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Why Western criticism of India’s Mars mission is blatant racism

Not sure where you are coming from here.

The only way the French could threaten India now is by using nuclear missiles fired from SSBNs. United Kingdom also has this capability.
I'm talking about conventional military capacity. The UK has really cut back the conventional military far too much- the French on the other hand are going to have a very modern and very capable military for the foreseeable future. But when I say they are a threat to India I mean as far as making life hard for India, there's no way the French could actually threaten India to the extent of losing a war to them.

btw, India is still an importer of arms and hence will never get the latest cutting edge technologies that the supplier nation has.
14 minutes ago #269

A bit of a moot point bro as most if not all of India's top end military gear (fighters/SSBN/ACC/AWACS) are either bought/produced through JVs or at home or come with full ToT.
There is no doubt that within 10 years India will have the edge on almost all of Europe militarily as it is EXPANDING its military whilst the Europeans are CUTTING it. As of now the IAF could give any European AF a run for its money, in 10-12 years the IAF will have a clear lead.

The French are perhaps the only European nation that's military could threaten India right now or beyond 2020 but they are looking to get ever closer to India so that's a non-starter.

I don't think any individual European country can take on India militarily...not even French.
racism? lol. How about the fact that India still gets millions of £s of tax payers money in aid while having a massive space programme( which I am in favour of) and a massive defence budget?? for example, in Britain people ask why India gets millions of pounds in aid while children in britain are starving and India is getting aid money from the west. I
I think it's more to do with priorities. If I was an Indian, I would be more concerned about eradicating illiteracy and poverty rather than flashing military and space advancements.

We think UK is a bunch of @$$holes and don't want to take their aid to start with.

I don't think any individual European country can take on India militarily...not even French.

India is too far to get into a fight with European countries.

If there is any conflict, it will be more of a diplomatic or economic tousle.

If there is any real military conflict, it would be some pin prick fire of missile. Since England and France has ability to sail to Indian Ocean, any conflict will occur far away from Indian subcontinent. Can India wrestle Diego Garcia from the British would be an interesting scenario.

Finally, this is a thread started by a Chinese guy to pit Indians against the west. And you Indians had really fallen for it. Everyone knows that India's #1 enemy is not the west, its China.
I think it's more to do with priorities. If I was an Indian, I would be more concerned about eradicating illiteracy and poverty rather than flashing military and space advancements.
Shouldn't Pakistan have the same goals? 1/4 of Pakistan's national budget is spent on defence along with 4-5% of its GDP with India's comparative figures being FAR lower. Year on year India is doing a much better job of reducing poverty than Pakistan and if you want to take a look at literacy rates, India here too is trouncing Pakistan.

India lives in a precarious neighbourhood and has no choice BUT to spend on its military but it's not like it is spending an inordinate amount on defence- unlike other nations and, in fact, India's spending on defence as a proportion of its GDP is far lower than most nations. The first responsibility any govt has to its people is to ensure they are safe and hence defence spending is a must. 
Finally, this is a thread started by a Chinese guy to pit Indians against the west. And you Indians had really fallen for it. Everyone knows that India's #1 enemy is not the west, its China.
Not at all, India's and the rest of Asia's number 1 enemy is POVERTY and ILLITERACY. And each other shouldn't even be in the top 5.

Really the West will do whatever it can to stunt the rise of Asia, Asians would do better working together and not engaging in in-fighting which is precisely what the West wants and will look to encourage as the years go by.

Why the anti-West rhetoric? You do like in the UK, a Western country?.

And first and foremost, the West has done much more for the world than China and India combined. We like to talk about our inventions/discoveries in the past but they pale in the face of the likes of Euler, Lagrange, Einstein and co.

Why the anti-West rhetoric? You do like in the UK, a Western country?.

