to visit our country, you may visit any country that lets you in with your top worst passport in the world we don't give a damn.
Believe me I have been there. Without any offense to our Indian guests here there isn't that much to see, unless the grave of a dead woman of a feudal luxury loving monarch is of interest to you.

The real India lies with its people, not in derelict monuments made into tourist traps. ,Mingling with left wing Indians over coffee and pakodas and discussing every thing on earth is a very pleasant experience . It is the people that are fascinating. If you don't know anyone and want to be the camera toting tourist then think again. It is not worth it.
So far as natural beauty is concerned, we have got it all .

I see what you are saying, but I have visited around 19 countries and had a plan of 50 by 50, meaning 50 countries by 50 years of age, it seems to have gone off-rail for now. Everyone has their own desires, and those are mine.

And, a special request, please please please please please leave the "D" for the Indians, we use "R" which in-fact is correct, its "Pakoras" not "Pakodas".

Chor do yann Chod do
The first means leave it, second means to ahem f..k it

Lets not develop bad habits.
India being a bigger country has more diversity in terms of natural beauty. There are few things you would not find in Pakistan.
Some examples are
1. Backwaters (as seen in Kerala)
2. Majestic beaches of Andaman, Lakshadweep
3. Cold desert plateau (Ladakh)

1. you are right
2. Lakshadweep should have been Pakistani because it is almost 100% Muslim lol
3. we have cold deserts in the northern regions

4. but your point stands, there are things you will find in one country that you will not find in the other. The western Ghats are bloody beautiful.
Over the years, India has become a difficult place for tourists. Travel within cities is tiring because of the endless traffic jams, and most tourist attractions are crawling with so many local tourists, that it is difficult to peacefully admire the surroundings.
So Pakistan does check the religion and only allows Hindus and Sikhs from India in Kartarpur?

Obviously and it is the wise thing to do. Indian passports don't carry the person's religion so Pakistan seeks clarity on this. Indian Muslims might want to jump into Pakistan or worse Pakistan might be accused of sending terrorists back . Pakistan no longer issues visas to Indian Muslims. Nor is it necessary. Karl Rocks vlog is very accurate.

Pakistan wants to delink the IM connection.
Unfortunately there is a growing trend amongst young expat Indian and Pakistani Muslims in Canada,UK, and USA to meet up and marry which is posing a difficult question for Pakistani consulates whether Pakistanis with Indian spouses should be issued visas or not. So far they are not issuing visas as per my personal knowledge but I may be mistaken.
No need to apologize for this. You narrated an event from your experience and it was not rude.

India has been specially paranoid about anyone having any link to Pakistan. David Headley came to India legally through VISA but used that trip for reconnaissance before the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Pakistan has similar paranoia about India and support for terrorism, there are too many things to mention, which I would rather not as this thread might turn political.
Over the years, India has become a difficult place for tourists. Travel within cities is tiring because of the endless traffic jams, and most tourist attractions are crawling with so many local tourists, that it is difficult to peacefully admire the surroundings.
Covid time is best as tourism is light. Saying from personal experience having visited Kerala recently.
Your military missed capturing it by a few hours.

Really? I did not know that, although it should have been given automatically, especially with the two wings being so far apart.
We did not ask for any such nickname. Unless you want us to give an unfavorable nickname for Pak too, I would suggest you back off.

Pajeet is your nickname LOL Don't get offended now.
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