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Why So Serious India?

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Please be honest...arn't you a chick betrayed by an Indian dude.I mean i dont wanna get personal but you sound quite like that..Why else would a foreigner be so interested in what indians think.
OP has serious trolling issues i think..!!

Come to India first and then write whatever the F u want...

Untill then... :wave:

And for your article and the posts which follw... Well it deserves.....

being open means. sex without fear. sex without feeling its wrong and instead having a feel that its the truth of life.

Bro! Things are not like as you think here in india. And it doesn't mean all teenagers in USA or UK have premarital sex. Ya its a cultural thing that prohibits most from having sex before marriage. But that doesn't really mean there is any hard and fast rule regarding this. For instance , I had sex with my gf just 10 hours ago and I am just 19. My parents don't even know about it and if they knew ,they would surely kill me (I told you about the cultural thing).
So you wrote this article yourself?

You appear to be a one of those chaps watching too many of those lame Indian drama serials.





My article is in continuation with a series of articles i have already posted here. have a look at them aswell and post your views on this thread :)

My sympathies are with you, you seem to have been hurt in the past by an Indian dude, i suggest therapy..
Bro! Things are not like as you think here in india. And it doesn't mean all teenagers in USA or UK have premarital sex. Ya its a cultural thing that prohibits most from having sex before marriage. But that doesn't really mean there is any hard and fast rule regarding this. For instance , I had sex with my gf just 10 hours ago and I am just 19. My parents don't even know about it and if they knew ,they would surely kill me (I told you about the cultural thing).

Thats my point. if they find it they'll kill you even though you just had a pleasurable act. you didn't harm anyone nor did you wasted your parent's money, nor killed anyone but your parents will not understand your happiness and would kill you. sad Indian society.

what i find even more amusing is that i don't find even a single Indian here who is ready to accept my observation and give suggestions for improvement. i rightly pointed this attitude of Indians in my first thread:-

point no. 6-->

never ready to accept their flaws but justify them...

Thats my point. if they find it they'll kill you even though you just had a pleasurable act. you didn't harm anyone nor did you wasted your parent's money, nor killed anyone but your parents will not understand your happiness and would kill you. sad Indian society.

Whatever, but I wont say my parents are wrong. Its our culture.You cant question our cultural beliefs . And it really doesn't matter much whether you have sex before or after marriage. Does it ? There are many other relevant things to think of than sex. Also teenagers can harm their tools if they try to do it so early and in wrong way .

I am somewhat neutral to your thinking
Thats my point. if they find it they'll kill you even though you just had a pleasurable act. you didn't harm anyone nor did you wasted your parent's money, nor killed anyone but your parents will not understand your happiness and would kill you. sad Indian society.

Thats my point. if they find it they'll kill you even though you just had a pleasurable act. you didn't harm anyone nor did you wasted your parent's money, nor killed anyone but your parents will not understand your happiness and would kill you. sad Indian society.

Dude news flash...I did the boogey woogey for the first time when I was 14, horror of of horrors was no one was out to kill me or the girl - who btw happened to be a Muslim chick - for yr info if u happen to be one.
Limits of trolling by the OP....
Complete waste of bandwidth and time..!!

M out of this thread, not to visit ever again...!! :pop:

Others also:

Dude news flash...I did the boogey woogey for the first time when I was 14, horror of of horrors was no one was out to kill me or the girl - who btw happened to be a Muslim chick - for yr info if u happen to be one.

hats off to you to have guts enough to use the gifts of God in the society which is so barbaric and backward. India needs more people like you who live for themselves and whose goal is not just to please others :)
South Asia, and especially India is a place where people are known to suppress their desires and consider pleasure as sin just to please the society, relatives and family. The greatest pleasure that they consider as sin is 'SEX'.

SEX is a gift of God which has the power to give you cent percent joy without any thing being charged. Its the feeling that is stronger than meditation, sweeter than chocolate, more fulfilling than success and more addicting than drugs. its a feeling of completeness if you are doing it with your love and it is 'Free of cost'.

but in stupid desire to please God, Indians are avoiding biggest gift given by God. read further to know how.

In India a girl gets younger, and so her body gets developed. same with the boy as he grows, he gets certain changes in the body. same is the case all over the world. in US too as girls/boys reach their teens, they see certain changes in their body structure and thats natural. along with these changes come a desire, a feeling, attractions, desire to get loved by someone, desire to get touched by someone. desire to touch someone. these desires were not there few years ago but they are now present in young girls and boys and its not their fault. God has made them so.

what does these changes indicate?? these changes indicates that God has given permission to these young and beautiful people to explore the natural treasure they have been blessed with. explore the joy of getting lost in paradise. God has given this pleasure irrespective of religion, race, standard. God has given a poor the power to feel the same kind of pleasure and sensation as a rich. God has made it clear that, since he has induced sexual thoughts in these young minds, its now up to them that how they make their thought come true.

If God is to be believed, listened, followed, life for Indian would be a heaven. no more suppressed desires, no more rush to get married early, no more lying to parents, no more afraid of even holding hands with someone, no more guilt, no more regrets, no more pain, sorrow. SEX has the power to heal all your wounds and leave you wanting for more.

Put there is a Problem. and the problem is backward Indian society. Who gave them Idea that two bodies touching each other is bad? why to wait for years and get married before anyone can have sex when God has developed sexual organs way back in teen years? why are Indian parents/society/relatives are so much jealous of their child's innocent and natural pleasure. this pleasure neither hurts anyone, nor kills anyone, nor abuses anyone. then why so many Indians are against sex and is considered bad? how can touching of two independent bodies can give pain to others.

these are some of the things that make India a hilarious country. countries like US have free, confident, daring, happy people because they didn't have to suppress their desires to please others. they have the body, they use it to make themselves feel better and and concentrate on their work rather than sex. maybe thats why we have most successful engineers, doctors, scientists from US because they don't think sex, they do sex and think ideas.

okay.. thats it.. i am convinced..I need some girls to have sex with right now..
Mr. Tamatar you are a false flagger...!!!..be a man and accept it..!!..and you seems to be suffering from some sex issue..!!@Indians..any guesses guys what desease he's suffering from??????
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