And first and foremost, the West has done much more for the world than China and India combined. We like to talk about our inventions/discoveries in the past but they pale in the face of the likes of Euler, Lagrange, Einstein and co.
Bro, I'm British so of course I like it in the UK. What I was raving about was the mindset of certain British/Western people that I notice day in day out and particularly in the Western media. And that is this seeming superiority complex certain Caucasians have to quote one of my favourite shows (Generation kill), the feeling that "the white man's got to rule the world". The apparent ignorance to the fact that much of the wealth of the West was built on the backs of the "savages" ie the likes of OUR ancestors. There certainly is a feeling amongst much of the less educated people (even the educated ones) that the West/White people is/are somehow just a privileged lot who have magically found themselves with high wealth, low poverty and the like.

And then to criticise (as many do) the efforts of developing nations to better themselves is just the icing on top of the cake. As if the industrial revolution or even the space race happened during 21st levels of low poverty. The fact the West doesn't look at its own history to see how a developing nation becomes a developed nation but just expects these nations to eradicate poverty and the like overnight.

It angers me no end. I hear certain fools who have been privileged enough to be born in the West, trying to dictate to these nations how they should be allocating their resources. The worst part is the blatant hypocrisy.

It's almost the standard format now when reporting on Indian technological successes to mention poverty and recently rape. As if the West but especially that capitalist utopia that is America doesn't have poverty or sexual abuse or a myriad of other domestic issues.

As a brown guy I love the idea that my homeland (no way of getting around this, India is) and Asia as a whole, is prospering and sticking it to the West.

Possibly it is my study of history that gets me so enraged by these kind of remarks by Western commentators I really don't know but all I know is these constant jibes and attempts to belittle Asia/India get me so riled up. It is overt RACISM.

Most White people/nations DO NOT respect Brown people/nations- this is just a fact. They'll see India/Asia as that land of curry or where Bollywood is from and they'll think that's cute or whatever but they won't recognise that India is a global power or a future power.
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Bro, I'm British so of course I like it in the UK. What I was raving about was the mindset of certain British/Western people that I notice day in day out and particularly in the Western media. And that is this seeming superiority complex certain Caucasians have to quote one of my favourite shows (Generation kill), the feeling that "the white man's got to rule the world". The apparent ignorance to the fact that much of the wealth of the West was built on the backs of the "savages" ie the likes of OUR ancestors. There certainly is a feeling amongst much of the less educated people (even the educated ones) that the West/White people is/are somehow just a privileged lot who have magically found themselves with high wealth, low poverty and the like.

And then to criticise (as many do) the efforts of developing nations to better themselves is just the icing on top of the cake. As if the industrial revolution or even the space race happened during 21st levels of low poverty. The fact the West doesn't look at its own history to see how a developing nation becomes a developed nation but just expects these nations to eradicate poverty and the like overnight.

It angers me no end. I hear certain fools who have been privileged enough to be born in the West, trying to dictate to these nations how they should be allocating their resources. The worst part is the blatant hypocrisy.

It's almost the standard format now when reporting on Indian technological successes to mention poverty and recently rape. As if the West but especially that capitalist utopia that is America doesn't have poverty or sexual abuse or a myriad of other domestic issues.

As a brown guy I love the idea that my homeland (no way of getting around this, India is) and Asia as a whole, is prospering and sticking it to the West.

Possibly it is my study of history that gets me so enraged by these kind of remarks by Western commentators I really don't know but all I know is these constant jibes and attempts to belittle Asia/India get me so riled up. It is overt RACISM.

Most White people/nations DO NOT respect Brown people/nations- this is just a fact. They'll see India/Asia as that land of curry or where Bollywood is from and they'll think that's cute or whatever but they won't recognise that India is a global power or a future power

Actually, India and China would never be friends until the territorial claims are settled between the two. India has no record of settling territorial dispute with any of its neighbors as far as I know. So good luck with that.

China's first dispute is with your tiny unnatural country. And force is not ruled out.

It is only Uncle Sam saving you. As of now.

I don't think this forum would exist without India providing the entertainment.

We think it is the stupid over obsessed 50 cent zombi trolls who do that.
that's irelevant. It's territory goes to the end of the Asian continent.

