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Why Western criticism of India’s Mars mission is blatant racism

@Pakistani Exile :

Now let me educate you on why Indians hate it when Brits start cribbing about aid. It is all about the timing. A couple of years back, the Brits were trying to sell us their eurofighter, the costliest non stealth fighter in the world. They even sent their PM down to India to advertise it. But finally we selected the Rafale on cost grounds, and immediately the british press was all screaming that indians are buying expensive fighters while Brit gives India aid. (Note that the aid would only have covered one eurofighter anyway, and we were buying 189.) Guess why that makes us angry?

Now, the European space agency sent a mars probe, and India is sending one at a fraction of the cost, doing it much more cost effectively, and suddenly many Brits are saying Indians should learn their place. Guess why it makes us angry?

Now, let me point out what our space program has always been about, in the words of its founder - we have stuck to these golden words throughout:

"There are some who question the relevance of space activities in a developing nation. To us, there is no ambiguity of purpose. We do not have the fantasy of competing with the economically advanced nations in the exploration of the moon or the planets or manned space-flight."
"But we are convinced that if we are to play a meaningful role nationally, and in the community of nations, we must be second to none in the application of advanced technologies to the real problems of man and society."

So you see, we have grappled with these questions and satisfied ourselves with the answers 50 years before the british public began asking them. And now we are a mature space power, whether anybody likes it or not. The communication and weather and military and remote sensing satellites we have sent up have revolutionised our agriculture and communications and military and Indians are monetarily and spiritually richer for it. And that is why it irks us when clueless Brits ask the same questions we pondered and answered half a century ago, as if these are some burning new questions that occured to them. As if we weren;t clever enough or mature enough to ask ourselves. 
1) I never argued against Indian space program, no need for justification. I endorsed it in my first post which everyone ignored.
2)The british government does not give money to missionaries. Please tell me which missionaries get aid from the british government? Because that would be against government policy. I know you would still have a space program, no wants you to scrap it.
3) Aid maybe peanuts, but do you understand the anger of the average guy in england who is having its services cut? austere measurements and hardly any jobs? your government officially stating its rejections is the same as pak government officially condemning drone strikes yet unwilling to do anything against it.

1) You did say something about poverty eradication and about priorities in spending money, which clearly sounds like questioning the need for a space program. If not you, many commentators in the west have asked why we are not spending on toilets and poverty instead. Yes, that reeks of ignorance and bigotry. For one thing, the amount we spend on poverty eradication is the biggest in the world, and would dwarf the amount spent on ISRO by several orders of magnitude.
2) British aid is distributed thorugh british approved NGOs, some of which are missionaries. It is not govt to govt.
3) The anger is justified, but the object of the anger is misplaced. You should be angry at your govt, not at Indians who have officially requested scrapping the puny aid. You should understand the average Indian's anger when we request scrapping the aid, Britain refuses, and then talks us down when we accomplish something.

The comparison to drone strikes is ridiculous, as if we ought to use force to stop British aid. If you dont want to send aid, tell your govt to stop it. We have already done so. We are not going to use our military to stop Britain sending unwanted aid. The comparison to drones is flawed because drones hurt pakistanis. Aid may not help india much, but it doesnt hurt either. In any case, stop your aid, the sole purpose of which seems to be to retain the right to talk down to us and telling us how we should spend our money.

Be angry all you want, but direct that anger at your govt, not at us. We will explore space and break atoms and learn the mysteries of the universe to the best of our abilities, whether you send aid or not. And not that it is anybody else's concern, but we will also spend several times more in eradicating poverty, and the scientific benefits accrued from research will also make India richer in future, just like it did in the past.

@Pakistani Exile - post edited to add a bit more info.
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@Pakistani Exile :

Now let me educate you on why Indians hate it when Brits start cribbing about aid. It is all about the timing. A couple of years back, the Brits were trying to sell us their eurofighter, the costliest non stealth fighter in the world. They even sent their PM down to India to advertise it. But finally we selected the Rafale on cost grounds, and immediately the british press was all screaming that indians are buying expensive fighters while Brit gives India aid. (Note that the aid would only have covered one eurofighter anyway, and we were buying 189.) Guess why that makes us angry?

