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Why the Saudis Are Panicking


Dec 8, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Why the Saudis Are Panicking
Trita Parsi
April 3, 2014


As President Barack Obama must have noticed during his visit, there is a panicky tone to almost everything the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does these days, whether it’s campaigning for two years to win a coveted seat on the UN Security Council only to give it up immediately after the vote, or its public pronouncements of going it alone in the chaos of Syria, or its break with its fellow Arab state Qatar, or the closing of the Al Jazeera office in Riyadh, or the banning of the books of renowned Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish. Or, of course, its opposition to diplomacy over Iran’s nuclear program and the prospects of a US-Iranian thaw.

Riyadh’s opposition to the Iran nuclear talks has largely been understood in the context of the larger Saudi-Iranian and Sunni-Shia rivalry. Consequently, Saudi’s negative reaction was predictable, the argument goes. The Saudi royal house would undoubtedly not sit idly by as its regional rival negotiated its way out of harsh sanctions and into a potential US-Iranian rapprochement that could pave the way for an American tilt towards Tehran—all at the expense of Saudi interests.

But the intensity of Riyadh’s reaction cannot be explained solely through the kingdom’s displeasure at Tehran’s diplomatic advances. In fact, the unprecedented opening between the US and Iran is arguably only the tip of the iceberg of Saudi Arabia's growing list of concerns. Numerous geopolitical trends in the last decade have evolved in opposition to Saudi interests. Much indicates that it is the combination of these factors, rather than just Saudi displeasure with US-Iranian diplomacy, that best explain the erratic behavior of the House of Saud.

Consider the following developments. First, the United States has significantly increased its own oil production and reduced its dependence on Saudi oil. Driven by a boom in shale oil production, America's crude output has surged at record speeds in recent years. Last year, production rose a stunning 15 percent—the fastest absolute annual growth in any country in twenty years. According to the International Energy Agency, the United States will overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s top oil producer as early as 2015.

The official Saudi line reads that OPEC had survived past increases in production from countries outside OPEC, and that Saudi does not worry about the America’s growing output. But some important voices in Saudi Arabia publicly disagree, charactering the US’s declining dependence on Saudi crude as “an inevitable threat."

Indeed, being a dominant producer on the oil market has provided the kingdom with vital political influence. The US’s growing output is a direct strategic threat to that influence, according to some in Saudi.

Secondly, the Arab uprisings—and the Obama administration’s reaction to those—have further added distance between Riyadh and Washington. Saudi Arabia was vehemently against the anti-Mubarak rallies in Egypt and viewed Obama’s shift to the side of the Tahrir square protesters as a betrayal. For decades, an understanding reigned supreme between the United States and its regional Arab allies: The Arab autocracies would help ensure stability in the region and on the oil market, and in return the US would protect the states and as well as their regimes.

But since the Arab Spring, a common view in the Middle East—not just in Saudi—is that the US has betrayed this arrangement and abandoned its allies. From the US perspective, however, the Obama administration simply saw the writing on the wall: Most Arab autocracies were quickly reaching their expiration dates and the demands of the populations for greater governance, freedom and rights were both justified and unstoppable.

The new reality is that in spite of Riyadh’s massive arms purchase from the US, Washington will likely not come to its aid if the Arab spring reaches Saudi. This means that a critical avenue for Saudi Arabia to ensure regime survival is in jeopardy—at best—or, at worst, lost.

Thirdly, to make matters worse, a succession crisis looms in the Kingdom. A successor and a third in line for the throne have been appointed, but their reigns are not likely to be long due to their old age. In the next few years, the throne is likely to pass to the third generation of descendants of the kingdom’s founder Abdulaziz ibn Saud. Even under the best circumstances, such a generational shift can carry complications. In these sensitive geopolitical times, the House of Saud cannot afford a protracted succession crisis while also facing the pressure of the Arab spring, Sunni-Shia tensions in its Eastern province—and the uncertainty of American protection.

Which brings us to the fourth factor: America’s pivot to the east. Whether it is progressing at the pace originally intended or not, the reality is that the Obama administration has decided to reduce America’s military footprint in the Middle East and avoid getting dragged into any additional ground wars there. In the eyes of some in Riyadh (and Tel Aviv), the Obama administration has relinquished its responsibility to uphold order in the region and abandoned its allies to meet their fates alone.

From Washington’s perspective, the real strategic challenge to the US will come in Asia, not the Middle East. Further military entanglement in the Arab world will only undermine the US’s ability to handle future crises in East Asia.

In practical terms, this means that the United States likely will not intervene in Syria militarily—much to Riyadh’s chagrin—or put military assets at the disposal of its allies to fight their own regional rivals. The Obama administration is not going to permit its allies to use the United States as a proxy.

On top of all of this, US-Iranian diplomacy may lead to the unchaining of Iran. Tehran might break out of its isolation, be rehabilitated into the region’s political and economic structures, which in turn can enable it to legitimize its geopolitical gains in the region. A new regional order may emerge, one in which Washington will quietly accept Iran’s advances.

Had US-Iranian diplomacy made headway under former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami—at a time when Saudi-Iranian relations were warming—Riyadh would likely still have been hesitant and anxious. It would have cautiously welcomed the thaw, while remaining concerned about how US-Iranian rapprochement would affect its interest. But there would not have been any of the current overreactions. The Saudi panic is more likely rooted in its fears about the broader geopolitical trends in the region, of which US-Iranian rapprochement is one of many concerning trends to Riyadh.

Ultimately, finding a new regional equilibrium that enjoys Saudi buy-in is critical. Saudi Arabia is an important state in the region for both economic and religious reasons. Just as the containment of Iran has become a source of instability in the region, any move that would push Saudi towards greater extremism would ill serve the region. Just like Iran, Saudi Arabia must be part of the solution. In particular, Riyadh has the ability and the responsibility to defuse sectarian strife.

