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Why Pakistan must annex/merge with Afghanistan

Sorry to break the party here I know the chesthumpers will maul me over this but in this current era I dont see a merger between Afghanistan and Pakistan ever happening no 1- Institutionalized hatred of Pakistan is high among the Afghan elite and their populace 2- The Taliban despite being an ally for us is not looking in the prism of Pakistan as in the 1990s they are looking at the big guys Russia and China what can we offer to rebuild Afghanistan is quite minimal at best here what will occur the Russians using the Former Soviet Republics in the CSTO will serve as buffer to counter the Americans in Central Asia the Chinese will help rebuild Afghanistan thus minimizing any disturbances in Xinjiang region for Pakistan our strategy is okay but in needs of improvement we seriously need to deepen ties with Moscow as this will reduce mistrust in other regional capitals like Tashkent,Bishkek,Astana,Asghabat,and Dushanbe as much of the leadership of the "stans" are run by ex Soviet General Secs. who were appointed by Mikhail Gorbachev just prior to the USSR break up who still remember the Soviet Afghan wars and our hand in the conflict tho this will subside as the Chinese continue to bail them out and if we deepen ties with Moscow we can finally have a piece in Central Asian chessboard back to Afghanistan I dont see Pakistan having big chunk same goes with the Iranians the big boys the Chinese and the Russians will call the shots our competitor is Iran they got the Chabahar port we got Gwader however this should not be harmful to both Tehran and Islamabad we need to compete on friendly terms no proxy battles please also we need goodwill gestures with the Afghan side for at least gen or two then we can talk about a union or sorts
Count the timespan when Pakistan and Afghanistan were joined
That map timeline video is really inaccurate, but indeed, I would say that East Afghanistan shares much of it's history with Pakistan.

Will it be a voluntary annexation or Punjabi imperialism?
Please do elaborate on Punjabi imperialism.
The main issue is the current mindset of Afghans about us and vice versa.

Very recently a young Afghan lady now settled in Canada asked for some help in regards to her job advancement so we got into a chat regarding Afghanistan. I was unintentionally very harsh when expressing my views about Afghanistan and she reciprocated by blaming Pakistan bombing Jalalabad and Kunar on daily basis. See that can't be true otherwise International media would have blasted us as they always do. But she believed it and that's what is bothersome.

We need to correct that!
Sorry to break the party here I know the chesthumpers will maul me over this but in this current era I dont see a merger between Afghanistan and Pakistan ever happening no 1- Institutionalized hatred of Pakistan is high among the Afghan elite and their populace 2- The Taliban despite being an ally for us is not looking in the prism of Pakistan as in the 1990s they are looking at the big guys Russia and China what can we offer to rebuild Afghanistan is quite minimal at best here what will occur the Russians using the Former Soviet Republics in the CSTO will serve as buffer to counter the Americans in Central Asia the Chinese will help rebuild Afghanistan thus minimizing any disturbances in Xinjiang region for Pakistan our strategy is okay but in needs of improvement we seriously need to deepen ties with Moscow as this will reduce mistrust in other regional capitals like Tashkent,Bishkek,Astana,Asghabat,and Dushanbe as much of the leadership of the "stans" are run by ex Soviet General Secs. who were appointed by Mikhail Gorbachev just prior to the USSR break up who still remember the Soviet Afghan wars and our hand in the conflict tho this will subside as the Chinese continue to bail them out and if we deepen ties with Moscow we can finally have a piece in Central Asian chessboard back to Afghanistan I dont see Pakistan having big chunk same goes with the Iranians the big boys the Chinese and the Russians will call the shots our competitor is Iran they got the Chabahar port we got Gwader however this should not be harmful to both Tehran and Islamabad we need to compete on friendly terms no proxy battles please also we need goodwill gestures with the Afghan side for at least gen or two then we can talk about a union or sorts

All it takes is a common Enemy... a simple common enemy...
or A simple war... a simple war...
Great suggestion... You are recommending Pakistanwali!

Also economic integeration... along with education...

There are many BuildingBlocks ...

And to all PakPosters.... Pakistanis rejected ethonofascism i.e. Pakhtoonism, Punjabism, Sindhism, Balochism....Kashmirism.... everyone of us Chose Pakistanism over our ethnicity...and look we are Pakistan!

A same approach is the key to Unificaiton of Afghania with Pakistan.

Once again... it is a project which requires statesmanship in our elite... which suffering from Khottaism... and Marasim...


I wish much of the Government and people of Pakistan had the same mindset but its rare tbh which is quite sad

The main issue is the current mindset of Afghans about us and vice versa.

Very recently a young Afghan lady now settled in Canada asked for some help in regards to her job advancement so we got into a chat regarding Afghanistan. I was unintentionally very harsh when expressing my views about Afghanistan and she reciprocated by blaming Pakistan bombing Jalalabad and Kunar on daily basis. See that can't be true otherwise International media would have blasted us as they always do. But she believed it and that's what is bothersome.

We need to correct that!

My close friend is Afghan we get along we somewhat agree on a lot of hot button political topics the problem with the Afghans is they blame us for everything same goes for Pakistanis we blame them for everything instead we need to reduce mistrust but I think that will not come from both peoples but from outside forces like Russia and China as they do not want instable regions near their spheres of influence so money and improvement in infrastructure and living standards will be the "bribe" Moscow and Beijing will use to keep the peace or create some sort of cordial relations look at the potential Saudi-Iranian lull in conflict in recent times that lull did not occur out of love between the Persians and the Gulf Arabs but "money talks" from the Chinese and the Russians

All it takes is a common Enemy... a simple common enemy...

