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Why Pakistan must annex/merge with Afghanistan

There is a buildup going on... spring is being charged... Pakistan is in a very dangerous neighborhood... it's biggest foe is going through tumultuous times and it's government wants a fantasy state that never existed... it already made a move beginning of last year fully knowing what it could lead to... since then it has usurped Kashmir and caused upheaval never before seen in that country...

Afghanistan may soon find itself in the same position it did when Soviets left... a position of vulnerability, a weak government and a power vacuum... something that can be toyed with and exploited not only against the people of that country but it's conjoined twin, Pakistan.

And, as for Pakistan, a day may come when Indian madness due to its internal dynamics or deranged political leadership comes a knocking. A Pakistan, be it economically deprived or poverty stricken or heavily indebted will have no choice... I don't want to sound all gloom and doom... but leaving it to chance is pure folly, of epic proportions.

If everything, remains calm and everyone lives a hunky dory life, then even better ... there is a bright future to be had for everyone. Where Pakistanis will have more opportunities and not less, they will not be marginalized by their neighborhood. NO ONE will come to solve your problems, if you do not raise your selves up and do it yourself... don't wait for another Jinnah, be one! Don't wait for Saladin, be one!
you know what is funny about this debate?
In the early days of Pakistan, there was a proposal by the Afghans to merge with Pakistan.
But Liaqat Ali Khan turned it down as it would have been nothing but a resource drain.


Afghanistan and Pakistan have a shared history and culture spanning thousands of years, whether it's the shared ethnic groups like Pashtuns and Baloch, or being a part of the same empires throughout the years.

Lately, Afghanistan is suffering from extreme Gangufication from Bollywood to social media, the puppet government hosts TTP, BLA and other terrorist organisations at the behest of Gangus. It's clear to everyone that India will ALWAYS play divide-and-conquer by turning Afghans against Pakistan and try to destroy Pakistan by using proxies in Afghanistan.

So what's the solution? Pakistan, in the long run, must merge with Afghanistan because it will make both of the countries more powerful and give them strategic depth.

Afghanistan will no longer be landlocked and will become a part of a nuclear-armed Islamic State with a central government. Pakistan will get more influence in Central Asia, more land area so it's not as densely populated and the country will be much more resourceful as Afghanistan has a lot of mineral wealth, and Pakistan has an agricultural breadbasket in Punjab and Sindh.

Geographically, this new country will get borders with Turkmeninstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, so it will be more strategically important. India will lose influence in Central Asia because Chahabar route will be no more and a new Islamic South-Central block will emerge just how Hamid Gul envisioned.

What are your thoughts? Discuss below. @maximuswarrior @Pakhtoon yum @Mangus Ortus Novem
@Talwar e Pakistan @Hakim Dawary @Indus Pakistan


On what basis Pakistan shall annex Afghanistan, Maybe by this logic Tajikistan and Uzbekistan shall annex Tajik and Uzbek ethnicity areas, means nothing to me. We have a lot in common and brothers but history show that the people of this region had never been at peace even in absence of any invader. Therefore, we can live like brother with existing borders and improved relations. Let CPEC get mature, on creation of business interests, things will start improving by themselves.
On what basis Pakistan shall annex Afghanistan, Maybe by this logic Tajikistan and Uzbekistan shall annex Tajik and Uzbek ethnicity areas, means nothing to me. We have a lot in common and brothers but history show that the people of this region had never been at peace even in absence of any invader. Therefore, we can live like brother with existing borders and improved relations. Let CPEC get mature, on creation of business interests, things will start improving by themselves.

For most of history, Afghanistan and Pakistan were united as one region/country. Here is historical proof.

IVC (estimated 3300 BC - 1300 BC)

Indo-Greek Kingdom (180 BC - 10 AD)


Sakastan (150 BC – 400 AD)


White Huns/Hunas (440 AD – 710 AD)


Ghaznavi (977–1186)


Ghori (879–1215)


Dilli Sultanat (1206-1526)


Mughals (1525-1540; 1555-1857)


Durrani Empire/Ahmad Shah Abdali (1747–1826)

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Dude even Pakistani pashtun avoid dealing with Afghan pashtuns .... they feel little uncomfortable dealing with them. Pakistani Pashtun way ahead in education and in social reforms compare to Afghans. Not only this, these Afghans are more close to Iran culture wise. Even they don't accommodate them in there country.
Let me quote you one example . During first Russian Afghan conflict, Iranian govt allow Afghan refugees to enter in city limit, but they start robbing and stealing. Next month they through all of them back in UN refugee camps and never let them out of those camps.
Why we need this problem in our country, they already destroyed Pakistani society.
Are you suggesting Afghans are so weak that they can be conquered so easily against their will?
Yes they can be easily conquered. For example Russians entered Afghanistan in 1979, Americans in 2001 and fighters from Arab countries and other Muslim countries keep entering to Afghanistan from 80s to 2001
Yes they can be easily conquered. For example Russians entered Afghanistan in 1979, Americans in 2001 and fighters from Arab countries and other Muslim countries keep entering to Afghanistan from 80s to 2001

Go convince Imran Khan.