Panic, however, will bring Saudi Arabia no closer to such objectives.

P.s: as Iran foreign minister issued Iran's concerns in his letter to the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on recent attacks against Iran's interests in the region which could be connected to saudis' fear.
".....Repeated explosions and terrorist attacks in our Eastern border in recent months, which have resulted in the murder of at least 12 soldiers;

Two car-bomb attacks on the Iranian diplomatic and cultural premises in Beirut on 19 November 2013 and 19 February 2014, killing one diplomat and a dozen security guards and many Lebanese civilian bystanders;

Abduction and murder of Iranian diplomatic personnel in Sana’a, including kidnapping of an Iranian diplomat, Mr. Nour-Ahmad Nikbakht, on July 21, 2013, and brutal assassination of another, Mr. Abolqassem Assadi, on January 18, 2014; and

Suicide attack on the Iranian Consulate-General in Peshawar, on February 25, 2014, killing two security guards and injuring many innocent Pakistani bystanders.

It is extremely regrettable that all available evidence indicate that these cowardly acts of terror targeting the Islamic Republic of Iran and its citizens have been perpetrated by State-sponsored extremist groups, with similar patterns of funding, coordination, support and direction..."
More Farsi nonsense for today.

"Trita Parsi".

What a name.:laughcry:

I like the obsession about your religious, cultural, linguistic and ethnical conquerors. :omghaha:

These Iranians are so amazing :omghaha:

Safavids :lol:

As I'd expected, the same smiles and language .....nothing on topic and in one word sheer trolling ..
Great article and great analysis. If I was in Saudi ruling hierarchy, I will definitely be considering those very valid points.

Please please dont make this thread as Iran-Saudi spat. We have a lot of those threads here already.
More Farsi nonsense for today.

"Trita Parsi".

What a name.:laughcry:

I like the obsession about your religious, cultural, linguistic and ethnical conquerors. :omghaha:

These Iranians are so amazing :omghaha:

Safavids :lol:

Its a pretty well written article. Not saying all his points are correct but he makes valid and rational arguments.
Why not come with reasonable counter arguments instead of these childish outbursts and knee-jerk reactions? :)
"Safavids :lol:" (which I see in at least 50 % of all of Yzd Khalfifa's posts) is not exactly a compelling argument.

Btw the article mostly touches upon other things than Iran. Such as the Arab spring, US oil independence, Syria. Areas where Saudi and US interests are somewhat diverging.
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Its a pretty well written article. Not saying all his points are correct but he makes valid and rational arguments.
Why not come with reasonable counter arguments instead of these childish outbursts and knee-jerk reactions?

Btw the article mostly touches upon other things than Iran. Such as the Arab spring, US oil independence, Syria. Areas where Saudi and US interests are somewhat diverging.

But why are so many Iranains making anti-KSA threads on a daily basis when no Arab users are making anti-Iran threads? Hardly ever.

Why?! Of course if this keeps happening there will be trolling.

This thread was made as a flame war to start talking about KSA, Zionism etc. We both know it.
But why are so many Iranains making anti-KSA threads on a daily basis when no Arab users are making anti-Iran threads? Hardly ever.

Why?! Of course if this keeps happening there will be trolling.

And this is a anti-KSA how?
And this is a anti-KSA how?

This thread was made as a flame war to start talking about KSA and Zionism in the same manner etc. We both know it.

Yet the same users never talk about Qatar which is the only GCC member state that has had dealings with Israel officially.
This thread was made as a flame war to start talking about KSA and Zionism in the same manner etc. We both know it.

Yet the same users never talk about Qatar which is the only GCC member state that has had dealings with Israel officially.

I didnt see much references in the article about Zionism/Israel. Im wondering, did you actually read it or did you jump straight to knee-jerk reaction? Off course, if you did, it would not exactly be a knee-jerk reaction.

This is a fine article and good topic to discuss. Im not saying you should argree with it, because I know you dont.
US and Saudi interests are diverging in many areas. Forget about Iran.
There are other issues between KSA and the US. Arab spring in Egypt, Tunisia etc, Syria, oil among other things.

The author is very considerate of KSA interests and the regional role of KSA. Quote from article

Ultimately, finding a new regional equilibrium that enjoys Saudi buy-in is critical. Saudi Arabia is an important state in the region for both economic and religious reasons. Just as the containment of Iran has become a source of instability in the region, any move that would push Saudi towards greater extremism would ill serve the region. Just like Iran, Saudi Arabia must be part of the solution. In particular, Riyadh has the ability and the responsibility to defuse sectarian strife.

I honestly think none of you actually read the article. Instead you just wrote post in a reactionary matter, on the account of the author being Iranian (and the OP being Iranian).
Ironically this also reminds me of the House of Saud. Reactionary
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But why are so many Iranains making anti-KSA threads on a daily basis when no Arab users are making anti-Iran threads? Hardly ever.

Why?! Of course if this keeps happening there will be trolling.

This thread was made as a flame war to start talking about KSA, Zionism etc. We both know it.
Only one thing farsis are best at, making enemy !
Now a days Pakistan is on hit list of Mullah's violent verbal assault
After heavy drinking, some farsi border guards ran away. Now whole Pakistan is trembling with fear. Mighty Persian attack can come any time :undecided:
Only one thing farsis are best at, making enemy !
Now a days Pakistan is on hit list of Mullah's violent verbal assault
After heavy drinking, some farsi border guards ran away. Now whole Pakistan is trembling with fear. Mighty Persian attack can come any time :undecided:

Exactly.....Iran is panicking against Pakistan now a days...but Why??

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