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Why Pakistanis are "Not" Donating big to National Coronavirus Relief Fund?

Corona virus has hit hard on the Pockets of Pakistanis and Overseas residents as well. During this time of depression people are uncertain of future and want to hold on to their savings. Everyone i know in australia is jobless right now bcz of coronavirus. I myself was told to take extended leave and my future is very uncertain. I contributed to PTI funds several times but these are difficult times which make a person conscious regarding spending even an extra dollar.
Exact answer needed here.

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As the coronavirus spreads, many Pakistanis have been giving far more than the required 2.5% of zakat, while others who don’t earn enough to qualify for zakat are offering as much charity as they can – and so far, these donations are being mobilized swiftly.
Seriously....You donated million for dam fund?? Mate..i have seen people donate big numbers in social tragic situations...But you must have a great heart to donate millions for Dam buidling which is essentially a Govt job to do...
Yes we did and I am thinking myself an @ss.....

It would we / should be better to do charity with your own hand...never gave single penny to Govt...
Learned from a hard fact / mistake.....
Pakistan people already started donating for this cause..



So these are just few examples to show, Pakistan people has started donating to help your fellow citizens in a big way....

1. Amir Khan, a British Pakistan.

2. PCB earned loads and loads in PSL from high priced tickets from Pakistanis, and then gave a few to cricketers and in return cricketers add pennies of 50 lakh to show how greatful they are to Pakistan. Thanks but no thanks. PCB appointed by Prime Minister, go fix the bad stadiums first of the country, bathroom, seating arrangement, infrastructure.

Money has to come big from Politicians, Businessmen, Generals, Farmhouse owners, etc etc. Not the remaining 219 million Pakistanis who are tired of donating to corrupt, heavily taxed expensive Pakistani governments and Martial Law Administrators. Go sell the million Missile and bombs in inventory. Tried and tested by corrupts.
1. Amir Khan, a British Pakistan.

2. PCB earned loads and loads in PSL from high priced tickets from Pakistanis, and then gave a few to cricketers and in return cricketers add pennies of 50 lakh to show how greatful they are to Pakistan. Thanks but no thanks. PCB appointed by Prime Minister, go fix the bad stadiums first of the country, bathroom, seating arrangement, infrastructure.

Money has to come big from Politicians, Businessmen, Generals, Farmhouse owners, etc etc. Not the remaining 219 million Pakistanis who are tired of donating to corrupt, heavily taxed expensive Pakistani governments and Martial Law Administrators. Go sell the million Missile and bombs in inventory. Tried and tested by corrupts.

Pakistani's in America are very anti-donating reason is because of corruption we see in Pakistan.

I will give you one example, there is a businessman (I insured his properties) in Libertyville, IL who's a multi-millionaire and operates approx. 20 Hotels (Franchised Holiday Inns) and while he was drunk during a meeting he blurted out saying he gets money from generals and politicians and invests them in the U.S. In this sort of situation and things we see day in and out; the poor will donate yet the rich hoard when the responsibility mostly falls on them to donate.
Imran Khan himself said it very perfectly when he was standing on that container.

Ah, "standing on that container" explains why you sounds so bitter, even in this time of the biggest crisis of our times. This rant of "container" usually comes PML-N supports, who's beloved so called "Showbazz sharif", who is still doing politics, trying to stay relevant and trying to manipulate current Govt by asking for complete lock-down. We have seen what happened in India and how Modi apologized on his stance.

Pakistanis give most kheirat but not taxes. Why? Because the leaders are corrupt.

Yes and he meant Nawaz, Showbazz, Maryam, Zardari, Fazlu Diesel and list goes on, who are the leaders of Patwari's.

Imran Khan has proven himself to be a certified liar who breaks every promise, even as small one as visiting parliament every week, he's surrounded by corrupts of PPP that people here say worked for foreign interests, he imported foreign ministers meanwhile banning imports of safe JDM cars. The list is too long.

Even the visit he has paid SO FAR during his Govt, Nawaz has never paid even half of those in his all terms combined, however, its very convenient NOT to mention it.
Coming to this absurd notion of "he is surrounded by PPP corrupts", yes, he is but without these "corrupts" there is no way in hell you can win election and come in power - I thought anybody with 2 active brain cells was able to cipher but no, I was wrong. And as for importing the good, it has made a big positive impact on the economy, specially local vendors. Also, have broke the monopoly of BIG 3 in automotive industry.

Wiping my behind with my money is more useful than feeding Imran Khan and his corrupt government. I don't think even a single penny will go to poor, all will be injected to Bani Gala.

Any proof of this ludicrous allegation - enlighten us please.

If Imran Khan cared for poor, he would have closed the borders and stopped coronavirus from coming to Pakistan in first place. Vietnam did it the moment they heard about outbreak in China. Also where's the IMF 1 billion dollar given for coronavirus?

Another hogwash claim without illustrating the facts. Borders were closed from China, however, COVID-19 made to Pakistan mostly due to pilgrims coming back from Iran - what options do you have? Not to accept your own people? Talk for some sense.

