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Why Western criticism of India’s Mars mission is blatant racism

Militarily China has or soon will have Europe's power. And no, they won't wipe europeans out. India too has a stronger military than most European nations.

Yes, there are racists everywhere. That much is true.

We don't even want to be much stronger than China,India,as Europe's colonising days are long extinct.We only need enough to defend ourselves,our values and our way of life because clearly most of the world still holds a grudge and hates us.
lol.....I don't consider Vladivostok a European city and noone considers eastern half of Russia as if it is.

Where is the money and power at in all those countries? Brazil, Argentina, US etc etc

Do you consider people of Vladivostok as people of Asia. :wacko:
We don't even want to be much stronger than China,India,as Europe's colonising days are long extinct.We only need enough to defend ourselves,our values and our way of life because clearly most of the world still holds a grudge and hates us.

All we want is respect and a bit of Africa for lebensraum and resources. Is that so much to ask for?
Why is the Anglo Jewish opinion so important? Honestly,do you seek affirmation,approval or validation? IMO,this is especially relevant since you all know the West led by the Anglos is going down the tubes. Already America is showing symptoms of systemic 3rd world style poverty stats. The UK is practically an English speaking Romania for its scant world influence:our prez is skipping the Commonwealth meeting and I get the impression Modi will do the same. Generally they haven't reconciled themselves with these new realities.
The question remains-why is Western opinion important?
I agree wuth you on this, west has used divide and rule policy for years succesfuly and they are still doing it. We people are no nieve that we keep getting into the same thing again and again and neve rlelarn. Remember the quote "once a mistake done is learning, second time mistake you better peform third time mistake you are moron"
no need to gang up against west. The west has helped india stand up on her feet by giving billions in Aid. Especially USA (who you cant blame for colonialism).
Total US aid to India from 47 till 91 was 55 billion dollar. The chinese have reason to hate west, we dont anymore because our fate is intertwined with theirs. 
This thread only confirmed my suspicions,there are many real racists,but they're not europeans or westerners.I'm almost sure that if you had the westerners power you would wipe europeans from existence in a blink of an eye.

At least we know where we stand.
the views of the posters here does not represent us. Most europeans have a good time in India, and are never discriminated against.
Inspite of what happened during colonial period, an Indian would rather do business with UK or US than any other european nations. Nobody is holding and grudge, the brits know it pretty well. Indian investment in UK is higher than investment in all mainland europe combined.

Some people just use colonialism and racism as defence of their argument.
We don't even want to be much stronger than China,India,as Europe's colonising days are long extinct.We only need enough to defend ourselves,our values and our way of life because clearly most of the world still holds a grudge and hates us.

What you have to realize is that that is true for us as well. India's 1.5 million active troops have no intentions whatsoever of marching into or colonizing any foreign country. Ten or fifteen years from now, India and China will both have more expeditionary warfare capability than all of Europe - but I am willing to bet my last penny, that neither country would want to wage war against Europe, far from wanting to vaporize it. Indians take pride in boasting that in the 5000 years of their history, they have never attacked another country (although that is not really true).

The mindset of Asian countries is quite different, on a national level. Don't judge by the racism and hatred displayed here by several posters - while it cannot be denied that such feelings exist, virtually nobody in India or China would want to destroy Europe, which is what you claimed would happen if these countries had Europe's power. (China already has the means to destroy Europe.)

I don't know about the Chinese, but the reason that so many Indians say hateful things about Europeans or whites is because of our history, of being colonised by the Europeans. I'm not justifying their hatred, simply explaining the reason.
What you have to realize is that that is true for us as well. India's 1.5 million active troops have no intentions whatsoever of marching into or colonizing any foreign country. Ten or fifteen years from now, India and China will both have more expeditionary warfare capability than all of Europe - but I am willing to bet my last penny, that neither country would want to wage war against Europe, far from wanting to vaporize it. Indians take pride in boasting that in the 5000 years of their history, they have never attacked another country (although that is not really true).

The mindset of Asian countries is quite different, on a national level. Don't judge by the racism and hatred displayed here by several posters - while it cannot be denied that such feelings exist, virtually nobody in India or China would want to destroy Europe, which is what you claimed would happen if these countries had Europe's power. (China already has the means to destroy Europe.)

I don't know about the Chinese, but the reason that so many Indians say hateful things about Europeans or whites is because of our history, of being colonised by the Europeans. I'm not justifying their hatred, simply explaining the reason.

Sorry, India is far from being any threat to Europe of any kind in 10-15 years.

The few aircraft carrier battlegroups that India will have will have no advanced SSN escort to protect them from undersea threats.

Let an Indian CVBG try to threaten any Euro country and British/French SSNs will send the carrier and it's escorts to the bottom of the sea.

With China the situation would be different of course:azn:
Sorry, India is far from being any threat to Europe of any kind in 10-15 years.

