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Why were US media silent on Pfizer vaccine deaths?


Nov 4, 2011
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Why were US media silent on Pfizer vaccine deaths?
Published: Jan 15, 2021 08:00 PM

Twenty-three elderly Norwegian people died after receiving Pfizer vaccines. Thirteen of them have been assessed and common side effects may have contributed to severe reactions in them, according to the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

Norway is a small Northern European country and only about 25,000 people have been vaccinated with Pfizer vaccines. Twenty-three deaths are a large number. But surprisingly, mainstream English-language media did not report the incident immediately, as if they had already reached a consensus. Major US and UK media were obviously downplaying their deaths.

In contrast, those major Western media will immediately hype any unfavorable information about Chinese vaccines and try to amplify their impact on public psychology. For example, the data of China's Sinovac vaccine was lower than expected in Brazil, and it was reported everywhere in Western media. The death of a Brazilian volunteer who participated in the trials also became a major event in Western media. But it was later proven that the death had nothing to do with the vaccination, and Western media lost their interest.

The COVID-19 vaccine is serious scientific issue. The current pandemic situation is extremely critical. It is the fundamental interests of all mankind to have more vaccines to fight COVID-19. However, some mainstream US and British media are taking the lead in putting geopolitical labels on vaccines. They are meddling in political stances with the scientific attitude toward vaccines, using their propaganda to promote Pfizer vaccines and smearing Chinese vaccines.

In fact, the research and development of all COVID-19 vaccines is relatively hasty. They should have gone through more sample tests and longer clinical verification before being fully introduced to the market. But time does not wait, and the pandemic does not wait. The vaccines have been promoted to the front line of the COVID-19 fight with a much faster speed.

If there needs to be some comparison, then China's inactivated vaccine definitely has more solid foundation in safety than Pfizer's mRNA vaccine. The inactivated vaccine technology has been very mature and has undergone decades of clinical testing. But it is the first time that the mRNA technology was applied to the vaccine. This large-scale promotion of Pfizer's vaccine is a continuous process of large-scale testing on human beings.

We believe the US and some Western countries do not have better choices now. Mass vaccination of Pfizer is a must. Even if there are risks, these countries would rather bear them. As long as they can save the lives of most people, they would accept the pros and cons. Western mainstream media turned a blind eye to the death of the 23 people, which can be regarded as a part of their acceptance of the "big picture."

Western media's crude double standards on vaccines and their unhealthy mindset show that the US and UK mainstream media's mentality toward China has gone highly geopolitical. Double standards have become political correctness for them. They are no longer objective in terms of competition with China. Attacking China is their desperate goal.

In terms of the COVID-19 vaccines, Chinese society and the Chinese government have regarded science and objectivity as priorities. In a practical and realistic manner, China has squarely faced the reality that Chinese vaccines lacked sufficient data. Chinese COVID-19 vaccines have been put on the market but are conditional. Vaccination priority will be given to high-exposure populations between 18 and 59 years old, not the elderly. No senior Chinese official has come out to openly endorse Chinese vaccines. Most praises about China's vaccines are from abroad. Many leaders of developing countries have taken the lead in injecting Chinese vaccines based on their countries' data of Phase III trials.

However, the Pfizer vaccine has been strongly promoted by the US administration and capital. Their potential risk has been deliberately downplayed by Western public opinion. And public opinion has created an impression that Pfizer's mRNA vaccine, which is being used for the first time, is safer than the Chinese vaccine.

Regrettably, Washington has promoted China-US confrontation and the US and its major allies have initiated their ideological frenzy. Is there any justice? They believe it is right to suppress China and wrong to be fair to China. Such an attitude has extended to serious scientific and humanitarian fields which should have been far away from politics.

Chinese people need to face such increasingly harsh ideological confrontation whether we are willing to or not. We must defend China's national interests and support our own country in important competition. To weaken China's competitiveness, the US and its allies' public opinions have completely disregarded ethics. Their attitude toward China is nothing but geopolitical logic. We will not cringe from their attacks.

this, if true should be better covered and reported; I did see in Bloomberg that it is being looked into as most of those who died were over 80 with other issues.

I think they started vaccination within last week or so, so there is no grounds for the 'what if it were Chinese' type of grievance. But I agree everyone does have aa healthy distrust of stuff from China in general. But no choice!
Why were US media silent on Pfizer vaccine deaths?
Published: Jan 15, 2021 08:00 PM

Twenty-three elderly Norwegian people died after receiving Pfizer vaccines. Thirteen of them have been assessed and common side effects may have contributed to severe reactions in them, according to the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

Norway is a small Northern European country and only about 25,000 people have been vaccinated with Pfizer vaccines. Twenty-three deaths are a large number. But surprisingly, mainstream English-language media did not report the incident immediately, as if they had already reached a consensus. Major US and UK media were obviously downplaying their deaths.

In contrast, those major Western media will immediately hype any unfavorable information about Chinese vaccines and try to amplify their impact on public psychology. For example, the data of China's Sinovac vaccine was lower than expected in Brazil, and it was reported everywhere in Western media. The death of a Brazilian volunteer who participated in the trials also became a major event in Western media. But it was later proven that the death had nothing to do with the vaccination, and Western media lost their interest.

The COVID-19 vaccine is serious scientific issue. The current pandemic situation is extremely critical. It is the fundamental interests of all mankind to have more vaccines to fight COVID-19. However, some mainstream US and British media are taking the lead in putting geopolitical labels on vaccines. They are meddling in political stances with the scientific attitude toward vaccines, using their propaganda to promote Pfizer vaccines and smearing Chinese vaccines.

