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How far are u going to lower the bar for being related to hinduism ?Since celibacy is valued in hinduism and christianity as well,christianity is related as well?Just because most of AP used to follow animism doesn't mean we were influenced by Hinduism.By that logic even hindutva has shamanism.I said didnt I this is about India and your contention that hindus need to be united and satnd for each other and most probably against other religions and groups affects all Indians.Secondly this is a forum,you cant decide who participates in a topic or not.
LIke i said if other religions are united it is good for India but when Hindus want to be united it bad for India HOW?
I again ask why is your butt hurt? when i talk about hindus being united. Tell me you dont want us united as you are scared that you will lose your power to control us.
See slowly your agenda is coming out, you are racist neo christian convert who wants to evangelize hindus and therefore fear hindus being united since a united hindus will resist your conversions and methods.
Its only bigots like u who see everything through the lens of religion.You are a confirmed racist and hindu supremacist,you have no right to talk to an indian about what can be considered Indian.Go adore your Chadiwala gang,people like you are the very reason for why Hinduism has cancer.. most probably you are a casteist too.
Yep Hinduism has cancer and others are shining examples of modernity and good will..Wtf is your interest in hinduism? when you dont consider yourself a hindu.Mind your own business.Your posts show you are a confirmed communist aka Monotheistic bigot acting cool and sickular,[/quote]
Did I give a clean chit to others ?I have made my displeasure at religions very clear in another thread as well, particularly zealots using people for their own agenda
Communists say religion is poison, so do atheists, Communism was founded by Atheists like karl marx etc. So it is a for the Atheist, by the atheist.
So what is wrong, commies tend to be atheists and atheists tend to be comrades of commies.

so was Mark Twain, So was robert Ingersoll.

So was Ayn Rand, one of the founders of the objectivist philosophy and the libertarian movement that Reagan took in his economics.

So was Savarkar.

Guess what, a lot of the renaissance era philosophers did not believe in Organised religion.

Christopher Hitchens, Ayaan Hirsi Ali who provided critiques of fundamentalist Islam far better than any Hindutva member can hope to give.
[quote="Excelias, post: 5215407, member: 154365"

Its only bigots like u who see everything through the lens of religion.You are a confirmed racist and hindu supremacist,you have no right to talk to an indian about what can be considered Indian.Go adore your Chadiwala gang,people like you are the very reason for why Hinduism has cancer.. most probably you are a casteist too.[/quote]

Yep Hinduism has cancer and others are shining examples of modernity and good will..Wtf is your interest in hinduism? when you dont consider yourself a hindu.Mind your own business.Your posts show you are a confirmed communist aka Monotheistic bigot acting cool and sickular,
Didnt I say ?I dont support any unification based on religion.If people think one plus one equals eleven its not my fault is it ?
so was Mark Twain, So was robert Ingersoll.

So was Ayn Rand, one of the founders of the objectivist philosophy and the libertarian movement that Reagan took in his economics.

So was Savarkar.

Guess what, a lot of the renaissance era philosophers did not believe in Organised religion.

Christopher Hitchens, Ayaan Hirsi Ali who provided critiques of fundamentalist Islam far better than any Hindutva member can hope to give.
Whatever that doesnt relate anything to what i posted about hindus being united.Why are you scared of Hindus being United? give me a reason? dont give me BS that religion is poison stuff.

Didnt I say ?I dont support any unification based on religion.If people think one plus one equals eleven its not my fault is it ?
Oh zakir naik logic here eh, i see where your bias comes from.:rofl:
Editing posts doesn't take away the fact you are a bigot who is afraid of a united hindu ethos.So therefore will try everything in your power to keep hindu society divided, by springing up caste,dravidian aryan, dalit brahmin, north indian south india etc. Divide and rule that is your agenda.
Whatever that doesnt relate anything to what i posted about hindus being united.Why are you scared of Hindus being United? give me a reason? dont give me BS that religion is poison stuff.

Oh zakir naik logic here eh, i see where your bias comes from.:rofl:
Whoever he is,you are skipping the topic at hand, making personal attacks just shows desperation in you.You have to bring relevant points to be taken seriously.
Whoever he is,you are skipping the topic at hand, making personal attacks just shows desperation in you.You have to bring relevant points to be taken seriously.
Zakir naik is a islamic preacher who talks the same logic as you said 1+1=11 so therefore your examples show stark contrasting features of his dawah.
Personal attack it was you who started calling my posts about hindus being united as BS. Look back on your posts how vehemently you want to stop hindus from being united?Like i said what is your problem with hindus being united once again?You fear you will lose the power to control us? and it wont suit your agenda of ruling India as per your ideas?
.So therefore will try everything in your power to keep hindu society divided, by springing up caste,dravidian aryan, dalit brahmin, north indian south india faultlines etc. Divide and rule that is your agenda.
Maybe because quite a number of foreigners have been victimized especially Western women (If there were Indian victims there wont be such a hue and cry) and this particular phenomena of Gang rape in India that seems to be higher than most of the countries with even worse rape numbers

No, its because the enemies of india get a hard on every time a women is violated on the other side of the boarder.

that's right, wear your bigotry with gusto and pride, and cry like a little girl at even the littlest of offence caused to your Beliefs.

