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Why Pakistan is becoming China's 23rd province

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Use your brain. :lol:

AP1000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We own the intellectual property rights for the Westinghouse nuclear reactor designs, and we are even exporting nuclear reactors based on these designs.

In fact, we are exporting these nuclear reactors to Pakistan, as I'm sure you have heard. :azn:
So you worked with them and produced a design, thats a JV, who gave you the Nuclear tech? No one.

You would do better to use your own brain. :lol:
They say we proliferated nuclear weapons to Pakistan?

Yet we are one of the five "NPT-recognized nuclear weapons states", and India is not?

How could that be possible if we proliferated nuclear weapons to Pakistan? Does that mean the entire world is in on the conspiracy?
The world community will always tilt towards China as it had a great civilization it's an historic nation, it is the current economic might, it has enough money to bail other nations like USA out.

India on the other hand is poverty stricken , throughout history it hasn't been the master of its fate, they may have progressed economically now but who in their sane mind will choose India over China?.
So you worked with them and produced a design, thats a JV, who gave you the Nuclear tech? No one.

You would do better to use your own brain. :lol:

We own these Westinghouse nuclear reactor designs, which we are now re-exporting as nuclear reactors for Pakistan. :partay:

Ok ok now i get it,you take to be a part of NPT is a previlage,:-) now go to west and ask for some nuclear tech and find out,if they will give India or china and by the way when you go dont forget to take the NPT id card.:)

LOL if you think the West loves India, then why is it the Western media only reports rape stories about India?

In the past 2 years the only major stories the Western media reports about India are gang rapes.

To the point where a German professor recently rejected an Indian student from an internship, due to India's "rape culture". And the professor said that it is a widespread practice in their universities.

Or the UK documentary "India's daughter" which tried to paint all Indian men as sharing the same views as the rapists.

They are trying to paint you as a rape capital. They are doing it, not us.
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and India's missiles and nukes were all self made. No foreign help?
If you say India did it on its own,so can Pakistan.
Perhaps the world should make their mind which country to blame for Pak nukes. I read similar blames for North korea that they helped in our missile program.
Bro, I support you.

Everyone needs a helping hand in developing their country. Once Pakistan joins 1st world countries then China will have a prosperous friendly neighbor who will trade big with them.
Very rational.:-)
The Russia-ISRO Case

Before U.S. officials could make Russia an MTCR member, however, they had to resolve an existing sanctions action taken by the previous administration against Glavcosmos, a Russian missile export firm that contracted with the Indian Scientific Research Organization (ISRO) to sell it several cryogenic upper stages along with the production technology necessary to produce them. 6 Under the MTCR, the transfer of missile production technology--hardware or know-how--is strictly forbidden. More important, the Russian upper stage technology could be used to help India extend the range of its rockets to reach Beijing and to improve the accuracy of its missiles. 7 Initially, the Russians refused to terminate the deal but after U.S. officials promised Russia $400 to cooperate in developing the space station and to expand the number of U.S.-made satellite launches Russia could bid on, Moscow relented. In July of l993, Russian President Yeltsin promised President Clinton to reconfigure Russia's contract with ISRO by November 1 of l993 so it would exclude any transfers of production technology.

Between July and October, however, ISRO personnel were found on site in the Russian rocket manufacturing plants that made the cryogenic stages and Indian officials claimed that Russia transferred more than "4/5ths" of the sanctioned production technology. 8 India Minister of State in the Department of Atomic Energy and Space also announced that, contrary to the Russians' pledge not to transfer "technical manuals" that would permit India to produce its own cryogenic rocket engines, Russia sent it "drawings of the engine" in September of l993 that would enable India to produce the engines within a few years. 9

Even though all of these missile technology transfers clearly violated the MTCR and the spirit of the Yeltsin-Clinton agreement, which was subsequently finalized in September of l993, they were forgiven on the legal technicality that the agreement with the U.S. allowed Russia until November 1 of l993 to reconfigure its contract with ISRO. That assessments of deal should still differ so much (one former high-level official recently dismissed the deal as a clear failure while Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott recently cited it as one of the most significant nonproliferation successes of the Clinton Administration) is itself a indication of the inherently ambiguous character of such intangible technology controls. As one Hill staffer complained early on about the deal, "It's not clear about what's allowed and not allowed." 10

Worse, yet, even where the deal was clear and clearly violated, the l993 understanding was not enforced. This was driven home in June of l994 when Motorola officials visited the Russian aerospace firm of Salyut/Khrunichev and discovered a six-foot tall, high-fidelity scale mock-up of the Indian Geostationary Launch Vehicle (GSLV). The mock-up was extremely detailed and depicted all the interfaces for the entire launch system--i.e., launch gantry, pad fittings, fueling tubes, and cryogenic umbilicals--and the Russian cryogenic upper stage. When asked what the purpose of the model was, the Russians explained that they were teaching the Indians how to integrate the launch of their GSLV with the cryogenic upper stage. 11

Transfers of such launch integration technology is clearly prohibited by paragraphs 2 and 4 of the MTCR guidelines and paragraphs 1 (b); 2 (b)(2) of the MTCR Annex. Yet, the Chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, who had requested to be kept thoroughly briefed on intelligence relating to Russia's compliance with the July l993 deal, knew nothing about this violation until his committee staff learned of it through unclassified channels from me. This revelation promoted a series of memos and a request from the Chairman for a meeting with Vice President Gore, who negotiated the final l993 space cooperation-missile nonproliferation deal with Russia. 12 At this meeting, which was held in September, Vice President Gore professed no knowledge of the Motorola meeting but promised to have the intelligence community "look into it."