In fact, the research and development of all COVID-19 vaccines is relatively hasty. They should have gone through more sample tests and longer clinical verification before being fully introduced to the market. But time does not wait, and the pandemic does not wait. The vaccines have been promoted to the front line of the COVID-19 fight with a much faster speed.

If there needs to be some comparison, then China's inactivated vaccine definitely has more solid foundation in safety than Pfizer's mRNA vaccine. The inactivated vaccine technology has been very mature and has undergone decades of clinical testing. But it is the first time that the mRNA technology was applied to the vaccine. This large-scale promotion of Pfizer's vaccine is a continuous process of large-scale testing on human beings.

We believe the US and some Western countries do not have better choices now. Mass vaccination of Pfizer is a must. Even if there are risks, these countries would rather bear them. As long as they can save the lives of most people, they would accept the pros and cons. Western mainstream media turned a blind eye to the death of the 23 people, which can be regarded as a part of their acceptance of the "big picture."

Western media's crude double standards on vaccines and their unhealthy mindset show that the US and UK mainstream media's mentality toward China has gone highly geopolitical. Double standards have become political correctness for them. They are no longer objective in terms of competition with China. Attacking China is their desperate goal.

In terms of the COVID-19 vaccines, Chinese society and the Chinese government have regarded science and objectivity as priorities. In a practical and realistic manner, China has squarely faced the reality that Chinese vaccines lacked sufficient data. Chinese COVID-19 vaccines have been put on the market but are conditional. Vaccination priority will be given to high-exposure populations between 18 and 59 years old, not the elderly. No senior Chinese official has come out to openly endorse Chinese vaccines. Most praises about China's vaccines are from abroad. Many leaders of developing countries have taken the lead in injecting Chinese vaccines based on their countries' data of Phase III trials.

However, the Pfizer vaccine has been strongly promoted by the US administration and capital. Their potential risk has been deliberately downplayed by Western public opinion. And public opinion has created an impression that Pfizer's mRNA vaccine, which is being used for the first time, is safer than the Chinese vaccine.

Regrettably, Washington has promoted China-US confrontation and the US and its major allies have initiated their ideological frenzy. Is there any justice? They believe it is right to suppress China and wrong to be fair to China. Such an attitude has extended to serious scientific and humanitarian fields which should have been far away from politics.

Chinese people need to face such increasingly harsh ideological confrontation whether we are willing to or not. We must defend China's national interests and support our own country in important competition. To weaken China's competitiveness, the US and its allies' public opinions have completely disregarded ethics. Their attitude toward China is nothing but geopolitical logic. We will not cringe from their attacks.

A scientific competition becoming a politics war. That why i've lost my trust on Western covid vaccines

See who try play politics first on covid-19 vaccine. Definitely, not Chinese first.

If u think Pfizer vaccine is safe. Go ahead. I will take Sinovac.
I have recently told my friends in Australia not to vaccinate with Pfizer vaccine until further reports can reveal its true safety and effectiveness.
I have recently told my friends in Australia not to vaccinate with Pfizer vaccine until further reports can reveal its true safety and effectiveness.

To be honest you need at least 10 years of data to be sure about it's long term effects.

The tech is theoretically safe but that cannot be guaranteed in practice as not all factors can ever be taken into account in a theoretical model of the human body.

See who try play politics first on covid-19 vaccine. Definitely, not Chinese first.

If u think Pfizer vaccine is safe. Go ahead. I will take Sinovac.

I have zero interest in taking any Covid-19 vaccine due to my age and general health. Statistically I have maybe a 1 in 100,000 chance of dying from Covid-19.

UK is using both the new mRNA Pfizer vaccine and the traditional AstraZeneca vaccine and so it will be a good testing ground for both forms of technology.

It also is vaccinating people with 2 doses that will be anywhere from 3 weeks to up to 12 weeks or even more apart.

World will get the most valuable vaccine safety and efficacy data from the UK over the next 3 months and so hold on tight.
To be honest you need at least 10 years of data to be sure about it's long term effects.

The tech is theoretically safe but that cannot be guaranteed in practice as not all factors can ever be taken into account in a theoretical model of the human body.

Even for emergency use, it is no good either as they are using made-up figure on recent test results too, says 95% effective. But as some academics pointed out that even their provided data can project effectiveness as low as 29%.

As for a mechanism with proven long term safety, obviously that will be the inactivated vaccines.
Even for emergency use, it is no good either as they are using made-up figure on recent test results too, says 95% effective. But as some academics pointed out that even their provided data can project effectiveness as low as 29%.

As for a mechanism with proven long term safety, obviously that will be the inactivated vaccines.

We shall find out how effective the Pfizer vaccine is by March/April this year.
Why open multiple threads on same subject? There was a debate on other thread, but you got schooled by Ukbengali.
A scientific competition becoming a politics war. That why i've lost my trust on Western covid vaccines

From the beginning of mask crisis in early 2020, the US has politicized the whole pandemic.

US media as an extension of the regime in general runs the propaganda arm of this political attitude.
Vaccines are supposed to save lives, not to kill lives.

there is always a risk that some people will develop adverse reactions. The same could be said of the Chinese vaccines, but through clinical trials we learn which vaccines are safe, efficacious, and with vaccines are best for different populations (the Pfizer vaccine may not be as effective as the Chinese vaccine for Asian populations, this is not to praise China, but respect the results of the scientific research).

If this thread is just a wu-mao post, then this is one issue (vaccines) that should not be politicized.

If you don’t trust the vaccines, wait a few months for the data to come out. Then make up your own mind.

Pushing to hard on this issue will have the world turn against Chinese products for undermining science. Thread carefully.
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