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Why Pakistan Has Not 1 but 3 Chinese-Made Tanks

To my Brothers, who are genuinely interested in knowing what is going on, in our Armour Dept, please have a look at the following article:


Government report reveals Pakistan’s progress on military acquisitions amid financial woes
September 19, 2019

A Pakistani-made Al-Zarrar tank demonstrates its capability during a four-day international defense exhibition in Karachi on Nov. 22, 2006. (Asif Hassan/AFP via Getty Images)

ISLAMABAD — Despite its economic challenges, Pakistan has maintained progress on critical modernization programs to strengthen its conventional military forces, according to a recently revealed government document.

Spiraling debt and rising cost of imports along with low government revenue hit military modernization efforts hard. That, combined with an economic restructuring imposed by the International Monetary Fund as well as currency devaluation, increased the need for indigenous solutions.

Details of ongoing development, the replacement of foreign equipment as well as acquisition programs were recently released by the Ministry of Defence Production in its “Year Book 2017-18” document. The ministry oversees all aspects of state-owned military industrial enterprises, indigenous development programs and foreign acquisition.

The document highlights the prioritization of armored platforms and air power.

Efforts toward improving armored capabilities include finding substitutions to component imports and indigenous development, specifically:

  • The manufacturing of auxiliary power units for the Al-Zarrar and T-80UD tanks.
  • The development and trials of a sabot FSDS-T round.
  • The development of a driver’s thermal imaging/night vision periscope.
  • The assembly of engines for the Al-Khalid and T-80UD tanks.
  • The rebuilding and upgrading of 160 Type-85IIAP main battle tanks between 2019-2020 and 2021-2022.
  • A pilot effort to rebuild T-80UDs (completed in August 2019).
  • The continued rebuilding of M113-series armored personnel carriers.
  • The continued upgrade of Type-59 main battle tanks to the Al-Zarrar version.
  • The low-rate production of 20 Al-Khalid I tanks, plus the final-stage development of the Al-Khalid II (featuring an enhanced power pack and fire-control/gun-control system).
A program for a tracked infantry fighting vehicle, or IFV, was also mentioned in the ministry’s document. State-owned armored fighting vehicle manufacturer HIT developed the Viper to meet this need. The static prototype was displayed at the IDEAS2018 defense expo. The platform was based on the M113 series, but was armed with a Slovak Turra 30 unmanned turret.


At IDEAS2018, China North Industries Group Corp., or NORINCO, told Defense News that its VT-4 main battle tank had essentially been selected to meet Pakistan’s requirement, but no deal has been signed.

Meanwhile, Pakistan bolstered its infantry anti-tank capabilities by purchasing Kornet-E anti-tank guided missiles (a Russian-made weapon) and Spanish Alcotán-100 shoulder-fired anti-tank rockets. However, financial expenditure information in the ministry’s document did not list acquisitions from Russia, indicating the Kornet-E may have come from an alternative source.

Author, analyst and former defense attaché to Islamabad Brian Cloughley told Defense News that emphasis on heavy armor indicates Pakistan’s “preparedness for conventional war, and it seems that the riposte is alive and being refined in direct answer to India’s overwhelming numerical superiority.”

Cloughley said the government may have realized the use of tactical nuclear weapons would spark an uncontrollable escalation, and so it is focusing on other capabilities. However, “this by no means indicates that tactical nuclear [surface-to-surface missiles] are not a most important asset — simply that Pakistan has been considering all options and appears to have concluded it had better maintain and develop conventional forces, concentrating on armor,” he added.

Defense from above

Air power developments discussed in the ministry’s document primarily center on the JF-17 fighter program. A deal was signed for the twin-seat and advanced Block III variants in May 2018.

However, improvements to the preceding versions are ongoing, notably air-to-air refueling modification and the acquisition of Chinese CM-400AKG supersonic anti-ship missiles to strengthen seaward defenses.

Author, analyst and former Pakistan Air Force pilot Kaiser Tufail pointed to these efforts as significant for the military.

“Speed confers not only a higher kill probability on an anti-ship missile due to greater momentum on impact; it also enhances its own survivability against close-in weapons that are fired against it. Thus, a supersonic missile like the CM-400AKG is definitely an improvement over the subsonic predecessors,” he said.

“A flight of JF-17s configured with a single missile each, along with underwing drop tanks, offer sufficient range to keep any hostile surface task force at bay,” he added.

Newer air-to-air missiles are reportedly being integrated, but when asked to comment on the possibility that more advanced standoff weaponry may follow, Tufail said: “Standoff bombing is the new attack norm, as demonstrated by the [Feb. 27] riposte by [the Pakistan Air Force] in reply to [the Indian Air Force’s] unsuccessful attempt a day earlier. Bombs like the GB-6 K/YBS500, REK Mark 82/83/84 and H-4 will, therefore, be commonplace weapons in any future conflict.”

