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Why this Focus on Rapes in India by World Media

For those who are wondering what Donyi-Polo is , it is a animist religion .

Donyi-Polo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unknown person called KB335ci2 is roaming the street of sri lanka.
First,didnt I clear my opinion on organised religion?US may have a huge christian population but I can't comment much on as I dont know much about it,but as far as I know the church and state are separate in the US.
Secondly,I have answered it too,its based on my opposition to religious zealots who are the first to organise this unity crap,all to serve their own agenda and crush other dissident voices much akin to what is seen in muslim community.But the danger in hidutva in India is same as Islamisation in Pakistan,pak and buddhism/sinhala in Sri lanka,i.e,being large majorities the religious bigots can easily do anything they want,even carry out genocides.
Thirdly in my experience,at least in AP the RSS seems to be hindu supremacist,racist and bigots.Its ranks are filled with such degenerates.
Finally,u seem to have comprehension issues,modern India has safeguards in place and hindus being a majority it is very less likely that they will be subjugated.As I said,u seem to have one plus one equals eleven thought process cant really help it.. and neither does that thought process help this discussion.
Did i say first about 1+1=11 theory it was you who said it!
What safeguards in place? like the one in kashmir where hindus and pandits were driven out? or the Muzzaffar nagar riots or other riots?What safeguards are you talking about?

You ever been to RSS? it does not discriminate on caste, status etc.For them all are one. Without going there dont shoot your mouth off!
And how did you decide Hindus united will be a threat to India did it ever happen before? or is it your hypothesis that it will happen since you say so?What proof do you have that united hindus will genocide minorities ?We are different our religion is different we dont kill people who are different like others do? what makes you think it is bad? give proof otherwise your posts are brainfarts not worth considering.
RSS was invited to join the republic day parade in 1963 by prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, is he a bigot and supremacist too for inviting them? know about RSS first before talking crap.
And is it about who said it first ? what are ?Kindergarten kids ?It was an observation on your thought process which u resorted to,rather immaturely,to retort with the same argument.Don't u see ?Kashmir is a case where a majority got away with doing something wrong just because no one could oppose them.People are killed on all sides during riots or is only hindus being killed a problem according to you ?There are provisions in our laws to safeguard against religious atrocities.Riots happen because due to failure of law enforcement agencies,due to a large part.The Assam riots is a case where the majority killed religious minorities.
RSS is a bigoted organisation as far as I have observed.Their activities in NE India is here for locals to see.
Does invitation to republic day prove something ?Again one plus one is eleven logic.
And is it about who said it first ? what are ?Kindergarten kids ?It was an observation on your thought process which u resorted to,rather immaturely,to retort with the same argument.Don't u see ?Kashmir is a case where a majority got away with doing something wrong just because no one could oppose them.People are killed on all sides during riots or is only hindus being killed a problem according to you ?There are provisions in our laws to safeguard against religious atrocities.Riots happen because due to failure of law enforcement agencies,due to a large part.The Assam riots is a case where the majority killed religious minorities.
RSS is a bigoted organisation as far as I have observed.Their activities in NE India is here for locals to see.
Does invitation to republic day prove something ?Again one plus one is eleven logic.
Excelias said:
Didnt I say ?I dont support any unification based on religion.If people think one plus one equals eleven its not my fault is it ?
refere to my post #156 you quoted that 1+1=11 logic, it is another thing you deleted that post but not quick enough to delete it before i quoted you.
Excelias said:
Didnt I say ?I dont support any unification based on religion.If people think one plus one equals eleven its not my fault is it ?

Now you say it was me who said it first?wow:woot::woot::woot:
What about kindergarten kids?
Trying to post offtopic things and you trying to do a pyschological profile on me thanks but no thanks with your novice advice.

Kashmir is a glaring example looking you in the face, don't talk crap 24 years and still kashmiri pandits are living as refugees in their own lands what legal provisions are you talking about if they couldn't rehabilitate them even after 24 years?
If we are not united many such things are bound to happen to us,The point is who were the fire starters in all riots?is it our tolerance and respect for others that invites them to kill us ?hmmm?
Assam happened cos Minority started it just like they did in Gujarat, what happens next is anybodys guess.
Without being to RSS your out of the fence views are not appreciated, What are its activities in NE?

