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why pakistan and india should forget about fighting wars with each other

Wrong mankind fought too many wars not to forget two WW and tested Nuclear weapons and this beautiful planet just yawned
Seriously, do you really believe that we can keep ejaculating our atomic erections and our planet will soldier on?

1. Nuclear weapons today make the Hirsohima and Nagasaki ones look like diwali crackers. I seem to recall a report that even a limited thermonuclear conflict will result in Nuclear Winter and maybe we can check our history books to see how humans fared in the previous ice age. (Hint - All but wiped out)

2. There will be no conventional war b/w India and Pak that's for sure as gap b/w our conventional war making capabilities are too much unlike Soviet Union and USA which were relatively at par.
Seriously, do you really believe that we can keep ejaculating our atomic erections and our planet will soldier on?

1. Nuclear weapons today make the Hirsohima and Nagasaki ones look like diwali crackers. I seem to recall a report that even a limited thermonuclear conflict will result in Nuclear Winter and maybe we can check our history books to see how humans fared in the previous ice age. (Hint - All but wiped out)

2. There will be no conventional war b/w India and Pak that's for sure as gap b/w our conventional war making capabilities are too much unlike Soviet Union and USA which were relatively at par.

My new friend, earth survived and marched on after getting hit by asteroid which was million time more powerful than the weapons we are testing. Im not saying that these toys are no danger but it depends who have these toys .

OffTopic there was a movie in 1960s which depicted that after nuclear tests earth orbit was shaken and earth started to fall inwards towards the sun
I was surprised to see this thread..... Normally newbies (from both the countries) goes the other way........and more surprisingly the discussion is taken forward by few other new members....... Good to see....

Many of those newbies are recycled products! :)

And some of the known warmongers here might be doing warmongering just for trolling, because I have seen guys like @AUz and @Icewolf posting very soft sensible stuff about Indo-Pak relations and Hinduism, though only sometimes!
@AugenBlick if they can become rich why cant south asians.should we send crores and crores people of soth asia to siberia for training not only bodily but mind.becaue in your neighbourhoods you will alwways talk the same kind of way.

sure europeans fought many wars before beforre but we dont have the time.we should take shortcut.

i dont wanna say if india supported bangladesh independence in 1971 then pakistan should support khalistan in 2015 to free east punjab haryana chandigharh.

pakistan shouldnt support taliban in afghanistan and sikhs in india.these kinds of policies gonna increase poverty.

@Nicky G

i will be unfortunate if i didnt convince you.But that doesnt mean one should not try.In America scientis are creating planes which travel faster than the speed of light.people are trying go to mars to live there.so we should train people because exercise is good for human body but we should not fight wars.
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