He believes they are more ghairatmand qom than Pakistanis
For most of history, Afghanistan and Pakistan were united as one region/country. Here is historical proof.

IVC (estimated 3300 BC - 1300 BC)

Indo-Greek Kingdom (180 BC - 10 AD)


Sakastan (150 BC – 400 AD)


White Huns/Hunas (440 AD – 710 AD)


Ghaznavi (977–1186)


Ghori (879–1215)


Dilli Sultanat (1206-1526)


Mughals (1525-1540; 1555-1857)


Durrani Empire/Ahmad Shah Abdali (1747–1826)


Mergers are useless nowadays. You can do a lot with agreements than what you would be able to achieve with mergers. Trade-agreements, defense pacts and mutual cultural agreements are better than trying to merge two countries.

Look at the history of mergers. Look at west and east Germany and the issues they face because of the merger. The western Germans are much richer than the eastern ones. The western side is much more developed and that is just over 10 years.

Afghanistan is different culturally and has less resources than Pakistan. At least the developed resources. I am sure Afghanistan has a lot of riches in terms of minerals and precious stones. Pakistan has punjabis, pathans, baloch, sinidhs, urdu speaking muhajirs. Afghanistan has pathans but then it has uzbeks, hazaras, tajiks, and other groups.

Pakistan can try to merge with force but why bother? Even if Pakistan succeeds, the loses would be too heavy and it would not be worth it in the long run because we would never be able to suppress the fringe groups. Just how the US could not suppress the Taliban even though Taliban lost the initial war.

Best approach is to be a liaison between larger powers like China, Russia, and USA to develop Afghanistan. If Pakistani economy was better it could try and do it by themselves. In the mean time trying to bring peace would be the best solution for Pakistan. Peace in Afghanistan is directly related to peace within Pakistan. Pakistan should try and play the role of a good brother with Afghanistan. Afghanistan is the doorway to central Asia and is a strategically important country. Pakistan should help facilitate and help bring peace and prosperity to Afghanistan because the future generation deserves that.
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Go convince Imran Khan.

He believes they are more ghairatmand qom than Pakistanis
Kisi ka mannay ya na mannay sa reality change nhi hoskti. Reality is an American installed government is ruling Afghanistan and a Soviet installed government ruled them from 1979 to 92.
Kisi ka mannay ya na mannay sa reality change nhi hoskti. Reality is an American installed government is ruling Afghanistan and a Soviet installed government ruled them from 1979 to 92.

Wo jo apke kisi hain wo hakim al waqt hain
Mergers are useless nowadays. You can do a lot with agreements than what you would be able to achieve with mergers. Trade-agreements, defense pacts and mutual cultural agreements are better than trying to merge two countries.

Look at the history of mergers. Look at west and east Germany and the issues they face because of the merger. The western Germans are much richer than the eastern ones. The western side is much more developed and that is just over 10 years.

Afghanistan is different culturally and has less resources than Pakistan. At least the developed resources. I am sure Afghanistan has a lot of riches in terms of minerals and precious stones. Pakistan has punjabis, pathans, baloch, sinidhs, urdu speaking muhajirs. Afghanistan has pathans but then it has uzbeks, hazaras, tajiks, and other groups.

Pakistan can try to merge with force but why bother? Even if Pakistan succeeds, the loses would be too heavy and it would not be worth it in the long run because we would never be able to suppress the fringe groups. Just how the US could not suppress the Taliban even though Taliban lost the initial war.

Best approach is to be a liaison between larger powers like China, Russia, and USA to develop Afghanistan. If Pakistani economy was better it could try and do it by themselves. In the mean time trying to bring peace would be the best solution for Pakistan. Peace in Afghanistan is directly related to peace within Pakistan. Pakistan should try and play the role of a good brother with Afghanistan. Afghanistan is the doorway to central Asia and is a strategically important country. Pakistan should help facilitate and help bring peace and prosperity to Afghanistan because the future generation deserves that.

It will happen organically and naturally, no force involved. The situation is moving in that direction, we Pakistanis should be ready with open hearts and a far vision.
Kisi ka mannay ya na mannay sa reality change nhi hoskti. Reality is an American installed government is ruling Afghanistan and a Soviet installed government ruled them from 1979 to 92.

So what is your opinion on the appointment of Nawaz, Zaradari and benazir butto by the United States.

Smaller countries that are being influenced by the super power of the time will have puppet governments. That is just a fact. The reality is that it might be easy to enter Afghanistan but is really hard to make Afghani's capitulate. That is unique to Afghani people.

It will happen organically and naturally, no force involved. The situation is moving in that direction, we Pakistanis should be ready with open hearts and a far vision.

Maybe, sometimes we think we know what is going on but Allah has his own plans.
The reality is that it might be easy to enter Afghanistan but is really hard to

It is geography more than the touted xenophobia of the people marketed as ghairat by ethno supermacists
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