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Why they hate China

Thanx I know you did not intend to do so.

Did we start threads blaming the Chinese. As far as I see it is only Chinese and Paksitanis who are startingg threads all over the place over fear, paranoia or a lack of self confidence.

Prove me an instance where India has officially targetted Chinese or our officials have condemed the Chinese.

Again for the n th time watch the news and listen to the threats laid by Sarko and Merkell.

Also West is the world that China wants to impress and thump its chest, you seriously think they will be doing it to gain respect among poor african countries and asian ones.So it mattrs a lot what the west thinks about China for the Chinese.

No, one in India dictates the terms in which I live or serve pious platitudes and advice as to what I should do. I am free to move and live anywhere or migrate to any place without a permit, I can choose to be a lazy bone or work hard to be successful person. I have a choice and I am free to exercise it above all no one asks me to shut my mouth up and that my friend is what is called free spirit and that is called free country.

Again provide proof of Indian government's stand. I only wish our government has the balls to do what you are claiming.

Nitpicking and trying to make others look small. good one

What can the Americans do if Shias and Sunnis slaughter each other. Regarding Jails any one with some sense of fairness shall say Guantanamo is the fiver star of Jails.Yes Americans do violate certain norms as no one is perfect , but the point is being better in relative terms rather then in absolute one.

I worked two seasons for UNICEF and UNDP. India is projected to achive a majority of its MDG. China was in a much more worse position when you compare our current stage of economic develolment to their time period. Poverty amellioration is taking place in the form of an exponential graph rather then a steady time series line.

Also if you have the chance talk to UN personell who have doen their tour in China. China has a tendency of skewing statistics and they shall tell you how difficult it is to perform proper monitoring and evaluation.

Know what, do read my post before replying.

Surprisingly you mentioned Guantanamo but how shamefully you choose not to mention the Abu Ghraib prison. Why because that would have proved you otherwise and would have exposed the true nature of the humanrights violations done by your mentor.

I am 18 and above and I am not going to engage in a mud slinging contest with you

A survey in USA has shown then China is among the top 3 US people considers as enemy.

first up is


Keep it up China
Unlike you, if there is a mistake, we are man enough to agree and rectify it!

What do you expect us to do?

Be brazen faced and hang on to factual inaccuracies like you do?

Rectify what? XX-year education program to reduce illiteracy, or LAC...?

No one has any expectation form you(singular), as you are stuffed with biased info on daily basis.

Your wishful whim of sabotaging 2008 Olympics will be doomed. Surely and precisely.
Why do they hate China?

Western philosophy gives away a little bit on it: " If we don't hate what we are not, we can't love what we are."

But let us be more accurate, there are still a number of Westerners do not belong to "they".
Why do they hate China?

Western philosophy gives away a little bit on it: " If we don't hate what we are not, we can't love what we are."

The line very well explains the real reason behind the hate. So much for democracy. US style:disagree:
Why do they hate China?

Western philosophy gives away a little bit on it: " If we don't hate what we are not, we can't love what we are."

But let us be more accurate, there are still a number of Westerners do not belong to "they".

Hate ..leads to violent behaviour ..it makes you tyrant and numb to others Feeling..
hope you understands who hates whom
The westerners are real bad.

See what they did to the Olympic Torch in London and worse, in Paris, that was guarded by the heroic Kung Fu chaps of China?
how about india media? enlightened?

stop flaming.. answer the question.. you raised a point about Western.. I raised a point about Chinese...

btw: free, reputed and unbiased largely... one reason for the successful running of democracy...
The CIA conducted a large scale covert action campaign against the communist Chinese in Tibet starting in 1956. This led to a disastrous bloody uprising in 1959, leaving tens of thousands of Tibetans dead, while the Dalai Lama and about 100,000 followers were forced to flee across the treacherous Himalayan passes to India and Nepal.

The CIA established a secret military training camp for the Dalai Lama's resistance fighters at Camp Hale near Leadville, Colorado, in the US. The Tibetan guerrillas were trained and equipped by the CIA for guerrilla warfare and sabotage operations against the communist Chinese.

The US-trained guerrillas regularly carried out raids into Tibet, on occasions led by CIA-contract mercenaries and supported by CIA planes. The initial training program ended in December 1961, though the camp in Colorado appears to have remained open until at least 1966.

The CIA Tibetan Task Force created by Roger E McCarthy, alongside the Tibetan guerrilla army, continued the operation codenamed ST CIRCUS to harass the Chinese occupation forces for another 15 years until 1974, when officially sanctioned involvement ceased.

McCarthy, who also served as head of the Tibet Task Force at the height of its activities from 1959 until 1961, later went on to run similar operations in Vietnam and Laos.

By the mid-1960s, the CIA had switched its strategy from parachuting guerrilla fighters and intelligence agents into Tibet to establishing the Chusi Gangdruk, a guerrilla army of some 2,000 ethnic Khamba fighters at bases such as Mustang in Nepal.

This base was only closed down in 1974 by the Nepalese government after being put under tremendous pressure by Beijing.
After the Indo-China War of 1962, the CIA developed a close relationship with the Indian intelligence services in both training and supplying agents in Tibet.

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