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Why Western criticism of India’s Mars mission is blatant racism


no one is actually pro west
its that ppl have to go there for better opportunities.

and that too usa is way nore preferable than puny britain 

thanks man

i was harsh on u and i appologize


daily mail? lol daily mail isn't refer to the daily rag for no reason. ye lots of racism in uk, last time I checked Britain imported about 5 millions immigrants like me into their country. Yeh so racist.
Are you going to answer with any intelligence or the usual emotional rant against the greedy colonial british?[/quote]

am i wrong??
did they not loot trillions from subcontinent??were we not slaves for 200 years??

now its time to payback bitch

anyways britain is irrelevant in today's world and post 2020 it will be further down
The British aid to India is close to £300 million pounds, look I know you're an Indian and you will defend India no matter what, but try to go beyond petty nationalism will you. The aid that Britain gives to Indian government is supposed to be for the poorest states which your central government conveniently ignores and chooses to build a massive nuclear and space programme. If anything this shows people in Britain care more about the malnourished children and poverty in India than their own government.

Most people in Britain etc are not really angry at the India but their own governments for giving aid to India while India continues to spend billions on military and other less important sectors.
LOL. A page back, Indians were accusing me of defending the former masters, and being a traitor to India. Now a brit is saying that I will defend India no matter what. Clearly I am doing something right. This is what happens to people who stick up for reality and objectivity, rather than groupism - disdain from all sides. Check my last few posts and the responses to those, where I was called a moron or worse.

Again - please dont comment without reading the thread. I have been preaching against nationalism and hatred for the brits myself, for which I was getting called plenty of names. So dont talk to me about petty nationalism, as I was the only person (maybe two) to caution against that.

Again I request you to read how Indians have already addressed this criticism of poor country-space program thing. This thread was started to dispel the very notions you are now bringing up. If you read the rebuttals and are unsatisfied, then I shall be happy to illuminate you why I shall defend India on the space program, and criticize Brits who can't understand it, and chastise Indians who call Brits names. But so far it seems that you are unaware that the very points you are making have been rebutted already.
The other side of the picture was already shown to be hollow and vacous. It is precisely that non existent other side that is being derided in the first post. You should have read it before commenting.

It may not be racism technically, but it is a form of groupism, where a poor nation spreading her wings in space is seen as having ambitions beyond their station. When the fact is that ech single eurofighter the brits wanted to sell us would have cost more than this space program. We spent a grand total of 75 million dollars on this, and it is expected to bring in rewards far greater.

If those 75 million dollars were distributed to the poor, and each poor person given 35 cents, do you think that poverty would have ceased? On the other hand, the scientific know how and technological breakthroughs will translate to future richness. The west is rich because of science and technology, and nothing else.
India spends over 700 million dollars on space programme, aid to India is £300 million pounds. Tell me why the british tax payer should not be angry ?
half of the british are angry that even after having that money they have no indeprndent apace program

u can take ur 300 million back but will u return the trillions looted from subcontinent??
shame on u,ppl likke u should read some history

Indians would be more happy if Brits return the looted Kohinoor diamond instead of unwanted aid.
Indians would be more happy if Brits return the looted Kohinoor diamond instead of unwanted aid.

they behave like they got all this money by working hard,,,,lol

what will britain look like in another 50 years.............i feel sorry for it 
India spends over 700 million dollars on space programme, aid to India is £300 million pounds. Tell me why the british tax payer should not be angry ?

we never asked for money in first plave

do u think we need 250 million pounds??

go and check india's budget and come back here

defence budget is alone 40 billion dollars
Lot many British feel angered at reducing the government financed services for British nationals instead they waste their taxes as giving aid to other countries when British economy is facing tough times. While many of them still have the hangover of the colonial era.

Frankly I agree with them on that. Why shouuld the British keep paying aid to people who dont want it, like India? We have made it clear that the British aid money is 'peanuts', and unnecessary. Their govt is going on distributing so called aid because stopping it would make them look bad. 
India spends over 700 million dollars on space programme, aid to India is £300 million pounds. Tell me why the british tax payer should not be angry ?

Repeat - read the thread before asking the same questions that have been answered. Read the very first post. And a few more.
@levina, you are right, this thread has brought tears to my eyes. Perhaps I am tired of giving thanks. If all countries here become friends like this then "PDF mein aur mazza nahin ayega". If this things persists then I have to leave PDF......:undecided:
India spends over 700 million dollars on space programme, aid to India is £300 million pounds. Tell me why the british tax payer should not be angry ?

British taxpayers should be angry at their own govt which refused to stop the aid money, even after India said we did not want it. Repeat - India requested the stoppage of aid, it is your govt that keeps sening money to their missionaries. If you are angry be angry with your govt.

And the 700 dollar space program has earned us a lot more money than we spent on it. Like high techology always does.

Our satellites predicted the recent floods due to which we were able to save the lives of a million people. How much money is that worth, if you want to quantify?