Eastern Russia as a Asian territory is just a classification of landmass. The land belong to Russians and Russians aren't Asians but East Europeans.
In international relationship, competitors with territorial claims is exactly the term "enemy" So India and China are not friends of each other, each are enemies of one another.

Modi is very pro-China himself. Its likely that India would become a pariah state if he come to power. US may cancel all military cooperation with India, including the precious engine for LCA, thus doom LCA forever.

Finally, India may be against Jihadist going to India. But it might provide a safe passage way for jihadist going to China such as Uighurs terrorist groups. 

I state fact about India/China relationship. There is a word for attacking the person making the statement than the statement itself.

Its incredible how stupid one can be.

On the other hand, it may be just his poor language skills.
racism? lol. How about the fact that India still gets millions of £s of tax payers money in aid while having a massive space programme( which I am in favour of) and a massive defence budget?? for example, in Britain people ask why India gets millions of pounds in aid while children in britain are starving and India is getting aid money from the west. I
I think it's more to do with priorities. If I was an Indian, I would be more concerned about eradicating illiteracy and poverty rather than flashing military and space advancements.

Also, don't forget 'Public Defecation'!
Bro, I'm British so of course I like it in the UK. What I was raving about was the mindset of certain British/Western people that I notice day in day out and particularly in the Western media. And that is this seeming superiority complex certain Caucasians have to quote one of my favourite shows (Generation kill), the feeling that "the white man's got to rule the world". The apparent ignorance to the fact that much of the wealth of the West was built on the backs of the "savages" ie the likes of OUR ancestors. There certainly is a feeling amongst much of the less educated people (even the educated ones) that the West/White people is/are somehow just a privileged lot who have magically found themselves with high wealth, low poverty and the like.

And then to criticise (as many do) the efforts of developing nations to better themselves is just the icing on top of the cake. As if the industrial revolution or even the space race happened during 21st levels of low poverty. The fact the West doesn't look at its own history to see how a developing nation becomes a developed nation but just expects these nations to eradicate poverty and the like overnight.

It angers me no end. I hear certain fools who have been privileged enough to be born in the West, trying to dictate to these nations how they should be allocating their resources. The worst part is the blatant hypocrisy.

It's almost the standard format now when reporting on Indian technological successes to mention poverty and recently rape. As if the West but especially that capitalist utopia that is America doesn't have poverty or sexual abuse or a myriad of other domestic issues.

As a brown guy I love the idea that my homeland (no way of getting around this, India is) and Asia as a whole, is prospering and sticking it to the West.

Possibly it is my study of history that gets me so enraged by these kind of remarks by Western commentators I really don't know but all I know is these constant jibes and attempts to belittle Asia/India get me so riled up. It is overt RACISM.

Most White people/nations DO NOT respect Brown people/nations- this is just a fact. They'll see India/Asia as that land of curry or where Bollywood is from and they'll think that's cute or whatever but they won't recognise that India is a global power or a future power.

I think you have explained everything in your comment. I have been in the UK for more than 5 years now. The problem is that this country is in the middle of some serious economic crisis. Just like most Pakistanis the Brits too have that tendency to look at their past and feel that they have been the ruling class and still believes that India is their territory and should not exceed them in any way.
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Its incredible how stupid one can be.

On the other hand, it may be just his poor language skills.

There is a word for attacking the person making the statement than the statement itself.
Ad hominem. Many Indians are expert at this kind of attacks when losing a debate about facts.
There is a word for attacking the person making the statement than the statement itself.
Ad hominem. Many Indians are expert at this kind of attacks when losing a debate about facts.

You make us laugh with your amazing lack of basic comprehension skills.

With your zombi like repetition of the same posts again and again, you have made it incredibly hard to take you seriously.

Friendly advice to just bugger off from Indian thread is not heeded, that will likely make you jobless.

I still find it amazing when even people like you have this perception that you post something called "facts" or indulge in "debate".

You are just lowering the average IQ and dignity of your country and race. If you care for any of that, just die...

Or at least pretend to...
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