Ironic back in 2001 the Russians,Turks,Central Asians, Iranians and Americans were all one side backing the Northern Alliance to overthrow the Taliban in Kabul Pakistan was chastised in the 2000s and early 2010s for backing the Taliban , fast forward to 2019 the Russians,Turks,Central Asians,Chinese, heck a good chunk of the former Northern Alliance folk are banking on the Taliban.Moscow,Beijing,Tehran, Doha,Ankara all gave a red carpet reception to the same Taliban they got overthrown damn 17 years later and radical shift like that
This is nothing but a headache! There are many countries that cannot have a stable Afghanistan area, no matter who governs it. There are too many valuable natural resources.
This is the question that everyone raises! Answer is quite simple... as long as their is an occupation force, insurrection and struggle for freedom is guaranteed and justified. Pakistan and Afghanistan do not have master slave relationship, there is chest thumping and bravado of every single ethnicity in Pakistan, I guess Afghans are entitled to that much... besides once there is freedom of movement resolves every single problem anyone faces currently... Afghans want access to the ocean and Pakistanis to central Asia. Imagine getting on a highway in Lahore and being in Kabul in a few hours? And vice versa... the other and most critical thing Afghans share is faith!

The most important thing that no one understands is that by a merger Pakistan locks out instability in the region. An instability that exists because of a power vacuum that has existed in this region since the British left... Afghans were a client state, a buffer state... India took over Hyderabad in the very beginning... Afghanistan meant same to Pakistan. It has been lack of vision and strategic thinking that has left this problem to fester and cause pain and suffering to so many people.

In many ways, Pakistan not merging with Afghanistan before the collapse of Soviet union did definitely serve Pakistan well. But, Pakistan owned that fight with or without foreign aid. But after it was over... leaving it alone caused all that misery that hasn't abated to this day.

Why the urgency? Why now? The time has come. Geostrategically, world is going through a profound change... India has shown its hand... clock is being turned backwards at full pace... though, what hindutva is seeking is a conjured up revisionist history ... but on the flipside there are facts on the ground and here is where Pakistani stance lies... it is more about people but for some it is also depth, strategic depth.

Enough for now... tbc
That map timeline video is really inaccurate, but indeed, I would say that East Afghanistan shares much of it's history with Pakistan.

Please do elaborate on Punjabi imperialism.

I am afraid that's the best you are going to get..An improvement of mapping videos would be to paint the dynamic evolution of empires against the backdrop of modern international political borders...My first reading would be entire Afghanistan and Pakistan were more likely to form single political entity in pre-Islamic times..while in Islamic times Persians were always taking out major chunks from Western Afghanistan...of course that culminated with the Safavids taking away even Kandahar itself from the Mughals in the mid 17th century

by the way this poster did three versions of the same video..I would love to know which one is the most accurate ..I have thrown a Pakistan specific video and a world video with the backdrop of international borders as well

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Pakistan doesnt owe Afghanistan anything and these afghans hate Pakistanis with their whole heart i belive alot of Pakistanis are being naive.
So our cities became grave yards like kabul kandhar.better marge in india back then

Pakistan doesnt owe Afghanistan anything and these afghans hate Pakistanis with their whole heart i belive alot of Pakistanis are being naive.
It will be last country on earth some ome want to unite with. Afghans are living in 1700s today uncivilized beutrals . Betten make united pakistan unite with somalia mali afghanistan and syria iraq
Thank you for this. You explained it far better then I could. @Hakim Dawary see here, a large Muslim state with a powerful army and people would do wonders for other oppressed muslims.

Right now we are being used against each other and weakened.

InshAllah it happens. This will benefit both Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, first step is peace, second step is supporting one another with resources, third step is building unification ministries so, fourth step is aligning our interests by giving Visas to one another and sending doctors and engineers.

The biggest burden will be on Pakistan, since we lack in development and educated people due to 40 years of war, but if we genuinely support one another we can make this happen and benefit our people.

BTW OP your map is missing the other part of Kashmir :-)
People in Pakistan don't have any motive to annex Afghanistan into Pakistan, I have no idea why people bring this stupid BS every now and then. But majority of Pakistanis definitely want to have very good relations with Afghanistan compared to gangus or iranians. I have interacted with countless afghan origin people (pashtun as well tajiks) both in Pakistan and Germany throughout my life, I found them mentally more compatible to us Pakistanis compared to any kind of gangus I have ever met in my life. I always notice that both afghani pashtuns and tajiks behave like us kind of unpredictable and "khullay dullay" types but gangus are a silent, cunning, chaval and selfish type of people who like to keep it to themselves. I am fed up of this BS that Pakistanis are more compatible to gangus that one sees on the internet, perhaps a "certain type of Pakistanis" have that mental compatibility with gangus but indigenous people of Pakistan certainly don't have any such mental compatibility with gangus of india.

And Iranians have no mental compatibility with Pakistanis of any type, every second iranian is a wannabe white type uncle tom.
A myth propagated by those who had little to no understanding of history or are wilfully drawing wrong conclusions from it. Had you people learned nothing over past 40 years or so? It sure seems like that.
Pakistan and Afghanistan should be left as they are for the foreseeable future, I have no interest in joining my country at hip with a group of people who are still stuck in 1500 CE, jeez when will we learn. We cant even keep our $hit together with what we have in Pakistan now, and you geniuses want to add another totally uncontrollable group of people. What a load of BS.
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