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Why will China never accept Australia's surrender?

Trade deficit grew in 2017 and 2018. Your explanation fails.


How does it fail, I am talking about 2020 increase in trade deficit? US total Exports is down 20% YTD in 2020 due to COVID - you get the meaning of the word deficit, right?
2014-2019 stats is meaningless - 2020 is a statistical anomaly
Ah, like the free killing of Afghan children.

Finally, again: even if all Australians kneel down and surrender. And admit they're white pigs. China will never accept Australia's surrender.

Be a bit more merciful. :D

If Morrison go on bended knees and hands to crawl 30 times around Tienanmen square , followed by 30 kowtows done sincerely to Xi Dada, and if Xi Dada accept that, China should accept the surrender as well.

Of course if Morrison and 9 other Aussies (must include Sam Kennard) crawl 3 times around Tienanmen square , followed by 3 kowtows done by ten of them sincerely to Xi Dada, and if Xi Dada accept that, China should accept the surrender as well.
China will squeeze Australia until the Australians grovel. China is making an example of Australia. Australia is utterly powerless against China.

Mighty Aslan returns. If what seems to be a lower case L is actually an i in upper case. What do you get?
Mighty Aslan returns. If what seems to be a lower case L is actually an i in upper case. What do you get?
杀一儆百 - execute one as a warning to others

杀鸡儆猴 - Kill a chicken to warn a group of monkeys

明犯强汉者,虽远必诛 - No matter how far away, whoever dares to violate the mighty Han will be put to death.

From my whatsapp

[12:39 PM, 12/10/2020] J C: 🦘💩🇺🇸🦮

Australia Sabotaged Its Own Interests in China Relations

By Tony Kevin, former the Australian ambassador to Poland and Cambodia, an emeritus fellow at Australian National University, Canberra, and the author of Return to Moscow (2017)

“…the consequences will be great. Australia will be needlessly poorer, more isolated from our region, and more dependent on the uncertain protection of faraway Five Eyes friends. Without a dialogue with China, our necessary engagement with our region will be handicapped. Lee Kuan Yew’s friendly warning — “be careful or you will be the poor white trash of Asia” — comes back now to haunt us.”

The address to Federal Parliament by Chinese President Xi Jinping on Nov. 17, 2014, marked a highwater mark in bilateral relations. Xi was in Australia for the G-20 summit in Brisbane hosted by Prime Minister Tony Abbott. His theme was that China was committed to peace but ready to protect its interests.

Since then, the relationship has gone downhill — first slowly and haltingly, but over the past two years with sickening acceleration. Now the relationship seems irretrievable. For educated Chinese, Australia is now an object lesson in Western arrogance, hypocrisy and betrayal of friendship. The dinner party has ended in upended chairs, shouts and bitter accusations as both sides angrily walk away.

After the high symbolism of the Xi speech, all seemed well. In 2015 the Darwin Port was leased to a Chinese company for 99 years. Growing numbers of Chinese students and tourist visitors to Australia were becoming mainstays of Australia’s thriving higher education, tourism and property sectors. China as an Australian export market grew steadily in significance: last year it represented nearly 50 percent of Australian commodity export earnings. Victoria in 2018 signed a memorandum of understanding with China to work with China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

From the beginning, there were signs that powerful forces were determined to cripple Australian-Chinese engagement: and they have now seemingly won. The present breakdown is tragic for Australian economic and political interests. Many innocent Australians’ livelihoods are being harmed by our own government’s and political class’ stupidity. It is hard to see now how the damage done to Australia-China relations may be healed anytime soon.

Controversially, I contend that Australia has over the past six years lived through a textbook experiment of covert foreign policy interference by powerful Anglo-American influences, subtly working through local sympathizers in public life here.

Australian political elites — already culturally predisposed to trust Anglo-American friends, and naive as to their power and guile — have been persuaded to adopt increasingly adversarial positions against China across a broad front.

This essay can only hint at the breadth and skill of this classic Five Eyes information warfare operation: it would take a book to expose it fully.

Clive Hamilton’s notorious attack on China, Silent Invasion, was published early in 2018. Hamilton had been China-bashing on the fringes of Australian academe for some years beforehand but was still being generally dismissed as an embarrassing outlier. Andrew Podger’s 21 March 2018 review in The Conversation was typical of the Australian mainstream rebuttal of Hamilton’s views, then considered extreme:

“Perhaps Hamilton’s book is a useful reminder that we must not be naïve about our relationship with China. But his prescription, premised on China being our enemy and determined to achieve world domination, is precisely the wrong direction for addressing the genuine issues he raises. We should engage more, not less.”