Now, the European space agency sent a mars probe, and India is sending one at a fraction of the cost, doing it much more cost effectively, and suddenly many Brits are saying Indians should learn their place. Guess why it makes us angry?

Now, let me point out what our space program has always been about, in the words of its founder - we have stuck to these golden words throughout:

"There are some who question the relevance of space activities in a developing nation. To us, there is no ambiguity of purpose. We do not have the fantasy of competing with the economically advanced nations in the exploration of the moon or the planets or manned space-flight."
"But we are convinced that if we are to play a meaningful role nationally, and in the community of nations, we must be second to none in the application of advanced technologies to the real problems of man and society."

So you see, we have grappled with these questions and satisfied ourselves with the answers 50 years before the british public began asking them. And now we are a mature space power, whether anybody likes it or not. The communication and weather and military and remote sensing satellites we have sent up have revolutionised our agriculture and communications and military and Indians are monetarily and spiritually richer for it. And that is why it irks us when clueless Brits ask the same questions we pondered and answered half a century ago, as if these are some burning new questions that occured to them. As if we weren;t clever enough or mature enough to ask ourselves. 

1) You did say something about poverty eradication and about priorities in spending money, which clearly sounds like questioning the need for a space program. If not you, many commentators in the west have asked why we are not spending on toilets and poverty instead. Yes, that reeks of ignorance and bigotry. For one thing, the amount we spend on poverty eradication is the biggest in the world, and would dwarf the amount spent on ISRO by several orders of magnitude.
2) British aid is distributed thorugh british approved NGOs, some of which are missionaries. It is not govt to govt.
3) The anger is justified, but the object of the anger is misplaced. You should be angry at your govt, not at Indians who have officially requested scrapping the puny aid. You should understand the average Indian's anger when we request scrapping the aid, Britain refuses, and then talks us down when we accomplish something.

The comparison to drone strikes is ridiculous, as if we ought to use force to stop British aid. If you dont want to send aid, tell your govt to stop it. We have already done so. We are not going to use our military to stop Britain sending unwanted aid. The comparison to drones is flawed because drones hurt pakistanis. Aid may not help india much, but it doesnt hurt either. In any case, stop your aid, the sole purpose of which seems to be to retain the right to talk down to us and telling us how we should spend our money.

Be angry all you want, but direct that anger at your govt, not at us. We will explore space and break atoms and learn the mysteries of the universe to the best of our abilities, whether you send aid or not. And not that it is anybody else's concern, but we will also spend several times more in eradicating poverty, tand the scientific benefits accrued from research will also make India richer in future, just like it did in the past.

@Pakistani Exile - post edited to add a bit more info.

Superbly put! Couldn't have done it better.
@Pakistani Exile I hope that you have now understood.
The OP article( from Balaji Viswanathan of Firstpost) is retarded and hyopcritical , 2-in-1 !

Balaji Viswanathan is so quick pulling out the Race Card to cover the bullcrap underneath, while his reasoning is full of strawmen and hypocrisies.

1. The thing hasn't reached Mars yet. In fact it has trouble at its doorstep, while Balaji Viswanathan talks as if Indians were already standing on Mars selling popcorns.

2. It's not the indian technology, hence India, that enables the mars mission, but foreign technologies/foreign services bought by ( as usual, i sh!t you not!) , and freely provided to, ISRO from NASA (remote sensing & control services), Russia (licence produced PSLV engine), France( key electronics and equipments inside the onboard craft), ESA (remote sensing & control services) that make this Mars mission possible in the first place.

It is entirely different if India were use its own tech. So there is neither a question of "developing new technologies" as falsely claimed (what a laugh!) , nor a point of felling pound from India part, except for the point that Indians should be pound of Russians, Americans and Europeans if this mission is about to succeed.

The author makes his false case as if India were the technological force behind the mission - a lie indeed.