Our space program gives us the cheapest communications and phone bills in the world, and a communication and broadcasting indsutry that is second to none. Guess how much money that brings in?

As has been repeatedly pointed out, if we didnt have a space program, we would be even poorer. SPENDING MONEY ON PRODUCTIVE VENTURES IS THE WAY TO ERADICATE POVERTY, AND THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT THE SPACE PROGRAM IS.
they behave like they got all this money by working hard,,,,lol

what will britain look like in another 50 years.............i feel sorry for it 

we never asked for money in first plave

do u think we need 250 million pounds??

go and check india's budget and come back here

defence budget is alone 40 billion dollars
Frankly I agree with them on that. Why shouuld the British keep paying aid to people who dont want it, like India? We have made it clear that the British aid money is 'peanuts', and unnecessary. Their govt is going on distributing so called aid because stopping it would make them look bad. 

This is all I'm saying. I only posted because I read a few posts degenerating all brits as some evil colonial masters with dodgy moustaches. Seriously people here are taking my posts personally, I'm only saying the average working class guy on the streets in London who barely makes enough to keep his house thinks why the hell is India getting hundreds of millions of pounds in aid while this government is cutting services to its own people. That's all I'm saying. Some Indians however take everything too personally. Calm down, it's not like that rocket is going to plant the Indian flag on Mars.
This is all I'm saying. I only posted because I read a few posts degenerating all brits as some evil colonial masters with dodgy moustaches. Seriously people here are taking my posts personally, I'm only saying the average working class guy on the streets in London who barely makes enough to keep his house thinks why the hell is India getting hundreds of millions of pounds in aid while this government is cutting services to its own people. That's all I'm saying. Some Indians however take everything too personally. Calm down, it's not like that rocket is going to plant the Indian flag on Mars.
@levina, you are right, this thread has brought tears to my eyes. Perhaps I am tired of giving thanks. If all countries here become friends like this then "PDF mein aur mazza nahin ayega". If this things persists then I have to leave PDF......:undecided:
You bet....i ended up giving thanks to almost every post here.
And you've been here for an year so i can understand your sentiments.:-)

This is all I'm saying. I only posted because I read a few posts degenerating all brits as some evil colonial masters with dodgy moustaches. Seriously people here are taking my posts personally, I'm only saying the average working class guy on the streets in London who barely makes enough to keep his house thinks why the hell is India getting hundreds of millions of pounds in aid while this government is cutting services to its own people. That's all I'm saying. Some Indians however take everything too personally. Calm down, it's not like that rocket is going to plant the Indian flag on Mars.

Read that last post of mine again, since I edited it.

And as I said, be anngry at your own govt, not at Indians - India has officially requested cancelling the aid, it is your govt which insists. You should be venting your anger at your govt, not at Indians, ho are using OUR money for OUR SPACE PROGRAM, WHICH WE WOULD DO WHETHER YUO GAVE US AID OR NOT.

Brits are commenting as if it is the aid which is funding our space program, as if there would be no space program without the aid.
Read that last post of mine again, since I edited it.

And as I said, be anngry at your own govt, not at Indians - India has officially requested cancelling the aid, it is your govt which insists. You should be venting your anger at your govt, not at Indians, ho are using OUR money for OUR SPACE PROGRAM, WHICH WE WOULD DO WHETHER YUO GAVE US AID OR NOT.

Brits are commenting as if it is the aid which is funding our space program, as if there would be no space program without the aid.

Pathetic to see Indians supporting enemy Pakistanis

@Pakistani Exile: It should help put matters to rest if you understand these three points -

1) India is justified in having a space program because that brings in a lot more money to us than we spend on it. As simple as that. That's how we justify it to ourselves, and we dont need to justify it to anybody else.
2) We would do it with or without british aid, which we have requested should be stopped, and it is the british govt which keeps sending money to its select NGOs and missionaries. Be angry at your govt, not at us.
3) The so called aid is peanuts, as our govt officially stated. We don't want it.
@Pakistani Exile: It should help put matters to rest if you understand these three points -

1) India is justified in having a space program because that brings in a lot more money to us than we spend on it. As simple as that. That's how we justify it to ourselves, and we dont need to justify it to anybody else.
2) We would do it with or without british aid, which we have requested should be stopped, and it is the british govt which keeps sending money to its select NGOs and missionaries. Be angry at your govt, not at us.
3) The so called aid is peanuts, as our govt officially stated. We don't want it.

1) I never argued against Indian space program, no need for justification. I endorsed it in my first post which everyone ignored.
2)The british government does not give money to missionaries. Please tell me which missionaries get aid from the british government? Because that would be against government policy. I know you would still have a space program, no wants you to scrap it.
3) Aid maybe peanuts, but do you understand the anger of the average guy in england who is having its services cut? austere measurements and hardly any jobs? your government officially stating its rejections is the same as pak government officially condemning drone strikes yet unwilling to do anything against it.
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