NO. I plan to kick *** of the cowardly Sickulars and make them cry like little girls.

Then they go around advising others not to mess around for fear to getting their *** kicked. :lol:
Zakir naik is a islamic preacher who talks the same logic as you said 1+1=11 so therefore your examples show stark contrasting features of his dawah.
Personal attack it was you who started calling my posts about hindus being united as BS. Look back on your posts how vehemently you want to stop hindus from being united?Like i said what is your problem with hindus being united once again?You fear you will lose the power to control us? and it wont suit your agenda of ruling India as per your ideas?
.So therefore will try everything in your power to keep hindu society divided, by springing up caste,dravidian aryan, dalit brahmin, north indian south india faultlines etc. Divide and rule that is your agenda.
See again 1+1=11 logic,calling ur post bullshit isnt a personal attack is it ?Or like chadiwalas anyonewho disagrees with you is wrong and making personal attacks ?I vehemently oppose anyone uniting in the name of religion to satisfy their zealot nature.Divide and rule is done well by RSS chadiwala and missionaries in NE India.No need to tell about your modus operandi.
See again 1+1=11 logic,calling ur post bullshit isnt a personal attack is it ?Or like chadiwalas anyonewho disagrees with you is wrong and making personal attacks ?I vehemently oppose anyone uniting in the name of religion to satisfy their zealot nature.Divide and rule is done well by RSS chadiwala and missionaries in NE India.No need to tell about your modus operandi.
Then oppose the Vatican and Mecca as they are are united in the name of religion, Oppose USA at it was a christian country, oppose every nation of the world as they are based on monotheistic religions, what will you be after opposing everyone? a loner?
You still havent answered my question why is hindus being united such a heartburn to you?
Unity is good, divide is bad, then why are you so opposed to hindus, it is for us to decide what we choose to be isn't it? or is it for you to decide what is good for us and what is not?:mad:
And what is my Modus Operandi? explain it!

How did the chaddiwalas come into the picture what has RSS got to do with this thread?
Bringing them into this discussion shows your biased, bigoted nature that anything hindu or its culture is bad.i got no more words for a person who thinks hindus should be subjugated or should not be allowed to be united.
Then oppose the Vatican and Mecca as they are are united in the name of religion, Oppose USA at it was a christian country, oppose every nation of the world as they are based on monotheistic religions, what will you be after opposing everyone? a loner?
You still havent answered my question why is hindus being united such a heartburn to you?
Unity is good, divide is bad, then why are you so opposed to hindus, it is for us to decide what we choose to be isn't it? or is it for you to decide what is good for us and what is not?:mad:

How did the chaddiwalas come into the picture what has RSS got to do with this thread?
Bringing them into this discussion shows your biased, bigoted nature that anything hindu or its culture is bad.i got no more words for a person who thinks hindus should be subjugated or should not be allowed to be united.
First,didnt I clear my opinion on organised religion?US may have a huge christian population but I can't comment much on as I dont know much about it,but as far as I know the church and state are separate in the US.
Secondly,I have answered it too,its based on my opposition to religious zealots who are the first to organise this unity crap,all to serve their own agenda and crush other dissident voices much akin to what is seen in muslim community.But the danger in hidutva in India is same as Islamisation in Pakistan,pak and buddhism/sinhala in Sri lanka,i.e,being large majorities the religious bigots can easily do anything they want,even carry out genocides.
Thirdly in my experience,at least in AP the RSS seems to be hindu supremacist,racist and bigots.Its ranks are filled with such degenerates.
Finally,u seem to have comprehension issues,modern India has safeguards in place and hindus being a majority it is very less likely that they will be subjugated.As I said,u seem to have one plus one equals eleven thought process cant really help it.. and neither does that thought process help this discussion.
Isn't Arunachal Pradesh Buddhist? it comes under the Sanatana Dharma umbrella. Now tell me again how didn't Sanatana dharma didn't affect Arunachal Pradesh?.

For those who are wondering what Donyi-Polo is , it is a animist religion .

Donyi-Polo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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