Meanwhile, negative views of China’s agenda, supported by well-funded Canberra think-tanks like Australian Strategic Policy Institute and Lowy Institute, were quietly gaining influence in strategic areas of Australian governance. Attorney-General Christian Porter, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, backbencher Andrew Hastie and Senator Eric Abetz emerged as vocal critics of China. On the Labor side, Penny Wong and Kimberley Kitching seemed ready to join the pile-on. Others were silent, anxious not to be tagged as “panda-huggers.”

In 2018, the influential and U.S.-sympathetic Joint Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade supported Malcolm Turnbull’s Foreign Interference Legislation, pressed by Australian security agencies and aimed principally at China. The law was passed in 2019.

Chinese academics and journalists, even a senior NSW parliamentarian, have been harassed and vilified under its powers. Now, a further bill will strengthen Commonwealth control over state and university links to foreign governments: again, the prime target is China, and any Australian premiers who may dare to enmesh their states economically with her. Victoria’s and Western Australia’s Labor premiers are particular targets.

*Hong Kong Critic *

On the foreign policy front, Australia, misled by obviously foreign-encouraged street violence against the Hong Kong government, became a vocal critic of China on democracy issues there. Australia criticized alleged human rights abuses against the Uighur ethnic group in Xinjiang Province. But we do not criticize human rights abuses in India and Palestine.

Australia conducts repeated naval freedom of navigation exercises in the South China Sea, in protest against Chinese consolidation of its military control over islands there. Australia supported a bogus U.S.-influenced South China Sea case against China in the International Court of Arbitration, a case bitterly condemned and rejected from the outset by China.

Since 2018, Australia responding to American pressure has banned Huawei from telecom operations here, causing a major rift. The philosophy of economic engagement expounded by Abbott and Xi in 2014 is since 2018 under direct frontal attack. In August 2020, a non-strategic Chinese purchase of a large Australian dairy company was vetoed.

The message had now become, Australia wants to go on profitably exporting minerals and foodstuffs to China but to have as little to do with China as possible at the human level. Chinese students here have been accused of doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party, and concerns raised about Chinese influence in our universities. Chauvinism and Sinophobia in Australia have grown.

Covid-19 caused further major rifts in 2020. Prime Minister Scott Morrison clumsily mishandled a peremptory Australian demand to WHO – reportedly originating in a request to him from U.S. President Donald Trump – to mount an intrusive international investigation in Wuhan into the origins of the “Chinese virus.” China saw that act in particular as a gross act of treachery by a friend. Morrison never apologized.

The tone of Australian mainstream media commentary on China has by now changed utterly to hostility. Establishment commentators and leader writers compete on who can season their journalism with the strongest anti-Chinese language. All pretence of objectivity or straight reporting of tensions is gone: this is now advocacy journalism. Dissenting opinions are discouraged. As media increasingly runs with the ball of Sinophobia, Morrison has began to try to step back.

He and Turnbull having started the hares running, now call unconvincingly for moderation. Not just the Murdoch Press but the Australian Financial Review is full of anti-Chinese polemic. China is bitterly criticized as seeking to dictate terms to the world. The Western media outside Australia are picking up the cue. The campaign has taken on McCarthyist, even racist-tinged tones: how dare these Chinese presume to stand up to our Western “universal values?”

Every Chinese effort to rebut the growing abuse is taken as sign of further Chinese bullying. Their Canberra embassy’s circulated “fourteen grievances” – an effort to list the problem China has with Australian behavior towards them as a basis for public discussion – were mocked. China is falsely stereotyped as the provocateur and Australia the victim.

Around a few weeks ago, China would have finally decided that Australia could no longer be regarded as a trustworthy and decent partner in dialogue. They would have given up on Australia.

The Brereton Report with its reported SAS murders in Afghanistan was an irresistible opportunity for what the West has offensively labelled “wolf warrior” Chinese diplomacy. The photoshopped image of an SAS baby murder, illustrating a tweet by a senior Chinese foreign ministry official criticizing Australian hypocrisy, was emphatically condemned by Morrison, who demanded a Chinese apology. China refused.

La commedia e finita. ("The comedy is finished!" A phrase adopted from the Italian opera “Pagliacci” literal translation, "Clowns”)

Australian politicians have swung in behind Morrison, while our traders and growers look on with helpless horror. How can what was a good relationship in 2015 have degenerated to this in just five years? Senior people in industry and trade – like Morrison’s own Covid recovery adviser Nev Power pleaded on Dec. 2 for a diplomatic solution to ease tensions between Beijing and Canberra.

But those who want to see Australia decoupled from China in as many ways as possible stay contentedly silent, looking back with satisfaction on their hidden work of destruction. Australia is safely back in the Five Eyes laager, and those who hoped economic rationality would triumph over global geopolitical exclusion games have been defeated.