The few aircraft carrier battlegroups that India will have will have no advanced SSN escort to protect them from undersea threats.

Let an Indian CVBG try to threaten any Euro country and British/French SSNs will send the carrier and it's escorts to the bottom of the sea.

With China the situation would be different of course:azn:
I think you quoted the wrong post. I did not talk about military capability, but pointing out that there is no latent hatred toward europeans and there is no need for it.
Sorry, India is far from being any threat to Europe of any kind in 10-15 years.

The few aircraft carrier battlegroups that India will have will have no advanced SSN escort to protect them from undersea threats.

Let an Indian CVBG try to threaten any Euro country and British/French SSNs will send the carrier and it's escorts to the bottom of the sea.

With China the situation would be different of course:azn:

I chose my words carefully. I did not say that India can be a threat to Europe (at least in terms of conquering or colonising it). I only said that India will have more expeditionary warfare capability than Europe, which is undoubtedly true. Only Britain has even a modicum of expeditionary warfare capability, and that too can only be employed against much lesser foes. India currently has the capability to land an amphibious brigade on enemy shores, and in future will have the capability to make that a division. (The tri service command at A&N is practising that.) That would be more than Europe's capability in expeditionary warfare.

Of course, that won't give us the ability to threaten any European country with a seaborne invasion, if that's what you thought I meant.

Now what "threat" means is rather dependant on the context. We will have the ability to annihilate Europe, or at least to be a threat, although definitely not able to conquer it. Hint - Agni-5,6...

(BTW the situation is not different with China either. In the foreseeable future, they will also not have the resources or capability to invade Europe.)
I chose my words carefully. I did not say that India can be a threat to Europe (at least in terms of conquering or colonising it). I only said that India will have more expeditionary warfare capability than Europe, which is undoubtedly true. Only Britain has even a modicum of expeditionary warfare capability, and that too can only be employed against much lesser foes. India currently has the capability to land an amphibious brigade on enemy shores, and in future will have the capability to make that a division. (The tri service command at A&N is practising that.) That would be more than Europe's capability in expeditionary warfare.

Of course, that won't give us the ability to threaten any European country with a seaborne invasion, if that's what you thought I meant.

Now what "threat" means is rather dependant on the context. We will have the ability to annihilate Europe, or at least to be a threat, although definitely not able to conquer it. Hint - Agni-5,6...

(BTW the situation is not different with China either. In the foreseeable future, they will also not have the resources or capability to invade Europe.)

Fair enough as you did not specifically state that India would be able to threaten Europe with an expeditionary force.

I don't think that India will necessarily have more capability than the UK though.

The UK could have 2 70,000 tonne carriers in 10 years time. The fate of the 2nd carrier is still to be decided.

Each one of the UK carriers will be capable of operating 50 aircraft, which includes a maximum of 36 JSFs.
Only Britain has even a modicum of expeditionary warfare capabilit India currently has the capability to land an amphibious brigade on enemy shores, and in future will have the capability to make that a division. That would be more than Europe's capability in expeditionary warfare.

Kid, both France and Italy have more expeditionary assets (read carriers/landing ships) then UK. 
Do you consider people of Vladivostok as people of Asia. :wacko:

No, but the subject was is Russia in control of the top third of Russia in Asia, and the other poster's reply was Russia is a European country, to which i replied and reminded him where Vladivostok is.
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Kid, both France and Italy have more expeditionary assets (read carriers/landing ships) then UK. 

No, but the subject was is Russia in control of the top third of Russia in Asia, and the other poster's reply was Russia is a European country, to which i replied and reminded him where Vladivostok is.

Russia is not represented in any Asian Organization. There is no Russian sports team in Asian Games. 
Sorry, India is far from being any threat to Europe of any kind in 10-15 years.

The few aircraft carrier battlegroups that India will have will have no advanced SSN escort to protect them from undersea threats.

Let an Indian CVBG try to threaten any Euro country and British/French SSNs will send the carrier and it's escorts to the bottom of the sea.

With China the situation would be different of course:azn:

India is not a threat to Europe, it is good for us that Europe don't see us as a threat.
Kid, both France and Italy have more expeditionary assets (read carriers/landing ships) then UK. 

Avoid patronizing terms like "kid", unless you know me that well to judge whther I'm a kid (in any sense of the word) or not.

Again - I chose my words carefully (as I always do). I did not speak of numbers, I spoke of expeditionary capability. Presently the UK has the second best expeditionary capability, after the US. That is not something quantifiable by numbers alone.
Unfortunately for you, this is how many Indians perceive it as well. That is why skin whiteners are big sellers in India.

And you just have to jump on every thread about India? 
The best thing is to ignore this pathetic cheap jibes. It just shows their pettiness and we need to just move on and do what we need to.
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