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Why not free Qadri?

Assalam alaikum

Baat to aap ki sahi hay, but the sad situation we r in now, is bcoz st didnot do what u r saying.

Assalam alaikum

doctor bhai, st was a governer there was a law the lady got convicted if he had any issue nobody stopped him from providing legal help to the lady.

but instead he became a party and started to offend many.

Assalam alaikum

doctor bhai, st was a governer there was a law the lady got convicted if he had any issue nobody stopped him from providing legal help to the lady.

but instead he became a party and started to offend many.


so what are you saying you support qadris unlawful actions?
Assalam alaikum

doctor bhai, st was a governer there was a law the lady got convicted if he had any issue nobody stopped him from providing legal help to the lady.

but instead he became a party and started to offend many.

Tariq bhai
If he became a party in providing legal support to lady whom he thinks was innocent and was trapped by her rivals then it will still not give authority to anyone to kill him neither Islam nor LAW....
Tariq bhai
If he became a party in providing legal support to lady whom he thinks was innocent and was trapped by her rivals then it will still not give authority to anyone to kill him neither Islam nor LAW....
Sir that Lady accepted in court that she did blashmey even though Judge tried his best that she don't accept it but she did so its not about trap or something
For once, the judicial system has shown the will to actually make a right move. The fundees may be over the top about it but it's our job to support the verdict and see to it's enforcement. This country cannot be left to the fundamentalists.

I salute your stand. A State (any State) can and must function ONLY on the basis of "Rule of Law/s". Not on the basis of Emotions. If the State is unable to enforce the writ of its Laws, then that State will on slide inexorably towards extinction.

There will be no other way. Sorry.

And Safriz is absolutely right. The same "Rule of Law/s" gives Qadri the right to appeal his conviction and plead that it may be overturned. The State has to enforce that also as part of the "rule of Law/s".
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