And as for IMF's 1 billion, once again, it shows how novice you are, he announced one of the biggest bailout package (which is biggest in Pakistan's history) and his Govt will spend a whopping amount of Rs1.25 trillion which include relief packages for all sectors of the society including the poor, businessmen and the industries - IMF 1 billion is part of this package. Package has been already approved by the cabinet and according to a notification by the government, a Rs 100 billion emergency fund was set up to deal with the impact of the pandemic. It was also agreed to provide 20.2 million people Rs 12,000 on a monthly basis for four months via the 'Ehsaas Kifalat Programme'.
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2. PCB earned loads and loads in PSL from high priced tickets from Pakistanis, and then gave a few to cricketers and in return cricketers add pennies of 50 lakh to show how greatful they are to Pakistan. Thanks but no thanks. PCB appointed by Prime Minister, go fix the bad stadiums first of the country, bathroom, seating arrangement, infrastructure.

Your post reveals your ignorance and shows that you have no clue how cricket boards make money from franchise league in cricket.

How much PCB made in 2020 PSL is yet to be announced, however, experts are predicting that PCB & franchise would lose revenue due to COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, only a naive will assume that PCB made truckload of money by selling tickets only (BTW: money which comes from tickets is just peanut).

Heaps of revenue is generated from various commercial deals, including broadcasting rights, digital media, commercial partners, various sponsorship in ground, sponsorship on players kid & live streaming on various websites. Therefore, gate money receipts are minimal compared to the profits PCB make from commercial, sponsorship and broadcasting deals.

That said, PCB has budgeted to spend 916.36 million on domestic cricket which is 89% more than the previous year. Likewise, budgeted expense on cricket development, talent hunt, academies programs, etc, is estimated at Rs 1 billion which is 52% more than the previous year.

Out of total capital expenditure planned for the next financial year, Rs 2.66 billion has been allocated to building cricket related infrastructure mainly comprising stadiums in Karachi, Rawalpindi and Multan and also for cricket academies at Lahore, Multan and Karachi. Not to mention the massive reno ongoing work PCB is doing on Arbab Niaz Stadium Peshawar. All this shows about their priorities, which are in right direction.
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Where did the Dam Fund go?
How much total dam fund was by March 2020?

Lolz ... dam fund was 10 billion rupees ... the package announced was Rs 1200 billion but still not enough ...

By the size of Pakistan 10 billion is peanuts.

By the way mohmand dam construction already started
These are idiots who donated 10 rupees 1 sms and now asking to have 10,000 in return.

They also forget
petrol is down to 22 rupees
CNG is down to 9 rupees
LPG is down to 39 rupees.

There is a reason we are 3rd world country and will remain so because public want everything for free.

If this is not enough then give zakat to needy people by your own.

When cause is big, money should be least to worry about to help other.
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Pakistani's in America are very anti-donating reason is because of corruption we see in Pakistan.

I will give you one example, there is a businessman (I insured his properties) in Libertyville, IL who's a multi-millionaire and operates approx. 20 Hotels (Franchised Holiday Inns) and while he was drunk during a meeting he blurted out saying he gets money from generals and politicians and invests them in the U.S. In this sort of situation and things we see day in and out; the poor will donate yet the rich hoard when the responsibility mostly falls on them to donate.

I can tell you his hotels are not making any money. If he took loans on the hotels he is still on the hook for paying the loans back
I can tell you his hotels are not making any money. If he took loans on the hotels he is still on the hook for paying the loans back

I insure his hotels and their all making money and located in areas of high travel down town Chicago and close to airports. None of the property has loans as he gets money from our politicians and army officers and buys the whole property with land.

His properties total value is $ 200,000,000 with no debt of any sort and it's all money laundered by people higher up in Pakistan.
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Why Pakistanis are "NOT" donating big to National Covid-19 Coronavirus Relief Fund?

At a time of need, Pakistanis 220 million are not opening their huge pockets and put money and equipment in the COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fund-2020.

1. In Lahore City, one of the richest cities in Pakistan, with huge number of rich people think the government already Taxes heavily, daily items prices are so expensive, lack of government seriousness, and the habit of Government everytime asking and begging money from the same 220 million Pakistan, who it is looting already.

2. The Army Generals who live in Lahore, Pindi, Islamabad, Peshawar and Karachi, have a massed"Million Dollars" assets, money, farhmouses, land, who are NOT donating anything to the Pakistani Nation, why would anyone else do.

3. The people of Pakistan are already living in extreme hard economic times, where they are already stretched alot.

4. The Army, Navy Airforce must also come forward and donate more.

5. The Government itself is not taking all the relief pressures by itself and its the easiet way to beg for donation whenever a national disaster happens.

6. The National corporate, NDMA, NLC, Hospitals are not providing the relief to the very Pakistani people who donates and pays taxes the most.

This may be the reason don't you think?

Yes we did and I am thinking myself an @ss.....

It would we / should be better to do charity with your own hand...never gave single penny to Govt...
Learned from a hard fact / mistake.....
Good you learnt --- there are thousands of needy people around us, it's not difficult to find them -- Do charity with your own hand.
when biggest quality of a leader is U turn why one should donate to a munafiq ,
It's not for him it's for poor people that's why people not donating as they should. If it's about him on his name then we see Shaukat Khanum as example. Cry go somewhere else now.

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