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Why Western criticism of India’s Mars mission is blatant racism

What do you expect from the West? Does anyone actually believe they look at non-Western developing countries as equal to themselves in any way?
Right say brother but mind it We asian will do not understand and be the part of their politics and fight with each other. Now for the western India is the regime to controll the China and many more.

In India there is one proverb "Gyani sey Gyani male, kare Gyan ki baat; Gadhe se Gadha mile kare Latamlaat"


"When knowledgee meets to knowledgee, Talk about the knowledge; and when donkey meets to donkey, kicks each other".

We Asian have great knowledge on many things, like Medicines (Ayurved etc.), and specially on spirituality. In spirituality none can touch the hight of INDIC religions (Hindu, Buddha etc.) we have meditation etc. the main concept of our religions are "Realisation and Liberation" none other religion would be of that height.

By the way after "Deng-xio-ping" the China is of its all height. Including bad copy in manufacturing goods its also have worlds only fast growing infrastructure, Magnatic trains and many more.
I like how you guys speak of some happy future.
You're squeezed on one and a half continents, the remaining 4 and a half are firmly in white man's grasp. Oh and breeding like, what did Winston say....? :lol:
And i wrote white man's intentionally, since you're all closet racists.
I like how you guys speak of some happy future.
You're squeezed on one and a half continents, the remaining 4 and a half are firmly in white man's grasp. Oh and breeding like, what did Winston say....? :lol:
And i wrote white man's intentionally, since you're all closet racists.

You might want to recheck that. Also take a lesson in writing lucidly.
I like how you guys speak of some happy future.
You're squeezed on one and a half continents, the remaining 4 and a half are firmly in white man's grasp. Oh and breeding like, what did Winston say....? :lol:
And i wrote white man's intentionally, since you're all closet racists.

Impossible. Racism is from the oppressor (the West) to the oppressed (Asia). Therefore we can never be racist.
  • The fifth orbit raising manoeuvre of Mars Orbiter Spacecraft, starting at 01:27 hrs(IST) on Nov 16, 2013, with a burn Time of 243.5 seconds has been successfully completed.The observed change in Apogee is from 118642km to 192874km.
1) I never argued against Indian space program, no need for justification. I endorsed it in my first post which everyone ignored.
2)The british government does not give money to missionaries. Please tell me which missionaries get aid from the british government? Because that would be against government policy. I know you would still have a space program, no wants you to scrap it.
3) Aid maybe peanuts, but do you understand the anger of the average guy in england who is having its services cut? austere measurements and hardly any jobs? your government officially stating its rejections is the same as pak government officially condemning drone strikes yet unwilling to do anything against it.
Its understandable why working class people are angry at foreign aid. What an Indian will not understand is why are they mad at us for sending rockets and why are they telling us how to prioritize govt spending.
May be GoI should reject aid so brits wont be mad at us.
Impossible. Racism is from the oppressor (the West) to the oppressed (Asia). Therefore we can never be racist.

There are caste oppression by high caste Indians against schedule tribes and castes. And some of these are "chini" looking North Easterners. So yes, there is racism from high caste Indians against East Asian looking Indians.
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