Still again why all the butt hurt and heartbleeds for hindus ? Why can't we decide for ourselves?You make it seem that we have to take permission from others for us to be united, while others dont need such checks and balances in place.What a bigot you are.:rofl:
Excelias said:
Didnt I say ?I dont support any unification based on religion.If people think one plus one equals eleven its not my fault is it ?
refere to my post #156 you quoted that 1+1=11 logic, it is another thing you deleted that post but not quick enough to delete it before i quoted you.
Excelias said:
Didnt I say ?I dont support any unification based on religion.If people think one plus one equals eleven its not my fault is it ?

Now you say it was me who said it first?wow:woot::woot::woot:
What about kindergarten kids?
Trying to post offtopic things and you trying to do a pyschological profile on me thanks but no thanks with your novice advice.

Kashmir is a glaring example looking you in the face, don't talk crap 24 years and still kashmiri pandits are living as refugees in their own lands what legal provisions are you talking about if they couldn't rehabilitate them even after 24 years?
If we are not united many such things are bound to happen to us,The point is who were the fire starters in all riots?is it our tolerance and respect for others that invites them to kill us ?hmmm?
Assam happened cos Minority started it just like they did in Gujarat, what happens next is anybodys guess.
Without being to RSS your out of the fence views are not appreciated, What are its activities in NE?

Still again why all the butt hurt and heartbleeds for hindus ? Why can't we decide for ourselves?You make it seem that we have to take permission from others for us to be united, while others dont need such checks and balances in place.What a bigot you are.:rofl:Did I state u needed my approval ?See one plus one is eleven logic again.Its just my view on it.It seems discussion with u is pointless, as it was with manvantruti.Let's agree to disagree,I havent got anymore time for it.

For those who are wondering what Donyi-Polo is , it is a animist religion .

Donyi-Polo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Irony of somebody claiming to be from the land of a animist religion calling hindu's 'rat worshipers' :angel:

Makes you wonder how much they must have drifted away from their own culture..... OR... Are they really what they claim to be ?
The Irony of somebody claiming to be from the land of a animist religion calling hindu's 'rat worshipers' :angel:

Makes you wonder how much they must have drifted away from their own culture..... OR... Are they really what they claim to be ?
The name Arunachal pradesh itself is hindu, Arunachala is one of the names of Lord Shiva and that moron says hinduism has no influence, their whole state is named after lord Shiva. :angry:
Depends. How good looking is she?
Either way, Kerala used to be the worst in terms of caste segregation. If anything good can be said about that state, it is the lessening of that system.
I don't hear any Malayalees clamoring for the return of it.

People must have experimented with looks and come up to a different conclusion. Kerala Brahmins did have rights to everyone else's wives right.

Yeah Kerala had it worse than anywhere else. No one is clamoring for its return.

This sounds like a standard Mullah or even a Televangelist script, the world is small indeed.

What is Mullah or Televangelist about it?
In other words you are saying lets Indians get immune to feeling any shame over such crimes against women.

BAD idea.

Let the world say or think whatever it wants BUT also muster the courage to call spade a spade viz a viz own countrymen's attitude

It is not immune to shame, but immune to manipulations that I am advocating. There has been a loss of culture and diminishing of moral fiber in certain elements of the country, hence the rapes. This is not going to rectify in short term and no amount of chest beating or external policing is going to solve it.

At the same time, there is also Hindu resurgence going on which I think in a few decades will ameliorate the situation to a great deal.

I disagree with the reservation system. I disagree with the present descendants groveling for their ancestor's mistakes. But let's not just shrug it off or pretend that it wasn't an exploitative system

I support the reservation system. Restitution has to be done, empty words of regret is not enough. If the present descendants of exploiters can enjoy the fruits of their ancestors exploitation, then the present generation of those exploited and having imposed social disadvantages have a right to affirmative action. I agree those are no longer in a disadvantaged position should not be allowed reservations.
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Simple reason is because of rapes are receiving local Indian media attention unlike before, which is a good thing.

no simple reason is you guys started raping whites, brown ko rape kertey raho unhain koi problem nehe
The name Arunachal pradesh itself is hindu, Arunachala is one of the names of Lord Shiva and that moron says hinduism has no influence, their whole state is named after lord Shiva. :angry:
The name arunachal was proposed by an outsider who was not an arunachalee,again as I said ,you lack both know how and proper thought process.
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