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For those who are wondering what Donyi-Polo is , it is a animist religion .

Donyi-Polo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then Hindus are 64% of Arunachal Pradesh.
How come is that ??

You are adding Animists to Hinduism.

Much of Hinduism is animism. The entire universe is god's manifestation is what we believe.

Animism encompasses the belief that there is no separation between the spiritual and physical (or material) world, and souls or spirits exist, not only in humans, but also in some other animals, plants, rocks, geographic features such as mountains or rivers, or other entities of the natural environment, including thunder, wind, and shadows.

This is Advaita.
A large part of those animists are actually christians,they are just animists for name sake only and for benefits.

Don't you think that is a shamefull behavior from their part .

Much of Hinduism is animism. The entire universe is god's manifestation is what we believe.

Yet we have a clear classification in India between Hindus and Animist ..... right .
How come is that ??

You are adding Animists to Hinduism.
In true sense animism and hinduism are two different religion but in due course of time....much of animism was incorporated in hinduism...you can see hindus worship many animals in form of god ,. let it be cow, monkey,bull, tigers, elephants and many more.....:tup:
How come is that ??

You are adding Animists to Hinduism.
A large part of those animists are actually christians,they are just animists for name sake only and for benefits.
Don't you think that is a shamefull behavior from their part .

Yet we have a clear classification in India between Hindus and Animist ..... right .
It is,but that is how it is,people dont take religion seriously anyway.The hindu count is almost entirely immigrants here.
In true sense animism and hinduism are two different religion but in due course of time....much of animism was incorporated in hinduism...you can see hindus worship many animals in form of god ,. let it be cow, monkey,bull, tigers, elephants and many more.....:tup:

I know that .... We used to worship snake as part of our culture .

Tree worship.


Naga worship.


River worship


Arunachala mountain worship.

When every element in the universe is worshipped in Hinduism, wherein remains that doubt that animism is deep rooted in Hinduism.

Yet we have a clear classification in India between Hindus and Animist ..... right .

Marxist and Brit view point, not recognized or adhered to by Hindus.

In true sense animism and hinduism are two different religion but in due course of time....much of animism was incorporated in hinduism...you can see hindus worship many animals in form of god ,. let it be cow, monkey,bull, tigers, elephants and many more.....

Hinduism is much much more than animism, but animism is a big part of Hinduism.

Tree worship.

View attachment 15680
Naga worship.


River worship

View attachment 15681
Arunachala mountain worship.

When every element in the universe is worshipped in Hinduism, wherein remains that doubt that animism is deep rooted in Hinduism.

Marxist and Brit view point, not recognized or adhered to by Hindus.

Hinduism is much much more than animism, but animism is a big part of Hinduism.
agree with you lady...
even our earth is been depicted as holy cow in hinduism....:tup:
The name arunachal was proposed by an outsider who was not an arunachalee,again as I said ,you lack both know how and proper thought process.
Doh who proposed that name?
The tibetian buddhists called Himalayas the abode of Pashupatinath(Lord Shiva) and they make pilgrimage on foot to Mouth Kailash( where gods reside) all the way to the mountain they bow down and touch the ground .So who was the non -arunachalee?

Do you know anything about hinduism?
Doh who proposed that name?
The tibetian buddhists called Himalayas the abode of Pashupatinath(Lord Shiva) and they make pilgrimage on foot to Mouth Kailash( where gods reside) all the way to the mountain they bow down and touch the ground .So who was the non -arunachalee?

Do you know anything about hinduism? then why are you interfering in our matters? when its none of your concern?
And ?? Did they name this state ?Negative it was named by a civil servant from north India if I remember correctly.Save ur hindutva for somewhere else.The stunning majority of us here have nothing to do with hinduism ,islam or christianity.Please keep your wet dreams to yourself.Most of the people here are descendants from people who lived millenias agoin what is today in modern day china.So it is chinese too ?Keep your moronic thinking to yourself.We are as distant to hindus as we are to abrahamic religions.For ur brnrfit let me repeat,we here are only bothered about development and not for hindutva or anything else.
And ?? Did they name this state ?Negative it was named by a civil servant from north India if I remember correctly.Save ur hindutva for somewhere else.The stunning majority of us here have nothing to do with hinduism ,islam or christianity.Please keep your wet dreams to yourself.Most of the people here are descendants from people who lived millenias agoin what is today in modern day china.So it is chinese too ?Keep your moronic thinking to yourself.We are as distant to hindus as we are to abrahamic religions.For ur brnrfit let me repeat,we here are only bothered about development and not for hindutva or anything else.
Oh now that i negated what you posted and your stuff doesn;t work now you go chinese? wow:woot:Those are the ancient names i told you, it doesn't matter what it was called by non-arunachalee.
If you are bothered only about development then worry about development and you shouldn't have poked your nose in things and start pontificating what is right and what is wrong in hinduism and hindutva and how hindus uniting are bad for india sermons of yours, It is none of your concern as long as you get to live your life and we get to live ours.
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Oh now that i negated what you posted and your stuff doesn;t work now you go chinese? wow:woot:Those are the ancient names i told you, it doesn't matter what it was called by non-arunachalee.
If you are bothered only about development then worry about development and you shouldn't have poked your nose in things and start pontification what is right and what is wrong in hinduism and hindutva and how hindus uniting are bad for india sermons of yours, It is none of your concern as long as you get to live your life and we get to live ours.
lol,Done salvaging your pride ?Managed to save your pipe dream that hindutva unites India ?Who are you to tell me what I do with my time ?You are right on one part though, as long as we get to live our life,its fine.The reason we here oppose both hindutva and all unnecessary crap.
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