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Why So Many Terrorists Are Arabs

I believe the true problem is Wahabism and people who support it. For example these people make a hero out of Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahab who used to tear women's feotus's, kill innocent children, desecrate graves and is the father of modern day terrorism. That man is responsible for despicable acts of violence yet no one in Saudi Arabia or the rest of the world has risen up to challenge his idiotic theories.

I believe it is time for the Ijtehad which Allama Iqbal also called for. He believed in reviewing the Quran and hadith and reform it in modern context and build life around it. He didn't ever believe in senseless violence like the Wahabis did. On with ijtehad and we will have scored a major victory and will prove that we have followed some of if not most of Allama Iqbal's advice.

Before closing defence.pk and running the Sims 3 game I will leave with Iqbal's words on reformation and ijtehad:

Now unconcerned with the demands of times and smitten by stark poverty, it is trying to survive with the help of the useless staff of contentment. Leaving aside other matters, it has so far not been able to settle its religious disputes. Every other day a new sect is brought into being which considers itself exclusively as the heir of paradise, declaring the rest of mankind as fuel for hell. This form of sectarianism has scattered the Muslims in such a manner that there is no hope for unifying them as a single community. The condition of our Maulvis is such that if two of them happen to be present in one city, they send messages to each other for holding a discussion on some controversial religious issue, and in case the discussion starts, which usually does, then it ends up in a deplorable brawl. The width of knowledge and comprehension which was a characteristic of the early Ulema of Islam does not exist any more… The situation is quite serious, and there is no solution of the problem except that the entire community should direct its mind and soul completely towards reforming itself. God does not change the condition of a community unless it changes itself

Allama Iqbal never called for war and violence against any people. It was the wahabis who did and we should reject their ways.
We can all see that the reluctance of Arabs here to discuss their culture's violent characteristic is pretty much absolute. Does that mean the Pakistanis here should automatically support the Arabs?

No it means the Americans stop feeling they have a moral obligation to tell us what to do and leave us alone. We will fight intolerance and terrorism on our own terms keeping in mind our own interests. US has 700+ foreign bases. It has the largest army in the world but that does not give it the right to impose their ideals onto us.

Also the walls along which American civilization is built was raised by a moorish scholar. Research where secular ideology came from and you will find out about a man named Ibn Rushd or Averoes. He was the founder of modern day secularism. Upon his theories all of Europe is based.

Reform in the arab world and Pakistan will not come from without but from within. That means US has to stop supporting corrupt, ineffective governments and autocratic military regimes in our land. (May I remind you that an Islamist known as Zia Ul Haq was supported fully by the United States.) We liberals should be on your side but even we don't support you. US failed to grasp a major opportunity to win Pakistani minds and hearts
How does one then explain the terrorists in Non-Arab Muslim countries ?

Chechnya ? Pakistan ? Afghanistan and more.

In fact, one can now arguably say that the Af-PAk region itself has many more terrorists than the entire Arab world.
Why So Many Terrorists Are Arabs
Still nothing infront of 313.9 millions American terrorists + 7.766 millions Israeli terrorsists.
Simply because that's a lie and I stick to the facts. Arab violence against Jews started in a big way - as in making news reports - with the WWI British conquest and occupation of Palestine from the Turks in 1920. The Mufti of Jerusalem had already proposed using terror to drive out the Jews in 1899 but his Turkish masters rejected it. With the British in and its colonial-minded officers keen to apply their usual divide-the-minorities-and-rule techniques (something familiar to the Pakistanis and Indians here) the Arab and Muslim notables, feeling threatened by increasing Jewish settlement and the Jews' subsequent liberation of the Arab labor class from under their thumb, seized their opportunity to engage in murderous violence. In 1921 when Churchill visited Gaza he was greeted by a crowd of 150,000 Arabs chanting, "Death to the Jews" - years before the organizations you cite existed.

You're not citing facts but propaganda. I've left the links out of my above response. That's because I don't want you to take my words on faith but search and confirm the answers for yourself. In doing so you'll liberate yourself from the lies instilled in you most of your life. You have a lot to unlearn.

The key word here is: increasing Jewish settlement.
And your lie again, hiding the fact that it was all plannified and decided in the 19th century and the British Disraeli (read Zionist's) decree and influence on England's politics that you cite about manipulating minorities, Anyway History is the real witness of your deeds, and your schemes have been going on for thousands of years , so in reality it has nothing to do with the Arabs, it is against humanity as a whole that you manifest disdain and you put yourselves beyond and above the law, by use of malice and lies as it is thought to you in your Talmud, so every gain for you has to be made by some way of deception.
So, I think seriously it is you who should de-learn you bad behaviours, deeds and mostly greed.

I'm dealing in the reality of deeds and their context and that's enough.
That is exactly what your Talmud told you to say; lie. So, what reality of deeds are you talking about, your talk is so vague, anyone can use it for anything.