3. Are the Western media wrong at laughing at India? Not at all!

If India were a rich country, or at least a country where majority of the people can go to bed with a full stomach, then there is a justification for the mission of presitage ( even in this case, the most credit should go to NASA and Russia in particular if the mission is successful later).

However, India is nothing close to that. The lack of "Toilet" is just the tip of iceberg of extreme poverty within India.

So, contrary to what the OP does, there is NO case whatsoever comparing this Mars mission to missions of other countries which ALL had & have much better conditions, both on indigenous technolgies required and on average living stardard of their citizens - at least majority of their people can eat 3 meals a day.

Of course, build your toilets, and sewage, and provide simple meals to your people, and vaccines, and curry, and meal, and clearn water... are much more important than this "glory trip" made of typical Indian false pride!

India will give more pretage in the world by providing its >50% citizens 3 meals a day.

Won't you also laugh at a roadside beggar with his hungry children in rags, if he uses the aids money given by charities to buy himselves a Samsung smartphone or a Rolex, instead of feeding his starving children???

This roadside beggars is India.

What is this typical Indian supapowa false pride? -

--- This mission is indrectly funded by countless tax payers from Europe, with ALL turnkey technologies/sevices bought from, and/or freely provided by , NASA, Russia, and Europe ( that's the main reason why it's so cheap, since ISRO doesn't need to count expansive Hardware Depreciation expanses, and expansive Labour Cost of high tech specialists monitoring, tracking and controling the mission, used in all similar missions by the others).

The OP article is as retarded and despicable becasue this road side beggar with his new Samsung smartphone in hand makes 5 low IQ fake claims as follows:

1. his Samsung phone gives him prestage, that's why he is mobile technology supa pawa.

2. he and his family should be pound of his "tech achievements" ( up to now I honestly can't see what are they?)

3. he owns nothing , zero credit given, to either the money donors, or Samsung, or his starving children

4. he is therefore "technologically superior" to Levono, one of main smartphone makers and a competitor to Samsung

5. he namecalls others who disagree as "racist".

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Cant help.. I was warned by moderators not to use my own pic cuz pdf is a creepy place! o_O
that is a good advice, infact you should not have given your adress too.
but you can always have more cheerful qr code.
Taiwan is the well-known b!tches to the West, they are an embarassment to the Chinese people. 
Hey Taiwanese, stop making fun about Indians, since you are far more white wannabe than them.

This taiwanese man is such a joke. He once was complaining that his daughter lost her university seat to an African-American who only got in because of "Affirmative Action". If he cannot raise a daughter to that is capable of going to university in America (where it honestly is quite easy for a domestic student to get into even the most elite of schools) it reveals the calibre of person he is. Seems to have forgotten his culture and now defends whites religiously. The man is a joke, his life is a joke, and his legacy is a joke.
@Pakistani Exile :

Now let me educate you on why Indians hate it when Brits start cribbing about aid. It is all about the timing. A couple of years back, the Brits were trying to sell us their eurofighter, the costliest non stealth fighter in the world. They even sent their PM down to India to advertise it. But finally we selected the Rafale on cost grounds, and immediately the british press was all screaming that indians are buying expensive fighters while Brit gives India aid. (Note that the aid would only have covered one eurofighter anyway, and we were buying 189.) Guess why that makes us angry?


World costliest non-stealth fighter as AID...


It's time for Asian people to united. United we are strong!

There will be no India economy meltdown recently if Asian countries united and help each others.
In india we call our currency rupee, but for you it can be called indian dollar ..how is that!!

No,rupee is called “lubi(卢比)” in both Taiwan and Mainland China。

We(Taiwan and Mainland China)are not illiterate barbarians。:azn:
No,rupee is called “lubi(卢比)” in both Taiwan and Mainland China。

We(Taiwan and Mainland China)are not illiterate barbarians。:azn:

Illiterate ..no....

Barbarians .....:azn: .....we both know the answer to that.
India spends over 700 million dollars on space programme, aid to India is £300 million pounds. Tell me why the british tax payer should not be angry ?

You do realize that not a PENNY of this money is accepted by the GOI or any State government?

All of this money goes to Indian or foreign operated NGO`s
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