Australia’s all-important Asia-Pacific region quietly draws a different lesson from this sad story: the lesson is, do not behave as Australia has done in dealing with China. Treat China with normal diplomatic respect and courtesy, as befits friendly neighbors. Even regional countries that have clashed militarily with China know not to provoke her needlessly, as Australia has done.

Morrison probably sees stoking up anti-Chinese prejudices as a useful distraction from his many governance failures at home: on Robodebt, on Covid-19 preparedness, on bushfires and climate change. Sock the Chinese as if there are no consequences for us.

But the consequences will be great. Australia will be needlessly poorer, more isolated from our region, and more dependent on the uncertain protection of faraway Five Eyes friends. Without a dialogue with China, our necessary engagement with our region will be handicapped. Lee Kuan Yew’s friendly warning — “be careful or you will be the poor white trash of Asia” — comes back now to haunt us.
[12:39 PM, 12/10/2020] J C: Good luck to Aussies. Prove themselves as stupid as Americans. “Down Under” will take on a new meaning
260,000 Chinese students enrolled in Australian schools.
160,000 in higher education?

That equals 10-15 universities and many billions of dollars.
But it is more than the money. Education changes a person's desires and goals. The societal impact of having 10 universities close because there are no students will be interesting to see. Devolution.

Australia must be destroyed!!!

Revenge is a dish best served cold. Meaning store that anger for a proper time when everything is right for China to take revenge. Even if that is 100 or 1000 years.

Aussies are ruthless, you have to be more planning and more ruthless.

China is top of the world in economy, military and soon technology. Germany did not want to fight the First World War, when they that was thrust onto them by planners outside of Germany, Germany fought the UK France And Russia, nearly single handedly. China needs that world power status. Then get even stronger.

I don't fathom China involved in a war, until China makes spaceships. And only China has spaceships.
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Revenge is a dish best served cold. Meaning store that anger for a proper time when everything is right for China to take revenge. Even if that is 100 or 1000 years.

Aussies are ruthless, you have to be more planning and more ruthless.

China is top of the world in economy, military and soon technology. Germany did not want to fight the First World War, when they that was thrust onto them by planners outside of Germany, Germany fought the UK France And Russia, nearly single handedly. China needs that world power status.
But I don't think there is any hatred between China and Australia. What is the hatred between man and dog? We are very simple, just want to destroy Australia.
China Endures Worsening Electricity Shortages In Name Of Punishing Australia

Is this the new Australian maggot joke?

LOL. First, China is now using LNG on a large scale. There is no need for fascist Australian coal.

then. Australia even imports wind turbines from Xinjiang! Check who is the world's largest electricity producer! Lack of electricity in China? Australia never lacks jokes!
A Chinese diplomat said: if you want China to be your enemy. China will be your most qualified enemy. This is what China said to US.

And then Australia was angry... so,A dog intervened in the conflict between the two giants.

Initially, China didn't care about Australia. After all, Australia doesn't understand the world. The same thing It may overestimate its international position... So China is very tolerant of Australia(In the eyes of many Chinese, there is no big difference between Australia and Gambia).

But... this dog seems to have rabies. Its cry is too loud. so we need to treat this dog.

Australia says it wants to get rid of its economic dependence on China.

OK, China's response: raise tariffs on all Australian goods to 200%.

Australia claims to sue China at the WTO.

OK, China's response: please.

Australia claims we have a navy.

the China Coast Guard said: No, you don't have a navy.

Australia says America is our father.

China: please get out of AIIB and RCEP.

Let's guess what else Australia wants to play?

As we all know, Australia has only the right to surrender in international affairs.

So today. Nazi Morrison wanted to have a dialogue with China. Fascist Australia needs a decent surrender.

But the game has begun. It is up to China to decide when it will end. so China doesn't want to have a dialogue with Australia. China doesn't want to accept Australia's Secret surrender... and maybe, China will never accept Australia's surrender.

The game continues! oh A friendly tip: the game was launched by Australia.

I said: Australia chooses the way of the game. China decides the outcome of the game. This sentence is always valid.

Here, I need to remind the world. Make enemies with China. Are you sure you have the power?

Next: Canada!

5 more years mate....all of your hot air will be out. The process is already started.

China "The giant" is just about propaganda.....ask your Winnie the Poo about the actual number you have post covid...
Your logic is flawed :lol:
The tariff at least the amount that is passed on to the US consumer goes into the US governments pockets. In most cases, the bulk of the cost is passed back to the contract manufactures and paid for in Chinese government tax incentives, export subsidies or bank loans that never get paid.
The beauty is Walmart and others have no obligation to the contract manufacturer and have been squeezing contract manufacturer for many years.

So yeah the US government is literally laughing all the way to the bank.
Very Trumpish argument, there was a reason why no other administration went for tariff's, this is not higher mathematics or astrophysics invented by Navarro and Trump, just a childish approach.
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