Even if corruption was 100 times worse in the US and Europe - a charge I do not make - how does that negate the need to address corruption in your own culture and community?
Why don't you start with the root of corruption and that is your counter-culture of Zionism.

If you believe all people everywhere are equally good or bad, why not choose to live in your local prison? By your logic the people inside can't be any worse than the people outside, yes? If you believe otherwise then you must logically confess to the possibility that some groups of people are better than others and that a discussion about who-is-better-than-who is a valid topic for discussion, not necessarily a thing of blind bigotry

Here, we can clearly see that you have a fake logical mind; prison is for people who commit crimes like the zionist regime and its supporters. You must confess that you have criminal minds and want to hide behind law abiding citizens, and than take your false boldness further by saying you are better than others. In Islam the only difference between a good and a bad person is in his deeds, who is talking about jail and criminals but you...

All in all who has coined the word terrorist or terrorism?
We can all see that the reluctance of Arabs here to discuss their culture's violent characteristic is pretty much absolute. Does that mean the Pakistanis here should automatically support the Arabs?

Here is another lie of yours, if the Arabs had such violent characteristics in their culture they would have exterminated the Jews in Arabia a very long time ago instead of saving them so many times from extinction.
A terrorist: someone who instils terror, fear in someone else:

A guy is walking with his dog down the street, he scares someone with who fears dogs, he is a terrorist.
A body builder walks on the beach, he scares the hell out of a skinny guy, he is a terrorist
A policeman is walking on the street and a thief spots him, he gets scared, the policeman is a terrorist.

I can cite thousands of examples like these, to show that the sick minded people will call anyone a terrorist...
Arabs before Islam were not following the current system based on shariah and associated barbarianisms. Arabs perhaps were much more liberal without the purdah culture? perhaps the pagan Arabs were much better than Islamic Arabs?

regarding Jews, Jesus tried to reform Jews with new teachings seeing how horrible the medieval Jews were such that a new religion neo-judaism called Christianity formed there after with buddhist elements all along.
Arabs before Islam were not following the current system based on shariah and associated barbarianisms. Arabs perhaps were much more liberal without the purdah culture? perhaps the pagan Arabs were much better than Islamic Arabs?

Pagan arabs use to bury their daughters alive.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Monotheism is a beautiful thing, be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism. It is the backbone of modern morality and ethics.

Not paganism, the worship of idols made of stone is absurd in its logic, no point discussing the rest because it does not merit it.

It is the people who change the meaning of the words to suit their interests.

Wahabis and Salafists are an arab creation, they are responsible for all the death and destruction in Muslim countries.

The question is on who's payroll.

TTP are on India's payroll. What about the others?
Monotheism is a beautiful thing, be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism. It is the backbone of modern morality and ethics.

No, it isn't. The very reason there is a "modern" morality and ethics in most places, is because the older religious morality and ethics were found to be barbaric and primitive. Islam has been around for 1500 years, Christianity for 2000 years, and Judaism for 3000+ years. And yet, none of them made the world as moral as it is (in many places) today.

There would be no need for a "modern" morality if the millennia old religions were the basis. The basis of modern morality, and freedom of religions and speech and thought and action, and equality for all before the law and so on arose in relatively modern times, AFTER the enlightenment. That is, AFTER religious institutions stopped meddling with law. After the idea of separation of church and state came about.

The basis of morality and modern law and ethics, is reason. Not ancient religions. That is why they are called (as you yourself called it) "modern" morality.
No, it isn't. The very reason there is a "modern" morality and ethics in most places, is because the older religious morality and ethics were found to be barbaric and primitive. Islam has been around for 1500 years, Christianity for 2000 years, and Judaism for 3000+ years. And yet, none of them made the world as moral as it is (in many places) today.

There would be no need for a "modern" morality if the millennia old religions were the basis. The basis of modern morality, and freedom of religions and speech and thought and action, and equality for all before the law and so on arose in relatively modern times, AFTER the enlightenment. That is, AFTER religious institutions stopped meddling with law. After the idea of separation of church and state came about.

The basis of morality and modern law and ethics, is reason. Not ancient religions. That is why they are called (as you yourself called it) "modern" morality.

Sacrifices, burying your children alive, worshipping rock, drinking animal blood along with other bizarre rituals has nothing to do with monotheistic societies.

Judaism broke the back of the pagan barbaric belief system. It had no place 3000 years ago, no place now.
Sacrifices, burying your children alive, worshipping rock, drinking animal blood along with other bizarre rituals has nothing to do with monotheistic societies.

Judaism broke the back of the pagan barbaric belief system. It had no place 3000 years ago, no place now.

None of that has anything to do with my point, which is that morality is established through reason.

How do you know that burying children is immoral? By thinking about it. Not because a religion said so. Something doesn't become moral or immoral because a god or religious book declared it to be. It is immoral if it is hurtful to somebody.

It is through reaoning that you realize what is moral and immoral.

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