India historically has had a close relation ship with Tehran.[12] Indian entities have supplied sensitive military technology and weapons of mass destruction (WMD)-re lated items to Iran. In diplomatic talks, the United States and Israel have urged India to cool this relationship, specifically in areas of military and energy cooperation and with respect to deliberations on Iran’s nuclear program by the International Atomic Energy Agency.[13] Additionally, the United States has imposed sanctions on several Indian firms and individuals for providing the militarily sensitive and WMD-related items.[14]

Nonetheless the Indian-Iranian relationship is strong. In January 2003, then-Iranian President Mohammad Khatami joined Indian President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to watch Agni missiles roll by in the Indian Republic Day parade; and the two presidents signed a strategic accord providing India with access to Iranian bases in an emergency in return for Indian transfers of defense products, training, maintenance, and military mod ernization support.[15] This relationship is strongly supported by India’s left wing, and India cannot seem to extricate itself.[16] Even if the current ruling party could disentangle itself from Iran, the underlying political support for Iranian ties might lead a future Indian government to resume the relationship.

Aside from Iran, Indian entities have engaged in WMD-related transfers to Libya and Iraq,[17]

U.S. Space Aid to India: On a "Glide Path" to ICBM Trouble? | Arms Control Association

Hum aah bhi karte hain to ho jate hain badnaam,
Wo qatal bhi karte hain to charcha nahin hota.
Did I deny anything, ask your Chinese brother who would not stop boasting the useless NPT membership and how they have not given anything to Pakistan :lol:
Burn baby burn, :sarcastic:

By the way ask Modi to take pretty item girls with him on next visit to China - and should try Mujra one more time to lure Mr. Xi - aur haan jhoola bhi le jana, os main bhi potential hai :sarcastic:

Is this how Pakistan is getting all the 'assistance' from China? Come on @LoveIcon , I expected better from you. :)

Now can we please stick to the topic? The economic colonization of Pakistan by China is becoming too obvious, I don't think even Pakistanis are missing this simple fact. Besides, political and military influence of China in Pakistan is also increasing rapidly. Pakistan is completely aligning its fate with China, if this is not becoming a 'province of China', then what is? :)
We own these Westinghouse nuclear reactor designs, which we are now re-exporting as nuclear reactors for Pakistan. :partay:

LOL if you think the West loves India, then why is it the Western media only reports rape stories about India?

In the past 2 years the only major stories the Western media reports about India are gang rapes.

To the point where a German professor recently rejected an Indian student from an internship, due to India's "rape culture". And the professor said that it is a widespread practice in their universities.

They are trying to paint you as a rape capital. They are doing it, not us.

Good for you but so what? It does not prove that they gave you the tech.
You co-developed it.
Is this how Pakistan is getting all the 'assistance' from China? Come on @LoveIcon , I expected better from you. :)

Now can we please stick to the topic? The economic colonization of Pakistan by China is becoming too obvious, I don't think even Pakistanis are missing this simple fact. Besides, political and military influence of China in Pakistan is also increasing rapidly. Pakistan is completely aligning its fate with China, if this is not becoming a 'province of China', then what is? :)

Well so if we are to become a province of China then it's great, more development better education, health and so on.

Why are you so concerned that Pakistan is becoming a province of China?.
We can buy any nuclear tech we want. Even nuclear reactor blueprints from America. :D

China seen buying American Westinghouse reactors for $24 billion nuclear energy projects | Reuters

And even if we DID give nukes to Pakistan, as India claims, then it was before we even signed the NPT (we signed in 1992). So we didn't break any laws at all. :P
I think you dint get want i said,i said you will not get anything which you cannt get on your own or ,something which the west has moved to next tech and they have no use for the present one.

We are discussing ,why china helped Pakistan not some legalities of it,i just want to say,i heard Vietnam is going for nuclear tech,i promise we are not helping them.:-)
ask your Chinese brother

not my mokey.jpg
I think you dint get want i said,i said you will not get anything which you cannt get on your own or ,something which the west has moved to next tech and they have no use for the present one.

We are discussing ,why china helped Pakistan not some legalities of it,i just want to say,i heard Vietnam is going for nuclear tech,i promise we are not helping them.:-)

You are too repetitive, getting quite boring now with the same argument.
Good for you but so what? It does not prove that they gave you the tech.
You co-developed it.

I think you dint get want i said,i said you will not get anything which you cannt get on your own or ,something which the west has moved to next tech and they have no use for the present one.

The design we are exporting is based entirely on the Westinghouse AP1000, their most advanced reactor design.

And they were very willing to let us have the blueprints. And even to re-export it, possibly harming their own export business.

To re-export it to Pakistan as well. :partay:
Well so if we are to become a province of China then it's great, more development better education, health and so on.

Why are you so concerned that Pakistan is becoming a province of China?.
Bro,I feel no anger,except that he is poor.:lol:
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