He also highlighted increased JF-17 production, “from 16 aircraft per year to 24,” which he said will likely continue as the the active electronically scanned array radar-equipped Block III in produced, especially if there’s an increase in exports.

Improvements to existing JF-17s, such as the “retrofit of AESA radars on existing Block I and II JF-17s could take place later, once the priority Block III orders have been completed,” he added.


A Pakistani JF-17 Thunder performs a flying display at the Paris Air Show on June 17, 2019, at Le Bourget Airport, near Paris. (Eric Piermont/AFP via Getty Images)

The Ministry of Defence Production’s report also mentioned the manufacturing of components for an “Al-Rasub” (the name of a sword of the Prophet Muhammad, implying it could be a weapon). However, no source approached by Defense News for clarification could or would comment.

The development of drones by the Aviation Design Institute and of the Project AZM fifth-generation fighter were also mentioned in the report.

A medium-altitude, long-endurance UAV program was previously under discussion, according to industry officials, but the head of UAV-manufacturer Integrated Dynamics, Raja Khan, was unable to shed light on whether the drone development mentioned in the report and slated to have flown by June 2019 was related.

The report said the first “conceptual design phase” cycle for Project AZM is complete, and the first configuration “will go through three more cycles within the conceptual design using higher fidelity analysis tools and codes.” While some speculate the country might work with Turkey on the project, there is no mention of a foreign partner in the report.

Justin Bronk, an aerospace expert with the Royal United Services Institute think tanks, said there is effectively only one option for a foreign partnership.

“I’d assess that neither Pakistan nor, indeed, Turkey have the necessary domestic industrial capabilities to design and manufacture a true fifth-generation fighter for the foreseeable future,” he said. “With that in mind, Pakistan’s fifth-generation ambitions will have to de facto be met by Chinese technology, even if at least partly manufactured in Pakistan.”

There is another more outstanding article on Quwa that might interest some members:

The Future of Pakistan’s Tank Modernization and Acquisition Programs
Mian, how many regts of AK-1/AK, UD and AZ exist?
Current Inventory of Tanks in the PA
Pakistan’s current inventory of tanks thus includes Chinese, Ukrainian and indigenous tanks. The largest number goes to T-59 tanks, with about 1200. Of these, about 600 have been upgraded to al-Zarrar, with extensive modernization including armour, engine, gun and targeting systems. The other 600 T-59s have been upgraded to T-59 II standard, and it is planned to ultimately upgrade them to al-Zarrars.

The engine has been sourced from the Ukraine, while the Fire Control System (FCS) and Battle Management System (BMS) are locally developed, with certain parts sourced from France and China. The tank gun is indigenous, essentially based on the Chinese 125 mm gun, which itself based on Eastern European designs. The steel used in the gun was sourced originally from France, for a high velocity capability, but more recently is being manufactured locally.

The tank has also been up armoured with a new turret. There however is a limit to how far the al-Zarrar can be modernized, as its design is dated.

Currently Pakistan has plans to continue manufacturing the Al Khalid, which uses the above mentioned locally manufactured components in addition to a newer design. This new design provides space for a 1200 hp diesel engine and for a new hull which utilizes depleted uranium and ceramics to increase protection.

A total of about 400 al-Khalids have been manufactured so far, including a handful of al-Khalid I’s. These improved al-Khalids have greater indigenization as well as minor improvements on all quarters.

Closely matching the capabilities of the al-Khalids are the T-80UDs imported from Ukraine. Total numbers imported are 320 units. This gives the Pakistan Army a total of 1300 modern tanks.

This is supported by about 270 Type 85 IIAP tanks of Chinese origin that were originally acquired as a stop gap to the al-Khalid tanks. The Type 85 IIAP also uses a 125 mm Chinese main gun. However, it has some weakness in its engines, and its FCS and BMS are slightly less capable.

Overall, the picture for MBTs stand as follows:
Current Inventory of Tanks in the PA
Pakistan’s current inventory of tanks thus includes Chinese, Ukrainian and indigenous tanks. The largest number goes to T-59 tanks, with about 1200. Of these, about 600 have been upgraded to al-Zarrar, with extensive modernization including armour, engine, gun and targeting systems. The other 600 T-59s have been upgraded to T-59 II standard, and it is planned to ultimately upgrade them to al-Zarrars.

The engine has been sourced from the Ukraine, while the Fire Control System (FCS) and Battle Management System (BMS) are locally developed, with certain parts sourced from France and China. The tank gun is indigenous, essentially based on the Chinese 125 mm gun, which itself based on Eastern European designs. The steel used in the gun was sourced originally from France, for a high velocity capability, but more recently is being manufactured locally.

The tank has also been up armoured with a new turret. There however is a limit to how far the al-Zarrar can be modernized, as its design is dated.

Currently Pakistan has plans to continue manufacturing the Al Khalid, which uses the above mentioned locally manufactured components in addition to a newer design. This new design provides space for a 1200 hp diesel engine and for a new hull which utilizes depleted uranium and ceramics to increase protection.

A total of about 400 al-Khalids have been manufactured so far, including a handful of al-Khalid I’s. These improved al-Khalids have greater indigenization as well as minor improvements on all quarters.

Closely matching the capabilities of the al-Khalids are the T-80UDs imported from Ukraine. Total numbers imported are 320 units. This gives the Pakistan Army a total of 1300 modern tanks.

This is supported by about 270 Type 85 IIAP tanks of Chinese origin that were originally acquired as a stop gap to the al-Khalid tanks. The Type 85 IIAP also uses a 125 mm Chinese main gun. However, it has some weakness in its engines, and its FCS and BMS are slightly less capable.

Overall, the picture for MBTs stand as follows:
Is there any plan to upgrade T 69 to Al Zarrar?
What an utterly disgusting response.
Though that response has unnecessary wording...I agree in the sense that this thread is utterly useless and should be closed. Members here who open threads should read the article and only post quality material...it will improve the quality of the forum. If one is going to blindly post anything...then there's all kinds of useless stuff available online that will end up here.

Whoever this Caleb Larson guy is...while claiming to be a defense writer...he just put together some very basic hodge podge information about Al-Zarrar and Al-Khalid. Threw in a bunch of rumors about Al-Khalid II along with some basic facts like China/Pak alliance...
...after all of this he failed to address the topic completely as to WHY Pak is operating 3 Chinese tanks. I have never seen something written at such length(as the article above) that fails to address the topic for which it is titled. Most of our PDF members can do a better job writing about this topic than this so called "defense writer". Mods should close this thread.
If they are in Pakistan army , i consider Type-69/85 are not consider front line tanks in Pakistani army, Pakistan 3 front line tanks in PA currently, Al-Khalid/Al-Zarrar/T-80UD
T85 is reportedly being up graded. As per it's role any professional can comment in a better way.
Stop opening threads and posting topics from Indian Websites little indian.
Actually this site "national interest" is serving as Bharti lobby group changing the image of bhart and changing the minds of Americans in Bharti favor plus doing the damage to Pakistan. What is Pakistans response to this 5th gen warfare and extreme Bharti lobbying.
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yes and india also shot down an F16 & killed 300 crows & discovered all kinds of cures in gow muttar including cure for coronavirus & the list goes on & on & on, yeah hey listen, excuse me while I take nothing out india seriously...:coffee: aaaaah...tea is fantashtik!
Tea was indeed fantashtik !
No questions. No arguments !
The era of tanks is over. The future belongs to UAV, robot and cyber war. Instead of heavy and expensive tanks, Pakistan needs to be cheap, efficient, easy to maintain and upgrade. ZTQ-15 is a reasonable choice
I am sorry but all of them except AK are now obsolete.

All of our tanks need new goodies like APS, Laser / IR / radar warning, advance armor possibly ceramic or electric / dynamic armor etc. to be relevant in modern warfare.
The Al-Zarrar and the Bangladeshi analog 'Durjoy' both use the Type 59 Hull combined with a turret w/125mm smoothbore borrowed from the PLA Type 88 (I believe either cast or welded turret). The electronics and sensors may also be from the Type 88.

The PLA Type 88 tank itself uses a much more improved Hull and drive-train of course, with larger number of smaller wheels. Type 88 is the predecessor to the PLA ZTZ-96 and then ZTZ-99.

Type 88 w/cast turret shown below sports a 105mm rifled bore, not a 125mm smoothbore. Those bigger guns were fitted in later versions. The bigger gun has three sections ahead of the fat gas release piece, and not two like the one below.

AZ uses none of those.

Here is an old specification sheet:


The gun is Pakistani, same one from AK..

The era of tanks is over. The future belongs to UAV, robot and cyber war. Instead of heavy and expensive tanks, Pakistan needs to be cheap, efficient, easy to maintain and upgrade. ZTQ-15 is a reasonable choice
Maybe for china which has no tankable terrain or enemy that will use tanks against it.

You cant really use tanks against indians in AP/Tibet thus light tanks are good but for Pak its the other way around.

Al Khalid do not derived from series later evolved Into type 99 tank. In fact, Al Khalid derrived from type 88 chassis. Type 99 is totally a different chassis from T-72 or Type 88. If u measure the dimension, it far bigger and wider.
AK is based on Type-90IIM not 88.
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